  • Age Dietetics

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    The nutrition of the child should be carried out taking into account all the features of its development. Therefore, it provides the widest range of food products. Bitter and spicy seasonings are excluded. The dishes are allowed in any cooking. There is no need to prepare meat for this child of age only from minced meat. It is allowed to eat natural meat in a stewed state, so that dishes such as braised beef and poultry, beef stroganoffs, goulash, meats, stews with potatoes or other vegetables, peasant sausage, boiled chickens can be included in the menu. Fish can not only boil, but also fry, stew with marinade.

    It is allowed to eat meat, fish, vegetable, fruit canned food and food concentrates. However, do not fill them with the bulk of the diet.

    At this age, the following amount of dishes is allowed: soups, borsch - 200 g, compotes, jelly - 150 g, portioned meat and fish dishes - 70 grams, side dishes to them - 80 g, salads from vegetables - 50 grams, rye bread - 50 gramsg, wheat bread - 100 g, cereals and vegetable dishes - 200 g, tea and coffee - 200 g, fruit - 100 grams, milk - 500 grams per day. This includes yogurt( 200 g.).The total amount of food per day is 1500 g.

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    The amount of liquid for drinking varies depending on the season. In hot summer days, it can be given 200-250 g.

    In the diet of children of the fourth year of life, cabbage, vegetable stew, fried and stuffed zucchini, stuffed peppers and tomatoes, potatoes, potato roll with egg, cabbage, carrot, beet,potato with milk or sour cream sauce, pies, pancakes with cottage cheese, national Belarusian dishes-drakes, potato dumplings with meat.

    Although sweets do not bring much benefit to children( they contribute to the development of dental caries, obesity, reduce appetite), however, it is also impossible to do without them. It is necessary to adhere to the rule: to give confectionery and all other kinds of sweets it is possible and necessary only at the end of the meal. Often practiced use of sweets during walks, when a baby is bought something ice cream, a cake, a cake or sweets, is especially harmful.

    Excess fat should be avoided. Fatty food is digested longer, as it inhibits the separation of digestive juices. Bread is digested in 4 hours, and bread and butter - for 5 hours. The longest digestion of fatty lamb and lard is 10-12 hours. You can not include fatty foods in the children's menu for dinner, since they do not have time to digest before the onset of sleep, during which digestion of food is severely inhibited. That fatty foods are better absorbed, it is necessary to combine them with a sufficient quantity of carbohydrate-containing dishes. The same applies to proteins that are less readily absorbed when there is a lack of carbohydrates and mineral salts, as well as excess fat in the diet. Margarine in children's food is allowed only when making a dough.

    Viscous semi-liquid porridges are replaced by crumbly. It is advisable to vary the daily menu with casseroles and puddings, in which whipped proteins are added before baking, giving the dish the softness and softness of

    . Sometimes it is said that some dishes are incompatible, in particular fish, cucumbers, cabbage, grapes. In this regard, it can be said that benign products for a healthy person are harmless in any combination. Another thing is that there are combinations of products more or less favorable. For example, milk is very well combined with buckwheat porridge, with this combination, the proteins of these products are most fully absorbed. Flour dishes can be combined with cottage cheese, meat, fish, milk.

    To children of this age, tea is given liquid, coffee is replaced by surrogates, which have only a taste similar to natural. Tea and coffee should be "upside down," that is, it's milk with coffee. The same applies to cocoa, which can be given to healthy children 1-2 times a week.

    A child must receive sugar daily up to 60 g. This includes sugar, which is used for cooking dishes, juices, compotes, as well as sweets( honey, jam).

    Fruits and berries - an indispensable part of the diet and at this age. And in the cold season on the child's table daily should be fresh or canned fruit.

    In addition to the positive qualities mentioned earlier, berries and fruits are also distinguished by a purposeful action on the body. For example, blueberries are an effective astringent for diarrhea. Cranberries and cowberries reduce putrefactive processes in the intestine at a high body temperature. Gooseberries contain so many water-soluble vitamins that it's time for him to argue with grapes. Raspberry is an ancient medicine for colds. Black currant is rightly called the queen of berries. It is reasonable to prepare it for future use in a garbled form with sugar( in the white currant vitamins C and P are 60 times less than in black).The scarlet cherry is rich in hematopoietic substances. Helps hemopoiesis strawberries and strawberries. Tea with lemon, lemon juice brings particles of solar energy in the winter. Pear with its stony cells regulates digestion, cleanses the urinary tract. Apple is the most easily digested fruit. Apple gruel, like a sponge, absorbs intestinal toxins. Tannins reduce inflammatory catarrhal processes in the intestine. Apple diet is one of the best opposing drugs. Grapes are the only fruit that contains glucose. In grapes there are radioactive substances, but only in a small amount, which is necessary for the reproduction of the cells of the body. It improves the functioning of the liver, kidneys, muscles and central nervous system. Plum, especially black, is an easy laxative. Dried plum( prunes) has all the useful properties of fresh and persists for a long time. Oranges contain almost all vitamins. Orange juice is a mild anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic. In orange crusts there are many essential oils, and in their raw form they should not be used. Mandarins are very delicate fiber, which softens the intestinal peristalsis and facilitates the rapid restoration of damaged mucosal areas. Peaches, apricots, and apricots are rich in carotene, from which vitamin A is produced, improves the function of the skin and mucous membranes and increases the body's resistance to infection. The flesh of bananas is sweet, easily digested, rich in starch and sugar. Therefore bananas are useful to children even at the earliest age, especially since their thick skin protects the flesh from germs. Increases the protective forces of the child's body, while lowering the pathogenic force of microbes, pomegranate juice. Blackberry has similar properties. An easily digestible and high-calorie product, rich in sugar, extractives, mineral salts and vitamins, is fig. It is shown to weakened children. The same applies to pineapples containing, in addition to sugar, many salts of potassium and copper. When anemia is recommended juice of dogrose, rich in organic compounds of iron in combination with vegetable protein and vitamins.

    Many berries and fruits have a significant effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and the processes of digestion of food. Strengthen the separation of digestive juices, promoting more complete assimilation of food, peaches, red currants, apples, grapes, strawberries, strawberries and especially cranberry juice. Flavors, except for plums, have a sweetening effect, dates. The fight against constipation is promoted by stony cells of pears, as well as mature blackberries and gooseberries. But quince and dogwood, having an astringent effect, are good for children's diarrhea. From them, as well as from a bilberry, prepare a jelly. Diuretic action is provided by watermelons, melons, pear juice, decoction of cowberry, quince.

    Of particular importance are the healing properties of berries and fruits for children suffering from obesity, since their caloric content is low.

    After three years, you need to gradually accustom the baby to the rules of good behavior at the table. This should be done gently, unobtrusively, without rude harsh words, but systematically and aggressively. A child of this age must develop the habit of eating only at the table. From him you can be asked to sit at a table calmly and smoothly, do not play with cutlery and utensils, you do not have to like the pieces you like from the common dish, do not stuff your mouth full of food, do not keep it in your mouth for a long time, but chew it.

    Children should be treated with respect for bread and other products, explaining to them that all food is the result of the labor and effort of many people. Therefore, it is necessary to try to teach children not to leave and not to throw uneaten pieces. When feeding a child older than 3 years, it is advisable to use a cloth napkin, tucking one of its corners by the collar of a dress or shirt. When the baby learns to eat neatly, without dropping food on clothes, you can go to the use of paper napkins. It is important to draw the children's attention to maintaining order and cleanliness on the table, the unacceptability of brushing on the floor of crumbs or pieces of food dropped.

    Proper nutrition of children plays a significant role in the moral upbringing of the child in the family. Constantly preparing for the baby separately the most delicious dishes, giving him the best pieces at dinner or leaving only to him that product or dish, which for all family members is not enough, parents involuntarily contribute to the education of selfishness, the consciousness of their exclusivity. If the child gets used to getting the same food at the table, like everyone else.then in the future he will not demand special benefits for himself at the expense of other people.