  • Vegetable storage conditions

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    Different storage conditions are required for different vegetables. These features must be taken into account in order to save the crop for as long as possible.

    Potatoes before laying for storage of potatoes should - dry, brush, remove the sick and with large mechanical damage to the tubers. Regardless of the method of storage, tubers must be protected from light, otherwise their taste qualities deteriorate. Care for potatoes is to maintain the temperature and relative humidity at the optimum level. In the beginning, when the wounds heal on the tubers, a temperature of 12-18 ° C is required, then it is maintained at a level of 3-5 ° C.In January-February, the temperature is lowered to 1-2 ° C to prevent germination.

    Relative air humidity in the storage should not be below 85-90 %.

    In order to prevent the germination of potatoes, it is possible to treat the tubers with M-1 or Hydrel in spring.

    9830;Cabbage head

    It is better to store heads of late-ripening varieties - healthy, without damaging pests, with 4-6 tightly fitting green leaves and a stump. For better ventilation, the heads are laid out on lattice racks, stacked in trellised boxes with a stump upward or suspended to the rails and ceiling. The room temperature is maintained from 0 to -1 ° C, relative air humidity is 90-95

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    When the temperature rises, the relative humidity of the air should be reduced to 80-75 % in order to avoid overheating and decay of cabbage. At the same time, the top leaves will dry slowly, without decaying. The quality of the cabbage should be checked periodically. If the heads of 2-3 upper leaves dry, do not rush to remove them - in dry leaves, head is well preserved, but if the leaf turns black and becomes wet, head should be cleaned to a healthy leaf. When the mucus appears again on the leaves, the diseased part of the head is cut off, and the rest is immediately used. The room should be carefully ventilated.

    Under optimal storage conditions, fresh cabbage of spring varieties can be till April without losing their basic qualities.

    Cabbage colored, Savoy, Brussels, kohlrabi

    Cauliflower is stored at a temperature of 0-0.5 ° C for up to 2 months, from 1 to -1 ° C - up to 3-4 months. Good results are obtained by storing heads of 500-600 grams in closed packages of polyethylene film.

    Packages with cabbage are installed loosely on racks or in trellised boxes, so that air circulates freely between them. Savoy cabbage is stored without visible loss of quality for 4-5 months. Brussels sprouts are not enough for rest and can last no more than 1.5 months.

    Kohlrabi, in contrast, can be stored for up to 7 months under favorable storage conditions.

    For all varieties of cabbage, a relative humidity of 90-95 % is needed.

    Root crops

    Root crops are removed with ripe, unpremeditated, without mechanical damage, breaks of root hairs. The plant should be cut immediately after excavation, it is impossible to tolerate the withering of root crops. The best way to store it is sanding in boxes or stacks. Layed in boxes with dense walls in rows, root crops are sprinkled with clean fresh wet( 15-20 %) sand( ie, compressed in the hand, it should not crumble) by a layer of 3-5 cm. Root crops must be spread out so that they do not come in contact with each otherfriend. For interbedding, it is possible to use fresh, lightly mechanically soiled soil.

    When storing in bulk, the roots are stacked up to 70 cm high and up to 100 cm wide, pouring each row with sand. The root crops protruding from the stack are covered with sand up to 10 cm. The temperature should be 0-1 ° C, relative air humidity 90-95 % 9632; More root vegetables( beets, radishes) can be placed together with potatoes or separately in trenches, burts. Beets are well kept in the bins with potatoes, as it absorbs moisture evaporated by it and does not dry out. In addition, carrots, celery, parsnip, parsley are stored in open plastic bags on the floor. You can also store root crops in plastic bags, filling them up to half, tightly tie and pierce holes in the polyethylene surface for air circulation.

    Carrots can be covered with a creamy mixture of clay with lime, dried and stored in boxes. To do this, it is necessary to dilute the clay to the state of thick sour cream, add a little lime, mix thoroughly and dip the carrots into the prepared chatterbox. Carrots should be dipped into the mixture as a whole, then removed, dried in the air until a crust is formed and folded into boxes.10 kg of carrots require 3 kg of clay.

    A reliable and quite effective folk way of preserving root vegetables is spraying them with infusion of onion husk before laying for storage. To prepare 10 liters of infusion it is necessary to take 300-400 g of onion peel, pour water, let it infuse for 5 days, strain and spray root crops.


    The best preserved varieties are sharp onions, well ripened, having dry covering scales.

    The mature bulbs in dry, scaly scales with a thin, shrunken neck are stored for a long time, and the unsealed bulbs often infect the neck rot. To protect the onion from this disease, it must be well dried at a temperature of 40 ° C for 12 hours, then dried at a temperature of 30-35 ° C, until on the bulbs 3-4 dry coating scales are formed. Raw bulbs begin to dry first with a lower temperature( from 25 ° C), otherwise they will damp.

    Well preserved onions in suspended ligaments woven in the form of braids. For this, the bulbs are dried after digging, the stems are not cut off, but leave them long enough to be tied in braids. There are various methods of weaving onion plaits, some of them using rope, others - without it.

    Onions are usually stored at a temperature of 5-10 ° C in baskets, latticed or plywood boxes with a capacity of up to 20 kg or loose on shelves with a layer thickness of not more than 7 bulbs. Optimal humidity of the air when storing

    The bulbs leave long stems, from which the braids are weaved by means of a thin rope. Bundles hang in a dry, preferably cool, well-ventilated room

    onion - 15%. It is impossible to tolerate the sweating and moistening of the products: in case of high air humidity, the bulb can germinate and be affected by cervical decay. Onions are well preserved in room conditions at a temperature of 18-20 ° C.


    For winter storage lay garlic, planted in spring. The varieties grown in autumn have a short rest period, and at storage temperatures above 0 ° C and high humidity, they germinate or dry up by the middle of winter. Garlic podzimnih plantings should be used in the autumn and early winter periods.

    Garlic is stored in much the same way as onions. It requires a temperature of 5-10 ° C to store it, but it is also possible to keep it at room temperature. The optimum relative air humidity is 75 % 9632; Garlic is stored in baskets, boxes, nets, in plastic bags in the refrigerator or bound in braids.

    There is a popular way of storing garlic, practiced in the North Caucasus. After drying the dug garlic, the stems are cut short, and the roots are burned on the flame of a candle or a burner. Processed in this way, garlic can be stored until summer.

    Pumpkin and zucchini

    Fruits of pumpkin and zucchini for storage are cleaned with peduncles, healthy, in a state of physiological maturity( ripen fruits in the lezhke).For winter storage lay fruits of lemon varieties of pumpkin and zucchini. The density of the skin indicates the biological ripeness of the solid-root fruits of pumpkin and zucchini. If the skin is not pinched by a fingernail, such fruits are suitable for long-term storage. The salted pumpkin fruit after picking contains a lot of starch. During storage, it is hydrolyzed and the amount of soluble sugars increases, the fruits become sweeter. Store the pumpkin and zucchini in a ventilated room at a temperature of 3 ° C( the temperature may rise no more than 10 ° C) and at a relative humidity of 60- ~ 5% 9632; Fruits are stacked in 1 row with the stems upwards;they should not touch each other. Obligatory storage conditions are good ventilation and protection from sunlight. Pumpkin can be stored in boxes in rows, interlaid with dry straw, or in trenches, the bottom and walls of which are lined with straw.

    A small number of fruits stored at home on the floor protected from sunlight.

    - Pepper and Eggplant

    Peppers and eggplants are harvested with a pedicle, stored for 1-2 months at a temperature of 8-10 ° C and relative humidity of 85-90 % in boxes up to 40 kg.

    - Cucumber

    Cucumbers can be stored for up to 2 weeks at a temperature of 1- 8 ° C and relative humidity of 85-95 % 9632; This can be achieved by storing them in the refrigerator in a plastic bag or enameled sealed container.


    The last collection of fruits intended for storage should be made before the air temperature drops to 5 ° C, because at 4-5 ° C the physiological processes in the fetus are violated, its ability to ripen is lost. Fruits with pedicels are laid tightly in vegetable boxes with a capacity of 8-12 kg in 5-6 rows. Boxes can be installed in several tiers so that air is accessible to the fruits. To accelerate the ripening, they can be poured with dry sawdust and cover with something warm. The fastest maturation( 12-20 days) is observed at a temperature of 20-25 ° C.

    Good results are obtained by an interlayer of tomato fruits with peat chips, at the same time the most uniform temperature is created, as peat absorbs excess moisture, accumulates carbon dioxide, which prolongs ripening and favorably affects fruit storage.

    Ripe red fruits are stored in the refrigerator for about a month at a temperature of about 0 ° C and relative humidity of 90-95 %, pink and brown at a temperature of 8-10 ° C - up to 2 months. At a temperature of 10 ° C, the ripening of tomatoes is very slow, which allows you to have fresh red tomatoes until December.

    Storage times of some vegetables


    Storage period

    storage time, months.

    white cabbage:



    TO 1

    medium late







    IX- IV









    4 Weeks



    2 weeks

    Vegetable storage: problems, solutions, rules

    In the vegetables laid on the winterstorage, life processes continue, they release moisture and carbon dioxide, continue to breathe.

    At low relative humidity in the storehouse, vegetables begin to wilter at an air temperature above 5 ° C.

    With high humidity and high temperature, vegetables begin to stagnate and rot.

    To reduce the increased humidity, the room needs to be ventilated, opening doors and vent holes at the same time.

    To normalize the high humidity in the storage, you can put a box with quicklime, salt, charcoal, which act as absorbents and absorb moisture well,

    If necessary, increase the humidity in the store, they put a box of wet sand.

    9632;In a poorly insulated or raw storage on the walls and ceiling, condensation forms. In this case, the vegetables stored there should be covered with straw or sawdust, so that moisture does not get on them.

    For the prevention of mold, the repository should be fumigated once in 2-3 weeks, burning aspen wood or heather

    Storing vegetables should be inspected regularly.

    9632;The root crops affected by the disease must be cleaned in a timely manner, otherwise the disease will quickly spread to healthy ones. Therefore, the affected root should be immediately discarded, and those lying next to it should urgently use and fill their place with sand.

    On the other hand, it is not recommended to often sort out vegetables, shift them from one place to another, and most importantly - to mix, since the manifestation of many diseases is visually invisible. The transfer of diseased fruit to a new place causes the spread and spread of a foci of infection with them.

    Timely and correct preparation of vegetables for storage, laying down on storage of benign fruits, maintenance of optimum conditions during this period allows to keep quality and sharply to reduce losses of vegetables.