  • Endogenous depression

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    Endogenous depression: causes of
  • Symptoms of endogenous depression
  • Endogenous depression: treatment and diagnosis

Causes of endogenous depression do not depend on external factors

Endogenous depression is one of the most severe types of depressive disorders, as it usually keeps,long, staunchly and reacts little to external stimuli.

Endogenous depression, in contrast to reactive depression( arising in response to some external traumatic events), is considered internal, that is, its causes are inside the person and almost independent of external circumstances.

Moreover, endogenous depression often occurs not only without apparent external causes, but also against a background of complete well-being.

Endogenous depression: causes of

The causes of endogenous depression lie in the shortage in the brain of the so-called mediators of the central nervous system - mood control substances:

  • primarily, serotonin( a hormone of pleasure and pleasure),
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  • norepinephrine( a hormone of fear) of
  • and dopamine(a hormone of happiness, love, fun, euphoria).

If the body produces them too little, there is a disruption in the metabolism of biologically active substances in the brain, which inevitably leads to the manifestation of a depressive disorder.

  • The reasons for the lack of mediators have been poorly studied, however, it is noted that hereditary - genetic factors play a big role in the onset of the disease. That is, if someone from blood relatives has suffered or suffers from this disease, the chance to get sick with endogenous depression increases many times.
  • In addition, people at risk with a combination of certain traits of character - suspicious, anxious and too unsure of themselves. They are, as a rule, very conscientious, conscientious, have a heightened sense of responsibility and therefore are afraid to make responsible decisions on their own.
  • Stressful situations( serious illness, divorce, betrayal, conflicts in the family or at work, loss of a loved one) can play a certain role in the development of the disease.

However, stress in this disease can not be the root cause - it only serves as a "triggering" disease factor. Surely, long before the emergence of a stressful situation, there were the first "bells" of ailments, which, due to their weak expression, did not pay attention.

Doctors say that all cases of development of depressive disorders and neuroses are preceded by predoneurosis - a condition in which the protective reserves of the body and mental activity decrease.

Therefore, when a person says that the cause of his illness is divorce, conflict or illness, he is mistaken. The psychotraumatic event only aggravated the situation and led to a more pronounced manifestation of hidden symptoms.

Symptoms of endogenous depression ^

The main symptoms of endogenous depression are constantly bad mood, inhibition and the inability to experience joy even under the most weighty events.

  • man's mood does not respond to any good or bad events, he does not care what happens around him, as he is immersed in a constant longing. However, the distinctive feature of this pathology is the mood swings during the day. So, in the morning hours there is the strongest feeling of depression, and by the evening the state is slightly stabilized.
  • observed mental and physical retardation. A person can sit for hours or lie in one pose, without the slightest desire to move. Poorly perceives any information, can not concentrate on anything, long picks up words for an answer and suffers from memory impairment.
  • does not sleep well and feels chronic fatigue. At night he can not fall asleep, wakes up in the morning "broken" and unhappy, gets tired of any, even the most uncomplicated work. Frequent dizziness, heart pain and palpitations, nausea, dry mouth, pain in the muscles and joints, impaired intestinal function and exacerbation of chronic diseases. In women, menstrual irregularities are possible.
  • changes appetite and body weight - the patient begins to eat much more or less than usual, leaning on harmful foods and sweets.
  • constantly experiences a sense of guilt and worthlessness of its existence, its self-esteem falls every day.
  • , the patient has obsessive suicidal thoughts, and he does not show them, but carefully conceals, nurtures in himself, and if he decides to commit suicide, he acts for certain. However, inherent in this state of reluctance to do anything and strong inhibition are often a salvation from suicide, a person simply does not have enough physical strength.

That is why the treatment of endogenous depression should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor - there are cases when after taking antidepressants in patients there was a sharp surge of physical strength without lifting the mood, which led to the commission of a non-demonstrative suicide.

Endogenous depression: treatment and diagnosis ^

Many people, because of their ignorance, constraint and reluctance to consult a psychotherapist about their mental discomfort, hope that this condition will pass by itself, and make it a big mistake not to receive timely medical assistance.

Moreover, some people try to explain their ailments with somatic( bodily) reasons and turn to any other specialists( cardiologists, therapists, endocrinologists and other specialists), but not to psychiatrists.

But, as you know, any disease, including mental illness, is easier to treat at early stages, so early diagnosis of the disease plays a crucial role in treatment and rehabilitation.

  • The main treatment for endogenous depression is medication, and in combination with it, as an auxiliary, methods of psychotherapy are used.
  • Psychotherapeutic methods are needed, mainly to prevent exacerbations and to create resistance to life stresses, which can become a provoking factor for the relapse of the disease.

It should be noted that endogenous depression is very easy to treat, and with timely and competent help a person returns to a full-fledged lifestyle. It should be treated only by a qualified psychiatrist or psychotherapist, self-medication is unacceptable, since it can have unfortunate consequences.

  • The competent selection of the treatment regimen with modern antidepressants, which do not have significant side effects, guarantees the restoration of brain biochemistry, that is, the balance of mediators in the brain.
  • Drug administration is usually long( from several months to several years) and depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.
  • If necessary, neuroleptics, tranquilizers, stimulants, nootropics and sedatives can also be connected.

Despite the popular opinion among the population, addictions and addiction to antidepressants do not exist, so do not be afraid and do not hesitate to contact your doctor. Depression is not something shameful or terrible, it is the same disease requiring treatment, like any other.

The greatest and most intelligent people of our time suffered from the depression - Churchill, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Freud, Gogol, Pushkin, Goethe and many others.

Read also Depression successfully treatable.

It is necessary to understand that the symptoms of endogenous depression will not spontaneously pass, therefore, if you notice yourself or your loved ones several dangerous signs of the disease for a long period of time( a month or more), be sure to consult a doctor and do not deprive yourself of the joys of life.

We also recommend you to watch a video of the famous psychotherapist Elman Osmanov about symptoms and modern methods of depression treatment: