  • Is this a game?children's games after 5.

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    Your child is 5 years old. This is already a reasonable little man who knows a lot, knows a lot, sometimes even knows how to read. And how do children play after five? Maybe they do not need the game anymore and should be transferred to more serious classes?

    No, and older preschoolers play and need adults to play with them from time to time. Even when the child moves from kindergarten to school, the game does not disappear, it takes up less space in the life of the child, but still it is necessary for him for emotional well-being, self-expression and self-affirmation, and finally, for organizing communication with peers. Friends and friends of your child come to him not just on a visit( as adults - talk, exchange impressions), but play( a typical request of the child: "Mom, can Masha come to me to play?").

    How do children play 5-7 years?

    After 5 years the child's story play becomes very diverse in its forms. If at the age of 3-5 years the prevailing form is the developed form of the role-playing game( where the child, as a rule, assumes a role, there are many actions with toys, role-playing speech), then after 5 years,there is a fantasy game.

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    Actually, the role play develops in the direction of concretizing the character's image, the role of which the child takes upon himself. Do not just call yourself, conditionally designate your role, and become like the image, get as close to it as you can outwardly - that's what becomes very important.

    Six-year-old Anya goes down with her grandmother to the street in a large freight elevator. Apparently, something reminded her of the plane. She immediately turns into a flight attendant:

    - Dear passengers, fasten your seat belts, our plane arrives in the capital of our homeland - Moscow. The temperature in Moscow is 20 degrees. The temperature over the side is very cold.

    Returning from a walk, they rise in another elevator - a small one, that Anya comments in his own way:

    - It's a small plane, and that one was big.

    And again she is a stewardess, hurrying, but still trying to give the voice the right intonations, notifies the passengers about the speed of flight, the crew, etc.

    Often there is a special game - rummage, where the matter before the detailed role-playing actions does not even reach. The girls who decided to play princesses can longly tailor a veil of veil, try on mother's beads, etc. Men who are not afraid of such a game can become a hat, officer's cap or belt, old epaulettes, etc.., Wearing that you can imagine yourself as someone else. It is important only that these things are real( and not toy role-playing attributes).

    Game actions peculiar to an earlier age stage can be modified in the older preschool age and somewhat differently.

    "The desire for creative recreation of the surrounding world often takes the form of so-called director's games, where the child, without changing himself( without assuming a clearly playing role), acts as the creator, scriptwriter and director of this world, events taking place in it.the corresponding subject-matter of this world can be very high. For example, you can play games of soldiers, boys' cars, and the creation of doll houses for girls. Often parents can observe how boys are timesthey play whole battles, moving pedestrians and mounted soldiers, launching military equipment, these actions are often commented out loud by the child, the sounds of guns are imitated, etc.

    Children become biased in choosing the appropriate toys. If previously they were pleased with any new toy, nowthey ask the parents to buy exactly the one that is needed for the game, the missing. The girls have a desire to fully equip the house for small dolls( puppet furniture is arranged, the appropriate pieces for decorating the doll are selectedroom, etc.).Such a substantive design of the game world often turns out to be in the center of the joint game of children.

    In this respect, the game, as an activity, the meaning of which lies for the child in the very process of acting, begins to connect with various types of productive activity. Designing, sculpting, cutting out missing items from the paper are included in the game, and often this moment outweighs the game itself( building a palace for a doll-a princess or a fortress where the battle will be played out becomes an important activity).

    Five-year-old Musya, intending to play, long arranged for the whole city on the carpet: small race cars, a big truck, very tiny machines outlined streets.

    - Now at home, - decides Moussya and dumps cubes from the box.

    Gradually build rows of houses, denoting the boundaries of the pavement.

    - It will be a policeman, - puts Musya a little toy man in the middle. - No, it's better the traffic light.

    Three cubes - yellow, red and green, placed on top of each other, replace the traffic light.

    Ilya is already the seventh year, but he can spend hours in his room, building fortresses and playing battles with soldiers. It takes a long time to build a fortress. In the case went all the various building kits that have accumulated in the house, which the boy used to not be very active in the game. Fortresses are built complex - with towers, loopholes, lifting bridges. Arranged at the posts of the besiegers - metal soldiers - and defenders of the fortress( they are replaced by a set of Indians, since there are no more soldiers).

    - Ilyusha, will you put the toys back in today? "Mom asks, glancing into the room.

    - Well, let him stay, - Ilya asks. - I'll play more.

    Mom, although he does not like disorder, in such cases does not insist on his own.

    The imaginary world can be constructed not only as a matter of fact, but also as verbally designed. Then we are dealing with a so-called game-fantasy. Here, the child's play actions( conditional actions with subject support) are completely disappearing, and the whole game is constructed as a pure work of imagination, revealed in the speech plan. Usually this is manifested in the communication of the child with a peer or an adult, to whom he talks about imaginary events occurring with him or with a character attracting a child. Such narrative narratives adults are often regarded as senseless lies( especially when the hero of the story makes a child of himself), but this is not so - this is also a game.

    For example, a 6-year-old Roma, returning home from the kindergarten in the evening, tells her mother the following story: "Today we went with Anna Ivanovna( a teacher) to Red Square. Took a taxi and drove off. Another three boys. We arrived and began to walk in the Kremlin. .. "

    As the characters in this story are real, it is difficult to distinguish it from the description of actual events. But more often the game unfolds around a fictional character. Six-year-old Ilya tells his older sister: "And you know, the clown Vaska( Ilya's little man invented by Ilya) was going on a campaign. I gave myself all the food to my house. I see he's picking up his backpack. He wants to go camping for two days and takes a tent with him. .. ยป

    Usually all these forms of the plot game go one to the other, combine, mix one with another.

    Here Moussya finally built her city and "revives" it.

    - Now cars are coming here. And now they stand, you can cross the street( a string of puppets with Musina help cross the street).

    - No, it's better the policeman, - she decides finally and stands next to the traffic lights. In her hand is a wand, to which she determines in which direction the movement is open. There was an application and a clay whistle, lying around without a cause, is a police whistle.

    - Machine number 5, you broke the rule, -Musya turns to the racing car.

    It does not bother her that the car can fit in her palm, and she herself in a toy town - like Gulliver in the country of the Lilliputians.

    Mixed forms of the plot game often arise if the child has a peer partner. Such a joint play of children is well described by L. Kassil in the story "Conduit and Schwambrania".Two boys come up with the history of Schwambrania, create a specific entourage for this country, and in addition, from time to time reincarnate( assume roles) in this or that fictional character.(Of course, there is much here - the interpretation of the writer, but this is quite plausible description of the children's game.)

    So, the plot game of children of 5-7 years has extremely diverse forms. Then the question arises: why should an adult connect to the child's play if he already knows how to play? The fact is that we described in our examples of children who are good at playing the game. Most of them have a slightly different picture.

    Yes, indeed, the child has mastered already conditional object-play actions, role behavior, but the stories he unfolds in an independent game( especially in a game with a peer) are often poor and monotonous. Moreover, the child experiences difficulties in the deployment of the plot coordinated with the partner. Therefore, the efforts of an adult should now be directed to the formation of the most complex way of constructing a game-a joint plot of plot( the ability to highlight, identify holistic plot events, combine them in sequence, and do it in concert with the partner).

    You need to do this, as in the previous stages, playing with the child( but differently than before).The adult and for the senior preschooler( and even for the younger schoolboy) remains still a very attractive figure. The child with pleasure will distract from the employment if the adult will show desire to play with it. Moreover, we all know how children like to entice adults into their room, playing area, showing them toys and trying to draw them into the game. Usually this behavior of the child of the senior preschool age is aimed at the guests( relatives, friends of the parents who have at least once discovered interest in the child's play and willingness to play with him), since the child knows that it is almost hopeless to apply to this account to the parents."Do not bother me," "I'm very busy," "Play it yourself, you're already big" - the parents' usual answers to the child's application: "I'm bored of playing alone."

    By the way, if an adult learns a child to build interesting and diverse game stories, the problem of boredom will be solved.