  • Treating the common cold with folk remedies

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    "Oh, this cold!" - the heroes of popular television advertising are sighing, and we sincerely sympathize with them. The cold itself is not so dangerous, but it causes a lot of unpleasant sensations.

    In addition, the common cold is fraught with serious complications.

    • If you are frozen and feel unwell, to prevent colds, dissolve in the basin a handful of sea salt( the water should be very hot) and warm your feet well. The duration of the bath is 10-12 minutes. Then you have to rinse your feet, wipe dry and put on woolen socks.

    • And if you can not take a foot bath, put salt crystals on the tongue and suck them. Just do not forget: on the package of sea salt, which we use inside, there must be a note: "food" or "cleaned".

    "It seems I've gotten cold"

    The lack of vitamins weakens the body, and then it becomes defenseless before the piercing winds and low temperatures. The polyclinics are filled with sick people, and the doctors start to show their patients in the cards:ARD. "

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    Without waiting for the development of disease. ..

    If you happen to freeze in anticipation of public transport, return home or when you come to work, do a point massage.the finger of the index and middle fingers to make circular clavicle clamping at the site of the carotid pulsation, in the region of the seventh cervical vertebra, at the wings of the nose and between the eyebrows, with the thumb of one hand massaging the junction of the index finger and the thumb of the other,6-8 times in each zone, every two hours. Home you need to get under a hot shower and rub it with a hard washcloth, it's a massage of a multitude of points. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to have time on preventive maintenance of illness. Begin to appear signs of a real cold. For most people they are well known: general malaise, weakness and fever, muscle and headaches, runny nose and cough. Feeling these symptoms, do not immediately attack antibiotics. It is better not to poison your body with chemical preparations, but to recall the recipes of home medicine, which are not inferior to pharmaceutical agents in efficiency, and sometimes surpass them. It is only necessary to remember that if the treatment with home remedies does not lead to an improvement in the state within 3-4 days, the help of a medical specialist is required. And even more so, you should turn to him when there is hemoptysis, shortness of breath or suffocation, shortness of breath, wheezing, pain and burning sensations in the chest, the appearance of purulent sputum when coughing. These are signs that the case is more serious than a cold. Well, if it's a common cold, then here are a few simple enough and effective home remedies to get rid of it.


    They can be used already at the appearance of the very first signs of the disease. Any large pot or even a scoop will fit. Very good, if you have a heat-power inhaler in your home. This will avoid possible nasopharyngeal burns at a water temperature of 80-100 ° C;steam at the outlet of the heat-power inhaler is only heated to 38 ° C.For inhalation apply a variety of compounds: table salt( preferably not "Extra"), baking soda, mineral water, oil-eucalyptus, menthol, infusions from various collections of herbs and plants, and others. When using oils: dosage - 2-5 drops per 250 ml of boiling water. It is necessary to remember: inhalations are carried out within 15 minutes not less than half an hour after eating and physical work. During this procedure, do not be distracted( talk or read).Clothes should not constrain breathing, but it must be calm, not frequent, of medium depth, so as not to cause a cough. After inhalation for an hour, try not to strain your voice. And one more thing: smoking reduces the effect of inhalation almost to "no."

    Thermal procedures

    They have a good effect on a body that has been cooled down. True, one hundred to remind you that you need to treat them with caution, especially people who are elderly and suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Folk remedies advise, for colds, to impregnate woolen matter with vinegar, olive oil and camphor and apply it at night to the chest.

    Behind, on the neck, put a pack of grated horseradish. An ancient way to cure a cold: put mustard plasters on the heels of both feet and pribintovat flannel. It can be made easier: pour mustard powder into woolen socks. In any case, keep the mustard on your legs for as long as possible( usually 1-2 hours).And then for a while quickly walk around the room. Doing this best before bedtime - the runny nose usually stops before dawn. When there is a sensation of pain when swallowing, it is recommended to tie a neck with a wool scarf or apply a warming compress on it: dab a large flap of gauze or other cotton cloth in warmed sunflower oil and apply it to a sore spot. Top the waxed paper( you can polyethylene) and wrap the neck with a bandage or scarf. To avoid burns, keep the compress for 3-4 hours.

    For internal use of

    Before you start taking home remedies, you need to make your meals right and healthy. It must be balanced in such a way that the main part of the food consists of vegetable and dairy products, easily digested and rich in vitamins. Particularly useful is the introduction into the body of vitamin C - one of the strongest anti-inflammatory drugs. The daily norm of ascorbic acid in the acute period of the disease can reach 1 gram.

    The richest in Vitamin C berries are rose hips and black currants. In the infusion within 10-12 hours of broth from the hips( 1 tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water) is exactly the daily amount of vitamin. In the black currant, it is abundant in fruits and leaves. Therefore, you can use as jam and berries - fresh-frozen or mashed with sugar, - and tea from fresh or dry leaves. If you do not have a rose hips or black currants at home, they will be replaced by lemons in any quantities.(Incidentally, very effective - albeit a little pleasant - to draw a few drops of lemon juice into your nose and lie down for a while).

    Lemon is used together with zest and peel. Useful raisins and grape juice, especially in the cold season, as its constant use can stop the development of colds. Well and the most accessible means - certainly, carrots. Vitamin A, in excess contained in this vegetable, has great healing power. If there is a fever with a cold, first of all an abundant drink with a good detoxification effect is recommended. In such days it is necessary to consume up to 2.5-3 liters of liquid per day. Warm drink with the addition of cranberries, lemon, cranberries, which have an easy diuretic effect, will make it possible to remove the products of vital activity of pathogenic microbes from the body. Antipyretic and diaphoretic effects are raspberry, chamomile and linden. And it is delicious, and it is useful to add raspberry jam to the tea.

    The healing properties are inherent not only to berries, but also to fresh or dried leaves of the bush, a decoction of which( 1 teaspoon per glass of water) and used to rinse the throat. Dried camomile flowers are brewed with boiling water and after insisting for half an hour they drink like tea - half a glass 2-3 times a day. Lime blossom is used as follows: 1-2 teaspoons brewed with a glass of boiling water and drunk hot for the night right in bed. Infusion can be made from black elderberry: one tablespoon of dried flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist. Take two tablespoons 6 times a day.

    Treatment of

    disease With , it is advisable to use onion and garlic for the therapeutic purpose of prevention. They rub on the grater and inhale the couple 2 times a day for 10-15 minutes. Or 1-2 cloves of garlic grind and pour 30-50 g of boiling water, insist 1-2 hours, dig in the nose 2 drops 3-4 times a day.

    It is also advisable to eat onions and garlic more often Or just chew them for two to three minutes several times a day, because large amounts of onions and garlic can not be taken to patients in the stage of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.(From the smell, for example, garlic is easy to get rid of if you eat a little parsley).

    For the prevention of adult it is more convenient to hang a gauze sack with finely chopped garlic on the neck, and for small children - to tie this pouch around the crib or put a saucer with garlic next to it.

    It is recommended to chew the eucalyptus leaf in the morning and keep a small part of it in the mouth( between the gum and cheek) when contacting patients with ARD.In the evening, all family members should rinse the nasopharynx with fresh juice of raw red beets. On a glass of juice, you can add a teaspoon of 1% solution of table vinegar.

    The patient should drink hot tea with lemon or raspberry jam as often as possible, as well as warm milk( 200 g) with honey( one tablespoon).

    It is useful to wash the nasal cavity and pharynx with infusion of onion with honey( 1: 1) every hour or with a solution: on, a glass of warm boiled water plus 1/2 teaspoon of table salt and four drops of 5% iodine tincture,( the solution should be poured inin the nose, and pour out through the mouth).

    5 tablespoons of kidneys and leaves of black currant in a ratio of 1: 2 pour 1 liter of boiling water, 1 to 2 hours to infuse. Drink warm in half a glass 4-5 times a day as an antipyretic and diaphoretic.

    1 teaspoon ground chopped thorns root to brew in 1 cup boiling water, infuse 2 hours. Drink warm one quarter cup 4-5 times a day as antipyretic.

    Severe influenza patients in addition to the treatment are given to drink 3 times a day for a glass of warm decoction of the roots from the rhizomes of elecampane high angelica forest( 15 g per 1 liter of water).

    With influenza with the phenomena of vasomotor rhinitis, the following composition is a good remedy: rubbed garlic grated on a fine grater, mixed in a 1: 1 ratio with honey( preferably linden) and take one tablespoon at a time before going to bed, washing with warm water.

    Grate the onion, pour half a liter of boiling milk( but do not boil), insist in a warm place, drink half the hot infusion for the night, and the other - in the morning, too, in a hot state.

    Ten grams( one tablespoon) of pine buds are placed in enameled dishes, 200 mg( one glass) of hot boiled water is poured, covered with a lid and heated in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, cooled at room temperature for 10 minutes, filtered, the remaining raw material is squeezed. The volume of the resulting broth is added with boiled water to 200 mg. Take 1 / 2-1 / 3 cup two to three times a day after meals as an expectorant and disinfectant.

    Brew two tablespoons of dried( or 100 g fresh) raspberries in a glass of boiling water. Insist 10-15 minutes, add a tablespoon of honey, stir and take in a warm form as a sudorific before going to bed, beware of drafts.

    A good effect is achieved by introducing fresh aloe juice into the nostrils of five drops every two to three hours for two to three days.

    It is useful to take alcoholic tincture of eucalyptus leaves.20 g of dry leaves chop, pour alcohol. Densely to cork and insist 7-8 days. Strain. Take 20-25 drops, diluted in 1/4 tablespoon of boiled water.

    In eastern and Tibetan medicine against the flu, use raspberry branches, which can be collected in winter and in summer. The recipe is simple: a tablespoon of finely chopped stems is poured into a glass of boiling water. Boil 10-() minutes, insist about two. Drink in small sips, but often, throughout the day.

    A teaspoon of crushed elecampane root root is infused for 10 hours in a glass of hot water( daily dose).Drink in small sips. You can also use a decoction: a teaspoon of the ground root to boil in 200 ml of water for 30 minutes( on low heat).Take a tablespoon every hour during the day.

    Two teaspoons of dried black elderberry on 200 ml of boiling water to insist, wrapped, 40-50 minutes, strain Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day. Drink Slowly, in small sips, with small interruptions.

    A teaspoon( with top) of crushed black currant leaves for 200 ml of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 34 4 hours. Strain. Dose: 1/2 cup 4-5 times a day.

    The bowl of medium size is cleaned, grate on a fine grater. Pour 250 ml of boiling milk. Stir well and insist 10 minutes. Drink in small sips.

    Lime flowers, raspberry berries( 1: 1).A tablespoon of the mixture for 200 ml of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, within an hour Strain. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.

    Leaves or spring branches of black currant. The color of linden( in proportion 1: 1).A pinch of a mixture of 500 ml of boiling water Boil 5 minutes, insist, wrapped, 30 minutes, strain. Dose: a glass in a warm form. Like tea, 3-4 times a day.

    Setzs - flu medicine

    Professor of the Department of Health Services at the University of Pennsylvania Rollynn Watte believes that gentle touch, pleasant stroking, sensual caresses - in a word, what precedes the intimate act, help treatment of influenza. But, according to the researcher, this matter should be limited. Physical love is better to be postponed for a while when you are healthy. Intimate touch and caresses Watt thinks, will help to remove the stressful effects of the flu, and the patient immediately feel better. If this method of treatment seems strange to you, keep in mind -1 intimate affinity leads to the allocation of a large number of endorphins by the brain. These are natural painkillers, chemically similar to morphine, their effect helps the lover to feel peace and happiness. So consider and other experts: psychiatrists and doctors-therapists. Margaret Lytton, a family doctor from Philadelphia, confirms: "The intimate touch gives rise to a feeling of warmth, security, comfort, comfort, relaxation, reducing the stress caused by the flu."

    1. Recipe of the old Russian agronomist Bolotov:

    Letter( grass) - 1 part, chamomile - 1 part, sage - 1 part.

    All grind and mix well.1 tablespoon mixture with top( 1 pinch) per 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 30-40 minutes, strain. At night drink 2-3 cups of hot infusion with honey. Happy to drink like tea during the day. If a cold has a headache, then add mint - 1 part to the main collection. If the cold is freezing, then add the flowers of black elderberry - 1 part to the main collection. Preparation and reception is the same as above.

    2. Rosehips. Dry berries crush.5 tablespoons of berries for 11 liters of cold water. Put on the fire, boil for 10 minutes. Insist, wrapped, 8-10 hours, strain. Drink early in the morning for 1 glass every 2-3 hours during the day. Drink with honey, jam, sugar. You can brew thicker. It is advisable that there is nothing on this day. After each intake, rinse your mouth with warm water, otherwise the acid eats away your teeth. It is advisable to drink wild rose during the week, gradually reducing the number of receptions.

    3. Wormwood, tincture on vodka. In the quarter of vodka, pour the herb wormwood bitter. Insist 21 days in a dark place, drain. Take colds and freezing over 20 grams once a day. Take 2-3 days, not more.

    4. Lime flowers - 1 part, fruits of the Kalina - 1 part.

    2 tablespoons of the mixture for 2 cups of boiling water. Boil for 5-10 minutes, drain. Drink hot at night for 1 -2 cups. It is used for rheumatism, flu and colds.

    5. Raspberry fruit - 40 g, leaves of coltsfoot - 40 g, oregano,( grass) - 20 g .

    Method of preparation and use - as in prescription No. 4.

    6. Peppermint ( leaves) - 1 part, of elderberry black ( flowers) - 1 part, linden ( flowers) - 1 part.

    Method of preparation and use - as in prescription number 4( only take 1 tablespoon of the mixture for 2 cups of boiling water).

    7. Lime( flowers) - 1 part, black elderberry ( flowers) - 1 piece.

    2 tablespoons of the mixture on a glass of boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes, drain. Drink hot at one time with flu and colds.

    8. Cowberry ordinary.

    a) In folk medicine, influenza uses bilberry berries in the form of fruit. With colds, they also drink an infusion of leafy branches, a tablespoon of herbs pour a glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, drain. Take 2 tablespoons 4-5 times a day.

    .Apply cranberries in the collection:

    b) all the plants of cranberries, all the plants of strawberries( fifty-fifty), one hundred locust a spoonful of mixture pour a glass of water, bring to a boil. In the broth add honey( to taste) and drink hot for a glass 3-4 times a day with colds.

    9. Garlic. When the flu is used fresh garlic for 2-3 teeth daily( also for prevention during the epidemic).

    10. Raspberry,

    a) Infusion of dried fruit is used for colds, flu( a tablespoon of fruit brew a glass of boiling water, insist 20 minutes.) Drink a glass of hot infusion 2 times a day).

    Raspberry fruits are included in various sweatshops and other fees:

    b) raspberry fruits, linden flowers( equally).A tablespoon of the mixture to brew a glass of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, drain. Drink a glass of hot infusion overnight as a diaphoretic;

    c) raspberry fruits, linden flowers, mother-and-stepmother leaf, anise fruits, willow bark( all equally).A tablespoon of the ground mixture should be brewed with a glass of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, strain. Drink a glass of hot infusion overnight with the flu-like condition as a diaphoretic;

    d) raspberry fruits - 2 parts, mother-and-stepmother leaf - 2 parts, oregano grass - 1 part. A tablespoon of the mixture to brew a glass of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, drain. Drink 1/2 cup hot infusion 3-4 times a day as a diaphoretic;

    e) raspberry fruit - 1 part, raspberry leaf - 2 parts, oregano grass - 2 parts, mother and stepmother leaf - 2 parts. A tablespoon of the ground mixture should be brewed with two glasses of boiling water, boiled for 5-10 minutes on low heat, drain. Drink 1/2 cup of hot broth 3-4 times a day before meals for colds like a diaphoretic, expectorant.

    Treatment with milk

    Traditional medicine has become very popular nowadays. Various folk remedies, herbalists, curative herbs are being published. People began to trust people's remedies and resorted to medicine less and less often. This can be explained by the effectiveness and safety of folk remedies.

    Let's start with a sore throat. What is this disease and how to cure it without resorting to the help of modern medicine?

    Angina is an infectious disease. It occurs mainly in children and young people, less often in people older than 50. The sore throat begins suddenly, first there is an unpleasant sensation in the throat, the throat starts to puff, the fever rises: on the first day - up to 38-39 ° C., general weakness, chills, pain in the muscles and joints, gradually the pain in the throat intensifies, especially when swallowing, the voice loses its sonority, insomnia appears, the appetite disappears. In severe cases, there comes a darkness of consciousness and even delirium.

    If you or your loved ones get anginaought to consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment. The patient should not at all carry the sore throat on his legs - it can lead to serious complications. Throat should be rinsed with mild disinfectant solutions, inside apply streptocide, with headaches - antibiotics.in people there is a more effective method of treating angina - milk. When using milk you will not get worse, but on the contrary - you will immediately feel relief, as warm milk softens the throat.

    Take a glass of fresh milk, warm it up. Milk should be warm( not hot!).Add in it 1 tbsp.l.honey, mix until completely dissolved and give a drink to the patient. Milk needs to be drunk immediately. Drink should be taken three times a day( in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, before going to sleep, it will ease the patient's condition.) You can drink it every time with sore throat. For 1 glass of warm milk - 1 tbsp of melted butter. This mix and give to the patient three times a day after each meal. You can add honey and melted butter to the milk at once. This is not a very tasty drink, especially dislikedHis children, but effective.

    In case of sore throat, it is useful to use mineral water together with milk, put open mineral water in a warm place so that all gases come out of it. Take mineral water with milk: half a cup of mineral water, then half a cup of milkMineral water, like milk, has medicinal properties, it kills microbes in the body, improves the functioning of the intestines and improves the general condition of the body.

    With angina, it is very good to drink "oatmeal milk" To prepare it, prepare 1 cup of oats with husk. Rinse it, pour a liter of fresh milk and cook in an aluminum saucepan over low heat for 1 hour. Then strain the milk. You can make "oat milk" with honey or butter. It is very good to drink such a drink at night. You can not store "oatmeal milk", it must be cooked every time.

    For sore throats, it is very good to use milk in combination with carrot juice. For this, take 2 medium-sized carrots, wash, clean, prepare the juice. Add carrot juice to warm milk: 1 cup of milk - 2 tablespoons.l.juice. Carrot juice can be replaced with lemon juice. If the house is not a carrot or lemon, then you can use citric acid. Just be careful: you can not add too much citric acid, since the sour throat can get sick even more. For 1 glass of milk it is enough to add citric acid on the tip of the knife. Mix everything thoroughly and eat 3 times a day, and most preferably at night. This will ease your condition.

    Milk can not only drink, but rinse with their throats. To do this, add baking soda to the milk: for 1 glass of milk - soda at the tip of the knife. Stir and rinse the throat 5 to 6 times a day. A solution of soda with milk softens the throat and removes the swelling.

    With angina, a loss of voice may occur. To eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon, use a good and tasty drug - bran, boiled in milk. Take 1 glass of bran, pour a liter of milk and cook over low heat for 1 -2 hours. Milk strain, cool to room temperature and take 2 times a day( morning and evening).The broth should be fresh every time, it can not be stored even in a thermos bottle.

    With a sore throat, doctors recommend rinsing with disinfectant solutions. However, a decoction of milk with medicinal herbs is a more effective and safe remedy.

    To prepare this medicine, you must prepare a decoction of the following herbs: oregano, chamomile, sage. All pour boiling water, cover and insist for 30 minutes. After that, strain. Milk warm up. For 1 glass of milk - 2 tbsp.l.herbal decoction. Rinse 5 - 6 times a day.

    Milk can be used not only for sore throat, but also for coughing. If you get cold and you have a cough, do not rush to take pills. There is a wide variety of folk remedies and methods of cough treatment. One of the ancient means of cough treatment is tincture from milk and oats. To make the tincture, take oats or barley, wash it, pour it with milk so that the oats are covered with milk, cover with a lid and put in a well-heated oven. As the boil-off, the milk should be constantly added until the oats or barley is boiled. Tincture, strain, cool. Drink liquid for 3 tbsp.l.three times a day before meals.

    If you have a severe lingering cough, bronchitis or pneumonia, we can advise the following remedy, which will ease the condition and relieve a cough in a few days. It includes aloe, honey, birch buds, lime blossom and milk.

    Before the preparation of this medicine, wash the leaves of aloe and put in the refrigerator for 4 days. After that, chop the aloe leaves, mix with honey until a uniform mass is formed. Separately, prepare a decoction of lime flowers and birch buds. Birch buds and fake color pour boiling water, cover and put on for 40 minutes, so that the broth is infused. Take 1 glass of warm milk, add to it a mixture of honey with aloe, 2 tbsp.l.tinctures of lime color and mix everything. Apply to 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day. This drug helps with chronic lung diseases.

    Bronchitis usually develops from a cold, begins with irritation and sore throat, a cough appears. It is very good to take broth from milk and Icelandic moss with bronchitis, especially if you have chronic bronchitis. The main symptom of chronic bronchitis is a strong and dry cough. A decoction of milk and Icelandic moss will ease your well-being, and in a few days you will feel better.

    To prepare a decoction you need 2 tbsp.l. Iceland moss and 1 glass of milk. In a pot of milk, place moss and cook on low heat for 10 to 15 minutes. Decoct the broth, strain the milk and put it on the fire again, bring it to a boil. Take 2 tablespoons before bedtime.l.

    In bronchitis, it is best to drink milk with aloe juice. To do this, take 1 sheet of aloe, wash it, wring out the juice. Milk warm and add the juice of aloe: half a glass of milk - 1 tsp.juice of aloe. Drink 4 times a day for half a cup. If the medicine seems unpleasant to you, add 1 h, l.honey, stir it until completely dissolved and take 4 times a day.

    The most effective cough remedy is milk with apples. It consists of milk, fat and a green sweet apple. Take the fat, melt, add the apple, previously grated on a large grater with the skin. All cook on low heat until a homogeneous mass is formed. Cool, add milk, mix and drink 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day before meals. The apple should be necessarily green, as it contains the most vitamins.

    With dry or chronic bronchitis, a decoction of medicinal herbs, such as mother-and-stepmother, chamomile, oregano and others, very well helps. You can cook a decoction from one herb or in combination with others. We advise you to add a little herbal decoction to the milk during bronchitis. To do this, take 1 tbsp.l.dry chamomile flowers, pour boiling water, cover and leave for 30 minutes. Then strain the broth through gauze and add to warm milk. For 1 glass of milk - 1 tsp.decoction of chamomile. Drink 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening.

    It is very good to treat chronic bronchitis with lard fat. For this you will need the inner lard. Put the lard in a saucepan, put it in the oven on a weak fire. After the fat has melted, drain it and put it in the refrigerator. For 1 glass of warm milk - 1 tbsp.l.fat. Take 2 times a day before meals, only in hot condition.

    There is also a slightly different way of treating bronchitis with a mixture of milk and lard. With persistent cough, treatment with pork "healthy", that is, with internal lard from the intestines, which looks like a mesh, helps. This "mesh" with bacon is placed in shallow dishes and put in a low-heated oven. When the lard melts, pour it into glassware and refrigerate. For a glass of very hot boiled milk, take one dessert spoon of melted bacon. The resulting mixture drink hot in small sips daily after meals.

    To eliminate severe spasmodic cough, we recommend you the same mixture, only in other proportions. At 2 tbsp.l.hot milk take 1 tbsp.l.melted lard. Rub the resulting mixture into the chest and back of the patient, then wrap it with a warm blanket. Or you can try another composition: 1 tbsp.l.butter, 1 tbsp.l.hot milk, 5 - 6 drops of fir oil( for children 3 - 4 drops).

    Will help you get rid of cough and tincture of milk with sage. In an enamel pot, pour a glass of milk, add 1 tbsp.l.finely chopped • sage. All boil, cover, let stand for 15 minutes, then again bring to a boil, strain. Use the decoction in a hot form and only before going to bed. After taking the decoction, it is recommended to go to bed. Make sure that there are no drafts in the room where you sleep, otherwise the tool will not work.

    Based on personal experience, we want to advise a very good and tasty cough remedy. Take barley, chicory, grains of rye and a few almonds. Prepare the broth and drink with hot melted milk. Believe us, it's not only very tasty, but also useful.

    If your child has a cold, you can treat him with the fruits of mountain ash. Chop the fruits of mountain ash, add to milk, put on fire and cook for 5 hours over low heat. Milk strain, then again boil, cool to room temperature. Take 5 times a day before meals.

    With flu, it is good to take tincture from milk and eucalyptus leaves. Take the leaves of eucalyptus, chop them and pour steep boiling water. Leave to stand for 40 minutes, then strain through gauze. Milk warm, add 1 tbsp.l.tinctures of eucalyptus( per 1 cup of milk).Drink 1 time a day before going to bed for 1 tbsp.l. Better immediately go to bed. In a relaxed state, the action of eucalyptus will accelerate, and in the morning you will feel an improvement: eucalyptus will warm your throat and relieve you of a cough.

    Juice of black radish helps cough. You can add radish juice to the milk. Take the peeled black radish, grate on a large grater and squeeze out the juice. Mix the radish juice with honey and add to the milk, stir until the honey dissolves completely in the milk. For 1 glass of milk - 2 tsp.juice of black radish, 1 tsp.honey. Drink 10-15 minutes before meals 3 - 4 times a day.

    When coughing, we recommend testing one more remedy, but immediately we want to warn: it is not a very pleasant liquid, but effective. For 1 glass of milk, take 2 tbsp.l.melted butter, one egg yolk All mix until a homogeneous mass and drink half a cup 2 times a day before meals. After 2 - 3 days you will forget about the cough.

    This kind of treatment is very helpful. Take 1 head of onions and 2 slices of garlic. Clean, chop and pour 1 cup of unpasteurized milk, put on for 30 minutes, so that onions and garlic soaked in milk. Apply to 1 tbsp.l.every hour during the day, preferably before eating. You can add 1 tbsp.l.honey.

    It is very useful for coughing, especially in spring and autumn, a string of birch juice with milk. Half a cup of berry juice is enough for half a glass of warm milk. This drink should be used for preventive purposes. Birch juice is almost not felt in combination with milk.

    With colds, it is effective not only to drink warm milk with raspberry jam, but also milk with infusion of leaves and raspberry stalks. Take dry leaves and raspberry stalks, pour boiling water, cover and put on for 30 minutes. The broth strain, cool and add to warm milk. For 1 glass of milk - 2 tbsp.l.decoction of raspberry leaves. Drink 5 to 6 times a day for 3 tablespoons.l.10 minutes before meals. This drink is good to use not only in the treatment of bronchitis, but also with laryngitis and as an expectorant.

    With bronchitis, you can prepare a decoction of chamomile flowers and sage with milk. Take an enamel saucepan, pour 1 liter of milk into it, bring it to a boil, reduce the heat, add half a glass of dried camomile flowers and 2 tablespoons of milk to the milk.l.sage. Simmer for 5 minutes, then turn off, cool and strain. Decoction again put on the fire, bring to a boil, turn off. Drink before going to bed in a hot form.

    If you have pain in your throat, it's a good idea to try it. Just do not be scared - it's not as disgusting as it seems at first.

    So, for the preparation of this medication you will need 3 to 4 lobes of garlic and milk. Garlic, peel, chop, or squeeze using the scabbard. Finished garlic diluted in 1 cup of milk, put on fire, bring to a boil, turn off, cool. Take 1 tsp.3 - 4 times a day.

    In addition to the above-mentioned way of eating radish with a cough, there is another. Black radish wash, peel, cut into cubes or slices. Fold the radish into a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and "simmer" in the preheated oven for 1 hour. Cook the mixture, cool. Keep in a cool place. When treating this method in warm milk, add a few drops of black radish juice. Take 1 tsp.5 times a day before meals. This tool is used for both children and adults.

    In the past, pneumonia, bronchitis and a prolonged cough were treated with aloe. We also want to offer you one of these methods. Take an aloe leaf, wash and simmer in milk for 1 hour. Cool and mix. Milk strain, in order to remove the remnants of the leaf of aloe. Put milk on the fire, bring to a boil, turn off, cool. Take 1 tbsp.l.three times a day. It is very good to give this remedy to children. Every day you need to prepare a fresh decoction, as the milk quickly deteriorates and loses its healing properties.

    Children, especially preschool children, are prone to such a terrible infectious disease as whooping cough. The disease is accompanied by severe cough, fever, difficult breathing. To ease this condition will help the following tool.5 cloves of garlic finely chop or prekipyatite garlic in a glass of unpasteurized milk. Let the child drink half a cup of the mixture several times a day.

    It is possible to use this compound in another way: just pour boiled milk with crushed garlic into a small saucepan, tilt the baby's head over the steam, cover with a towel, let him breathe this composition for 3 to 5 minutes. The inhaled phytoncids of garlic will greatly alleviate the condition.

    With a loss of voice, this advice is suitable. Prepare aniseed seeds, honey and milk. In a saucepan, put half a glass of anise seeds, pour 1 cup of milk and simmer for 20 minutes. After this, drain the broth, supplement it with 1-2 tbsp.l.lime honey. All the mix, put on a fire, bring to a boil, remove from the plate and add in the liquid 1 tsp.cognac. Take 1 tbsp.l.every half hour. Be sure that in a day you will sing like a nightingale. It is very good to use this tool not only for colds, but for people whose work is associated with a heavy load on the vocal cords( teachers, singers, speakers, etc.).

    With loss of voice and cough, we recommend you a remedy popular among Bulgarian healers. Boil 6 glasses of milk( cow or even better - goat).In boiling milk, put half a kilogram of bran. Add a bit of burnt sugar to improve the taste of the drug. Strain the broth through a double layer of gauze and consume it throughout the day instead of water, tea, coffee and other drinks. The remedy must necessarily be hot.

    Based on personal experience we want to advise you and such a remedy for cold: mix in equal proportions hot boiled milk and potato broth. Drink hot several times a day. The same tool would be good to use for inhalation of the respiratory tract.

    With strong colds, it is good to take a glass of hot boiled milk inside with 3 tsp.currant and 1/4 teaspoon of ginger powder. The resulting mixture drink a volley at night and immediately go to bed. You should sweat properly. After an hour, change the laundry and repeat the procedure. By the morning you will feel considerable relief, but still once again after a light breakfast, drink ginger milk with liqueur and lie down in bed.

    In Brazil, cough and bananas are treated. Take 2 ripe bananas and rub through a sieve. Put banal mashed potatoes in a saucepan and pour a glass of hot milk. Add in the milk with bananas 1 tsp.sugar and boil. Use the mixture must be in hot condition. This composition is especially liked by children and willingly drink it. Take advantage of this to cure the child of a cough.

    Now a few recipes from the common cold. If you get cold and you have a runny nose, milk will always help you. It will be cheaper than buying expensive and not always useful tablets, and safer. Milk can not only rinse your mouth, but also apply it inside, bury it in your nose. Do not be afraid, this is a completely painless procedure. It is much worse to bury only the juice of onions in the nose, while the mucous membrane is irritated. It is better to take milk, warm it up. Clean 1 head of onions of medium size and prepare the juice. Add the onion juice to the milk and, with the help of a pipette, bury 1-2 drops in each nostril 2 to 3 times a day in each nostril.

    Children with a cold can be buried in the nose of milk with freshly prepared beet juice. Prepare the drops by the type of onion, use in the same amount. In addition to beets and onions, use garlic. Take 2 slices of garlic, peel, grind, or squeeze through the garlic. In warm milk, add the ready garlic juice and dig in the nose 2 - 3 times a day for 2 drops in each nostril. After one or two days you will get the desired result. And you do not have to sniff again.

    Inflammation of the lungs takes place in two forms - transient inflammation and protracted. Swift inflammation always begins with chills and high fever. Appears dry cough. Then in 5 - 7 days there is a crisis. The temperature drops sharply, and from this moment recovery begins. If the crisis does not occur, then the inflammation can go into a chronic form.

    In case of pneumonia, always consult a doctor. But there are situations when the first help to the patient is provided by relatives. Where should I start? First, it is necessary to clean the patient's stomach. Only feed broth or milk. To lower the temperature, you can give milk with lemon juice. To do this, take a lemon, prepare juice from it. Boil 1 cup of milk, add the lemon juice and give it to the patient.

    And the latest recommendation for the treatment of pneumonia. It will take butter, honey, pork fat, cocoa and, of course, milk. Take 1 tbsp.l.butter, 1 tbsp.l.honey, 1 tbsp.l.melted pig fat and 1 tbsp.l.cocoa, mix everything thoroughly until a uniform mass is formed. Store in a refrigerator or in a cool place. For 1 glass of warm milk - 1 tsp.finished mixture. Apply 1 to 2 times a day.

    Treatment with kerosene

    Influent, Spaniard, Asian flu, whatever the influenza outbreak, the essence remains unchanged. This is one of the most dangerous infectious diseases, affecting up to 10% of the world's population every year. In Southeast Asia there are so-called natural foci of influenza, from where modern means of communication are rapidly spreading pathogens of influenza epidemics. But now this infection already constantly circulates, covering sometimes the whole world, that is, turning into a pandemic.

    "Season" of influenza comes, as if on a schedule, usually with the November cold and lasts until March. Symptoms are well known to everyone. Suddenly, the temperature rises sharply, chills appear, headache, aches in joints, a feeling of weakness gradually adds a runny nose, hoarseness, dry cough, pain when swallowing and redness of the eyes. Weakness, headache and fear of bright light can persist even 3-5 days after a drop in temperature. Cough can last 10 days or more, and changes in the airways will be completed in only 6-8 weeks.

    Sometimes there comes a second wave of the disease with a repeated sharp temperature jump, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea( especially in children).The virus multiplies in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, damaging it and contributing to the development of a secondary bacterial infection, with blood deposited in the heart, nervous and muscular system of the body. Therefore, the flu is extremely dangerous because of complications - bronchitis, pneumonia, meningitis, radiculitis, inflammation of the kidneys. Complications mostly arise in people with chronic respiratory diseases, cardiovascular system and diabetes. In bacterial pneumonia, the ability of the lungs to eliminate and control the growth of bacteria in the airways is impaired. Among the risk group, in addition to the cores and other chronicles are small children and the elderly.

    There are basically three types of viruses - A, B and C, but the fight against influenza is difficult because of their unique ability to constantly change. Experts predict that two new influenza viruses will be circulating in Russia - A( Fujian) and B( Shanghai).

    Directed against one or three typical kinds of influenza, vaccination, of course, does not always prevent the disease, but it facilitates it and largely saves the situation, protecting the vaccinated person from re-infection with this strain of the virus.

    In our country, local health authorities are involved in vaccination, but as a rule, there is not enough money in the local

    budget. Going to the pharmacy will be a little embarrassing. Drugs that purposefully beat the pathogens of influenza are extremely few: remantadine, arbidol, tamiflu, tsikloferon and children's algir. Moreover, remantidine, conducive to lowering the temperature and facilitating respiration, for example, can only protect against influenza A and still cause insomnia, nervousness and other side effects, which are extremely undesirable for elderly people with brain and kidney diseases.

    And here, ordinary kerosene and mixtures, into which it enters, will come to the rescue. I remind you once again - for domestic use you can use only purified kerosene, for outdoor use - it is allowed to use household kerosene.

    Treatment with tea

    A person with a cold or flu reduces appetite, thirst arises, which you need not only to satisfy, but to satisfy with benefit for the patient. Viral intoxication, high temperature require high-quality drinking. What you offer the patient, you decide. It is important to remember that the total amount of liquid drunk should be 2-3 liters per day.

    The most popular and no less useful drink for flu and cold is tea. It is known that the flu affects the nerves and blood vessels.

    Getting into the blood, viruses cause chills, fever, headache, and in some cases dizziness and confusion. Particularly affected by the toxic factor of the influenza virus are small vessels( capillaries).Their walls are made fragile and porous, which creates the prerequisites for the occurrence of hemorrhages, especially in hypertensive patients. Hemorrhages can take place in different organs, rich in a network of capillaries. Especially dangerous if they occur in the brain, liver, retina of the eye, in the heart. In addition, the flu suffers from red blood cells - erythrocytes. They lose the ability to transfer oxygen to the tissues, and in this regard, symptoms of the disease from the side of the brain, especially sensitive to oxygen starvation, which is manifested by a feeling of suffocation and dizziness.

    Tea containing vitamins, strengthening the nerves and the vascular system, quickly removes the headache, resists minor hemorrhages.

    Tea with lemon gives a more pronounced therapeutic effect, since it helps to "neutralize" viruses in the pharynx, relieves unpleasant sweating and dry cough. When influenza is appropriate and the English version of tea - with milk. In this drink you can add a little "Borjomi" or a pinch of baking soda, honey or raspberry, rubbed with sugar. Get an anti-influenza cocktail. Drink it hot, several times a day and before going to bed.

    Try it for a cold tea with black pepper. Rinse the kettle with boiling water, put into it 1 teaspoon of tea and a pinch of black pepper, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew. Drink for colds 2-3 times a day and at night.

    When the flu is very popular herbal and vitamin teas. Given that many plants have antiviral action and increase immunity, you can, thanks to tea, speed up recovery, prevent complications, and in some cases prevent disease. Try tea from rose hips with honey.

    Multivitamin extract of dogrose, which has disinfectant properties, acts sweatshop, increases the body's resistance to infection and accelerates recovery. In the early days of the disease, prepare the infusion from a large dose( 5-7 tablespoons chopped fruit per 1 liter of boiling water, insist 4-6 hours in a thermos) and drink during the day.

    In the days that follow, prepare from infusion 2-3 tablespoons of fruit per 1 liter of boiling water. Remember that the infusion from the crushed rose hips needs to be filtered through 4-6 layers of gauze. It must also be borne in mind that rosehip preparations are not prescribed for patients with thrombophlebitis and with increased coagulability of blood.

    Effective and popular in everyday practice herbal teas, which include etheric plants. In this drink, if desired, you can add leaf tea( 1: 1).

    We offer several recipes for anti-influenza tea, which you can brew at home if necessary.

    Choose the right tea composition and prepare it in paper bags with single or daily doses. The latter, apparently, are more convenient and practical, especially during the epidemic, when you need to give the whole family a drink.

    The temperature of the therapeutic tea should be 37-38 ° C, which is well perceived by the mucous membranes of the mouth and stomach, promotes better assimilation of active biological compounds from plants.

    At the first sign of the flu, immediately prepare an infusion of one of the following:

    Mother-and-Stepmother 1 part

    Altai root 1 piece

    Oregano( grass) 2 parts

    Nettle( grass) 1 part

    Honeysuckle( fruits) 1 part

    Yarrow( grass) 2 parts

    Camomile( flowers) 2 parts

    Lime( flowers) 2 parts

    Willow bark 1 part

    2 tablespoons of collection pour in a thermos 0.5 liters of boiling water, infuse for 1 hour,strain, drink hot for 1/3 stackseveral times a day.

    1 tablespoon lime blossoms and 1 tablespoon fruit vinous pour in a thermos 1/2 liter of boiling water, insist 5-7 hours, drink hot at night for 1-2 cups with flu, good with honey.

    2 tablespoons collection from leaves of plantain large, root licorice naked, leaves mother-and-stepmother, taken equally, pour in a thermos 1/2 liter of boiling water, after 3-5 hours of infusion, strain and drink 1/3 cup every3 hours in a hot form with the flu as an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic.

    Grapefruit herb 1 part

    Raspberry fruit 2 parts

    2 2

    leaves 2 tablespoons of mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos, insist 1 hour, drink hot 1/2 cup 3-4 timesa day with the flu as a diaphoretic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory drug.

    2 tablespoons collection from of Scotch pine kidney, sage medicinal leaf, peppermint herb, marigold flowers, large plantain leaves, licorice nude root, perforated herb root, elecampane root high, taken in equal amounts, pour in 1/2 thermosl boiling water, insist 5-7 hours. Take infusion of 1/5 cup 3-5 times a day after meals with flu.

    2 tablespoons of mixture from raspberry fruit and leaves of mother-and-stepmother, taken equally, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain, drink with flu hot 3-4 times a day in a glass.

    2 tablespoons of the collection from of the root of the althea medicinal, the root of the licorice naked, the fruits of the anise ordinary, the leaves of the sage medicinal, the pine of the pine, taken evenly, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water in the thermos for 2-3 hours and strain and drink1/4 cup 3-4 times a day with flu.

    2 tablespoons oat straw pour half a liter of boiling water in a thermos, press for 2-3 hours. Drink hot infusion as a diaphoretic for the flu.

    When the pressure in the chest, feeling of rawness in the chest, coughing will help breast tea:

    Marshmallow root crushed 2 part

    Leaves mother and stepmother 2 part

    marjoram 1 part

    2 tablespoons collection pour in a porcelain teapot 2 cups of boilingboiling water, wrapped, insist 15 minutes and drink hot with honey in a glass 2-3 times a day.

    Take equal quantities of peppermint leaves, black elder flowers, linden flowers heart-shaped. 1 tablespoon of a collection to fill in 1/2 l of boiled water in a thermos, to insist 1 hour, to drink on 0,5 glasses 3-4 times a day.

    Naturopaths in the flu as a drink recommend fresh juices.

    Ideal for the flu is natural orange juice, dissolved in half with tea or mineral water.

    You can prepare vegetable and fruit juices at home. It is easy to make juice from grapefruit or lemon, the latter must be diluted with water or tea and sweetened with honey. A good antipyretic is the juice of red beets or carrots. In these juices, you can add 1/4 of the juice of white cabbage. It contains natural lysozyme and increases the body's resistance.

    All freshly prepared juices contain phytoncides, and this is their strength. Phytoncides( plant-derived biologically active substances) kill or inhibit the growth and development of microorganisms and thus act prophylactically for secondary( bacterial) complications.

    Traditional medicine for flu and cold offers many recipes for herbal and berry teas.

    There is a rich assortment of plants that can be used for making such teas: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, linden, blackberries, black elderberries, peppermint, black currant leaves, walnut leaves, dog rose, chamomile , etc.

    The well-known "tea"The plant is wild strawberry, whose leaves are harvested in early spring. They can be dried for future use, and also fermented as tea leaves. The leaves are allowed to fade, then roll out with a roller, sprinkle with water, wrap in a clean cloth and leave for three days in a warm room. The leaves "wander" and smell pleasantly. Then they are quickly dried and placed in iron boxes. Tea made from strawberry leaves is delicate, tasty, aromatic and healthy.

    Useful tea from the leaves raspberries, which contain tannins, apple, salicylic, citric, tartaric, formic acids, as well as essential oil.

    The tea from the flowers linden is pleasant and useful. The collected lime blossoms are dried quickly to preserve their natural appearance.

    Tea from the leaves of the elderberry is not bad. Dry the collected raw materials quickly and carefully.

    Tasty and useful tea from fruits and leaves blueberries, from dried apple peel.

    Tea can be flavored with chamomile flowers, peppermint, walnut leaves, orange, mandarin crusts.

    We present the recipes of teas with the vitaminizing effect of tonic acting.

    Vitaminizing fees

    Fruit of the viburnum 2 parts

    Mint leaves 2 parts

    Grass of the sage 2 parts

    Melissa grass 1 part

    2 tablespoons of the collection pour 1/2 l of cold water, boil over low heat for 5 minutes, infuse for 1 hour in a water bathand drink hot 1/2 cup 1-2 times a day.

    Rose hips 3 parts

    St. John's wort 1 part

    Camomile flowers 1 part

    2 tablespoons of the collection pour half a liter of boiling water in a thermos, add a piece of fresh lemon peel, infuse for 1 hour. Take honey over a tablespoon 1-2 times a day in the form of hot tea.

    Nettle leaves 3 parts

    Rose hips 2 parts

    Root elektrosil 1 part

    2 tablespoons of the collection pour 1/2 l of cold water, boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes, infuse for 1 hour.

    Take the broth hot, adding 10 drops of sea-buckthorn oil in each serving, twice a day, before serving.

    Herbaceous grass 2 parts

    Yarrow herb 1 part

    Eucalyptus leaves 1 part

    Rose hips 2 parts

    2 tablespoons of the collection pour in a thermos 1/2 liter of boiling water, add cinnamon, add 1 hour. Use the broth hot for 1/2 cup 2 times a day.

    Sprouts of Schisandra 1 part

    Sage grass 2 parts

    Grass turn 1 part

    Mint leaves 1 part

    2 tablespoons of the collection pour 1/2 liter of boiling water in a thermos, insist 2 hours and drink hot by 1/3 cup 3 timesin a day.

    Rose hips 3 pieces

    Raspberry fruits 1 part

    Black currant leaves 2 parts

    Nettle nettle leaves 1 part

    Ash berries 2 parts

    2 tablespoons of the collection pour 1/2 liter of boiling water in a thermos, insist 2 hours, strain anddrink hot in a glass 2 times a day.

    Broth string


    1 tbsp.a spoon of grass of a turn, 200 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Grass pour water at room temperature, keep in a water bath for 15 minutes.

    How to use.

    Take 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day after meals.

    Colds in children

    Symptoms of colds of are known to all. In children, as in adults, these diseases are accompanied by sneezing, mucous discharge from the nose, difficulty in nasal breathing, coughing, and the temperature rarely rises.

    Nasal passages to the kid should be cleaned with cotton wool, moistened with breast milk or plain boiled water. Treatment is carried out strictly according to the doctor's recommendations. A cold is an insidious disease. If you do not begin to fight it in time, then, after a long time, the illness can lead to complications and go to bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.

    If the cold is accompanied by a rise in heat, the picture of the disease changes. The child is weak, sleeps a lot, sleep is superficial, anxious, cheeks are red, eyes are dull, there is no appetite or it is sharply reduced. High fever can cause vomiting. Sometimes the heat can last for several days, and in some cases everything comes back to normal the next day. In any case, you need to call a doctor or ambulance. Before the arrival of specialists, it is necessary to give the baby a child's antipyretic agent in the form of a syrup or to place candles.

    All ARVI are transmitted by airborne droplets during sneezing, talking, coughing. Therefore, at the peak of the incidence of all family members, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures: restrict contact with patients, lubricate the nasal passages with ok-salt ointment and wear masks during illness. A mask can be bought in any pharmacy.

    All SARS begin with a rise in temperature. The baby has headaches, lethargy, he quickly falls asleep, but his sleep is anxious, the nose is laid, the child eats little and reluctantly. Then there are mucous discharge from the nose, sneezing, dry cough is added, turning into wet, the voice becomes hoarse. In severe cases, breathing is difficult, especially inhalation, dyspnea appears, the skin around the nose and mouth, and the fingers and toes acquire a bluish tinge. The rise in temperature is often accompanied by vomiting, a loose stool may appear.

    Influenza is transmitted by airborne droplets, so it is necessary to strictly follow all measures of its prevention. The disease begins with a sharp rise in temperature to high figures. The child may begin seizures, vomiting, painful reaction to light. Then the nasal congestion, dryness, perspiration in the throat, cough and hoarseness appear.

    Before the doctor comes, the mother must give the baby a child's antipyretic, put it in a crib, water it with boiled water and herbal decoctions with anti-inflammatory, soothing and antipyretic effects. At high temperature, the child's body is wiped with a tissue moistened with a slightly acid solution of vinegar or in diluted vodka. Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor, because very often the wrongly treated flu gives complications to all organs.

    Viruses of colds and bacteria causing complications. Your child is likely to suffer from colds ten times more than all other diseases combined. At present, we only partly understand the nature of colds. The common cold is caused by filtering viruses. These are so small microorganisms that they are not detained by a filter made of bisque, they can not be seen in a conventional microscope. It is believed that these viruses cause an easy cold with clear discharge from the nose and a slight sensation of scratching in the throat. If there are no complications, the illness ends in three days. But sometimes it happens in a different way. The cold virus lowers the resistance of the nose and throat, so that other microorganisms, such as streptococci, pneumococci and influenza bacteria, that can cause more serious consequences, can penetrate. This is called a "secondary invasion".Such bacteria usually live in the throat of a healthy person in winter and spring, but do not cause harm, because they are impeded by the resistance of the body. Only after viruses of catarrhal diseases have weakened this resistance, other bacteria have the opportunity to multiply and spread, causing bronchitis, pneumonia, inflammation of the ears and sinusitis. That's why you need to especially protect the child who has just had a cold.

    The most important means of protecting against colds is to stay away from a person who is ill with it.

    Resistance to colds.

    Many believe that they are more prone to colds when tired or frozen, But this has never been proven. A person falls less often if he increases his resistance, regularly leaving in cold weather. A bank employee can easily catch a cold, going out into the street than a logger. Therefore, children of all ages should spend several hours in the winter in the fresh air and sleep in cool rooms. Therefore, it is not too warm to dress children for a walk or too warmly to cover in bed.

    In houses and apartments, in which it is too warm and dry in winter, the nose and throat dry up, and this can weaken the resistance to pathogens. If the apartment air is heated above 23-25 ​​degrees, it becomes dry. Many people try to moisten it by putting water containers on the radiators, but this is completely useless. The correct way to keep the air moist in winter is to keep the air temperature no higher than 21 degrees( best 20 degrees);in which case you do not have to worry about humidity. Buy a reliable indoor thermometer( check whether it shows correctly when compared with several others: if the error is more than a half degrees, it is useless).Accustom yourself several times a day to look at the thermometer. Every time the temperature exceeds 20 degrees, turn off the heaters. At first it will seem troublesome to you, but after living a few weeks at a temperature below 21 degrees, you will get used to it, and you will not like it in a hot room.

    Does the diet affect the resistance to colds? Naturally, every child should receive a balanced diet. But there is no evidence that a child who has a reasonably balanced diet will catch cold if he gets slightly more than one species and slightly less than another.

    How do vitamins affect? Indeed, a person who receives a catastrophically small amount of vitamin A in food is more prone to colds and other infections. But this danger does not threaten children, who, as a rule, receive a sufficient amount of vitamin A in milk, butter, eggs and vegetables.

    It is believed that a child suffering from rickets( due to a small amount of vitamin D) is more susceptible to complications after a cold, such as bronchitis. But if a child does not have rickets and he receives a sufficient amount of vitamin D, there is no reason to believe that he will be less likely to get sick if he is given vitamin D supplementation. There must be a sufficient amount of vitamin C in the diet.

    The effect of age on colds. Children between two and six years catch a cold more often, get sick longer, and they have more complications( on average seven times a year in northern US cities, more often if the family has children attending kindergarten or school).After six years, the frequency and severity of colds are reduced. At the age of nine, the child falls ill twice as often as six, and at twelve, twice as less than nine. For the parents of a small child who always walks with a cold, this is, of course, little consolation.

    The psychological factor for colds. Psychologists are sure that some children and adults are more likely to catch cold when they experience great stress or are very upset. I imagine a six-year-old boy who is worried because of the lessons, because he lags behind the class in reading. Within a few months, every Monday morning, he starts coughing. You'd think he was faking it. But it's not so simple. He does not have a dry feigned cough. No, a real deep chest cough. Within a week, the cough weakened and completely passes by Friday to return and Sunday night or Monday morning. There is nothing mysterious in this. We know that a person, when he is nervous, his hands become cold and wet;the athlete may have a stomach upset before the decisive competition. It is likely that the nervous system interferes with the control of air flow in the nose and throat, so that bacteria can multiply there.

    Children are infected from each other. There is another factor, which affects the incidence of child diseases. This is the number of children with whom he plays, especially outside the family. The average is the only child living on an isolated farm that gets cold less often because it gets fewer bacteria causing colds

    disease. On the other hand, an average child who visits a kindergarten or school is sick much more often, although these children's institutions always try to immediately isolate the sick children. Usually, the patient begins to spread the infection a day before he has external signs of the disease. Sometimes he can spread the disease without showing any symptoms. There are such lucky children who catch cold rarely, although all around are ill with colds.

    Can warn of the spread of infection in the family. Most colds in the family are brought by young children, who themselves are sick with a mild form of cold. This is particularly true for small apartments, where all use the same rooms. Bacteria of colds and other diseases not only fly out when coughing and sneezing;a large number of them are constantly in the air. Studies have shown that the gauze mask, covering the mouth and nose, misses most bacteria. This means that there is no particular sense in the fact that the mother wears a mask or tries unsuccessfully to get the children to do it. Newborns contract less often, but nevertheless, especially if the mother has a sore throat, it is better not to breathe into the baby's face, do not cough and sneeze in his direction, wash with soap and hands before taking what will get to the baby in the mouth - a spoon, a pacifier, a ring for teeth, food that a child will eat with his fingers - to prevent transmission of a large number of bacteria.

    In special circumstances, it is worth taking other measures to protect against the infection of a morbid or susceptible child. If the apartment is large enough, the child should be placed in a separate room with a closed door, and the one who does not have symptoms of illness should take care of it. Preferably, this adult, who communicates with the rest of the family, did not sleep in the child's room and was not there without special need.

    If you suspect that your guest or friend has a cold or other illness, exercise firmness and do not let him into the apartment where the child is or do not let him go to the carriage in the street. Tell me that the doctor told you not to let the cold catch a child.

    How to deal with a chronic runny nose and sinusitis? If a person has these diseases last more than two weeks, he can no longer be isolated from the child. But I still advise you to follow the remaining precautions: wash your hands, turn your face away from the child.

    Radiography of patients with chronic cough. Any member of a family with a chronic cough should be examined by a doctor and undergo a radiograph to exclude the possibility of tuberculosis. This is especially important if the house has a small child or is expected to appear. If you have a small child and you hire a nanny or a housekeeper, ask her to take an X-ray before she lives in your house.

    Colds in newborns. If your child has a cold before the year, it is very likely that it will be mild. First he starts to sneeze;the nose may be clogged or the discharge, liquid or thick, begins. The child can cough a little. Temperatures he probably will not. When the nose gurgles, you will want to clean it. But it does not seem to bother the child. On the other hand, if the baby's nose is tightly clogged, he becomes anxious. He tries to close his mouth and gets angry that he can not breathe. Especially it worries him when he eats from the breast or from the nipples, so he sometimes can even refuse to eat.

    Slime from the nose can be pumped out with a small rubber syringe with a soft rubber end. Squeeze the bulb, insert the tip into the nose and release the pear.

    The presence of extra moisture in the air of the room helps to prevent the nose from clogging with mucus. If the nose is scored very much, the doctor can prescribe drops that should be allowed into the nose before feeding. In other respects, the child does not lose his appetite. Usually the common cold lasts for a week. However, in some cases, a baby's cold can last very long, remaining weak.

    Of course, a newborn can catch a bad cold. He may have bronchitis and other complications, but they are much less likely in the first year of life than later. If the child often coughs, if the cough is deep chest or barking and hoarse, the doctor should examine it, even if there is no temperature. The same applies to a child if he looks like a cold .In other words, a child may be sick and have a normal temperature.

    Cold and cold after a year. In some children, after a year, the common cold is just as light, without the temperature and complications, as in newborns. However, much more often after a year or two, colds and throat infections pass through him differently. Here is a typical story. A two-year-old child is quite healthy in the morning. By dinner he seems tired, and his appetite is worse than usual. When he wakes up after a day's sleep, begins to be capricious, and the mother notices that he is flushed. She measures the temperature - the child 39. At the time of arrival of the doctor, the temperature is already 40. The child's cheeks burn, eyes faded, but otherwise it does not seem particularly sick. He can completely refuse dinner or have a good meal. He has no symptoms of a cold, and the doctor did not find anything special. Maybe his throat was a little red. The next day the temperature will drop, but the rhinitis will begin. Perhaps the child occasionally coughs. From this moment begins an ordinary mild cold, which will last from two days to two weeks.

    There are several variants of this typical story. Sometimes, when the temperature rises, the baby tears. Especially often this happens when the mother is unreasonably trying to get the child to eat lunch, which he does not want( always believe the child's word when he loses his appetite).Sometimes the temperature initially lasts a few days, and only then do other cold symptoms appear. One of the reasons for the absence of a cold in the first days is that the temperature dries the nose. Sometimes the temperature lasts a day or two and falls off, and a cold or a cough does not. In this case, the doctor can call the disease a flu or influenza. These terms are commonly used to refer to infections that do not have specific symptoms( such as runny nose or diarrhea), but only common ( high fever and general malaise).You suspect that this one-day temperature is a cold that has not developed: in the first day or two after a drop in temperature the child seems perfectly healthy, but then, when it is released in cold weather to the street, it starts to runny and coughs.

    I especially emphasize the fact that in children over the age of the common cold usually starts at a high temperature so that you do not worry when it happens. Of course, you always need to contact the doctor in this case, because a high fever can mean a different, more serious illness.

    When a child turns five or six years old, the cold can again begin without a fever.

    The temperature during the period when the cold passes, has a very different meaning than the temperature on the first day. Usually it means that the disease has spread to other organs or intensified. It is not necessary that this be serious or alarming. This means only that the child should again examine the doctor and make sure that his ears, bronchi and urinary system are still healthy.

    Child care

    Calling the doctor. When your child has a cold for the first time, you need to call your doctor. The doctor will decide if he should visit you, and determine the necessary remedies. When the child catches a cold next time, it is not necessary to call a doctor, but if unusual symptoms occur, if the temperature exceeds 38 degrees or if the cold is stronger than usual, you should consult a doctor again.(If at night you find that the child is 38, it's not necessary to call right away.) Call in the morning.)

    The child should be warm. Cold exacerbates the common cold. Therefore, it is usually recommended to keep the baby at home and protect from drafts until the cold passes. In warm weather it is not so necessary, but still reasonable, especially with a small child. The wind cools one part of the body more than others, and this uneven distribution of heat helps to strengthen the cold.

    A mother usually wants a child to start walking as soon as possible, and the doctor often hears the same thing over the winter. Mother says;"He was much better, and yesterday was a beautiful day, so I decided that it would be useful for him to walk. But in the evening he began to cough harder and complains of pain in his ears. "There is no evidence that a sunny scepter helps to cure a cold, but there is much evidence that the cold is harmful.

    Very many children are not kept at home during a cold, and nothing serious with them seems to happen. But this does not apply to all cases. The doctor is dealing with more

    serious cases. That's probably why he's so cautious. It is prudent one or two days after the disappearance of the symptoms of a cold to hold a small susceptible child at home, then for 20-30 minutes to release into a place protected from the wind. If after the first day the cold does not return, the next day let him walk his usual time. If you are concerned about the stuffiness in his room, leave the door open in the corridor or ventilate the room, opening the windows for a few minutes.

    In a hot room, the air must be wet. The doctor often recommends that during a cold, you moisten the air in the room. It resists dryness and reduces inflammation of the nose and throat. This remedy is especially valuable with dry cough and croup. In warm weather, when the heating is off, it is not necessary.

    There are several ways to increase the humidity in the room. You can buy an electric humidifier in the pharmacy. Buy a large size humidifier that holds several liters of water and evaporates at least half a liter per hour.(A small humidifier does not produce enough steam to moisten the entire room, in which case the patient must breathe over the humidifier, and the children can not do this.) Some humidifiers are designed to shut down when water becomes scarce. This provides additional security. The humidifier must be in such a place that the child can not reach it or pull it by an electric cord.

    If you can not buy a humidifier, boil the water on the electric plate in the pan. The pan should be wide enough that the bottom of it covers the entire surface of the tile( in this case all the heat will go to the formation of steam). Warning: boiling water should be in a place where the child does not reach it and can not overturn it. It is not safe to use this method if the child can get out of the crib, and you are in a room unstable. Or the child should be big enough and responsible. Do not leave the tile on at night. Such tiles are the cause of fires.

    Sometimes the doctor recommends adding some kind of sedative to the humidifier. But the main factor is the moisture itself.

    Another method of increasing air humidity in the room is to coat the radiator with a damp bath towel. Every 20 minutes a towel should be dipped in water, Or keep both ends of the towel constantly in the water. Put one basin with water on the radiator, the second - on the floor, under the radiator. Put one end of the towel in the upper basin, the second - into the lower one. Towel as much as possible spread over the radiator. Press the upper end of the towel with two bricks or pin.

    You can moisten the room by hanging a wet sheet on the rope, but then the water will drip onto the floor.

    Drops for the nose. The doctor may attribute drops to the nose. They generally come in two varieties. Some drops are a light antiseptic that kills bacteria. Their usefulness is limited, because they act on bacteria only on the surface. Another variety is a drop that narrows the tissues of the nose and blood vessels in the nose. This facilitates air access and makes it possible to exit the mucus. The main drawback of these drops is that after the contraction of the tissues, a reaction occurs, and they expand even more. The nose is hammered even harder, and if such droplets are released often, irritation of sensitive membranes can be caused. In three situations, drops of the second type, leading to a narrowing of the tissues, are useful. Firstly, when a child has a badly stuffed nose, and this worries him. The child suffocates with food and can not sleep peacefully( this position can be alleviated by pumping the mucus from the nose with a soft syringe).Secondly, in the late stages of a severe runny nose or sinusitis, when the nose is filled with thick yellow discharge that does not go off by itself. Thirdly, when an ear infection the doctor needs to open the Eustachian tube that connects the ear to the throat.

    Nasal drops benefit when they get into the inner and upper parts of the nose. Suck the mucus from the front of the nose with an air syringe. Then put the child on the bed on his back and tilt his head. Drip the medicine and hold the child and this position for at least half a minute, so that the drops penetrate deep and up.

    Drops in the nose should be used only on the advice of a doctor and not more often than after 4 hours. Do not use them for longer than a week unless the doctor has offered it. The disadvantage of nasal drops is that many young children do not allow them to dig in. Only in a few situations is it worth insisting on this, at the risk of upsetting the child.

    There are a number of ointments that can be rubbed into the chest. The idea is to stimulate the skin of the chest to get rid of a cough or to cleanse the nose with aromatic oils that rise from the chest upwards. There is no evidence that such treatment contributes to recovery, but if it seems to you that it helps, there is no harm in using it.

    Drugs from to . No cough remedy cures a cold in the sense that it kills bacteria. It only facilitates the passage of air through the respiratory throat, so that the cough weakens, or rids the mucus. A person who has a sore throat or bronchial inflammation, should occasionally cough to remove mucus and pus. The doctor prescribes the medicine so that the cough is not frequent, does not tire, does not interfere with sleep and does not irritate the throat. Any child or adult who has a strong and frequent cough should be under the care of a doctor, and only the doctor decides what medicines to use.

    How to talk to your doctor about a cold in your child

    When talking to a doctor on the phone or in his office, keep the following information about your child's illness ready:

    • When did the cold begin?

    • What is its current? Does the condition improve, worsen or remain unchanged?

    Dr. Bill's Council

    • A cheerful baby + clear discharge from the nose = no reason to worry.

    • All the more sad child + ever thicker discharge from the nose( snot) = time to go to the doctor.

    Never make a conclusion that the child's condition does not deteriorate, without a doctor.

    • How much does the disease affect a child's sleep, behavior and appetite?

    • What are the discharge from the nose? Are they transparent and liquid or thick, yellow, green and viscous?

    • Are there other signs and symptoms, such as fever, discharge from the eyes, cough, earache, pallor, lethargy, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, rash, uncontrollable vomiting or drowsiness?

    Finally, be sure to tell how much the child is sick, in your opinion, and how much you are concerned. Doctors, especially pediatricians, refer to parents with strong intuition as assistants in the diagnosis and treatment of a sick child. If during the examination you will comment on the disease, it will help the doctor to make the correct diagnosis. Sometimes it happens that the child is quickened and becomes cheerful only for a five-minute visit to the doctor, and before and afterwards feels very bad;in this case your doctor may not see how much the child is actually sick. Your words will help.

    Choosing cold medicines for children

    How do you explain the word "confusion"?This is when you stand in a pharmacy in front of a shelf with the inscription "from a cough and a cold."Although all these drugs are screaming about their victory over nasal secretions( look at least their names, "anti-swelling" and "antihistamines"), it is worth noting the fact that none of them have been proven effective for children. In fact, control studies of infants and preschool children have shown that there is not much difference, give you an oral antidiuretic anti-histamine combination, dig in the nose with salt water or do not give anything. Improvement of the condition was noted in 51% of children who did not receive any medication, 67% in the group where medications were used, and 71% in children receiving placebo medicines instead of drugs. The conclusion is that most cold remedies have a placebo effect - that is, if you pay for a medicine and go through all the tests to get the child to take it, you are programmed to see positive results. In the interests of lovers of running around pharmacies in search of medicines for colds, let's take a look at all these means, giving dubious relief.

    There are a lot of different drugs from the common cold, and the methods of their action declared in advertising can be grouped simply: they dry or dilute the mucus secretion( mucus) produced and contract or narrow in the respiratory tract vessels and glands producing mucus.

    Drops and sprays for the nose. Drops and sprays are decongestants that constrict the blood vessels that penetrate the nasal mucosa and cause the mucous membrane to contract, thereby opening the nasal passages. In infants, the use of nasal drops is safe, but they can also be abused. Drugs from the common cold for babies do give temporary relief, helping the baby breathe. Babies, as you may recall, involuntarily breathe through their noses, that is, they can not breathe easily with their mouths when their nose is stuffy, as adults do. They struggle hard to breathe through a blocked nose. Nasal drops usually open the blocked nose in three to four minutes, allowing the child, who had a nose to this nose, and which because of this did not find a place to eat or sleep. But be careful: use nasal drops no more than three times a day for no more than three days in a row, since they have the opposite effect: artificially narrowed vessels expand even more, and the nose becomes even more embedded. To make the nasal drops more effective( so that they can get to the nasal mucosa, where they have to do the work), first clean the nose and then dig in.

    Antiedematous. Antidiarrhoeal drugs that are taken through the mouth, make the airway mucosa contract by narrowing the dilated blood vessels and reducing the secretion of the mucous membrane. Moreover, there is practically no evidence that decongestants are bringing relief to babies, they can also do harm. Remember our goal: to make sure that the secretions are liquid and moving. Studies have shown that decongestants interfere with the work of cilia, tiny hairs, lining the respiratory tract and pushing mucus. This fact, combined with the drying effect of anti-edematous-antihistamines, can actually lead to stagnant discharge. In addition, at doses high enough to relieve swelling, these drugs can overexcite the body, causing rapid heartbeat, hyperactivity and insomnia. Even over-the-counter medicines should be used for infants, if they are to be used at all, very carefully, and only after consulting a doctor.

    Antihistamines. As the name indicates, antihistamines block the effect of histamine, a substance that is produced when the allergen comes into contact with an allergy-prone mucosa of the airways. Histamine stimulates secretion: it flows from the nose, the eyes water, the baby sneezes. Antihistamines may have an effect if your child's symptoms are associated with an allergy, but are more likely to be useless for colds. Side effects are drowsiness, dizziness and indigestion. In infants and young children, antihistamines sometimes excite the nervous system, instead of having a sedative effect. Some drugs are a combination of anti-edema and anti-histamine, but unless you are advised to use them by your doctor, for infants it is better to have preparations with one ingredient. Sometimes infants can have both an allergy and a cold at the same time, and it is difficult to separate one from another or say what is the root cause, how to distinguish a cold from allergies. To make it easier for you to decide which remedy for the cold will help your child, pay attention to these recommendations.

    • Get advice from a doctor to choose an over-the-counter remedy according to your child's symptoms.

    • Do not give a combination of anti-edemas and antihistamines to a child for up to nine months, unless your doctor advises you.

    • Decongestants and antihistamines should be given before day or night sleep to give the child an opportunity to rest, and also before feeding, if the stuffy nose interferes with the child. Refuse these drugs if they cause insomnia in the child;try instead of them drops in the nose.

    • Limit the use of cold medicines to the following situations: if you are recommended to use them by a doctor;If the stuffy nose really bothers the child, that is, does not allow him to sleep or eat;if the child tolerates these drugs without undesirable side effects( tolerability of different drugs in infants is significantly different) and you objectively believe that they help.

    For most acute respiratory infections and for most children, your home care kit is still the most reliable, inexpensive and most effective cold medicine - of course, along with time management.

    When to call a doctor

    In most cases, a cold caused by viruses requires only careful care of the nasal cavity, copious drinking and time. It is not necessary to run to a pharmacy or a doctor. But sometimes the cold does not want to leave( the snot thickens), and you get up before the decision, to lead or not lead the child to the doctor. Here's how to determine.

    How badly does a child have a cold? Maybe the child is cheerful, joyfully playing, eats and sleeps well, and he has little or no temperature? Such a cold only causes anxiety with loud sounds produced by the child, and requires only treatment at home and your tender hands.

    What comes out of the baby's nose? If the secretions are clear and watery( flowing from the nose), you should not worry. If the discharge becomes more and more dense, yellow or green( there are what are called snot) and remain so for most of the day, this can be a cause for greater concern, especially against the background of increased temperature and capriciousness. Little secret: do not give the excreta that you found in the morning on waking, hold yourself. This is a common phenomenon, even with a cold that flows easily, because during the night of excretion they thickened. Rinse your nose and see if the secretions again become transparent.

    Look the child in the eyes. Eyes - a mirror of health. If the eyes of the child are still bright, there is nothing to worry about. But if they are dull, you should be alert. If from the corners of the child's eyes the yellow matter emits most of the day( and not just in the morning), this is cause for concern.

    Special note: Festering eyes against the cold always deserve a doctor's examination. This is a sign of a possible inflammation of the sinuses of the nose or inflammation of the ear. The discharge from the eyes against the background of reddening of the eyeballs in the absence of a cold is a conjunctivitis, and not a cold. Why do we adhere to the rule not to treat festering eyes on the phone if the child has a cold.

    In what direction is the disease developing? From the first day to the third day, the nose flows from the nose, and the child plays as if nothing had happened. On the fifth day, the snot thickens and the baby quiets down;there are other symptoms: fever, capriciousness and gaunt form. Urgently go with the child to the doctor. Without complications, the common cold takes three to five days;if there is a gradual deterioration of the condition, this is an occasion for anxiety.

    Other signs and symptoms.

    An ordinary cold for the most part simply causes inconvenience, as a stuffy nose prevents breathing. Once the nose is cleared, the child should feel better. But if the child is naughty, his nose is thick, his temperature, insomnia, sore throat, pain in his eyes, a strong cough or swollen, festering eyes are signs that something more is brewing than a simple cold.

    What to expect in a doctor's office

    When a doctor examines your child with an acute respiratory illness, he first of all tries to determine if it is caused by viruses, and in this case will go without any medications, or bacteria, and deserves antibiotic treatment. The next question: if it is an inflammation caused by bacteria, where it is localized: in the nose, in the sinuses of the nose, throat, ears or chest? If in none of these secluded places the doctor finds signs of an inflammatory process caused by bacteria and if the child does not feel very bad, the doctor will advise you to continue home treatment, giving the instruction: "Call me if the child becomes worse."Do not forget this advice. Colds often spread to the sinuses of the nose, ears or chest, and this requires a change in diagnosis and treatment.

    The method of non-medicinal recovery

    The task is to help the body cleanse of the accumulated "debris", strengthening the work of all organs of excretion. The great Russian physician A. Zalmanov stressed: "The defense of the organism, the power of self-healing are inexhaustible!"( Zalmanov A. Secret wisdom of the human body).If we leave the pregnant woman's body alone, let her rest and, furthermore, help her to quickly remove the slag accumulations through the excretory organs, her well-being will dramatically improve. How to do it?

    Rest - that's what a modern person needs during illness. This is especially important for women, combining active work with cares about the home, children and family.

    The right diet, which helps the early recovery, is very important during catarrhal diseases. The most effective "treatment" of the common cold is rest of the digestive tract, even from high-calorie food. Often ill people eat a lot not because they really have an increase in appetite( just usually they do not get a piece in their throats), but because it is believed that this will strengthen the dying forces.

    In fact, during illness the body needs all the strength to overcome it, they should not be spent on digesting and assimilating high-calorie food.

    Try at least one day not to eat( if you do not want to, especially if your throat hurts), but just drink it. Usually, during illness, appetite disappears, especially in young children, whose instincts are not yet crushed. I assure you, in a couple of days you will not die of hunger! Your body needs mainly in drinking and strengthened doses of natural vitamins, especially vitamin C.

    If you still want to eat, try 1-2 days on fruits: apples, bananas, grapefruits, fresh fruits for the season, compote of dried fruits( cmLetter 3, section "Bernard Jensen's Diet").Of course, this is expensive, but it seems that we are starting to make sure in practice that keeping health is more profitable and cheaper.

    Remember that not all juices and fruits are always equally useful.

    As long as the temperature and the symptoms of colds stay, be courageous and patient and do not eat anything but fruits and vegetables( the amount can be not limited, although preferably there is little, but more often).

    Then, when all the symptoms of colds subsided, the temperature is normalized, begin to gradually expand the diet, using the recommendations given in the "Bernard Jensen Cleanse Diet" section( Letter 3).Meat and fish use only when absolutely all the phenomena of cold completely disappear.

    Drink best juices, fruit drinks, jelly, compotes of dried fruits, vitaminized teas, broth of MEAT with honey or jam( if you are allergic to honey) - in general, any beverage containing large amounts of vitamin C.

    To increase the amount of vitamin Cyou can add concentrated or natural lemon juice, rose hip syrup.

    If you have a sick gastrointestinal tract, pain relieves a decoction of broth. You can add honey or jam to taste. In this case, it is best to drink no fruit, and kissels, enveloping the patient's gastrointestinal tract.

    When you lie in bed and rest, it's easiest to put a thermos around the bed, in which something warm is poured( within the above set of vitaminized drinks).A loving husband can pamper you with a mors or a jelly from cranberry, cranberries, sea buckthorn, blueberries - it all depends on your reserves. Do not waste money on huge plastic bottles with colorful labels. It is better to buy natural juices or dry extracts of juices. By the way, with their help you can make delicious kissels.

    It's best to drink a little, but more often. This is especially important for pregnant women, who are not quite in the order of the kidneys.

    If shivering, drink all drinks warm.

    Juices can be drunk through a straw.

    Try 1-2 days "to hold out" only on drinking: it will greatly facilitate your condition and help the body to spend all its energy and energy to fight the common cold.

    In addition to drinks, it is necessary to use a sweating tea.

    Sugared herbal tea is a wonderful helper, it does not give negative side effects. It is known that 100 g. Of diaphoretic tea is replaced by 2 tablets of aspirin.

    In case a young woman has a fragile nervous system, you can add sedative herbs protecting the nervous system: valerian root, motherwort, hops, hawthorn( flowers and berries - with a sick heart).With a tendency to hypertension( high blood pressure), weedweed is added, with a tendency to hypotension( low blood pressure) - eleutherococcus.

    All herbs are harvested together for 1 tbsp.spoon in an enamel bowl, mix, if possible, grind in a coffee grinder and store in a jar with a lid or in a linen bag( not in a cellophane bag!), with the inscription "sweatshop tea".

    With colds, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, flu, angina brewed at the rate of 2 tsp mixture to a glass of boiling water. And it is easier and best to brew grass in a thermos. Such a hot infusion will be ready in half an hour, but you can insist it all night. Then the sudorific tea must be filtered. You can again pour it into the same diaphoretic tea hot with honey or jam and lemon juice. You can use concentrated lemon juice.

    If you are in the summer in the village, be sure to cook a healing jam of forest raspberries or strawberries. Do not forget to hide it away from sweets. Such a diaphoretic tea with jam is good to drink several times a day, but at night it is necessary.

    A view from the point of view of naturopathy

    1. No serious disease attacks a person as a "thief in the night" - it is preceded by multiple attempts of the body to open "safety valves" and take out accumulated toxic waste and wastes. They are formed as a result of the fact that the usual organs of excretion - skin, lungs, liver, kidneys - do not have time to completely remove the products, worked out during the course of metabolism. The role of such valves is played by so-called acute diseases, among which the common cold is in the first place. Hippocrates also said: "An acute disease is a person's friend, and a chronic one is his enemy."

    2. Acute condition, including cold, is accompanied by active body reactions. Usually they begin quickly, children sometimes literally before our eyes: the temperature rises sharply, chills and fever appear. However, in severe chronicles, all reactions are dulled: the temperature does not increase substantially. In a weakened patient, all processes are lethargic and slow. Therefore, paradoxically, the healthier a person is, the more active, "sharper" he is sick. That is why children who have a stronger immune system reaction usually get sick.

    3. Any acute disease, primarily a cold, is a kind of defensive reaction of the body, demonstrating that it has entered into the struggle of the enemy by the disease. The signal that the challenge is accepted( the immune system is actively involved in the work and the development of antibodies begins) is the increase in temperature, the increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood. It's not for nothing that naturopaths say that leukocytes are soldiers guarding health. During a cold in our body, there is literally "general cleaning", cleansing of internal rubbish. Viruses burn in a fire of temperature, and slags are secreted with the help of mucus( a cold).

    "Never blame a cold, but rather be grateful for the timely warning of the body. .. The cold is the result of excessive accumulation of body waste and inadequate, poor isolation"( Walker N. Treatment of raw vegetable and fruit juices).

    4. The cold is the first signal of trouble in the body, and if you take this utmost seriousness and responsibility to this "trifling" indisposition, then, perhaps, there will be no more serious illnesses.

    5. For colds( however, as with any other "acute" disease), a holistic or systematic approach must first be followed. You need to influence the body as a whole. It is necessary that the pregnant woman( or those who care for her) try to activate the work of all organs of secretion( skin, lungs, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract) in order to remove, remove from the body accumulated debris, to bring the disease out, and notdrive it inside, into a chronic condition. For example, in case of a strong runny nose, do not give drops drying the mucous membrane, but increase the secretion of accumulated mucus with the help of sweatshops, when coughing - do not drown it with tablets so as not to drive the mucus deeper into the bronchi and lungs, and give expectorants, etc.

    ColdThe root of all diseases

    The Japanese folk proverb says: "The cold is the root of all diseases."We will try to take advantage of this folk wisdom and tell you about the rules of behavior during colds, which are recommended by naturopaths with a non-drug approach to recovery. Reasonable adherence to these recommendations will allow the body of a pregnant woman to cope with the disease, suppress it in the bud and not let the cold take deep roots in a hereditarily weak organ.

    Imagine: you still caught a cold. .. although they tried to temper and eat right. This happens to everyone, especially the dank autumn. What to do? Of course, the doctor must be called necessarily!

    Can I do without drugs for a common cold? Not only it is possible, but also it is extremely desirable. Naturopaths for centuries have accumulated a whole arsenal of nonspecific, acting on the whole body as a whole, which will not only facilitate the course of the catarrhal period, but also will avoid complications, which is extremely important.

    We strongly want to emphasize that in no case is it our goal to replace a doctor. A pregnant woman should consult a doctor for help in all cases of malaise! And if her condition is severe and hospitalization is required, then you must rely entirely on medical experience and advice.

    We call only to not take strong and very effective in severe cases, especially antibiotics, without extreme necessity. It is more reasonable and practical, with the slightest signs of a cold and in some simple cases to use non-pharmacological "old" methods, which now again gain the rights of citizenship.

    Try with the initial symptoms of flu, colds and other acute respiratory diseases to turn to grandmother's recipes, rely on grandfather's wisdom, get by with ancient folk remedies, and this will allow you to extract the maximum health from a common cold.

    Prevention of

    For influenza, colds for the prevention of influenza, take a mixture prepared as follows: 2 lemons and 2 heads of garlic rubbed on the grater, mix it and pour 1 liter of boiled water, stand 3 days in a dark place at room temperature, filter, pourin the refrigerator, take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach. The mixture should be taken from early autumn until late spring.

    Feeling sick with flu can be markedly improved by inhaling aromatic fumes. Do this as follows: during the boil, add lemon juice, a little salt, eucalyptus leaves or eucalyptus oil into the water, pour this mixture into the cup. Keep the cup should be slightly below the face and breathe deeply in pairs through the nose. It is advisable to breathe alternately first one nostril, then the other. If one nostril does not work, for example, the right one, then it is recommended to lie on the left side - the right nostril should open - and vice versa. And for the night you need to drink 1 teaspoon of honey with lemon juice.

    With a cold, it is often useful to wash your nose with water and lemon juice.

    Another remedy for the common cold.150 grams of grated horseradish mixed in a bottle of juice from 2-3 lemons. Get a pretty thick sauce. You need to take half a teaspoon of this sauce a day in the morning and the same after noon. Most likely, there will be abundant lacrimation, but phytotherapists advise not to pay attention to such trifles - on the contrary, it is necessary persistently and persistently to continue treatment. Do not dilute the medicine or wash it with water or some other liquid. After taking the medicine, you must at least half an hour to refrain from drinking. After a few weeks, the tears will gradually disappear when taking the medicine - the less mucus, the less tears. An ancient recipe states that this sauce does not irritate the kidneys, gallbladder and intestinal walls, however, provided that "vinegar is not added" to it. Horseradish should be fresh. Sauce can be stored in the cold for quite a long time.

    During epidemics of influenza, it is also recommended to prepare lemon oil for prevention: 1 lemon put into a hot water for 1 minute, pass it through a meat grinder( together with zest), mix with 100 g of butter and add 1-2 tablespoons of honey. Store and use as a normal butter.

    You can do this: finely chop the lemon along with the peel and fill it with vegetable oil. With the flu, lubricate your nostrils several times a day with this oil, rub them gums after eating and before eating, and soles and ears for the night. Use also this oil for dressing salads.

    If you put a slice of lemon on the cheek( shifting it from side to side until the intense salivation stops), you can protect yourself from the flu by contacting the patient. At elevated temperatures it is recommended to eat lemons as much as possible. Water with lemon juice is an effective and safe antipyretic.

    At the very beginning of the disease, as soon as the sore throat, drink a glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit, orange or pomegranate juice, half diluted with warm boiled water, or a glass of water with 5 drops of a 5% alcohol solution of iodine.

    Effective at any stage of the disease - slowly chew lemon with zedra( the procedure is good to do every day).

    For chronic pharyngeal diseases, chronic tonsillitis is recommended such a therapeutic cocktail: 2 tablespoons of red beet, 250 ml of kefir, 1 teaspoon of rose hip syrup, juice of half a lemon.

    With a strong cough, cook 1 lemon 10 minutes on low heat, remove it, cut and squeeze out the juice. Take during the day on a teaspoon with coughing attacks.

    Another way: mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 1 lemon juice, beat 2 fresh eggs there, stir well. This mixture pour 1 cup of cooled boiled water and stir again.

    Drink during the day sips every hour. This mixture of traditional healers recommend to adults and children.

    Treatment of angina

    You can gargle with a 30% solution of citric acid every hour during the day. Or: take 2-3 slices of lemon, peel them from the peel, hold in your mouth, suck, trying to make slices of lemon as close as possible to the throat. Do this every hour. It's also good to eat 1 whole lemon throughout the day with the skin.

    Young children were previously lubricated with a throat of lemon juice with a cotton swab put on a ray, and then they put a warming compress on their neck, which was changed every 3-4 hours. Older children were allowed to gargle each hour with a warm solution of lemon juice( juice of 1 lemon per 1 cup of boiling water).If the patient was not able to gargle himself, he was given pure juice, squeezed out of a slice of lemon, then they gave him a hot lemon tea( juice of one lemon was poured with hot tea) and put into bed.

    With fever and malaria

    Curing with strong heat and accompanying unpleasant symptoms helps the juice of any citrus. There is one more recipe: mix 100 grams of dry crushed orange crusts and 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 2 weeks, shaking periodically, then strain. Take 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day for 20 minutes before a meal, washing down with water.

    With malaria, folk healers recommend eating 1 lemon and zest during the day. The course of treatment is 4-6 days. It is also useful to eat grapefruit - they contain natural bitterness, helping to cope with this disease.

    1. It is recommended to drink beet and carrot juice by 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

    2. With a cold, 2 flagellum from bandage soaked with honey, then inserted into the nasal passages for 10-15 minutes. The effect of the procedure is the appearance of heat in the nasal passages. It should be done 4-5 procedures.

    3. Aloe juice and beet juice are instilled in each nasal passage of 2-3 drops every 3-4 hours with a cold.

    4. For the prevention of colds during the epidemic, it is recommended to eat 2-3 cloves of fresh garlic and a medium sized bulb every day.

    Scientists have proven that "slagged", a toxin-contaminated organism loses its protective powers, its immunity is weakened. If a person is not hardened, the mucous membrane of the nose stops resisting viruses and bacteria, and because the body is contaminated, it lends itself to infection. Prevention of colds and infections is constant hardening, development of nonspecific immunity. If the body is clean and hardened, then meeting with patients is not so terrible, although it is better for pregnant women to take care and avoid contact with patients.