  • Relieve pain with colic

    Traditionally, colic is treated with an invigorating hand on the baby's tummy and parents' shoulders and promises: "Oh, yes, he will soon grow out of this!" Most approaches to how to deal with colic concentrate more on how to help survive seizures to parents, and not on how to ease the pain of the child. Calling your child a "child who hurts" and not "a child with colic," you and your doctor become partners in persistent search for the cause of pain in your child and the means to remove it.

    Although no one can fully understand the colic, let's make two assumptions: the child is disabled and the child hurts in the intestinal tract( the term "colic" comes from the Greek kolikos, which means "discomfort in the colon").The treatment, therefore, is aimed at relaxing the whole child and especially his tummy. Here are tips on how to relax tense tummies.

    Koliticheski dances

    Want to rent a dance video that will beat all records of sales? Put on the dance floor a dozen experienced parents with their colicky children and admire what pa they will make. Although each dance floor is as unique as a fingerprint, the choreography that works best includes movements in all three planes: up and down, side to side and back to back - like in the uterus. Here is your first dance lesson.

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    How to take a child correctly.

    Take the child by giving him a position "pressed against the neck" or

    "rugby ball"( described below).Keep the baby tight, but relax. Express your whole appearance: "I'll settle everything."Cling the baby tightly to yourself, providing as much skin contact as possible to the skin, or use a baby sling bag.

    The correct dance step.

    Move in three planes( up-down, side-to-side and back-to-back) and alternate these three movements. Movement up and down, the most important for lifting the pain of the dance step( "step elevator"), is best done, spring up and down when walking - from the heel to the toe, from the heel to the toe.

    The correct rhythm. The movement in the rhythm of sixty-seventy beats per minute calms the youngest children best.(Consider: one - one thousand, two - one thousand. ..) It is interesting that this rhythm corresponds to the pulse of the uterine blood flow, to which the child is accustomed. Continue to dance until tired or dancer, or screamer.

    Change partners. Some children are more fond of how their mother dances, probably because they are used to her movements for nine months. But sometimes there is a need to change the partner. Children appreciate a fresh pair of calm hands when the mother is tense after a whole day with the baby in her arms. In addition, the fathers own unique

    dance steps. When your father is exhausted, call your grandmother. She has time, patience and experience.

    Positions for colic( mainly for fathers)

    Try not only all dance styles, but all ways to keep the baby until you find one that works. Here are a few time-tested favorite positions of children during colic.

    Position of the "rugby ball".Place the baby on his forearm on his belly. Place the baby's head next to the bend of your elbow, and its legs on either side of your hand. Firmly hold the child by the ass and press your forearm on the child's strained tummy. You will realize that you have found the right position when you feel that the child's strained tummy has relaxed, and his up to

    The "rugby ball" position, a time-tested remedy for colic.

    of this moment the pressed handles and legs hung limp. Or try turning the child backwards, so that his cheek lies in your palm, his tummy lying on your forearm, and his groin was tightly clamped in the bend of your elbow.

    Position "pressed to the neck."

    Insert the baby's head into the recess between your chin and chest. Slowly and slowly sing a repetitive melody. When the child calms down and falls asleep after you danced with him or wore it in this position, put the child in a "warm and fluffy" position.

    Throwing a child. Keep the baby close enough to yourself to be able to look into the eyes with one hand firmly

    holding it under the butt, and the other under the upper back and neck.(Be sure to support the baby's bolting head.) Drop the baby, rhythmically lifting your hands up and down at a speed of sixty-seven or seventy beats per minute. In addition, you can pat the child on the ass.

    Jump up and down during the dance.

    One father moved his daily exercise to the evening time, when his child was regularly restless. He jumped on a small springboard( which is also called a bridge), holding the child in his arms. This helped the child to relieve stress, and his father - extra pounds.

    Bending the child

    In addition to the creative swing, it effectively relaxes the child by flexing his body, especially if the baby has a tummy. Here are a few time-tested and loved by children tricks, most of which do not give effect in the midst of an attack. Do first all that you can to relax the child before, after which the flexion of the body can bring him great benefits.

    Download the gas. Take both legs of the baby in the lower half of the calves and swing the legs up and down, bringing the knees to the tummy. From time to time, alternate with the movement of the "bike".

    Bend the child. This is the favorite position of children who behave

    nervously, straining and arching their backs, which are difficult to calm down and comfortable to get in your hands. Sit the child in his arms, so that he looks forward and leans back on your chest. Bending the child, you help to relax the muscles of the abdomen and back, which often helps to relax the whole child. If your hands do not stand, try the "kangaroo" position using a sling bag. Or, if you and your child like to look into the eyes and adore mimic games, turn the child over. Unroll the child face to face, support his back and bend his legs up, so that they lie on your chest.

    Let the pain roll away. Put the baby on his tummy on the big beach ball and roll it

    back and forth in a circle. Hold the child securely in the back with your hand when you roll.

    Strain the pain. Lay the baby to sleep with his tummy on the pillow, so that his legs hang from the edge, in order to provide a relieving pain to his tummy.

    Put something under your tummy. Put a rolled gauze diaper or a bottle of warm water( not hot) wrapped in a gauze diaper when he sleeps, in case he wakes up with twisted gases.

    Soft touch

    Large palm. Daddies, put your palm on top of the baby's navel, wrapping your fingers around his tummy. Let the child press his tense tummy to your warm hand.

    Massage "I Love U". Draw an upside down letter U on the surface of your child's tummy. Under this letter is your child's straining bowel, which needs to relax, and the colon, from which you are trying to force out the gas with massage movements. Eat a little warm oil in your palm and knead the tense tummy of your child with your flat fingers in a circular motion. First, walk down the left side of the baby's belly, writing the letter I( for you it will be on the right, see the illustration).By this movement, you move the gas downward, driving it out of the descending part of your baby's colon. Then draw the inverted letter L, moving the gas along the transverse portion of the colon and down again down the descending portion of the colon. Next, draw an inverted U, going up the ascending region of the colon, then along the transverse and then down the

    down the descending section. Massage the stomach gives the best results when the child is lying on your knees, feet to you, or in a warm bath, or both of these factors are present together.

    The story of one mother

    "I tried to take warm baths with my baby. They helped, but only at that time, while the child remained immersed in warm water, and in fact it is impossible, if you look at things realistically, spend your entire life in the bath! In addition, I massaged his tummy when he was in the water. Putting his legs to him, I put my left hand across his tummy and pretty deep kneaded his fingers, concentrating on the left side near the chest. It helped, but he liked it only when he was in the water. After the bath, I rubbed his lotion, starting with his priceless tiny feet and climbing up both legs. I found that as soon as I reached his thighs, his howling ceased to turn into laughter, as if tickled. I began to concentrate when the periods of colic started, on the massage of his thighs, and even without a bath the reaction was always the same.

    I found out that the massage is best: the thighs work, if you perform it as follows. I put Eric on my lap on my back, so that his head was at my kneecaps, and his feet rested against my stomach. On each of his hips I put my hand, so that the

    thumb was in the groin area, and the rest of the fingers on the outer surface of the thigh. Then I performed sufficiently energetic, deep kneading movements, pressing with equal force on the inner and outer surface of the thigh, squeezing, rolling and then taking a breather. It worked again and again, and pitiful sobs turned into giggles - at least for a time! ยป

    Medications for flatulence

    Vaginal( simethicone) drops, dispensed without a prescription means for normalization of digestion, if given before feeding, reduce the formation of gases in the intestine. At the time of writing this book, these drops are considered safe and in some cases effectively prevent excessive formation of gases. Children who have a tummy tucked up are most often relieved when the doctor enters a lubricated pinkie into the strained rectum. Sometimes a fountain beats a chair and "colic" stops.

    If your child has constipation, over-the-counter glycerin rectal suppositories( candles) for babies can help push out some of the stool and release the accumulated gases. Insert the suppository into the rectum to a depth of approximately 2.5 cm and squeeze the baby's buttocks for several minutes to let the candle dissolve.

    Home remedies

    Here are two remedies that parents reportedly successfully relieve the pain of their colicky children.

    Lactobacillus bifidus. Bacterial culture, similar to acidophilus, specifically designed for children up to one year. Sold in a liquid

    form in health food stores. Give the child a quarter teaspoon, along with the feeding in those periods of the day when colic occur.

    Herbal teas. Sometimes teas from chamomile and fennel are effective. Put half a teaspoon of herbs in one glass of boiling

    Be careful with the remedies for colic! Sometimes new research reveals that colic remedies, previously considered safe, can harm your baby. After the publication of this book, new information about this or that drug may appear. Therefore, always consult your doctor before giving your child any prescription or without prescription.

    water. Cover and insist for five to ten minutes, then strain. Slightly cool and give the child a few teaspoons of warm tea.

    Should not a child get screamed?

    We decided to put the approach "Let it cry" in an article devoted to the night care of the child. We would like to put him to sleep forever as a "cure" for a child suffering from colic. This cruel method of fighting colic creates a situation in which there can not be a winner - both parents and the child lose. During one study, in which two groups of colicable children were compared, one group received an immediate, caring reaction to their cry, while the second was allowed to shout at their pleasure. In the group in which the cry was receiving attention, the children were crying at 70%

    less. But in the group that used the "give the child a cry" approach, there was no reduction in the amount of crying. Apart from the fact that this approach does not help children, it eliminates sensitivity from parents who may already be struggling with contradictory feelings toward their child. They need the advice least of all at this moment, which will create an even greater distance between them and their child.

    Parents, as we said earlier, it's not your fault that your child cries, and it's not always your main responsibility to keep the child from crying. There may be times when the child needs a good cry for relief. But the child does not need to cry alone. Your role is not to ignore crying, and not to furiously whine at a crying child, but to do everything in your power to help the child, if he is in pain. Then, if the child is still crying, try not to be nervous yourself and let the child release and express what can only come out in tears. We all know how much easier it becomes after you cry well, and even more so in someone's cheering hands. Infants have feelings that are as intense as yours, and they are helped when they have the opportunity to release them to again feel the

    in balance, feel happier and maybe even sleep better.

    Parents need to be aware of how it makes them react to the crying of their child's stress. We remember too well the feeling of despair due to fatigue and lack of sleep - the dream of throwing this child out of the window does not mean that we will do so! The stressful situation can bring newly-born parents to the extreme, why they can lose control and may have motives to shake the child and shout loudly at the child, so that he finally shut up. Stress control is an important tool to help cope with the crying of a child. If you have such thoughts, immediately contact the

    that understands you.