  • Rational nutrition of the child

    The baby's diet should contain all the essential nutrients in sufficient quantity and the right proportion and meet the physiological needs of the growing organism.

    Proteins are of particular importance in nutrition of young children. They serve as the main plastic material for building cells and tissues of a growing organism. Inadequate intake of protein from food leads to a slowdown in the growth of the child, a lag in development. Especially it is expressed in children of the first year of life, when a lack of protein in food leads to the development of hypotrophy.

    Proteins take part in the development of immunity, providing high resistance of the child's organism to various infectious diseases. They participate in the production of red blood cells, a number of enzymes and hormones. The sources of the most valuable proteins( except for breast milk, absolutely necessary for children of the first months of life) are products of animal origin: milk, cottage cheese, meat, fish, eggs. For the correct development of the child, proteins of vegetable origin, which are contained in cereals, flour, vegetables, fruits are also needed.

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    In the first year of life, children should receive mostly animal proteins, the number of which in the first months of life of the child should be 99% of the total daily amount of proteins, by the end of the year their number is somewhat reduced( up to 90%).In the second year of life, the number of animal proteins in the child's diet is reduced to 15%, and in the third year to 65%.

    Fats are the main source of energy, participate in the construction of cells and tissues, the formation of immunity, serve as a reserve nutrient, protective and thermal insulation material. Insufficient intake of fat affects the growth and development of the child, leading to a decrease in the body's resistance. With an excess of fats, digestion disorders and metabolic processes may occur.

    The main sources of fats are: butter, milk and dairy products, eggs, various vegetable oils. For the proper development of the child, vegetable fats are very important. Starting with the second half of life, they should account for up to 15% of the total amount of fat in the baby's diet.

    Carbohydrates are a basic and easily assimilated source of energy. Carbohydrates are part of all cells and tissues of the human body, take part in the metabolism, improve the assimilation of protein and food fats. One of the types of carbohydrates is fiber, which ensures the advancement of food masses through the intestines and promotes the development of useful microflora of the digestive tract.

    If the amount of carbohydrates coming from food is insufficient, the digestibility of certain nutrients decreases, digestion processes deteriorate. With an excess of carbohydrates, metabolic processes are disrupted, allergic reactions occur, obesity may develop.

    Carbohydrates are found mainly in sugar, fruits, berries, vegetables, potatoes, cereals, flour, in confectionery( honey).

    Mineral substances are a part of all cells and tissues of the child's body. They are necessary for the correct growth and development of the child, participate in the processes of metabolism, hematopoiesis, in the activity of the nervous system. With insufficient intake of mineral substances, the development of bones, teeth, and many internal organs is disturbed.

    The growing body of a child especially needs such mineral substances as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron. Calcium takes part in the formation of bone tissue and teeth, it is necessary for the activity of the nervous system. Phosphorus - for normal growth of bones, muscles, nervous tissue, for the exchange of proteins and fats. Magnesium actively participates in the formation of bones, has an effect on the activity of enzymes. Iron is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, the correct flow of metabolic processes.

    Mineral substances such as sodium and potassium that regulate water-salt metabolism, as well as microelements( copper, zinc, cobalt, iodine, fluorine, manganese, etc.) are important in all kinds of metabolism and promote the formation of enzymes andhormones.

    The main sources of mineral substances are vegetables, fruits, berries, greens, as well as many cereals( especially buckwheat and oatmeal), meat, fish, eggs, by-products.

    Vitamins are regulators of all metabolic processes, play a big role in increasing resistance to diseases, participate in blood formation, formation of many enzymes and hormones. Vitamins, as a rule, are not formed in the human body and must be supplied with food. Most vitamins, as well as minerals, are found in vegetables and fruits. Vitamins are also rich in products of animal origin - meat, offal, dairy products, eggs.

    The following articles provide recommended values ​​for the intake of various nutrients for young children.

    The following articles list the main sources of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, certain vitamins and minerals, as well as the nutritional value of individual products.