  • Massage for restoring the upper limbs

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    Restorative massage is performed as a local massage according to the scheme: the collar zone, the deltoid muscle and the shoulder joint, the shoulder, the forearm and the elbow joint, the wrist and the wrist joint of one limb - and only then another upper limb is massaged in the same sequence.

    All techniques are used, except for percussion, in character strongly, at a slow pace, lasting an average of 30 minutes.

    Fig.92. The sequence of massage around the zones of the auricle with pain and cramps in the gastrocnemius muscle.

    Acupressure is performed by an average braking option for 2 min at each point.

    Recommended points for massage( Figure 93):

    LE-CSE - located on the radial surface of the forearm proximal to the styloid process of the radius between the tendon of the short extensor and the length of the outgoing muscle of the first finger, is the stabilizing point( LO point) from the canal to the thickintestine;

    CHI-TZE - in the elbow bend outside the tendon of the biceps brachii muscle, the inhibitory( sedative) point of the lung canal;

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    BI-NAO( "arm muscle") - at the point where the deltoid muscle is attached to the humerus, a point of broad spectrum of action;

    Fig.93. The main points for massage, used to restore the performance of the upper limbs.

    NEUTUAN - stabilizing LO-point of the pericardial canal, is located on three transverse fingers( II-IV) more than the wrist fold between the tendons of the long palmar muscle and the ray flexor of the hand;

    TIANG Quan( "celestial source") - between the heads of the biceps brachium muscle, by three transverse toes( II-IV) below the level of the apex of the axillary fold;

    TIAN-LIAO( "celestial fossa") - located in the periostal fossa in the middle of the vertical from the highest part of the shoulder to the blade of the blade;

    BI-FEN - at the upper edge of the middle of the scapula;

    JIANG-ZHEN - top of axillary fold at back with lowered arm;

    JIANG-YU( "shoulder end") - between the head of the humerus and the acromion;

    JIANG-JIN( "well of the shoulder") - on the most elevated part of the foreleg, on the line between the clavicle and the spine of the shoulder blade.

    Linear massage is recommended to be carried out by the braking method in 4 stages( Figure 94).

    I stage - 5-6 times only from the point of LE-CSE to CHI-CZE, then 5-6 times the movement continues to the point of BI-NAO.

    II stage - up to 20 times from the point of Neu-Guan to Tien-Tsuan.

    Stage III - up to 10 times from Tian-Liao in a straight line to the back of the head.

    IV stage - linear massage up to 10 times by the neutral method along the meridian of the small intestine in the direction from the BI-FEN point( at the upper edge of the shoulder blade) to the DA-ZHUY point, which is the junction point of all YaN channels.

    auricle massage( Figure 95) is done in three zones. In the first and third - as a massage for the purpose of relaxation of the muscular system of the lower extremities. The second round is performed along the scaphoid fovea in the direction from below upwards. The scaphoid fossa belongs to the somatosensory representation of the upper limbs, and its massage affects the trophism of the muscular system.

    To restore the performance of the neuromuscular apparatus of the upper limbs, it is effective to combine first a point, then a linear massage. Massage of the auricle is recommended after a classical massage of the collar region and the entire upper limb.

    Fig.94. The sequence of linear massage to restore the performance of the upper limbs.

    Fig.95. The sequence of massage around the zones( 1, 2, 3) of the auricle to restore the performance of the upper limbs.