  • Treatment of gangrene with folk remedies

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    Gangrene is the necrosis of any part of the body or organ. Most often, gangrene develops in the most remote places from the heart, or where local blood circulation is disturbed( appendix, lung).

    Symptoms: insomnia and loss of appetite against a background of fever and lower blood pressure, lethargy. Increase in the volume of body tissues in the affected area, swelling and staining them in black or brown, sometimes blue-black. More details about the symptoms of this disease look here.

    If symptoms of gangrene appear, you should immediately consult a doctor to prevent the spread of gangrene and death.

    What's going on? Various factors can serve as the causes of gangrene. First of all, the causes of gangrene are injuries, accompanied by crushing of tissues. Then followed by burns and frostbites, as well as diseases associated with impaired tissue nutrition.

    The most dangerous gas gangrene, which develops in a contaminated wound with a large destruction of tissues under the influence of anaerobic microbes. Most often, gas gangrene affects the hands or feet. In the wound area, necrosis of tissues occurs, rapidly increasing, swelling and releasing gas. The affected limb swells quickly. Gas gangrene is characterized by signs of general poisoning: a significant increase in body temperature, increased heart rate, worsening of cardiac activity. The nervous system reacts with either general excitement, or depression and insomnia.

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    What should do? With the development of gas gangrene, surgical intervention is necessary. Amputation of extremities is possible.

    Recipes. Traditional medicine recommends for the treatment of gangrene to apply to the affected area of ​​the body tissue impregnated with clove oil. Effective is also curdled or rubbed to a mushy state turnips, as well as chewed rye bread and salt. Seed and turnips often need to be replaced.

    Prevention of gangrene is the timely treatment of organic diseases that can lead to the necrosis of tissues( appendicitis, pneumonia, various vascular disorders).

    If the affected part of the body is a swollen, inflamed surface and causes burning pains, after which it turns blue and, finally, all pain stops, and the affected part becomes cold and black, then in this case it should be taken away( cut off).

    So it is said about gangrene in the "Homeopathic home treatment" of the St. Petersburg Charity Society of Homeopathic Physicians, founded in 1868.

    It is further recommended: With the propensity for necrosis to apply on the affected part of the compress, moistened in oil Belladonna. Also impose a rather thick layer of dry clay on the diseased members, which is converted to the smallest, silted sifted powder;such a powder can be obtained from potters. This bandage needs to be changed daily so that each time we apply fresh clay powder. From this disappears not only the bad smell, but the pain itself decreases, and the ulcer after a few days takes a healthy appearance. Instead of clay, you can use a clean, sifted powder of charcoal.

    Treatment: Rus 3 alternately with Belladonna 3. With a fully developed gangrene: Belladonna 3 alternately with Arsenic 3 or Sekale kornutum 3. With a diseased force decline: Phosphorus 3 alternately with Hina 1 and Acidum hydrocyanicum 6. Medication given after 1-2 hours, as necessary, 5 drops per reception.

    Note: will be given hereafter from the old Russian homeopathic medical manual;figures mean different degrees of dilution. For example, Belladona 3 means that the concentration of belladonna is l / 100 ^ 3, that is, a millionth degree of dilution, and, for example, Phosphorus x 3 means that a thousandth degree of dilution is used( concentration 1/10 3).

    And another note: here shows the ancient methods of treatment of gangrene .Today, such a formidable disease must be treated in medical institutions!

    In the people of gangrene is more known under the name of antonov fire or infection of blood. In folk medicine and znakhar practice, many ways of treating this dangerous disease are known. Among them, there are surgical operations and means to avoid surgical intervention, thanks to which many hands and feet of the wounded were rescued from amputation in military conditions.

    Here are a few tips and recipes from vintage sources.

    1 .Tie yerk to a contaminated member and change it often. On the assurance of the people who used this remedy, the action of sour milk was so rapid that they did not have time to change the binding several times, how all the rotten body from the healthy one fell off and the fire did not go any further.

    2. Application of powder of Juniper juniper leaves, or Cossack leaves. It is used externally as a powder or patch.

    3. To use externally the broth of ink nuts, growing on the leaves of oak.

    4. The anton fire is also cured by clove oil, if a rag impregnated with this oil is applied, or take it inside a few drops or in powder of 8-10 grains.

    Carnation and its oil have a burning sharpness and when bones are bent, just as in the case of anton fire in old people with great use is used.

    5. Doctors with gangrene almost always resort to a knife. In the case of gangrene and abscesses , the doctors of the Russian folk medicine of the dicine use the following remedy. Take black, freshly baked, preferably rye, bread and plenty after having salted it, carefully chew. Sore place is covered with a thick layer of chewed bread and salt and bandages. This remedy is true and unusually strong.

    6. Application grass and flowers of rosemary, in the form of a liqueur or decoction from a single spool with four ounces of water, and outside use lotions.

    7. Recipe for healing internal and external Antonov fire. Internal is cured by ingestion of juice of sour sorrel. Drink 3 times a day at will, how much thirst requires. The external is cured by applying outside. In the place where the patient feels the heat, the crushed sorrel in the form of a patch.

    8. If gangrene develops due to frostbite, then a powder of the following composition is used:

    Internal oak crust - 5,5 spool, of gravel root - 1.5 spool, ammonia -1,0 spool.

    All mix and divide into 16 equal parts, give powder 8 times a day( after 2 hours).

    Wash with the following decoction: internal of the calyx crust - 4 spools, of wild chestnut, elm or ash - 4 spools, of the gravel root - 4 spools, of the hole hole - 4 spools.

    All the crumble and mix with 1.5 cups of water, boil until the boil is half-stoked. At the use of add the sour juice: of red-somnolent, cranberry or vinegar.

    9. Take a piece of beef or mutton liver from a freshly stabbed animal and, without washing it, put in a place affected by gangrene. You should keep this piece for an hour or two or, generally, until there are pimples or some kind of blisters under the liver. Then repeat the overlapping of the bloody chunk of the liver and repeat until there are still scavengers that all need to be pierced with a sterilized needle. One unshakable rule: an infected scratch or wound should be opened before applying a piece of liver and tying it to a sore spot.

    10. To catch in bog green frogs, and, tearing each in half, apply to the sore spot until this place where the Antonov fire was completely whitened and the pain subsided.

    11. To take fresh live crayfish, to pound them in a mortar until this mass becomes a dough, and it must be applied to a sore spot until this place is white and the patient will be saved.

    In the case of the beginning gangrene , the Tibetan lamas after surgical cleansing of the wound greased it with fresh yak blood. This is reported by the doctor PM Kurennov.

    Surgery in the common sense of the word in China and Tibet is not very popular. And hardly it exists there. The author knows only one case when Tibetans were forced to resort to the help of a kind of surgery. Another similar case is mentioned in his lectures by academician N. K. Roerich.

    The Tibetan wounded his hand on the hunt. To this he reacted with usual calm and disdain. However, the wound was contaminated and caused blood poisoning. The hand, although slowly, began to turn black. Then the lama told the sick man to come to him and bring his yak. The Tibetan came to the lama with the yak. Lama took an ordinary knife and made an incision along the blackened place of the hand, lightly cleaned the wound and threw away the coagulated contaminated blood. Then he made a cut from the yak and took a little fresh blood from the animal into the cup. With this blood, he smeared an incision on the hand of a Tibetan and wound the wound with a dirty rag. This operation the lama did four times. The infection ceased, and the Tibetan survived.