
Well, loving care improves the relationship between parents and children. What exactly does this give the child?

  • Well, loving care improves the relationship between parents and children. What exactly does this give the child?

    Loving care has a positive effect on behavior, physical and intellectual development. Here's how.

    Loving care positively affects behavior. Children who feel loving care, cry less. They express less discontent, they are not tormented by colic, they are not so restless and tearful, they cling less. A very simple truth underlies this observation: A child who is well behaved behaves well. Sensitive attachment

    is a child whose alarm signals are heard and answered, feels that they are being taken care of. He feels his value. He trusts. Due to this internal sense of rightness, the child has less reason for concern and discontent.

    Loving care stimulates development. Since feeling children attach less to crying, they have more time to grow and learn. Over the past twenty years, I have seen thousands of pairs of mothers and children in action and interaction. I do not cease to be surprised at how joyful the children are wearing in the bag, breastfeeding at the first request and whose appeals are responsive. It can be seen that they feel better, behave better and grow better. I believe this is due to the fact that loving care causes a state of calm vigilance( also called interactive quiet or considerate tranquility).A child in a state of calm vigilance is more susceptible to interaction and study of the surrounding world. He is not bored. The state of calm vigilance also causes an internal organization that ensures the best work of the physiological systems of the body. The energy that a child would spend on anxiety and crying, he redirects to growth, development and interaction with his environment.

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    In other words, children who receive loving care of parents, develop fully, that is grow, reaching its potential. Researchers have long established a link between good development and good parents.

    Loving care is a good breeding ground for the mind. Many studies have shown that the best stimulants of mental development are the quality of the relationship between the parents and the child, as well as the reaction of others to the signals given by the child. I am sure that loving care pushes intellectual development, because the brain receives the correct

    information at that time of the child's life, when the brain most in need of nutrition. Calling for a state of calm vigilance, loving care creates conditions that help the child learn.

    If you start to feel extremely important, you are important! What parents do with their children makes them smarter. In the main report at the annual meeting of the American Pediatric Academy in 1986, a child development specialist, Dr. Michael Lewis, revised the study of factors that stimulate the development of the child. This report was made in response to a reassessment of the phenomenon of super-