  • Physical culture in the first year of life

    Physical education is one of the powerful factors of healing and strengthening of the child's body. Insufficient motor activity( hypokinesia) badly affects the physical and mental development of the child. On the contrary, the movements increase vitality, form a correct posture, ensure good performance, determine the low incidence of children.

    Care for ensuring sufficient motor activity of the child should begin in the family from the first days of his life. To do this, you must create the necessary conditions. Currently, in maternity hospitals, a free swaddling is practiced, when the baby's hands remain unfinished. This does not limit the movements of the child, creates conditions for normal breathing and circulation. In the future, during periods of wakefulness, the toddler must be in the arena in appropriate clothing. Swaddling a child at this time is a big mistake. Only in the first 1-2 months of life, when you lay down to sleep, the baby can be swaddled, if the chaotic movements of the hands and feet, characteristic of children of this age, prevent him from falling asleep. From 1.5-2 months( and if possible before) try to teach the child to fall asleep without swaddling. In some countries children from the first days of life are placed on the stomach both during the waking period and at the time of sleep, and swaddling does not apply at all.

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    A feature of the development of movements in young children is that they are formed with the help of an adult. So, for the development of the first coordinated movement - holding the head - it is necessary to take the child in his arms, giving him a vertical position, or putting it on his stomach. Being in such conditions, the child necessarily makes an attempt to raise his head. With repeated repetitions of these exercises, he is already holding his head well by the beginning of the second month of life.

    For the development of skills to capture objects, ensure the child the freedom of movement of hands and feet, lay it under low-hanging toys, convenient for grasping. In the third month of life, the child must put the toy in his hand. In order for him to master the turns from the back to the stomach( by the 5th month) and from the abdomen to the back( by the 6th month), the wakefulness of the child should take place in an arena or in a crib with a rigid bedding, where toys are placed that cause the child's interest.

    By 7-8 months the baby must learn to crawl. To do this, fence enough space on the floor, place there bright and sounding toys at some distance from the child. At first, you can help him by putting his palm under the feet and pushing it slightly. Despite the fact that crawling is not related to the subsequent mastery of walking, this skill is very important for the overall physical development of the child. Creeping, he expands his knowledge, manifests more independence, and this contributes to his mental development.

    By the end of the year the child has mastered the skill of independent walking. Help it become toys that roll and move. Give your child sufficient freedom to move both indoors and outdoors. Recently, many parents are too "carried away" stroller. However, walking in a stroller suppresses the child's natural activity, forms inertia in him, as a result not only physical, but also mental development suffers.

    Movement is the physiological need of the child. It is established that 2-year-olds are actively moving 70% of the waking time, 3-year-olds are no less than 60% of this time, if they do not violently restrict their mobility.

    The main means of physical education for children of the first year of life are massage and gymnastics. For children older than a year - outdoor games and sports exercises.

    Massage and gymnastics are necessary for every healthy child, starting from 1 -1,5 months of life. Regular massage and gymnastics contribute to the timely development of movements, improving skills such as crawling, sitting, walking.

    In each child clinic in the room of a healthy child, the mother can learn the technique of performing massage and gymnastics and then spend it at home with her child. In some polyclinics, massage and gymnastics rooms are organized, where the nurse conducts these exercises. In general, children with disabilities in health are sent to such offices.

    During the first year of life, children are prescribed 5 sets of massage and gymnastics, taking into account the age-related physiological characteristics of the child: № 1 - from 1.5 to 3 months, № 2 - from 3 to 4 months, № 3 - from 4 to 6 months, №4 - from 6 to 9 months and № 5 - from 9 months to 1 year. In addition, a pediatrician who prescribes complexes of massage and gymnastics, focuses on the degree of development of the musculoskeletal system of the child, his personality, the state of the nervous system.

    Children up to 2.5-3 months are generally prescribed a general stroking massage, which helps to relieve tension and relax the muscles. Of the movements only active ones are used, based on the presence of congenital reflexes, when in the stimulation of the musculoskeletal system the child develops independent movements. For example, "dance" - reflex leg straightening and pushing away from the support with foot stimulation, extension of the spine and legs in the supine position by weight( "swimmer position").

    At the age of 3-4 months in the complex of gymnastic exercises passive movements for the hands are being introduced, which are performed by an adult( for example, crossing hands on the chest and diluting them to the sides).In addition to stroking massage, there are still rubbing and kneading, as well as exercises of a reflex nature.

    For children from 4 to 6 months passive movements for legs-flexion and extension( "bicyclist") are added. Active exercises are carried out with the help of adults: sitting with support by the hands, stepping with the support under the mouse, etc.

    After 6 months, crochet exercises are introduced, strengthening the muscles of the trunk, legs, and the shoulder girdle. When the child has mastered the ability to keep objects in his hands for a long time, exercises with rings are recommended( flexion and extension of hands, sowing, bending and extension of the trunk).

    Children aged 9-12 months notice significant development of active, coordinated movements, the beginning of independent standing and walking. Therefore, a set of physical exercises include exercises performed in an upright position. Some of the physical exercises a child can already perform on the "team" of an adult. Thus, gymnastics contribute simultaneously to the development of speech. While engaging with the child, use the simplest objects( rings, sticks), bright and sounding toys, which cause him a positive emotional tone, active behavior during the sessions, induce him to respond speech response. If the child is restless, crying, the occupation must be stopped.

    Massage and gymnastics with children of the first year of life are spent in a well-ventilated room( the air temperature should not be above 20-22 ° C) before feeding the baby. The duration of each lesson should not exceed 5-6 minutes for children up to 3 months and 8-10 minutes for children from 3 to 12 months.