  • Depression successfully treatable

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    Read in article:
    • Causes and forms of depression
    • Is it possible to cure depression?
    • Tips for psychologists how to get rid of depression yourself

    Depression is treated successfully with antidepressants.

    The problem of depression and other psychoemotional disorders in our age of high speeds is becoming very urgent.

    Depression, according to the Wikipedia definition, is a psychiatric disorder characterized by the following symptoms:

    • is constantly depressed,
    • has lost the ability to experience joy,
    • has a low self-esteem, a complete loss of interest in life and something that used to please.

    According to WHO, the scale and speed of the spread of this disease are simply horrifying, stepping on the heels of such "popular" diseases as stroke, heart attack and diabetes mellitus.

    And the age of patients is getting younger - if before depressive disorders people mostly suffered after 40 years, now this problem is widespread and in adolescence.

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    According to the same WHO, now every fourth - fifth inhabitant of the Earth suffers from any mental disorders, and by 2020 it is expected that the depression will be on the first place in the world for diseases.

    Causes and forms of depression ^

    However, it is not necessary to confuse the present, medical depression with an ordinary moping and just a bad mood, because, at a household level, it is considered that depression is sadness, sadness and anguish. If you just have spleen, then there are so many ways to cheer yourself up and force the will to get out of this state.

    Almost all people face such a phenomenon as a temporary loss of mood and vitality, and everyone finds for themselves from this situation any way out. Someone starts to walk hard into the gym, someone finds relief in the church, some just dip their heads into some interesting job or hobby, change the situation or go on vacation.

    But if, unfortunately, you are overtaken by a real medical depression, then simply your effort will, unfortunately, will not be enough. Such a depression is called endogenous, that is, internal, not dependent on external factors, as its causes are inside the person.

    The fact is that depressive disorder and mood decay are easily explained at the chemical level and are caused by a lack of production in the body of the so-called mediators of the central nervous system - hormones serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine, on which not only the mood, but also the feeling of love, pleasure, fun, euphoria.

    The role of serotonin in the human body is simply impressive:

    • it is responsible for the process of cognitive activity,
    • motor activity,
    • muscle tone.
    • But most importantly, it creates in us a sense of lifting of mood and happiness, therefore it is called the hormone of joy and happiness.

    The normal serotonin level gives the person self-control, emotional and stress resistance. Some researchers have concluded that people who dominate the society have a high level of serotonin.

    People with reduced serotonin level, on the contrary, self-control, emotional and stress resistance are so reduced that the slightest reasons cause stress, and as a consequence, a depressive state.

    Is it possible to cure depression?

    Very often people suffering from endogenous depression, not understanding what is happening to them and trying to dull their heartache and anxiety, start taking alcohol or psychotropic substances, and they sign a verdict:

    • After all, with the help of alcohol and drugsyou can only get chronic alcoholism or drug addiction, but you can not get rid of depression, anxiety and fears.
    • In this case, the craving for alcoholism and drug addiction is secondary and serves the purpose of alleviating the anxiety and stress associated with a depressive disorder.

    Moreover, the relatives of a person suffering from secondary alcoholic depression and falling into alcoholism, of course, for the best of reasons, lead him to "code" to rid himself of the harmful craving for alcohol.

    But, one must understand that "coding" refers to psycho-terrorist methods and is based on the elementary intimidation of a patient that can not lead a person to recovery, because neither alcoholism nor depressive cure can be cured in this way.

    The big problem is also that in our country, people suffering from depressive disorders, especially young men, very often hesitate to confess their psycho-emotional problems and keep them quiet without asking for help from a doctor in time and thus greatly aggravating their condition.

    Meanwhile, according to medical experts, in recent years, male depression has become an increasingly tangible social problem, leading to the disintegration of families, alcoholism, drug addiction and suicide.

    Depressive disorder, as already mentioned above, is often cured only by effort of will or alcohol is impossible. This disease is treated with special medications, which are called antidepressants.

    Their action is aimed at regulating the level of serotonin and other mediators of the central nervous system in the brain. Antidepressants are a great many and with their help depressive states have learned to successfully treat. Although the treatment is lengthy and under the compulsory supervision of a doctor, it is now possible to defeat the ailment once and for all.

    Tips for psychologists how to get rid of depression yourself ^

    The following tips, according to experts, will help you, along with medical treatment, successfully cope with depression and get out of it.

    • You need to find the cause of your depressive condition and try to eliminate it. It can be a tedious job, a bad relationship with colleagues and relatives, even discontent with your weight and appearance, etc. If this is difficult, then write down all your dreams and desires on the sheet, mark those that you have reached, and those that you have reachedyou did not reach and write the reasons why you could not succeed in achieving these goals. Thus, it will be easier for you to find the cause of your depressed state. And this is the reason you need to be eliminated. For example, if all your experiences are due to work, then just change it, find a more interesting one, with an interesting team, and even if necessary, change the direction of your activity.
    • Find yourself an exciting business, come up with a hobby. Do needlework, collecting, etc. This will help to distract from bad thoughts, from problems, from everyday routine.
    • Change your attitude to current events and people. It happens that you can not change any situation and people( their nature, their opinion).Then just change your point of view about the circumstances around you. Perhaps it will be difficult, but your peace and health is more expensive!
    • Stop talking with negative people and throw negative thoughts out of your head. There is such a category of people who just like to live in a negative, they always have everything bad and the whole world against them. Avoid these people. And do not discuss your problems with friends, since every time you talk about problems, you are visited by negative thoughts that are fixed in your mind and drive you to depression. Let in your environment there will be only positive people.
    • Find support in the surrounding people. Perhaps you have a friend or relative who can support positive and necessary advice, rather than simply discussing your problems and crying with you about an unsuccessfully developed life.
    • Start playing sports. Physical exercises not only help to be healthy, but also distract from everyday life. After all, after several hours of training in the gym somehow I do not even want to think about any troubles.
    • Develop as a person. Problems - problems, but life has not been canceled! Despite the setbacks, always move forward. Self-develop, read books, go to trainings and training seminars, to exhibitions, start communicating with new people.
    • Start a new active life so that no unnecessary situations can prevent you from moving forward. Always look to the future only with positive and faith in the best.
    • You do not need to be shy about your condition, it's the same illness as any other. Remember that depression does not destroy the human psyche and mental abilities, it simply does not allow it to fully live, and in a neglected state often leads even to suicide.
    Read also How to deal with the autumn depression.

    Many of the greatest and most intelligent people of our time suffered from depressive disorders. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill struggled with depression all his life and called her "a black dog who has been with me all my life."

    Such famous people also suffered from depression, not ashamed to admit it, like American President Abraham Lincoln and great fighter for Indian independence Mahatma Gandhi.

    Famous Soviet and Russian actress Tatiana Dogileva, who knows firsthand about depression and coped with it with the help of a doctor, notes that she is very happy now and is filled with great joy that she jumped out of this hell.

    Therefore, if you suffer from a depressive condition and it does not go on independently for a long time, do not despair, nothing terrible has happened to you, the level of the serotonin hormone we need has simply dropped.

    Trust your problems with a doctor and a competent psychotherapist will return joy to your life with the help of necessary medications. Fortunately, we live at a time when the level of medical achievements in the field of psycho-emotional diseases is very high and helps to fight depression, not allowing it to turn into a "black dog" and ruin the joy of life.

    We also recommend you to watch a video of the famous psychotherapist Elman Osmanov about symptoms and modern methods of treating depressive diseases: