  • Where and when to play with the child?

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    In conclusion, we should address the question: when and where is the game of an adult with a child, and when should he be given the opportunity to play alone, what conditions should be created for his independent play and, in general, what is the place of play in the preschooler's life?

    The ratio of joint with an adult and independent play of the child varies from 3 to 5 years in the direction of the predominance of the latter.

    If a 3-year-old child needs the attention of an adult every day, if not in a joint game with him, then at least in constant playing along with an adult, then with a child of 4-5 years you can play a story game 1-2 times a week. Each time the game with the child should take no more than 15-20 minutes. If he is very keen on the game, you should invite him to play one more or move the sequel to the next day. In general, so that adults do not feel very burdened, and children are not upset once again, it is better to determine the playing time with the child - on a Sunday or Saturday, before or after a morning walk, after a day's sleep. This can already be agreed with him. If the child does not attend kindergarten, you can choose any other day.

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    When children form 4-5 years of age form ways of role interaction, change of playing roles, you can use the time of walking for a joint game( especially the absence of toys allows you to shift the center of the game to role-playing dialogs, it is convenient to play fairy tales here).But at the same time, of course, we should not forget that the main goal of the walk is the development of the child's motor activity.

    In the organization of the child's independent play, two factors are essential: free time and space for the game.

    It is believed that the preschooler spends 3-4 hours a day playing the game( but this is more likely the time of all his free classes, and besides the game there is still drawing, modeling, designing, reviewing books, etc.).If a child visits a kindergarten, then at home he has little time to play - in the evening before going to bed. Children who do not attend kindergarten can play before the morning walk, a little before dinner, after a day's sleep.

    The space for the game is the playing corner of the child( many children have their own rooms), where toys are convenient and compact. Rug, children's table and chair - this is already enough to develop the story game, especially if the game material is correctly selected.

    The correct selection of the game material, taking into account the formation of ways to build the game, largely determines the nature of the child's independent play, its duration.

    At 3 years, it is very important to provide the child with toys that stimulate the acceptance of the role and the implementation of specific object-specific actions. These toys are copies of these items: a medical tube, a syringe for the doctor, a helm for the driver, a scales for the seller, a helm and binoculars for the captain, etc. It is useful to use thematic sets of toys that enable you to deploy a whole chain of role-playing actionssets such as "Doctor Aibolit", "Little Barber", etc.).Of great importance here are the so-called role attributes: the cap for the captain, the bag with the cross for the doctor, etc. They contribute to keeping the role of the child in an independent game. It is necessary to have several wrist dolls - bi-ba-boo.

    With the development of role-playing behavior and mastering the change in the role of the role of the thematic sets and role attributes is reduced. The most expedient is the use of a variety of substitute items, the game value of which can change during the game( for example, the stick can be a spoon first, then a thermometer, then a saber, depending on the role the child takes on).The use of substitute items( in comparison with toy-copies) is very convenient, because in connection with the expanding range of gaming roles it is impossible to envisage which roles will attract the child( and, accordingly, what toys he will need).

    It is very useful to make a new toy-copy in those situations when the child is fixed on one playing role. In this case, the appearance of a new attractive toy can help to switch to a new role, a new story( although, of course, does not guarantee this switching).

    It is advisable to provide the child with items that allow him to identify the playing role he has taken. These are no longer special role attributes, but unnecessary items for adults, which can be adapted for a variety of games( for example, the old daddy hat is useful for a gnome, a shepherd, a cat in boots, a piece of old tulle for fairies, princesses, etc.).

    Of course, toys need a preschool child. Each new toy brings him joy, but adults should not forget that the toys themselves do not give birth to a full game. And if the child has mastered the ways of constructing the game - any thing can become for him a toy, can be adapted for the game.

    By the age of 4, the question of a reasonable combination of the plot game with other types of games and other activities of the child( before that age, almost every activity of the child proceeds in the form of a game).

    Since the age of 4, children are already starting to master games with rules - mobile and desktop. This is still a simple game with 2-3 rules, but an adult should pay attention to them. The fact is that games with rules are usually designed for several participants and the child can not do alone( in contrast to the plot game, where he can play one).On a walk you can play with him in hide and seek, simple salochki, ball games. If there are other children walking around, an adult can attract another 2-3 children to the game.

    You can play house games in the evening( children's lotto and dominoes with pictures, game like "geese" with a small field, bone and chips, you can already start teaching the child to play checkers).If the game is new, you need to explain the child the rules and constantly refine them during the game itself. Be patient and do not blame the child for breaking the rules;he still does not fully understand that the rule is a law for all players, can not cope with immediate desires, restrain himself.

    Knowledge of the rules of the game for a 4-year-old child is still quite at variance with his: actions - often it's just manipulating the material of the board game in accordance with the external form of action. For example, a child knows that in a child's dominoes one has to put cards in turn - he does this, not paying attention to the figure itself. He puts the card in any case, even if he does not have a suitable picture. To skip a move is, perhaps, more than the strength of a 4-year-old child.

    Drawing attention to the game, do not forget about other activities of the preschooler - drawing, modeling, design. Their content largely coincides with the content of the game and is determined by the immediate impressions of the child. You can also put special tasks for the child - draw or fashion a game character, build a house for him, etc. This will activate these activities, and the game will receive reinforcement in the form of a new, created by the child's own play material.