  • Sinusitis treatment with folk remedies at home

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    Sinusitis is called inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary, or maxillary, cavity. In most cases, there is sinusitis in one of the cavities, left or right. Acute maxillary sinusitis usually occurs shortly after an acute cold or pulpitis, caries, and also as a concomitant disease with influenza, measles and scarlet fever. Acute antritis often turns into chronic.

    In the bones surrounding the nose, there are the so-called maxillary sinuses. Each such sinus is connected by a narrow channel to the nasal cavity. Actually the maxillary sinuses are located in the cheekbones. Frontal sinuses are located in the forehead, immediately above the eyebrows. Latticed sinuses are located above the inner nasal passages. The sphenoid sinuses are deeper, behind the nasal passages. In the first years of life, only the maxillary and latticular sinuses are sufficiently developed, and only they are affected by the infection. Frontal and sphenoid sinuses develop gradually after six years. When there is a strong or prolonged infection in the nose, it can spread to these sinuses. Inflammation of the sinuses usually lasts longer than the usual cold, because the sinuses are closed and from there, mucus and pus come out with difficulty. The sinusitis can proceed in a mild form and appears only in the discharge of pus from the back of the nose into the throat( postnasal discharge).

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    Sometimes it causes a chronic cough, when the child lies in bed or rises in the morning. On the other hand, sinusitis can be severe, with a high fever and severe pain. When a doctor suspects having a sinusitis, he usually resorts to an x-ray or shines through the sinuses in a dark room. Various means are used, depending on the individual case.

    Whatever specific means the doctor used, remember that the general care of the child is very important. Sinusitis in the end is just a heavier and more stable form of cold. As with colds, it is better to keep your child at home in a warm room with a constant temperature and moistened air. The child should be evenly covered;Keep the windows closed at night.

    Symptoms: severe headache with a sensation of "swelling" of the head, fever, nasal congestion, accompanied by loss of smell and pus. More about the symptoms, look here.

    Warning! Categorically contraindicated in case of suspected genyantritis to warm up the sinuses, if there is no outflow of mucus and pus!

    What's going on? Inflammation of the nasal mucosa and nasal sinuses leads to accumulation of mucus and pus in the sinuses. Acute sinusitis is characterized by severe headache and pain in the cheek area, a strong runny nose with pus, fever, chills and overall poor health.

    Chronic sinusitis causes headache, nasal congestion with purulent secretions from it, general weakness and rapid fatigue. The constant secretion of pus from the back of the nose to the throat in chronic sinusitis can cause chronic coughing.

    What should I do? Treating sinusitis is to ensure the outflow of mucus and( or) pus from the sinuses. For this, nasal drops and physiotherapeutic procedures( UHF, UFO) are used on the recommendation of the attending physician. Often apply sinus puncture. In this case, the doctor pushes out pus from the sinus and injects there anti-inflammatory drugs. The house must be kept at a constant temperature and humidity. If necessary, use a heater( best of all - an oil cooler) and an air humidifier.

    Sinusitis often occurs with influenza, measles, scarlet fever, with caries of molars of the upper jaw.

    If the doctor has detected sinusitis, the main thing is that it is necessary to try to have a constant outflow of mucus or pus from the nose. For this, it is necessary to dig in the nose 3-4 times a day naphazine, galazoline or boronadrenaline drops. Only with a good outflow of discharge from the nose and easing of pain can you apply warming with dry heat.

    Preventing the occurrence of sinusitis can be a timely treatment of the common cold( both acute and chronic) and caries, influenza, allergies and other major diseases, against which sinusitis develops.

    1. Menthol dry dissolved in a saucepan with boiling water. Wrap your head and breathe your nose over the pan. The procedure lasts as long as evaporation takes place.

    2. Propolis, tincture on alcohol. Boil water in a saucepan, pour 1/2 teaspoon of propolis tincture. To wrap your head and breathe over the steam.

    Oils can be prepared by yourself. Slice finely the herb of St. John's wort, fill it with a jar and pour it with sunflower or olive oil. Close the lid and insist in a warm place for 1 month.

    Grind the rosemary, pour with sunflower oil and cook for 1.5 hours in a water bath. Insist a week, strain and squeeze. Then in the received oil to lay a new portion of a ledum and again to boil on a water bath, etc. In total, you need to do this 3 times. Sea buckthorn oil and other oils can be purchased at the pharmacy.

    2. Take a large onion with the peel, wrap it in a cloth and crush it with a wooden hammer. Lightly squeeze the juice so that it does not get into the eyes, add the onion gruel with the tissue to the forehead, and apply cotton swabs to the eyes. Forehead lubricate the forehead so that there are no burns. So hold no more than 3-5 minutes. After that, the forehead is again wiped with cream. After about 25-30, mucus begins to exit from the nose. Do 3-5 procedures in a day.

    3. Place the fruits of horse chestnut for 2 days in water, and then peel them from the brown peel. From the white core, you need to cut out plugs of such size that they completely fill the nostril for the thickness and length. One of the tubes should be placed in the nostril. After a while, a lot of mucus will start to come out of the nose, so you need to prepare a towel in advance. The second nostril should be cleansed the next day.

    4. Squeeze the juice from the bulb of the cyclamen flower and dilute it half with cold boiled water. Bury 2 to 3 drops in each nostril, then press the nostril with your finger so that the juice is not in the throat, but in the maxillary sinuses. Bury 2-3 times a day. It is advisable to lie down after the procedure for 30 minutes.

    5. Dissolve in the morning in a glass of boiled water 1 teaspoon of salt, pour into the palm of your hand and draw it in with your nose. In the morning of the next day, instead of salt, dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda. And alternate until recovery, doing the procedure 1 time per day.

    6. Mix in a homogeneous mass 1 teaspoon of Extra salt and 1 teaspoon of honey. Immediately apply the mixture on the forehead, wrap with cellophane and cover the head with a warm kerchief. Stay in a warm room, because in 2-3 hours from the nose will start to go clots. It is advisable to conduct the procedure once every 2-3 weeks.

    7. Bury in the nose 3% hydrogen peroxide at the rate of 10-15 drops per 1 tbsp.spoon of water. Pour a pipette first into one and then into the other nostril( in a day or two you can increase the dose - 2-3 pipettes into each nostril).After 2-30 seconds, the mucus begins to form from the nose, which should be blown out first through one, and then through the other nostril. Blow all the mucus! After the procedure, about 10-15 minutes, do not eat or drink anything.

    8. Take 1 tsp 2-3 times a day before eating sea buckthorn oil( purchased at a pharmacy).

    9. Chew, honey combs every hour, for 4-6 hours. The duration of each chewing is 15 minutes, after which the chewed mass is spit out. In acute inflammation of the maxillary sinus, one day of such treatment is sufficient. But then again for a week once a day, it is recommended to chew honey combs to prevent a possible relapse.

    10. Grate a small clove of garlic cloves and add a piece of unsalted butter, equal in size to the clove of garlic, into the garlic mash, mix thoroughly. For the night, smear with the oil obtained, the brow and nose parts of the face, as well as the areas under the eyes - the areas where pus is mainly accumulated. You should also spread your feet. Allow the medicine to dry out, then put on your toes and get into bed. In the morning boil potatoes in a uniform and breathe over it, wrapped in a blanket, 10-15 minutes. The procedures should be repeated for at least 3 consecutive days.

    11. Apply to the bridge of the nose for 10-15 minutes, grated black radish, pre-wrapped it in a linen cloth. Do 3-5 times during the day. The course of treatment is 3-5 days.

    12. Take 2 tbsp.spoons of sunflower oil and 1/2 teaspoon of smaltz, add about 1 cu.cm of ground propolis. To bring to melting oil, put in it smalets and propolis. All this boil on a low heat for 1 minute, strain and cool. Bury in the nose for 5-7 drops 3-4 times a day.

    13. Mix into a homogeneous mass of 2 tbsp.spoons of onion juice, 25 g grated soap, 75 g of glycerin. Make gauze conical tampons, moisten them in a prepared mixture and insert them into both nostrils. Do it daily 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days in a row.

    14. Take 1 tbsp.spoon a tangent and pour 5 tbsp.spoons of vodka. Insist a week and strain. Add a tincture of 1 teaspoon of honey and aloe juice. Stir well and bury 3-4 times a day for 2-3 drops in each nostril. Pre-lubricate the nasal mucosa, to avoid burns, sea buckthorn oil.

    15. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey, tincture of eucalyptus and tea broth. Bury 2-3 drops of the mixture in each nostril 3-4 times a day.

    16. Bury 3 times a day for 3 drops in each nostril cleaned birch tar( pharmacy).The procedures are carried out every other day..

    17. Glow red brick, peel several cloves of garlic and put them on a brick. Cover your head and inhale through the nose emitted smoke, while you can tolerate. Do 3-5 procedures, one per day.

    18. Mix 1 glass of viburnum juice and 1 glass of honey. Take 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator, but take it in a warm form for 20-30 days.

    3. Potatoes. Boil the potatoes "in a uniform", drain the water and, covered with a head, breathe over the steam.

    4. Many otolaryngologists recommend inhalation from herbs of lavender or mother-and-stepmother for the treatment of chronic sinusitis.


    1. Take 200 ml of St. John's wort oil, 40 ml of sea buckthorn oil, 20 ml of Ledum oil and 10 g of finely stratified propolis( pre-heat it to dissolve it).All this is mixed and stored at room temperature. Bury in the morning and evening in each nostril for 1/2 teaspoon, turning the head for better penetration of fluid into the maxillary sinuses.

    19. Each morning, draw in alternating left and right nostrils salted water, so that it passes through the nasopharynx and exits through the mouth;

    20. Weekly visit the sauna. For the treatment of sinusitis:

    • to drip into each nostril 2 drops of juice from the cyclamen tubers;

    • In case of loss of smell, pour vinegar on a hot frying pan and breathe with vinegar vapors.

    21. Herb infusion of St. John's wort from the calculation: one teaspoon of dry herbs on a glass of water. St. John's wort has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the protective function of leukocytes - white blood cells, accelerates tissue repair. It is not for nothing that it is called a plant antibiotic.

    22. At home, for treating sinusitis, you can prepare herbal medicines using the following recipes.

    FIRST consists of three infusions separately and a glass of water: 15 grams of St. John's wort, 10 g of chamomile flowers and 10 g of marsh wool.

    SECOND includes infusions of 10 g of yarrow and 5 g of Puschery, as prepared in the first recipe.

    According to the THIRD recipe, three infusions are prepared: mint n river, leaves and flowers of lemon balm and leaves of plantain large. Each infusion is prepared separately - 10 grams of grass per glass of water. Mixtures of these infusions are instilled in 5 drops in each nostril 3 times a day. They can also be used for inhalations lasting 5 minutes. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures.

    23. In Russian folk medicine, sinusitis( inflammation of the frontal and maxillary cavities) was treated with horseradish. To do this, the root of the horseradish was thoroughly washed, the upper layer was removed, and the grater was rubbed. One third of a glass of this mass was mixed with the juice of two or three lemons. It turned out a fairly thick mixture of sour cream consistency, which was taken on half a teaspoon in the morning 20-25 minutes after eating every day. The course of treatment is 3-4 months. After a two-week break, a second course was held. As a rule lo, after this came a significant improvement. However, treatment should be patiently continued twice a year - in the spring and in the autumn, without waiting for the exacerbation of the disease. Two years later, seizures stop in most cases.

    Boil water in a saucepan, pour 0.5 teaspoon 30% propolis tincture. Wrap up and breathe on this pot.

    1. Menthol dry in grains dissolve in a saucepan with boiling water. After wrapping his head, breathing his nose over this pot. The procedure lasts as long as there is evaporation from the pan. Potatoes in uniform. .Boil potatoes in a uniform, drain the water. Wrap over the pot and breathe the potato steam.

    3. Propolis, tincture on alcohol. Boil water in a saucepan, pour in 0.5 teaspoon propolis. Wrap up and breathe on this pot.

    4. Ebonite disk with a diameter of 10 mm mm thick on one side to grind. This disc, polished side, is stroked on the face( forehead, cheeks, chin) clockwise. Make 1 turn on the face for 1 second. The session lasts 10-15 minutes. Do twice a day. It is used for genyantritis, frontitis, headache, toothache. With toothache stroking the sore spot and for a while( 3-5 minutes) hold over this place. Sinusitis is a serious and unpleasant illness. If it is started, doctors will have to do so-called "punctures" -prochelyvat in the nose of the cavity, where pus accumulated, and wash them with furatsillinom. This procedure is very painful, but if it is not done, the accumulated pus can go further - to the brain. The outlook is not out of joy! But sinusitis can be cured with sea salt.

    But you can be treated at home using sea salt. There are several methods for this treatment of sinusitis.

    Apply twice a day to the slightly moistened nose bridge area with hot sea salt and hold until the salt cools.

    In a linen napkin wrap a hot mixture of two tablespoons of sea salt and chopped clove of garlic, attach a napkin to the cheek in the sinus area of ​​the nose and hold until the salt and garlic inside the napkin cool down. Repeat the procedure the evening before bedtime.

    Soak a linen napkin in a hot sea salt solution: the temperature is at least 40-45 °, the concentration is 40 grams of sea salt per liter of water. Cover the upper part of the face with a napkin, cover with an oilcloth on top and wrap it with a woolen shawl. After 25 minutes, remove the compress and wipe the face with a warm wet towel.

    Make this ointment: mix the interior pork fat and sea salt in a ratio of 1: 4.Ointment rub in the skin above the bridge of the nose and eyebrows, as well as to the left and right of the nose several times a day until all the signs of the disease disappear.

    In the acute stage of these diseases, it is advisable to consult an ENT specialist to decide on the question of antibiotic therapy, and possibly surgical intervention( sinus puncture).However, in the chronic course of the process, accompanied by periodic unexpressed exacerbations, acupressure can be quite effective in treating these diseases.

    It is recommended that the following points be affected:

    3.2-SUSH [W].

    Yang-bai - the point is located at 2/5 of the distance between the middle of the eyebrow and the anterior margin of the scalp.

    3.1 - Cheng-chi( "Tear collector").The point is located in the middle of the lower edge of the orbit. In this area, the infraorbital artery and the infraorbital nerve are located.

    The point is used in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia, dizziness, toothache, rhinitis, etc.

    Yin-tan( "Meeting with the Temple").The point is located in the center of the transference, in a depression that is probed in the middle of the line between the eyebrows. Refers to points of general action. The location of the point corresponds to the frontal bone. At this point, the frontal artery and the frontal nerve pass.

    Massage of the point is performed with pains with a feeling of raspiraniya in the eyeball, with trigeminal neuralgia, neuritis of the facial nerve, headaches, dizziness, insomnia, asthenic conditions,

    3.36 - Zu-san-li( "Three gaps on the leg".Tonka of longevity, is located on the front surface of the leg at 3 tsunya below the lower edge of the patella on 1 tsun outside of the beginning of tuberosity of the tibia. To find it, you need to put your hand on your knee, and your index finger on the front edge of the tibia. Then the end of the middle finger will be directly above the point.

    The point is used in the treatment of stomach diseases( peptic ulcer, gastritis), functional diseases of the central nervous system, diseases of the oral cavity, eyes, hypertension, insomnia.

    It is also advisable to massage also the Hedge point ( 2.4) [397].In sinusitis, the thermal heating of the maxillary sinus area is also shown. To do this, you can use bags with sand, salt or just boiled eggs.