There is no ideal school. Children who study at the same school as yours, hundreds, if not thousands, of their parents, and a situation in which they all are all satisfied, is impossible. If decisions about school life and the educational process were taken only with the general consent, they could not agree even on the time of the beginning of the classes.
So you will definitely be dissatisfied with something. The number of homework, rigor - or, conversely, the lack of - punishments, the stupid school uniform that everyone must wear, the fact that everyone is forced to play football, the clergy in the board of trustees, learning Spanish instead of German, and not walking in bad weather... and so on, to infinity.
This will have to come true. Yes, you can transfer the child to another school, but trust me, there will also be an endless number of annoying little things. They will simply be different. And most importantly - your child will have to accept, too. So, if you encourage anarchistic aspirations in him, then just provide him with several years of unnecessary trouble. If the child learns from you a contemptuous attitude towards the system, he will get into trouble with the teachers and, quite possibly, become the object of ridicule of other children. I am sure that there is no need to create contradictions between the attitudes of the family and the school.
You need to understand that any school is a complex set, the ingredients of which can not be replaced( at least, often).In this set will necessarily be what you like, and what you do not like;but only if the second outweighs, it is really worth thinking about changing the school. But the set that you have chosen, you must take the whole. And this means that you must support the school, even in that you are absolutely not interested. You must ensure that the child does the tasks, even if you think that the students at your school are overloaded. You must convince him to wear this stupid form, play hockey and show respect even to those teachers who, in his opinion, do not deserve it.
You may be puzzled how to react to the direct attacks of your offspring, like: "Do you think it's fair to ask so much?" Do you have to lie to the child? In my opinion, you can fully explain to him everything that I just explained to you: about the "school set" and everything else. By doing so, you teach your child a lesson in functioning in society. The main thing is not to agree with the system, but to get along with it.