  • Radiculitis treatment with folk remedies

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    Radiculitis is an inflammation of the roots of the spinal nerves, which is accompanied by severe pain.

    There are primary and secondary radiculitis. Primary are caused by infections( influenza, angina, rheumatism, typhus, etc.) and traumas of the roots themselves. The cause of the secondary can be a metabolic disorder, bone disorders in the spine( salt deposition, vertebral displacement, congenital malformation of the vertebrae), tumors of the roots or spinal cord membranes, cartilage lesions located between the vertebrae. The development of radiculitis contributes to the common cold, trauma, tense, hard work, awkward, sharp movements.

    Most often, radiculitis occurs in the lumbosacral spine, less often - in the cervical, extremely rarely - in the thoracic spine. In the course of the disease, acute and chronic( with frequent exacerbations) radiculitis are distinguished.

    Symptoms: severe pain, impaired sensation and difficulty in movement.

    Disease is expressed in pains, often very strong( in the muscles of the back, extending to the muscles of the legs and arms), amplified by mechanical extension of the roots, - with the extension of the leg in the knee joint, the inclination of the head, with coughing, neck strain;in violation of sensitivity;in motor disorders. Because of pain, movement is difficult.

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    To prevent exacerbations in chronic radiculitis, it is necessary to avoid cooling, heavy physical work.

    What's going on? The most common cause of radiculitis is acute or chronic infections such as influenza, angina, tuberculosis and so on. Another cause of sciatica is osteochondrosis, as deposits of salts between vertebrae are pressed against the nerve roots, which is the cause of pain.

    Provocative radiculitis can be sudden movements, and also - hypothermia.

    As a rule, sciatica is a chronic disease, with periods of exacerbations. During the exacerbation, severe pain and difficulty of movement are observed. At movement the pain amplifies. Most often there are lumbosacral and cervico-brachial radiculitis. Much less common is the so-called thoracic radiculitis, characterized by pain in the intercostal space.

    What does do? Treatment of radiculitis should be prescribed by a physician.

    During the period of exacerbations, bed rest should be observed. Ointments and rubbing are used most often at night. You can apply them during the day, but only if you do not plan to leave the house, as cooling the sore spot can significantly worsen your condition.

    Recipes. Traditional medicine for treatment of sciatica recommends:

    • apply compresses from fresh leaves of horseradish( burdock) or grated black radish;

    • rub the sore spots with gruel from the grated horseradish roots or the juice from the black radish;

    • Drink fresh aloe juice;

    • put on mustaches mustard plasters or take mustard baths;

    • take baths from the decoction of young pine shoots.

    Self-medication with heat and pain medication is dangerous, because pain can be caused not only by radiculitis, but also by completely different diseases, and it is impossible to establish an accurate diagnosis without the help of an experienced doctor.

    Treatment of acute as well as exacerbations of chronic radiculitis is performed under the supervision of a physician. It is aimed mainly at eliminating the causes of radiculitis.

    . Recommended bed rest, various painkillers and other medications are prescribed, physiotherapy( heat, paraffin, quartz, massage, electrotherapy, radon baths).

    Independent use of thermal procedures and painkillers is unacceptable, because back pain can be caused not only by radiculitis, but also by other diseases in which the use of heat is contraindicated. When using traditional medicine, this must be taken into account.

    For patients with a large "experience" of the disease, compresses made of rye dough prepared on yeast( opara) are recommended. First, a teaspoon of purified turpentine rub in the lower back until the skin does not turn red. Then wrap the dough wrapped in cheesecloth for 40-50 minutes to the sore spot and cover it with parchment paper and a thick layer of cotton wool( a warm kerchief).Do these compresses every other day, using repeatedly( the mold does not affect the quality) cooked spit. To reduce the burning sensation, you can drink warm milk( 200 mg) with baking soda( a teaspoon).If skin burns occur, the procedure should be temporarily stopped. A course of treatment is sufficient for three to five compresses.

    Sometimes dough is made from rye flour and without yeast. As soon as it becomes sour, take a rag or gauze folded in four, and put on the lower back, and on top of it a dough is 1-2 cm thick. Make daily at night.10 procedures are enough. Some add to the dough 30 drops of turpentine.

    At home, the most affordable means - mustard plasters. A tablespoon of powder is ground in warm water to the consistency of sour cream, spread on cloth or gauze, and cover it with paper. The water should be about 50 ° C.In colder water, the enzyme, with which the burning essential oil is formed, is inactive, and in the hotter one it is destroyed.

    Replace mustard with horseradish( it also contains a burning essential oil).Root root rubbed on the grater and impose gruel together with the juice on the sore spot. Burning can be reduced by mixing the workpiece with sour cream. Such poultices are good for children.

    A piece of clean dense, but soft cloth moistened with black radish juice, put it on a sore spot, wrap it warm. Compress can not be removed within two days, if there is no severe burning. If necessary, the procedure is repeated several times.

    For the heating use birch leaves. They are poured over with boiling water, then they are applied in a thick layer on the inflamed place, covered with paper or oilcloth. Heat wraps the patient.

    From the roots of burdock( burdock) make a 10% tincture on 40 ° alcohol or water. Applied for rubbing and compresses. Fresh burdock leaves are washed with water, dried with boiling water and applied back to the sore spot, then wrapped with compress paper or polyethylene film, and on top with a layer of cotton wool.

    When radiculitis is often used as a scab. She lives in ponds, rivers and swamps. You can buy it in the pharmacy. It is a green powder containing small crystals of silicon, which with their needles irritate the skin, causing blood flow.

    To prepare the ointment, 1 part of the powder is ground with 30 parts of sunflower oil. Rub the sore spots, cover it with paper and woolen cloth.

    The use of these all means should cause deep warming, a feeling of tolerable heat, burning and tingling, but not pain that indicates a burn of the skin.

    1. Rye flour. Dough is mixed with rye flour( without yeast).When the dough becomes sour, take a rag or gauze folded four times, put on the lower back, and top the dough in 1-2 cm thick. Make daily at night. Enough to 10 procedures, and radiculitis passes. Some add to the dough 30 drops of turpentine.

    2. From the canvas to sew a belt with pockets. Put in the pockets the fruits of horse chestnut and wear with radiculitis. It is believed that this tool helps with radiculitis.

    3. Horse chestnut. Fruit the chestnut with a brown crust to grind into flour. Cut the black bread into thin slices, top with camphor oil or creamy unsalted butter. Sprinkle the flour of chestnut fruit on top of the oil. To put on a sore spot and to fasten warm. Helps with radiculitis.

    4. Radish black. Clean and grate. On a cotton or linen cloth, spread a small layer of radish and cover with another rag. To put on a sore spot. Top put the tracing paper and tie it warm. Keep such a compress until you have enough patience. This creates a feeling of slow and deep reheating. Sometimes it is enough to do it several times, and the disease recedes. Outer grated radish is used for grinding with radiculitis, rheumatism, gout, with colds.

    5. Valerian. Pour valerian( tincture) in a saucer, soak gauze or cloth in it, apply it to a sore spot and make a compress. Hold until patience is enough.

    6. Sage. Sage extract diluted with water 1: 5 or make a strong soup from the herb of sage. Put in the freezer. Then rub this sore spot with this ice.

    7. Burdock. A fresh sheet of burdock soak in cold water, rinse, back side to put on a sore spot and bandage. A good analgesic. In summer, pick up the burdock leaves with long cuttings, dry them. In winter, it is enough to soak in warm water and apply as indicated.

    8. Mustard.

    a) Mustard in the form of mustard plasters is used as a local irritating and distracting remedy for colds, pleurisy, rheumatism, radiculitis, neuritis. B) Instead of mustard plasters, you can use mustard baths: 250 g 400 g mustard powder stirring, pouring warm( not hot) water to it to the consistency of a thin gruel, and rub until a sharp, caustic mustard smell appears. After that, pour the gruel into a bath( 180-200 liters of water) and mix well. The bath is taken at a temperature of 35-36 ° C for 5-6 minutes. After bathing, wash 1-2 minutes under a warm shower and wrap yourself in a warm blanket. It is also used for bronchitis, pneumonia.

    9. To treat radiculitis, apply a thick layer of fresh burdock leaves to the painful areas, cover it with a compress paper and tie it with a warm kerchief.

    10. Compresses made from juice and radish gruel are used for rheumatism, radiculitis and neuritis.

    11. Alcohol 90-degree - 100 g, menthol - 2,5 g, anastezin - 1,5 g, novocaine - 1,5 g.

    Sick places are smeared with this mixture twice a day.

    12. Cut the cavity in the root of the radish fruit, fill it with honey. After 4 hours, the juice is ready. Rub the diseased organ.

    Of the remedies used for radiculitis, a large part is represented by ointments and rubbing. Hands performing trimming should be warm. Start gently stroking the sore spot for 10-20 minutes, with severe pain - 5 minutes. Observe the presence on the hand of the mass to be rubbed, so as not to touch the affected areas with a dry hand. If there is no ointment on hand, take a new portion. After the procedure, the sore spot must be warmly wrapped and try not to chill. With the disease of the intervertebral cartilage, surgical treatment is indicated.

    Bath and compresses with mustard have a good curative effect. It is also useful to use mixtures with mustard inside.

    * * *

    Infusion of yarrow - 2 tbsp.spoon, mustard powder - 2 cups, water - 400 ml.

    Mustard powder dissolve in warm water to the state of liquid slurry, the latter must be ground until a sharp and pungent odor. Mix with infusion yarrow and pour into the bath. Wait for complete dissolution. The water temperature should be 36-37 ° C.

    Take a bath with prolonged radiculitis.

    After bathing, be sure to wash with soap and immediately go to bed. It is advisable to take it before bedtime.

    * * *

    Powder of mustard - 0,75 cup, infusion of calendula - 400 ml.

    Mustard powder mixed with strained infusion of calendula( 0.25 cups of raw material, boiled 400 ml of boiling water and aged in a dark place for 2 to 4 hours).

    Dampen gauze or thin cloth with this solution and put on the chest, it is desirable to place the same on your back. In this case, remember that the patient needs peace, both spiritual and physical, so that the treatment is more effective.

    This remedy should also be taken internally for a long time, as a result, the number of seizures will be constantly reduced, and they themselves will become shorter and less painful.

    Prepare the mixture in equal proportion( 1 tablespoon) of honey, sunflower oil and infused for 6 days on propolis of wine alcohol( 10-20% concentration).The received weight densely put on mustard plasters and apply to a sore point, slightly fixing with a bandage.


    1 black medium-sized radish.

    Method of preparation.

    Grate the radish on a fine grater.

    Method of use.

    Put a piece of thin cloth on the waist, place the radish on top, cover with a second flap, put compress paper on top. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day for 15 minutes.

    It is prepared and applied in the same way as compress No. 1, only used horseradish and not fabric, but gauze.


    protein 1 egg, 15 ml purified turpentine.

    Method of preparation.

    Mix the egg whites with turpentine, shake.

    How to use.

    The resulting emulsion should be spread on a piece of linen cloth with a thin layer. Before going to bed, put on the lower back, cover the top with compress paper, tie a shawl. Keep burning until unbearable, then remove and wipe the body with a clean towel. Repeat the procedure after 6 hours.


    200 g of horseradish root, 200 g of radish black, 15 ml of table vinegar, 10 ml of kerosene, 1 tbsp.tablespoon of salt.

    Method of preparation.

    Root of radish and radish grate, mix with table vinegar, kerosene and table salt, insist for 10 days.

    Method of use.

    1 tbsp. Spoon the mixture to put on cheesecloth, cover with compress paper on top, put compress gauze on the loin for 1 hour. Procedure should be carried out 2 times a day.


    2 pods of red pepper or 2 tbsp.spoons of powder, 50 ml of denatured alcohol or vodka, 200 ml of kerosene, 2 tbsp.tablespoons of salt.

    Method of preparation.

    Pepper red through the meat grinder, mix with kerosene, alcohol and salt, place in a small container, cork, shake, insist 3-4 days, drain.

    How to use.

    Wipe the sore spots, put a compress paper on them for 2 hours. Repeat every day.


    5 glasses of black radish juice, 1 cup of honey, 1 tbsp.spoon of salt, 250 ml of vodka.

    Method of preparation.

    Stir ingredients. Stir the mixture thoroughly before each use.

    How to use.


    2 tbsp.spoons of crushed linden bark, 250 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Bark pour boiling water, put on a slow fire, bring to a boil and boil for 8-10 minutes. Strain the broth through 2-3 layers of gauze, wringing raw materials.

    How to use.

    Use externally in warming compresses on sore spots.


    for 1 tbsp.a spoonful of castor oil, iodine and ammonia.

    Method of preparation.

    All components are combined and mixed thoroughly.

    How to use.

    Apply externally for compresses. The procedure should be carried out daily for 8-10 days.


    for 1 tbsp.spoonful of chamomile flowers, hop cones, sweet clover grass, blackberry fruit, 500 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Components of collection, grind, mix and 4 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with pour boiling water.

    Put on a slow fire, bring to a boil and boil for 10-12 minutes. Strain the broth through 2-3 layers of gauze and squeeze the raw material.

    How to use.

    Use externally for compresses to sore spots. The procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a day for 8-9 days.

    For osteochondrosis and radiculitis, as well as for lumbargia, sciatica, herniated intervertebral disc, Bechterew's disease and other diseases of the spinal column, I most often recommend alternating white and yellow capillary baths in a ratio of 3: 1.That is, the spine needs to be treated mainly with white baths, but some yellow baths are also necessary. For those patients for whom the standard scheme is not effective enough, we recommend other combinations of turpentine baths.

    About Bekhterev's disease, one must be warned that the treatment of this intractable disease requires more labor, perseverance and time from the patient than with the treatment of other diseases of the spinal column. It is always necessary to consult with the doctors of our medical center, and not once, but throughout the course of treatment, if you want to achieve a complete cure. This disease usually requires other naturopathic treatments. In orthodox medicine, there is a pessimistic view of its practical incurability. We also have an optimistic view that there are no incurable diseases.

    Coping with pain with radiculitis will help you the following recipes based on sea salt.

    • Mix a tablespoon of shallow sea salt, a tablespoon of honey and add about 30 ml of water to the mixture. Before going to bed, apply the mixture on the lumbar area, carefully rub into the skin, cover with a plastic wrap and wrap the waist with a woolen shawl. Repeat this procedure until there is an improvement.

    • Mix 100 g of mustard powder and 200 g of shallow sea salt, brew with water until it forms a smelt-like gruel. Put the mixture in a warm place. Before going to bed, rub the ointment in the waist region, wrap it on top with a warm kerchief and leave it till the morning. Such rubbing should be done every other day for five days.

    • Stir 250-400 g of mustard powder and the same amount of sea salt and pour warm water until the mixture reaches the consistency of the liquid slurry. Pour the gruel into a bath and mix well the water. The water temperature in the bath should be 35-36 ° C.Such a bath should be taken every evening with exacerbation of sciatica within 10 days. Then make a five-day break and, if necessary, repeat the course. After the bath, you should rinse under a warm shower and wrap yourself in a warm blanket. On the waist area tie a woolen shawl.

    1. It is good to sweat in the bath and grind the whole rump with a radish in half with grated horseradish or one of them, with a small amount of honey and salt, and then, after leaving the bath, drink 2-4a glass of decoction from lime or chamomile flowers with an admixture of juice sour berries.

    2. It is external to apply grated horseradish for compresses and rubbing.

    3. Applying a fresh burdock leaf to the sore spot with the downy fluffy side for the night or fresh horseradish leaves for a few days. They can be changed.

    4. 25 g grass wormwood paniculate insist on 1 glass vodka and this tincture rub away the sore spots.

    5. To apply tincture hops ( 25 g cones per 100 g of alcohol or a glass of vodka) or ointment( 1 part of strong decoction of cones of hops and 4 parts of Vaseline) for grinding.

    6. Abundantly wet and rub with alcohol tincture of flowers of white acacia.

    7. Grind the fruits of the female chestnut , with with camphor oil or internal pork fat, with a thin layer on a slice of black bread and apply to a sore spot. From the bread begins to ooze abundantly with moisture.

    8. In May, pick up birch leaves in a cellophane bag, tightly close to mate, and in the evening, leave the leaves on the bed and lie on the hot leaves with a sick place, lie for more than an hour. Repeat 3 times and the disease will disappear.

    9. For 1 tablespoon honey and vinegar put on cabbage leaf and tie to the sore spot( leaf sluggish).

    Famous St. Petersburg naturopathian doctor I. I. Nesterovsky, working at the "Narodnaya Medicina" clinic, recommends proven methods of treating radiculitis:

    1. Valerian. Pour valerian( tincture) in a saucer, soak gauze or a cloth in it, put it on a sore spot and make a compress. Keep how much patience is enough.

    2. Sage. Sage extract diluted 1: 5 with water or make a strong decoction of sage herb. Put in the freezer. Then rub this sore spot with this ice.

    3. Rye flour. Mix dough from rye flour( without yeast).As the dough becomes sour, take a rag or cheesecloth folded four times, put on the lower back, and top the dough in 1-2 cm thick. Make daily at night.10 procedures are enough, and the radiculitis passes. Some add to the dough 30 drops of turpentine.

    4. Radish black. Clean and grate. On a cotton or linen cloth, spread a small layer of radish and cover with another rag. Put on a sore spot, top the tracing paper and tie it warm. Keep such a compress until you have enough patience. Sometimes it is enough to do it several times, and the pain recedes.

    5. Quickly the pain subsides and the work capacity returns, if a fresh burdock leaf( villi) is applied to a sore spot for 2 hours.

    For pains in the loin, the Bulgarian healer Vanga recommends: old red tile finely shred, sift through a sieve and mix with three well-beaten proteins, 1 grams of crushed white thyme ( thyme) and a teaspoon of grape rakia. Blend the mixture on a linen cloth, which is wrapped around the sore spot and leave it overnight.

    For back pain Vanga recommends: on a white clean cloth, the size of a meter per meter, smear 100 g of weapon oil. Three evening in a row, put this band-aid on your back.

    And more: Spin Spread with honey. Massage the jerky movements of the palms and pull the skin. The procedure can be repeated the next day until the pain disappears.

    With pains in the back and under the right scapula, Vanga assures that their cause is in the fall. On the back of the patient, put a freshly harvested rabbit hide, smeared with vegetable oil and red pepper, for one night.

    With radiculitis, the Bulgarian healer Vanga recommends: old tile powdered, mixed with two egg whites, a teaspoon of crushed thyme ( thyme) and a glass of grape rakiya. Blend the mixture on a piece of woolen cloth and put it on the spine for the night. Keep until the patch disappears.

    The patient is put on the sill head to the inside of the house, with the navel on the threshold, face down. They take a broom( golik), cut it with an ax over their backs and sentence:

    - I'm cutting sec, I'm cutting sec,

    So that you do not live here, 4

    So you do not have to be here!

    You live only in thick korchagah, deep bogs.

    For the treatment of sciatica, it is recommended to wear jewelry made of lapis lazuli.

    For the treatment of radiculitis, eucalyptus oil is used as a distracting and analgesic.


    1 sheet of Indian onion, 8 tbsp.spoons of acacia flowers, 200 ml of 70% alcohol.

    Method of preparation.

    Mix components and pour alcohol. Insist for 7-8 days.

    How to use.

    A mixture of rubbed sore spots 2-3 times a day.


    2 tbsp.spoons of roots and rhizomes of gentian yellow, 1 liter of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Roots and rhizomes pour boiling water, put on a slow fire, bring to a boil and boil for 10-12 minutes. Strain the broth through 2-3 layers of gauze.

    How to use.

    Take in warm form for 1/2 cup 4-5 times a day.


    2 tbsp.spoons of tansy flowers, 1 liter of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Pour the flowers with boiling water. Insist for 3-4 hours, after which the infusion filter through 2-3 layers of gauze.

    How to use.

    Take in warm form 1/2 cup 4-5 times a day for 20-25 minutes before meals.


    4 tbsp.spoons of fresh comfrey leaves, 50 ml of olive oil, 1/4 cup melted honey.

    Method of preparation.

    Comfrey leaves finely chopped, mixed with butter and honey. Store the ointment in the refrigerator.

    How to use.

    Ointment used in a warm form for compresses on sore spots.

    Compress leave for 12-14 h.


    3 tbsp.spoons of comfrey leaves, 250 ml of vegetable oil, 1/4 cup of bee-wax passed through the meat grinder, 20 drops of oil solution of vitamin E.

    Method of preparation.

    Comfrey leaves chop, pound in a mortar and add oil.

    Place the dishes on a slow fire, bring to a boil and boil for 30-40 minutes.

    Strain the broth through 2-3 layers of gauze, squeeze the raw material. In the mixture add beeswax and vitamin E. Ointment should be stored in the refrigerator.

    How to use.

    Ointment used for rubbing the affected areas.


    60 ml of horseradish juice, 50 ml of vodka.

    Method of preparation.

    Horseradish juice mixed with vodka.

    How to use.

    Blend the sore spots 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is 10-15 days.


    1 head of garlic, 2 radishes.

    Method of preparation

    Grate the radish, chop the garlic and combine them. Mix thoroughly.

    How to use.

    The mixture is wrapped in gauze and applied to sore spots for 1-2 hours. The procedure should be carried out daily for 8-10 days.


    1 glass of honey, 200 ml of radish juice, 100 ml of vodka.

    Method of preparation.

    Mix thoroughly.

    How to use.

    Ointment rub in sore spots 2-3 times a day for 8-9 days.


    150 g of bee honey, 70 ml of aloe juice, 200 ml of vodka.

    Method of preparation.

    Mix thoroughly.

    How to use.

    Ointment should be applied overnight, washed off with warm water in the morning. The course of treatment is 7-9 days.


    protein 1 egg, 1 tbsp.spoon of turpentine.

    Method of preparation.

    Mix the egg whites thoroughly with turpentine.

    Method of use.

    Ointment used for warming compresses on sore spots.

    Compress the mixture for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


    2 tbsp.spoons of honey, 4 yolks, 1 teaspoon of salt.

    Method of preparation.

    Mix thoroughly.

    How to use.

    Ointment lubricate sore spots and leave overnight. Wash off in the morning.

    Repeat the procedure for 7-9 days.


    1 black radish.

    Method of preparation.

    Cut the radish onto a fine grater.

    How to use.

    Radish apply on gauze to sick places 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is 10-12 days.


    2 tbsp.spoonful of burdock root, 500 ml of vodka.

    Method of preparation.

    Cut the burdock root and pour in a glass jar with vodka. Insist for 6-7 days in a dark cool place. Strain the tincture through 2-3 layers of gauze.

    How to use.

    Tincture rub rubbing spots 2-3 times a day for 10-15 days.

    2 g of mumie mix thoroughly with 2 g of honey. Apply ointment to the affected area together with a warming compress. The course of treatment is 6-7 days.

    1 gmumie thoroughly mix with 3.5 grams of sulfur. Ointment rub the sore spot 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is 7-9 days.


    1 tbsp.a spoon of dried nettle leaves with dioecious, 250 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Stinging nettle with Nettles. Insist for 2-3 hours, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze.

    How to use.

    Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals.

    Treatment of pain with cervical radiculitis

    Habit low to keep the head in a sitting position, work on too low a chair, uncomfortable poses when working at a computer, a high pillow - all of this contributes to the occurrence of pain in the cervical spine. To avoid this, it is necessary to create conditions for the normal circulation of fluid between the discs of the cervical vertebrae, which under the weight of the head can flow. In order for the interdisk space to re-fill with water, it is necessary to create a vacuum inside it. This is easy to achieve if you perform physical exercises, in which the neck and head move backwards simultaneously.

    Mild neck pain can be eliminated, many times at a slow pace, deflecting the head and neck back. To do this, pull the neck as far back as possible and hold in this position for 30 seconds. This simple exercise will help create a vacuum in the intervertebral discs, after which the space between them will again fill with water.

    The fact is that while the head and neck are pulled back, the intervertebral discs occupy the right position between the vertebrae.

    Another exercise that gives a good effect for pain in the cervical spine is the following: lie on your back so that your head deviates back and hangs freely from the couch. This position allows you to stretch your neck as much as possible. In this position, you need to stay for a few minutes.

    As a result of the described exercises in the interdisk space creates a vacuum. Due to this, water freely enters the interdisk space and spreads over all parts of the cervical vertebrae, acting as a natural lubricant. Exercises should be done regularly so that the water absorbs well into the nuclei of intervertebral discs, then they will take their natural size and will be able to push the vertebrae away from each other as much as possible. In conclusion, make several inclinations with your head to the sides. This exercise improves the mobility of the cervical vertebrae.