  • Ammonia alcohol useful properties

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    Ammonium alcohol is a 10% solution of ammonia( Solutio Ammonii caustici) - a clear, colorless, volatile liquid with an acute characteristic odor of a highly alkaline reaction. Miscible with water and alcohol in all proportions. Contains 9.5-10.5% ammonia.

    Upon inhalation ammonia alcohol reflexively exerts a stimulating effect on the respiratory center, acting through the upper respiratory tract receptors( end of the trigeminal nerve).In high concentrations ammonia can cause a reflex stop of breathing. It is used as an emergency aid for the initiation of respiration and the removal of patients from syncope. To do this, gently bring a small piece of cotton or gauze, moistened with ammonia, for 0.5-1 second to the nose. Sometimes this drug is taken internally as an emetic for 5-10 drops per 100 ml of water.

    Warning! Ammonium alcohol is used only in a diluted form, otherwise it will cause burns of the esophagus and stomach.

    When insect bites are applied externally in the form of lotions.

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    Ammonium alcohol has an antimicrobial effect and cleanses the skin well, in surgical practice it is used to wash hands( 25 ml per 5 liters of warm boiled water).

    Warning! Local application of ammonia solution is contraindicated for dermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases.

    In bronchitis as an expectorant recommend drops of ammonia-anise( Liquor ammonii anisatus).The composition includes anise oil( 2.81 g), ammonia solution( 15 ml), 90% alcohol( up to 100 ml).Adults recommend a daily dose of up to 15 drops, i.e. 5 drops 2-3 times a day. Children under one year - not more than 1 drop 2 times a day.

    Ammonium alcohol is a part of the chest elixir( Elixir pectoralis).This drug contains a liquorice thick extract( 20.7 g), animate anise oil( 0.34 g), concentrated aqueous ammonia( 1.38 g), 90% ethyl alcohol( 20.41 ml), water( up to100 ml).This elixir is taken as an expectorant for 20-40 drops several times a day;children are prescribed to take as many drops as the child's age.

    In neuralgias, rubbing myositis, ammonium liniment( Linimentum ammoniaturn) is used, which includes a solution of ammonia, sunflower oil and oleic acid. This is a ready-made drug.

    When sneezing

    Ammonium alcohol is known in some families as an irreplaceable remedy for frequent and prolonged sneezing. Each person's reaction to the appearance of cold symptoms is individual: someone can limit to 2-3 sneezing, and someone frequent "achkhi" can continuously overcome until exhaustion for 5-10 minutes. And only "snuffles" of ammonia can correct the situation, interrupting a continuous series of sneezing.

    Do this. In a small bottle( up to 200 ml) pour almost to the top of ammonia. The remaining space is filled with sunflower oil. It is lighter than alcohol and will tend to settle at the top of the container. The purpose of vegetable oil is to avoid the rapid evaporation of alcohol. When appears, the sneezing and sneezing of is vigorously shaken up by the bottle, and then one by one the open dishes are alternately brought to one and then another nostril and the rising vapors are tried to inhale the "working" nostrils( another nostril is clamped with a finger at this time).The depth and intensity of the "snuff" should be increased gradually, since an overdose of the inhaled person may give rise to a sensation that is familiar to many people in the notion of "brain knocking out".Sneezing should soon cease. To release the nasal passages from the mucus, the inhalation of ammonia vapors is repeated several times a day until the signs of a runny nose disappear.