  • Periodontitis: symptoms and treatment, photos, causes

    What is it - the disease of the inflammatory nature of the tissues surrounding the tooth, accompanied by the destruction of the structure of the alveolar jaw bone, is called periodontitis.

    This is a fairly common and insidious disease, threatening irreversible changes and destruction of tissues.

    Parodont can be represented as an apparatus holding and surrounding the tooth, consisting of a gum, muscle tissue holding the tooth in the jaw, and bone jaw tissue around the root of the tooth. Periodontitis leads to an inflammatory process of the tooth apparatus, which is its support. If the disease is started, atrophy of the dental apparatus can occur, when the connection between the tooth and the alveolus is lost, so that the teeth fall out.

    The causes are most often the deposition of bacterial traumas( plaques) on the gums and teeth. With improper care of the oral cavity a stone is formed on the teeth, which eventually hardens, and grows into the depth of the gums. As a result, dentogingival cavities or pockets are formed that are difficult to clean, since a toothbrush is not accessible to them. In the pockets there is a multiplication of bacteria.
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    Causes of periodontitis

    Why does periodontitis develop, and what is it? Allocate reasons common and local. To general( or systemic) causes of periodontitis include diabetes, blood diseases, as well as immunodeficiency. These diseases have the character of periodontal syndrome. In addition, the disease leads to chronic infectious diseases, predisposing to periodontitis and aggravating the course of the disease.

    Local causes include the spread of germs in the dental plaque. The microbial agents Treponema denticola, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, provoking the disease have been identified. The same affects the condition of the gums and teeth bite, its violation leads to injuries and the development of periodontitis.

    The traumatic group of causes includes an abnormality of the occlusion, high fastening of the bridle of the oral mucosa, incorrect or boring arrangement of the teeth, hypertonic musculature.

    Causes of the disease:

    • wrong position of the teeth, malocclusion;
    • unprofessionally chosen prosthetic bridge design and overload of key teeth;
    • incorrectly installed seals( overhanging), excess fillings;
    • formation of calculus and plaques;
    • chronic diseases;
    • immunodeficiency, diseases of the blood system, diabetes mellitus;
    • improper nutrition( eating soft food);
    • vitamin deficiency;
    • insufficient hygienic care for the oral cavity.
    It is necessary to eat hard food daily - vegetables, fruits in fresh form to ensure self-cleaning of teeth and gum massage. These or other symptoms of periodontitis are noted in almost all adults.

    Symptoms of periodontitis

    If the sensation appears that the tooth becomes longer or its neck is exposed, then this indicates an initial stage of the disease. It is necessary to consult a doctor to start treatment on time.

    Periodontitis, and its first symptoms can be detected independently, based on clinical evidence:

    • bad breath and smack in the mouth;
    • teeth bleeding;
    • exposure of the neck of the tooth and discomfort.
    If plaque is not eliminated, tartar is present, it can become an impetus to the development of the disease. Parodontitis is characterized by progressive destruction and destruction of the processes of the alveoli, namely their cells. This is manifested by the following symptoms:

    • gum bleeding;
    • saliva viscosity;
    • weakness of ligament and muscle;
    • plaque.
    In case of exacerbation of the disease, there are purulent discharge from the zygomodoneal pocket, reddening and inflammation of the gums, mobility and dislocation of teeth, bad breath. Sometimes there are fistulas, abscesses on the gum, enlarged lymphatic submandibular nodes.

    Chronic form of the disease can lead to the development of microbial allergies. When the phase of the disease is active, the teeth are loosened and drop out.

    Treatment of periodontitis

    The main method of treatment of periodontitis is the removal of the pocket with a pathological focus of infection, the removal of a hopelessly diseased tooth in order to preserve the bony alveolar region of the oral cavity. Subsequently, the alveolar process can be used for implantation of the tooth.

    Treatment strategy - removal of a sick tooth, prosthetics, and in the future diet and strengthening of the body. To the patient, doctors recommend spa treatment and psychological rest.

    The treatment of periodontitis depends on many facts - the degree of the disease, the state of the body, the accompanying complications. The choice of a method of treatment is always selected individually.

    At the first stage of the disease, careful care of the oral cavity is recommended, and the use of antibacterial agents. This sometimes gives a noticeable effect and the inflammatory process stops.

    As antibacterial agents, anti-inflammatory drugs and antiseptics for external use are used. In addition, prescribe antibiotics( metronidazole and doxycycline), which block the spread of infection. Tooth gels and pastes - "Metrogil Denta", "Parodium" are effective preparations of local importance.

    It is recommended to use vitamin complexes, enzymes, essential oils. Physioprocedures are very effective. Treatment is carried out complex to strengthen protective functions, enhance immunity and strengthen the body.

    According to the data published by the World Health Organization, a considerable number of people suffer from periodontitis, the first manifestations are already visible at the age of 12 to 20 years, and 80% of adolescents have gingivitis. Many patients do not immediately seek help from a doctor, which aggravates the situation.

    Prevention of periodontitis

    Because the cause of the disease may be a violation of the internal organs, nervous system, endocrine glands, beriberi, then annual medical checks and timely diagnosis of the disease are necessary to prevent the disease. Since early childhood, it is necessary to teach children to be careful, to properly care for their teeth and oral cavity.

    A balanced diet that includes fruit, vegetables, honey, nuts, greens, dairy products, meat and fish will help to eliminate beriberi. For massage and self-cleaning, you need to eat hard food - carrots, cabbage, apples, beets.

    An important time to prevent the disease is a general strengthening of the body, including hardening, physical exercises, walking outdoors. Oxygen starvation can be the cause of the disease, so the regime of the day and the hygiene of the dental cavity are important conditions for preventing periodontitis.

    Do not allow the development of periodontitis will help regular dental examinations, and if necessary professional cleaning and removal of tartar.

    Traditional medicine offers for prophylaxis chewing birch buds in the early spring, infusions make from shoots of pine, nettle, linden, eat dandelion leaves, cress - lettuce leaves. The balance of vitamin C ensures blood circulation, improves the protective functions of the body. You can massage the gums with your index and thumbs clockwise.

    Massage effectively helps improve blood circulation and gum condition. After the procedure, it is desirable to rinse the mouth with a decoction of chamomile, sage and oregano. As a component for tinctures recommend the use of the root of oak, St. John's wort, yarrow. Parodontosis and periodontitis, what's the difference?
    Do not confuse two diseases that are similar in nature to the course and symptoms. Parodontosis, in contrast to periodontitis, is not inflammatory.

    1. Periodontal disease is a defeat of the pododonas of a dystrophic nature, when the nutrition of tissues is disturbed, their growth, renewal, metabolism deteriorates. Most often, periodontal disease occurs in elderly people.
    2. Periodontitis is often felt by patients as bleeding gums, while periodontitis has a slow leak.
    Be always healthy, and remember that dentists are our friends, not enemies, they will help prevent and solve an existing problem!

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