  • Children's play and age

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    Understanding the features of the children's game scenes, how to build it, you can ask: when and in what order do they appear in the child? By the way, this question is most of all worried about parents who are interested in children's play. Turning to specialist educators, they often ask: how should a child play at 3 years( at 5 years old, etc.)?

    The game does not appear in the child by itself, but is formed from it( spontaneously or purposefully).Therefore, it is hardly possible to talk about rigid matches of the game and age. Much here depends on the specific conditions of the child's life, the conditions of his upbringing( gaming experience, the organization of adult cognitive and practical activities, etc.).

    Throughout the pre-school childhood( from 2 to 7 years), the child gradually masters increasingly complex ways of constructing the game in the following sequence:

    is a subject-effective way of constructing the game, role-playing game construction method, plotline.

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    However, if the majority of children master most of the children by the conditional subject-play action, the mastering of more complex ways of constructing the game later occurs in children at different times and not always in full. For example, children do not always master complex forms of role behavior. You can observe another picture-the shoot on the simplest role-playing simulation. This is often the result of an incorrect pedagogical approach-the demands from children for playing ready-made, adult-set subjects, which prevents the child's independent creative plotting of the game's plot.

    But from the point of view of the educational it is better if the child takes possession of all these methods, since each of them has an important, specific developmental value that is specific for him. Each of them in its own way allows the child to absorb in himself, to master different aspects of the surrounding life.

    Without setting rigid age limits for each mode of the game( like no other activity, it requires taking into account the individual situation of the child's development), we will try to determine only about the moment when it is possible to start forming it.

    The formation of the simplest way of constructing a game-a subject-effective game-can begin as soon as the child has mastered a number of simple practical actions with objects, that is, mastered the designation of household items( spoon-eat, comb-combed, etc.).Usually the understanding of such simple functions of things becomes available to children by a year and a half.

    The transition to role-playing behavior in the game is largely related to the increasing capabilities of the child to correlate, compare his actions with the actions of others, with the development of his speech, which becomes one of the important means of realizing the role in the game. Role behavior as a way of constructing a game can be formed, starting from 2.5-3 years.

    At the age of 5 most researchers point out as a watershed in the game( the transition of children to the reconstruction of complex role relationships, complex event sequences).Simply recreating the life of adults through conditional objective actions and certain roles ceases to suit the child, restrains his activity in the game, prevents the use of an expanding experience. Therefore, the age of 5 years can be singled out as the conditional border of the transition to the formation of the plot - a way of constructing a game that carries a much higher load than the previous ones.