  • Viral conjunctivitis: symptoms and treatment of conjunctivitis

    In the classification of ophthalmic diseases, viral conjunctivitis is the most common disease caused by infection of the eye conjunctiva.

    Leaks, both in episodic and in epidemic form. It is characterized by frequent manifestation on the background of weakened immunity.

    The main types of the disease

    Among the virus conjunctivitis there are many different types and forms. The main types include several forms of manifestation of the disease:

    1) Epidemic form( keratoconjunctivitis).

    2) EGC( hemorrhagic form of epidemic viral conjunctivitis).

    3) Disease due to infection of the novolat. Molluscum;

    4) Pharyngoconjunctival fever( adenovirus type), with several forms:

    • of catarrhal manifestations;
    • of the follicular formations;
    • film coatings.
    5) Herpetic appearance and its subspecies with manifestation:

    • of catarrhal symptoms;
    • follicular;
    • and vesicular-ulcerative.

    Causes of

    The cause of the development of viral conjunctivitis is based on the action of various types of viruses and infections:
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    • with different strains of viruses causing ARVI.
    • with adenoviral infections that cause keratoconjunctivitis and conjunctival fever.
    • enterovirus infections of the family of pikernaviruses are causative agents of the epidemic and hemorrhagic type of the disease.
    • activation of herpes simplex virus - Herpes simplex of the first two types, is the cause of herpetic conjunctivitis.
    • manifestation of follicular conjunctivitis is caused by the virus of the molluscum contagiosum.- Novolat Molluscum.
    Infection occurs with airborne contact, through water and food.

    Symptoms of viral conjunctivitis

    1) Symptoms of herpetic viral conjunctivitis are especially noted in babies. In the form of a slow and slow process.

    In the beginning, the eye conjunctiva of one eye becomes infected, after a while the infection passes to the second eye. In catarrhal form, this species manifests itself:

    • edema and hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the eyelid;
    • with minor secretions of a mucopurulent nature from the conjunctival sac.
    The follicular form, in addition to the listed symptoms, is characterized by the precipitation of graafovyh vesicles on the mucosa of the eye conjunctiva and the hummocky eyelid roller.

    2) The manifestation of vesicular-ulcerative, herpetic type of viral conjunctivitis is marked by such symptoms:

    • recurrent ulcers and erosions on eyelid rollers coated with thin films;
    • is a manifestation on the surface layers of the sclera of prosuboid watery vesicles.
    In any form of this type of disease, rashes on the eyelid rollers and on the side surfaces of the nostrils are possible.

    3) Signs of conjunctival fever, adenoviral type begin with the usual acute rhinitis and alternation of increase and decrease in temperature, with inflammation of the eye conjunctiva alone, and a lesion in the three-day period of the second eye. Increased lymph nodes on the neck and a significant decrease in the sensitivity of the cornea. The latent period lasts a week.

    The catarrhal form of conjunctival fever is characterized by the following symptoms:

    • edema and inflammation of the connective membrane;
    • with insignificant secretions of exudate, consisting of mucus and pus;
    • the cornea of ​​the eye is not damaged.
    The duration of the disease is a week.

    The main signs of the follicular form of the disease is the formation of various gelatinous follicles in the transitional folds of the eyelid. The surface of the conjunctiva can be covered with a thin grayish film coating, under the film coating of the conjunctiva bleeds.

    4) Signs of manifestation of EGC and keratoconjunctivitis. The peculiarity of the manifestation of keratoconjunctivitis is formation on the background of weakened immunity. Weekly latent period ends with the appearance of characteristic common symptoms. The disease is acute and can last up to eight weeks. A week later, after an acute onset, a distinctive symptom of the disease appears - multipoint subepithelial infiltrates on the cornea, an obvious sign of keratitis.

    A distinctive feature of hemorrhagic viral conjunctivitis is a very short latent period, from twelve hours to two days. In addition to general symptoms, additional manifestations appear:

    • in the form of general weakness;
    • with sharp pains;
    • sensation of rubbish in the eye;
    • conjunctival hemorrhage;
    • decreased sensitivity and the formation of subepithelial infiltrates in the cornea.
    5) Signs of conjunctivitis caused by a filtering virus - Novolat Molluscum

    This form of infection manifests itself:

    • formation on the edge or away from the century of waxy glossy nodules with a retracted funnel in the center;
    • by mucus secretion;
    • by follicular formations on the affected eyelid;
    • a prolonged course of the disease can provoke the formation of keratitis, and as a result - the turbidity of the cornea.
    See also how to treat allergic conjunctivitis.

    Treatment of viral conjunctivitis

    In the treatment of viral conjunctivitis, preparations are prescribed for external use. Antiviral, immunostimulating antihistamines. In order to protect against infections - antibacterial drugs.

    For the treatment of conjunctivitis in adults, drops are prescribed based on interferon and an enzyme of hydrolysis-deoxyribonuclease class, which helps to dissolve pus and delay development, various kinds of viruses.

    Antiviral ointments are prescribed for the bookmark for eyelids:

    1. 1) Bonaton ointment that influences the process of reproduction of viruses;
    2. 2) Florenal ointment that neutralizes the activity of
    3. viruses. 3) Preparations and ointments that include acyclovir, which adversely affect the active types of herpes virus, and block the replication( renewal) of its DNA.
    In the treatment of viral conjunctivitis in young children, local application of interferon is not foreseen. Interferon is used for rectal application in the form of suppositories Viferon and a solution for washing - Poludan, in which it is included.

    In the treatment of conjunctivitis caused by a filtering virus, destruction( destruction) of affected areas by surgical procedure:

    • of simple excision;
    • removal by cryotherapy;
    • laser cauterization
    In order to maintain the immune status, a vitamin complex is prescribed.

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