Analyzes of gonorrhea for determining the cause of the disease
Gonorrhea is still a fairly common disease. So, according to the basic statistics, about 200 million adults suffer from this ailment at the moment.
"What is gonorrhea? How does it manifest itself? What tests for gonorrhea exist? "- these are the questions that will be discussed in this article.
Gonorrhea and the main features of its incidence
Gonorrhea is an infectious disease belonging to the group of sexually transmitted diseases that is sexually transmitted and is accompanied by damage to the structures of the genitourinary system.
The causative agent of gonorrhea is the diplococcus Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which has a specific bean-like shape and is located inside the cells. The source of infection is a sick person or bacterium carrier. Transmission is carried out using three ways:
- sexual, when during sexual contact there is transmission of infection from infected partner to a healthy, with gonococcus can be infected absolutely with all kinds of sexual contact;
- household, when infection with the infection occurs when using common items of hygiene and life: towels, bed linen, sponges;
- vertical - this is the pathway of infection from an infected pregnant mother to the fetus, which can lead to the development of gonoblenaire with the subsequent formation of blindness.
Description of the clinical picture of gonorrhea
When infection with gonococcus occurs development of inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the organs of the genitourinary system, rectum, oropharynx, conjunctiva of the eyes. Gonorrhea in men can occur with a clinical picture of urethritis, prostatitis, orchitis, epididymitis. In females, this infection is most often manifested by cervicitis, urethritis, and cystitis.
The first signs of infection develop within 3-7 days from the moment of penetration of the pathogen. Then a complete clinical picture develops, the manifestations of which do not go away within 3-4 weeks. After this period, either complete cure or recovery with residual effects occurs, or the infection acquires a chronic course.
In the clinical picture of gonorrhea, there is a triad of symptoms that are always present in such patients:
- burning and itching, intensifying during the process of urination;
- feeling of pain arising during urination;
- presence of purulent discharge of dirty - yellow color.
Having these three symptoms even without any research helps to suspect a gonorrheal infection!
Diagnostic search for gonorrhea
The diagnosis of "gonorrhea" is made on the basis of patient-specific complaints of the patient, the history of life and disease and the results of the instrumental examination. And the tests for gonorrhea in men do not fundamentally differ from the tests for gonorrhea in women.
So for the establishment of this ailment the following studies are used:
- a general urine test and a blood test for gonorrhea, in which there will be changes that indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the body( an increase in the number of leukocytes and especially the neutrophil fraction, an increase in ESR).It should be remembered that the blood for gonorrhea should be taken on an empty stomach and preferably in the morning!
- biochemical blood test;
- is the most common method, the specificity of which is 90%.To carry out this study, you need to take a smear of discharge from the urethra in men, and in women - from the vagina, cervical and urethra. Taking a smear in men has some difference in comparison with the fence of material in female representatives due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure. The sampling of the material in the persons of the strong half is carried out using a special probe, which is inserted into the urethra. This procedure is quite painful and unpleasant. After the preparation of the smear, they are stained by Gram and microscopy. During examination of the obtained drug with the help of magnifying devices, one can see bean-shaped diplococci, dyed blue in the background of bluish cytoplasm;
- culture method or carrying out of bacteriological cultures on special nutrient media, with the help of which the growth of bacterial culture on this or that medium is detected and sensitivity to various kinds of antibiotics is determined;
- enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, which reveals antigens and antibodies to gonococci, which allows to determine the stage of the disease;
- PCR is the most accurate and fastest method of determining the causative agent of gonorrhea, based on the detection of gonococcal DNA in the test materials. The reliability of the method is 95%!
Analysis of the results
The absence of gonorrhea can be said in the event that antigens and DNA of the gonococcus are not found, sowing did not give any growth of culture, no pathogen in the smear was detected with microscopy.
In the case of detection of antigens, DNA elements and gonococci themselves in the smear, and also with the growth of culture on nutrient media, one can safely be diagnosed with "gonorrhea".
Diagnosis of gonorrhea does not represent any difficulties, but this disease is better prevented than later treated!