
Chlamydiosis of the genitourinary - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Chlamydiosis of the genitourinary - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Urogenital chlamydiosis is a sexually transmitted disease, characterized mainly by damage to the genitourinary system of a person, as well as other systems( bone, visual).Called urogenital chlamydia Chlamidia Trachomatis, one of the 15 types of chlamydia. Chlamydia live in cells of the body and live and reproduce there. Chlamydia is unique in that it is a bacterium in structure, but behaves like a virus, ie it multiplies inside the cells of the host - the person.


    Causes of infection

    The main way of transmission of infection is sexual. Chlamydia is very unstable in the external environment, when heated to 90 degrees die within 1 minute, so the household way of infection is unlikely. When passing through the birth canal infection of the newborn with the development of his conjunctivitis and pneumonia.

    Symptoms of chlamydia

    In the classical course, chlamydia is asymptomatic. Not without reason it( together with a ureaplasmosis and a mycoplasmosis) name "the latent infection".Many authors describe such symptoms as: "purulent discharge, rubbing with urination, but I disagree with this: if this is present, then be screened for other sexually transmitted diseases, mainly trichomoniasis and gonorrhea." The main symptoms of chlamydia begin to appear when they joincomplications, which I will say about later. It is dangerous that a person feels completely healthy, which is not the case. With imaginary well-being, the infection does its "black work." Therefore, at least once a year, you go through the examination and are "hiddenin the dermatovenerologist

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    The incubation period of chlamydia is 7 to 30 days, usually 7 to 14.

    Analyzes for chlamydia

    Analyzes for chlamydia are taken with a special brush( from the urethra in men, cervix and urethra in women), because we needYour cells, in which chlamydia live, Science offers a wide range of laboratory tests. I will tell you about the most common.

    1. Probably the most "fashionable" is PCR , is deciphered as a polymerase chain reaction method. The essence of the method is to detect the DNA of the pathogen. Its reliability is 90%, but it requires very good training of laboratory technicians.
    2. PIF - direct immunofluorescence. During the reaction of the protein of chlamydia and a special applied reagent, a glow is formed, which we see under the microscope. This is the most accurate method of detecting chlamydia.

    Treatment of chlamydiosis

    There are a lot of different, sometimes directly opposite points of view on this problem. It is very difficult to diagnose the infection, doctors do not have a single approach to treating this disease, many different treatment regimens are described.

    But the drugs of choice in the treatment of urogenital chlamydia in any case are antibiotics. Tetracycline series( tetracycline, unidox), fluoroquinolones( ofloxin 200, abaktal), macrolides( erythromycin, azithrox).Necessarily immunomodulators( tsikloferon, neovir, a geneferon in suppositories) are appointed. With inflammation of the prostate gland in men and the fallopian tubes and ovaries in women - physiotherapy on the appropriate organ( UHF, ultrasound), absorbing
    drugs( lidase, trypsin).

    When pregnancy is prescribed safe preparations for the fetus, such as antibiotic - macrolide rovamycin. Despite the fact that all drugs are on sale, self-medication is unacceptable. In general, with proper treatment, which can only be prescribed by a doctor, chlamydia is treated well.

    If you experience failure after the first course, then look for the cause - check for other sexually transmitted diseases.

    During treatment it is impossible to take alcohol and live a sexual life. When prescribing tetracycline antibiotics, carbonated beverages and milk and dairy products are excluded from food, as are sun exposure, as the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight increases during intake of this group. You just can easily "burn".

    Treatment of chlamydia is carried out according to prescription and under the supervision of a doctor and lasts 3 weeks or more. A general obligatory condition for successful treatment is the simultaneity of treatment for both spouses or sexual partners, even in cases where chlamydia is not found in one of them.

    After the treatment, a follow-up examination is performed every other month. A patient with chlamydia is considered cured, if after the end of treatment for 1-2 months in laboratory studies he does not have chlamydia.

    You can not use folk remedies as the main method for treating chlamydia, as it is possible to achieve the stability of chlamydia. The phytotherapy medicines are used exclusively as an addition to the main treatment - it is syringing with infusions of garlic, tincture of the hog uterus, tincture of elgolcy in the form of drops.

    Complications of chlamydia

    As I already wrote, urogenital chlamydia is a "shortened infection".Such complications as inflammation of the prostate in men, fallopian tubes and ovaries, flow with poor symptoms. Short-term pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urination may not be present. A person feels healthy, and this is more dangerous. Benign and malignant tumors of the genital sphere, infertility can strike like a "bolt from the blue".Aside from the complications of chlamydia, Reiter's syndrome, which proceeds with a triad of symptoms, stands out:

    urethritis - inflammation of the urethra( rezi when urinating, mucous discharge), arthritis - inflammation of the joints( their soreness, swelling, difficulty in moving), conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucosaeyes( eyelid swelling, photophobia, lachrymation).At patients who were surveyed at me with this syndrome, except for chlamydias I "found" Trichomonases. Reiter's syndrome leads to disability. Treatment except dermatovenereologist is prescribed by the oculist and rheumatologist. In general, a test for urogenital infections is always indicated if arthritis is diagnosed, especially in individuals at a young age, since this syndrome may be incomplete( eg arthritis + urethritis).

    Arthritis in chlamydia

    Premature birth, intrauterine infection of the fetus, placenta, congenital malformations - this is the list of diseases that lead to urogenital chlamydiasis in pregnant women, if not examined by a doctor before conceiving a child.

    Self-medication is unacceptable, only a doctor can establish the cause of the disease and correctly prescribe the treatment.

    Prevention of chlamydiosis

    Prevention of urogenital chlamydiosis is the same as of all sexually transmitted diseases:
    to avoid accidental sexual intercourse, the use of condoms, myramistine and chlorhexidine solution in the urethra in men after accidental sexual intercourse, suppositories( "Hexicon") in women +treatment with a soap solution of external genitalia.

    Consultation of a doctor on the topic of chlamydia

    Questions Is it possible to have chlamydia infection in the pool?
    Answer: No. Chlamydia is unstable in the external environment.

    Question: How informative is the blood test for chlamydia?
    Answer: ELISA blood for chlamydia is an auxiliary method. On it the diagnosis is not exposed.

    Questions: Umena was diagnosed with urogenital chlamydia, and my partner does not. Should he undergo treatment?
    Answer: Yes. If chlamydia is found in one partner, then both are treated.

    Doctor dermatovenereologist Mansurov AS