  • Treatment of jade folk remedies and methods

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    Nephritis is an inflammation of the kidneys. The most common cause of nephritis is an infectious disease. There are cases of the emergence of jade as a consequence of the disease with angina and scarlet fever, erysipelas, influenza and diphtheria.

    Symptoms: swelling of the face and body, increased pressure and a sharp decrease in the amount of excreted urine, general malaise and back pain.

    What's going on? Acute supercooling, especially in combination with blotting, can trigger the onset of the disease with nephritis.

    Acute nephritis is characterized by changes in the quantity and quality of urine and the appearance of edema. As a rule, nephritis begins to develop 2 weeks after the transferred infectious disease. The onset of jade is accompanied by: a feeling of fatigue, small aching pain in the lower back, increased blood pressure and swelling after a night's sleep( face, especially the eyelids, sometimes the legs).There may be a slight increase in body temperature.

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    Chronic jade has 2 stages: calm and exacerbation. During the period of exacerbation, the patient has all the same symptoms as in acute nephritis, and during periods of calm he feels only loss of appetite, general weakness and rapid fatigue. The causes of the transition of acute nephritis to a chronic form can be chronic foci of infection( tonsils, maxillary sinuses, caries).

    What does the do? Jade requires long-term treatment and, as a rule, is cured after a maximum of 3 months. In the treatment of nephritis, bed rest is necessary, in the first 1 -2 days it is desirable to have a complete starvation, and then strict adherence to the diet. If the symptoms of jade do not disappear, it means that the disease has passed into a chronic form. Treatment of chronic nephritis consists of bed rest, uniform body heating and diet therapy.

    Recipes. Traditional medicine recommends for the treatment of jade:

    • eat watermelon and prunes;

    • Drink infusion of cranberry leaves( 2 tablespoons of cranberries for a glass of boiling water) on a third of glass 3 times a day;

    • Drink the decoction of the althea root;

    • Drink 2 cups of wild rose hips daily. The patients who have suffered a jade need a follow-up care. Prevention of jade - is, first of all, tempering the body, and the second - the immediate treatment of any infection.