  • Milk mixture

    A mixture of "Baby".The necessary amount of dry mixture "Baby" is gradually diluted in warm( 50 ° C) boiled water, then, stirring constantly, heat to boil. Stir the mixture, pour into a clean bottle, cool to 36 ° C.

    For 100 ml: dry mix "Baby" - 13.5 g( 1 tablespoon without top), water - 100 ml.

    Mixture "Detolact".In a clean, pre-boiled dishes, pour in the necessary amount of dry detolact mix, add warm boiled water( 37-38 ° C), stir until completely dissolved and pour into a clean bottle.

    For 100 ml: dry mixture "Detolact" - 2 measuring spoons( measuring spoon holds about 6.5 g of dry mixture), water - 90 ml.

    Mixture of Vitalact. The necessary amount of dry mixture "Vitalakt" is dissolved in a small amount of warm boiled water, add the remaining water, mix. The reconstituted mixture is poured into a bottle, placed in a pan with water so that the water level corresponds to the level of the mixture in the bottle and boiled for 5 minutes from the boiling point of the water in the pan. After cooling to 36-37 ° C, the mixture is ready for use.

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    For 100 ml: a dry mixture of "Vitalak" -15.5 g( 1 tablespoon), water - 100 ml.

    The acidophilic mixture "Malyutka"( from the dry mixture "Baby").Dry the mixture "Baby" dissolve in a small amount of warm( 40 ° C) water, add the remaining amount of water and pasteurize in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, then cool to 38-40 ° C, add an acidophilic starter, mix thoroughly and holdat a temperature of 38-40 ° C( it is possible in a thermos) for 6-8 hours. An acidophilic starter can be obtained in a dairy kitchen.

    For 100 ml: dry mixture "Baby" - 13.5 g: water - 100 ml, acidophilic ferment - 0.5 ml.

    Kefir curd. Received in the milk kitchen kefir( or kefir "Children's", cooked in a dairy) pour into enamelware and put on the smallest fire. When a clot forms on top, flip it over a sterile gauze napkin to make a glass serum. It turns out a fresh and gentle cottage cheese.

    For 100 g: kefir - 600 ml. Curd cheese curd. To cold pasteurized or boiled milk, add lactic calcium or a solution of calcium chloride, stir and heat to a boil, then immediately remove from heat and cool to room temperature( for better separation of whey).Obtain the resulting unleavened cottage cheese on a sterile sieve, covered with sterile gauze, squeeze out the mass and place in a sterile( boiled) glass jar.

    For 100 g: milk - 600 ml, lactic calcium - 2.4 g( or calcium chloride - 6 ml of 20% solution).