  • Inoculation of fruit plants

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    The grafted plant consists of two parts - a rootstock and a graft, while the stock is a plant to be vaccinated, and the graft is a part of a cultural plant that is planted on a rootstock.

    The root of the fruit tree is a plant or part of it, which has been vaccinated with a cultivar, a scion. In turn, the graft is a cultural aerial part of the plant that developed from a grafted cuttings or ocelli. The grafted and the stock after fusion form a single plant organism, but perform various functions. The rootstock supplies the grafted plant with mineral and synthesized organic substances, water, and graft - products of assimilation. The rootstock essentially performs the role of a pump, pumping moisture to the plant from the soil with the vital substances dissolved in it, thus ensuring the growth of the plant. This feature in the nutrition of the grafted plant leads to a complex relationship between the stock and the graft and to their interaction. The relationship of parts can be favorable, in which normally developed plants are formed, and unfavorable, resulting in the inferior development of seedlings and trees. The result of the development of the plant depends on the completeness of the intergrowth of the grafted components and their physiological compatibility, that is, the degree of the usefulness of the metabolic process between them. The rootstock affects:

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    growth force,



    longevity of graft development,

    beginning and end of graft growth process,

    0 Aging time of plant tissues, and consequently their winter and frost resistance, - Pest resistanceand diseases, % adaptable, plants to unfavorable soil-climatic conditions of growth.

    However, all these phenomena are temporary in nature, which means that they are not hereditarily fixed and disappear with the termination of the influence of the stock on the grafted tree. Due to the great influence and significance of the rootstock, a number of requirements are presented to it, namely:

    the rootstock should be well adapted to the soil and climatic conditions of the growing areas of fruit trees,

    "- the stock should have a sufficient degree of winter hardiness in regions with a cold climate and drought resistanceregions with a hot climate,

    stock should also have good compatibility with grafted on them varieties.

    Characteristics of rootstocks according to the growth force of

    It is possible to illustrate the differences in rootstocks by the strength of growth and development by the example of apple rootstocks. Weak, or dwarfish( M27, M9, M2b), grow slowly, are characterized by limited branching force, do not grow tall.

    Medium-size stock. About are characterized by higher tallness and branching strength.

    Seedling stock( A2 - seedling seedlings and other seed stocks) reach a high altitude, form powerful crowns that require a lot of space to accommodate the

    . The propagation methods are subdivided into seed or seeded and vegetative or bugs. Seed stock according to the degree of growth force is vigorous, clonal stocks, in contrast, are not very large. Fruit trees on high-growth seed stocks, as a rule, have stronger growth, longer durability, high adaptability to unfavorable climatic conditions, but later come into fruiting. Trees on slaboroslyh clonal( dwarfish) rootstocks are characterized by a short stature, form a weak, superficial, poorly fixed root system in the soil and therefore need support. They are less winter hardy and drought-resistant than plants on high growth stocks, but are characterized by early entry into fruiting and good fruit quality. Trees on semi-dwarfish stocks are characterized by intermediate averages.

    The rootstocks are subdivided:

    by origin into wild and cultivated;

    on methods of reproduction for seed( root-own) and vegetative( clonal);

    on the strength of growth on vserosrosly and slaborroslye.

    Propagation of rootstocks

    3 Depending on the purpose of use, it can be propagated generatively, that is, by crocheting from seeds, and vegetatively - by vertical and horizontal layers, by

    and by rooting of root, green and lignified cuttings. For vegetative reproduction of clonal rootstocks of apple and pear, a method of reproduction by horizontal and vertical layers, green and lignified cuttings, and also by root cuttings is used.

    Vertical layers, , also called , are 's main and simplest ways of multiplying clonal rootstocks. This way they propagate stock that easily form accessory roots, for example, quince and apple tree types such as M and MM.Quarries for obtaining layers are elite biennial rootstocks, which are planted and early in spring they cut all the branches at a height of 2 cm. As the shoots grow, the queen cells grow in several steps up to a height of 30 cm, the soil in the hilling zone should be kept moist. This stimulates the formation of roots. In autumn, the plant is bored, and the entrained layers are separated from the mother plant after the leaves fall. Clone stockpiles can also be obtained by with horizontal layers, which also bear the name of Chinese layers. This method is propagated by hard-rooting, not sufficiently bushy and prone to excessive growth of the plant. The technique of horizontal layers is not recommended for thin rootstocks, for example, M9 and M27.To obtain horizontal layers, the mother plants in early spring are severely pruned in the second year after planting, the weak shoots are removed in the following spring, and the strong, well-developed shoots of the last year are placed in grooves up to 15-20 cm deep, fixed by punching in a horizontal position and covered with earth. Before laying, last year's branches are trimmed by 1/3 of the length, and the lateral branches are shortened to 1.5 cm. This pruning stimulates the awakening of the underlying kidneys. During the growing season, the buds on the earth-sprouted shoots start growing and give shoots that root at the base. There are two ways to bookmark the layers: circular and linear, along the row, the first is used more often in amateur gardens. When the overgrowing shoots reach a height of 20 cm, they are hilled many times during the summer, until the root formation zone is covered with soil to a height of 30 cm. In the autumn, the layers are disassembled and divided into parts. When separating entrenched layers from the uterine plant, short hemp is left on the horizontal branches, which eliminates the need for annual stowage. For seed propagation of rootstocks of pome fruit crops, it is recommended to use seeds of such varieties as Anise gray, Anise scarlet, Cinnamon striped, Grushovka Moscow. Seed preparation is made from quality mature fruits, capable of yielding strong seed material. The seeds selected from the fruit are dried in the shade, but not long, so that the seeds are not damp and moldy, and stored in tissue bags, paper bags or wooden boxes. Seeds are sown prior to sowing under a stratification procedure, after which they are sown in the soil. The planting period can be spring or autumn. Crops regularly watered, loosen and weed. When two seedlings appear in the seedling after the cotyledonous leaves, the first thinning of the seedlings is carried out, leaving a distance of 3-5 cm between the plants, after 3-4 weeks, the thinning is repeated. During the growing season, the seedlings are fed 2-3 times. In the autumn, the grown stock is dug out, examined, choosing suitable for vaccination, the selected stock is tied in bundles and buried for the winter. Ready-to-prickish rootstocks should have a stem not less than 7 mm thick and not more than 10 mm in diameter and a rooting zone length of 5 cm. For wintering, the stock is dripped into soil or a moist substrate to a level of 10 cm above the formed root system. For vaccination, in addition to the selected rootstocks, it is necessary to have qualitative parts of a cultural plant - scions. Irrespective of the method of inoculation, the cuttings from the varietal crops must be strong and have well-formed, mature buds. Annual shoots on the fruit tree are unequal with the connection with the different position of their inside the crown. Shoots in the depth of the crown are shaded, so they are weak, the buds on them are not sufficiently formed and developed, and therefore such shoots are not suitable for cutting cuttings. In no case will the wolf shoots go to the cuttings, as they mature much later and have unformed buds. The most suitable for cutting cuttings of shoots on the periphery of the fruit tree crown, in the middle and upper parts, especially on the side constantly illuminated by the sun. Such shoots have developed, well-formed buds, capable of giving strong shoots in the grafted part of the grafted plant. There are two main ways to inoculate cultivated varieties of fruit plants on rootstocks: oculization and copulation.