  • Do you belong to the optimists?

    To answer this question with certain certainty, the Czechoslovak journal Kveti offers the following test. Find the answers most appropriate for you in the listed questions.

    1. Health:

    a) health status is a constant subject of your thoughts and worries;B) from time to time health gives you certain troubles;

    c) you believe that your health is completely normal.

    2. Appetite:

    a) you often complain of a lack of appetite;

    b) you do not suffer from lack of appetite, but in food are picky and fastidious;

    c) you like to eat, but do not make of the food of the cult.

    3. Appearance:

    a) are not completely satisfied with their appearance;B) you are upset that you are not as attractive as you would like;

    c) think that for your age, look quite good

    4. Taste to life:

    a) used to look at the surrounding skeptical, to the impulses of others treat with irony;

    b) life in general are satisfied, but sometimes you complain about something;C) are ready to live the same way as now, for another hundred years.

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    5. Mood:

    a) pretty much everything around you angers;B) everyday troubles often annoy you;C) you are difficult to disbalance.

    6. Energy:

    a) you like to overexert;

    b) not for any business is enough spirit to take;

    c) work smoothly, without failures, the new does not frighten you.

    7. How to make decisions:

    a) always aspire to get away from an independent solution;B) sometimes feel insecure;C) weighing, without tightening.

    Reply "a" - two points each;

    "b" - one point each;

    "in" - zero.

    After evaluating the answer for each of the seven sections, sum up the points.

    12 points or more: you lack the dose of optimism, so as not to see the world around you in black only. Your pessimism affects your health and almost certainly complicates relationships with family and friends.

    From 6 points to 11: you are not a grumbler and not a hypochondriac, but often you lack the determination and self-confidence. Communicate more with people, do not close up.

    5 points or less: you are a lover, do not fall into a depressed state because of the usual turmoil. Optimism helps you overcome disagreements. People are easy with you. But keep in mind that excessive optimism can sometimes prevent you from making the right decision. Therefore: first of all, sobriety in assessments!