  • What the driver does, play with the child

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    The formation of the simplest role-playing behavior began already in the third year of the child's life - unification in the semantic chain of actions characteristic of a certain role, naming oneself in the name of another in response to the question of an adult. The child in an independent game with dolls already recreates the first roles: mother, the doctor - the patient.

    But how does he do it? Let's look carefully at his game. Mom feeds her daughter lunch, leads a walk, puts her to bed. The doctor puts a thermometer and makes injections. And so from game to game - the same thing. The roles, and the role-playing actions themselves( often determined by the presence of appropriate toys) are also monotonous.

    The task of an adult at this stage is to enrich the content of the game role and expand the range of roles that the child takes on. How can this be done? First of all, read books to him in which the professional functions of adults, their relationships with other people, talk with him about what the chauffeur does, the doctor, in what is accessible to the child, what is the meaning of their work. But you can do it and play with the child.

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    Specific human functions are much more clearly visible through its interrelationships with other people. In principle, each role includes potential links with other roles. But there are roles for which the main actions are directly directed at another person. Such a role( let's call it central) simply necessitates the emergence of another role with which it constitutes a semantic unity( this other role can be called an additional one).Examples of such paired role relationships: doctor-patient, mother-daughter, seller-buyer, teacher-student, etc. Such roles with child-friendly relationships and should initially be used by an adult in a joint game.

    Many pair roles are already familiar to the child. Some - from their own experience( he was treated by a doctor, she was barbering, drove a taxi driver), others - according to observations( he sees how my mother buys food in a store, sends a parcel to the post office, etc.).He knows some things from the stories he has read( the captain controls sailors on the ship, the teacher teaches children, etc.).

    Usually the child is more attracted in pairs, the main, central( doctor, captain, seller).She seems more interesting to him, she always has more actions( the seller can and weigh, and cut off, and wrap the purchase, and what can the buyer-just ask if there is a product he needs).

    Adult by connecting to the already started role-playing game of the child and taking an additional role( which the child usually assigns to the puppets) -patient, passenger, buyer, through play actions, replicas, passing explanations, significantly expand the child's views on both roles and behavior, and,consequently, to increase the range of its possible game actions.

    For example, a child is a "doctor", he treats his "sick" puppets.

    - My arm also hurts, - connects to the game adult. - Doctor, treat me.

    Patients can be different: capricious and calm, fearing any medical manipulation and fearless even before injecting. Their behavior causes and various reactions, actions, replicas of the "doctor".The adult can depict the child himself( after all, the mother knows how he behaves with the doctor).Such a slightly jocular image in the game of the children themselves causes them positive emotions.

    And the disease in patients are different. With some, they come to the polyclinic, but with others:

    - Come on - I had a high fever. I called home an ambulance.

    After this and in the independent game, the actions of the child "doctors" will become more diverse.

    And here your little son built a car out of the chairs, buzzes with excitement and turns the steering wheel. Stay for a very short time as a passenger:

    - Are you a chauffeur? Do you have a bus or a taxi?

    - Take me to the store, please.

    A passenger often talks to a taxi driver, so you can make a variety in the game due to the role dialogue, while clarifying the child's ideas about the chauffeur's work( what brand is the car, how often it breaks, who repairs it, where it goes for the night, where the garage andetc.).You can talk about the names of the surrounding streets, find out how the child is oriented in them. Of course, for all these questions, the adult, together with the child, responds using a game to expand the child's knowledge.

    After talking with the "chauffeur", you can easily get out of the game:

    - I already arrived, thank you.

    And that the child's actions are not limited to only

    to "taxiing", you can hint at the further course of events:

    - It seems to me that your car is jamming. You would check the motor!

    Or else:

    - Do you still have gasoline? Is not it time to refuel the car?

    Proposed actions the child can deploy without a partner.

    It is necessary to introduce new roles into the game carefully, because the child's initial inability to realize them through playing actions may lead to failure. For example, an adult offers a child a completely new role for him:

    - Come on - you'll be a captain, and I'm a sailor!

    The failure follows immediately:

    - No, I do not know how.

    Therefore, it is better to offer a new role, introducing it through the description and creation of a complete game situation:

    - Come on - we seemed to sail on the boat. This is our ship.

    The designation of the playing space can now be more conditional, laconic, than in the game with children of the third year, but nevertheless we need the characteristic details of the ship: the nose part or its contour, the helm, the mast or the captain's bridge. Use for this purpose the deputies: the contours of the steamer can be designated by brusochki, chopsticks, thick rope. In the center it was a stilt, it was also a "captain's bridge".Ahead - "steering wheel"( a toy steering wheel on a support or something similar, than it is possible to act as a steering wheel).If the child wants, he then adds the details to the "steamship" himself.

    - Do you want to be a captain?- offers an adult.

    - Not? Then I'll be captain, and you're a sailor. Good? Where do we sail?

    The first of your actions will attract the child, he will see how the captain works, and now he will not mind himself to stand in your place. Suggest him this:

    - Come on-now you're the captain, and I'm a sailor.

    You can ask the content of the actions of the captain from the role of a sailor, tactfully using suggestive questions, thinking aloud about what you think is the captain's responsibility and what is the responsibility of the sailor.

    To facilitate the acceptance of the role of a child can and through the game subjects. Now they need not so much as before. This may be an object that is an external sign of the role( such subjects are called role attributes by teachers), for example a cap identifying the role of the captain, a bag with a red cross for the doctor, etc. Such parents can also make such attributes themselves( or together with the child)if they want to introduce a new role in the child's play. Do not just get addicted to them. They should be simple and concise, being just a sign of the role. Role-play is not a masquerade, it does not require any special costumes. The child should be able to quickly change the role of the game, as it should be.

    Another thing that facilitates the adoption of a new role is a toy, on the one hand, acting as a sign of a role, and on the other hand as an object of direct operation. She immediately sets the child a specific action, corresponding to the role. For example, for a captain such a specific key toy can be binoculars, for the seller in the store - scales, etc.

    When connecting to a child's game, an adult should have in mind a sense field in which the child is already acting( i.e., the plot of the game,play a role), and make your suggestions and amendments as if from within it.

    It only takes several times to do it directly( "Does the chauffeur do this?", "This does not seem to the car, it's necessary to do it wrong", etc.), how you destroy the spontaneity of the game( after all,action, and its meaning), and the child will prefer to play alone, avoiding your interventions, stopping the game in adults.

    After a child's independent play it is useful to discuss with him what he played today, who he was.(After all, when he plays alone, he does not need a name, a designation of his role, then his awareness can be delayed.)