  • Pests of apple and pear trees

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    Yablonny tsvetod - a small( 5 mm) grayish-brown weevil Hibernates under fallen leaves, in the cracks of the bark. Early in the spring, when the kidneys begin to swell on the fruit trees, the overwintering weevils come out of the shelters, crawl along the trunk to the apple trees.

    In the spring, if you carefully inspect the buds that are opening, you can see on them deep round holes, from which the drops of juice flow. This phenomenon is called the "weeping" of the kidneys, the culprit is the apple flower. When the buds begin to be exposed, the females lay eggs in them. Born in 5-7 days, larvae eat out the bud's contents. Control measures. As soon as the air temperature reaches b ° C, attach the hunting belts from the straw harnesses to the stems of the apple, where the overwintered beetles will crawl, or catch them with glue belts, which are made as follows: fold the thick paper into 3 layers with a width of 20-25 cm(On the middle between the soil and the lower skeletal branch), retreat 2 cm from the edge, and tightly tie the top and bottom with twine. Apply a thin layer of long-drying adhesive to the paper. A part of the beetles will stick to the belt, the other can be simply removed from the adherents. After blooming apple trees, the belt must be removed and destroyed. Weevil, climbing into the crown of the tree, it is recommended to shake off the polyethylene film or thick paper spread under it. To conduct this procedure is better in the morning hours at an air temperature below 10 ° С.Shaking off the trees is repeated 3-5 days before the end of the bud blossom. From chemical preparations, one can offer a spark double effect( 1 tablet per 10 liters of water).

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    Winter Moth damages apple, pear and other fruit crops. Females are very different from males: they can not fly, because their wings are underdeveloped, their legs are long, their abdomen swollen( the length of the body, as well as the legs, about 1 cm).Males grayish-yellow, on the fore wings dark wavy transverse bands, wingspan 3 cm. Adult caterpillars 2.5-3 cm long, yellowish-green with longitudinal bands, five pairs of legs. Winter orange-brown small eggs on the branches near the kidneys. In the second half of April, caterpillars are born from eggs, which bite into the kidneys, then they eat young leaves, buds, flowers, pulling them together with cobwebs. In June, after the flowering of the garden, the caterpillars descend on a spiderweb from a tree, burrow into the upper layer of the soil and pupate at a depth of 5-10 cm. In the autumn, butterflies appear, the females laying wintering eggs. Control measures. In autumn it is recommended to put glued belts on the trunks( see Yablonny tsvetod). The females can not cross the belt, so they lay their eggs below, where they can be destroyed.

    In spring, during the bud budding, the trees are sprayed with a spark double effect( 1 tablet per 10 liters of water).If later, during the budding phase, a lot of caterpillars are found during the inspection, in dry, warm weather, sprinkle trees with spark-M from the caterpillars( 5 ml per 5 liters of water).From organic preparations are good infusions and decoctions of herbs( chamomile pharmacy, yarrow, burdock, wormwood wormwood), as well as decoction from tobacco dust or from a mixture of ground cloves of garlic, onion husks and tobacco waste.

    Leaflets ( rose, bundle and fruit) are small butterflies with elongated wings. Caterpillars are injured from early spring to mid-summer, feeding mainly on buds, leaves, and damaging buds and fruits. The sheet where the caterpillar is located is bent and twisted into a tube - hence the name of the timepiece.

    Control measures. In the outbreaks, you can use the same chemical and microbiological preparations, as well as herbal infusions and decoctions recommended against moths. The best time to fight leaf rollers is considered to be the period of bud budding. Effective is carbofos( 60 g. Per 10 liters of water).

    The apple mole mostly damages the apple tree. Butterfly small( wingspan

    2 cm), silvery-white with black dots. Adult caterpillar up to 2 cm long, dirty yellow with black spots. The young caterpillars are hibernating under the scaffold on the branches. In the spring they first live inside the budding young leaves, eating their flesh, then openly feed on the leaves, braiding them with cobwebs.

    Control measures. In spring, the same drugs are recommended for protecting the garden, which is against leaf rollers and moths. In summer it is necessary to remove nests with caterpillars from trees and burn them.

    Ring silkworm ( damages apple tree, pear and plum, as well as mountain ash, bird-cherry, hawthorn, etc.) - a night butterfly with a pubescent body, brownish-yellow with two transverse bands on the front wings, reaching in the span of 4 cm. Caterpillars dark withbluish-gray and yellowish-brown stripes along the body. They eat at night, hide in the forks of thick branches during the day, braiding a dense web. Control measures. When pruning and forming the crown, it is necessary to remove the branches with silkworm eggs, remove and destroy nests with caterpillars in the early morning. Against them, the same means are effective as against other leaf-eating pests.

    Java apple syringe is a small( 2,5-3 mm) yellowish-green insect with transparent wings that can not only fly, but and jump. Harm mainly larvae - flat, orange, nascent in the spring. They climb inside the kidneys, then concentrate on peduncles, petioles and young leaves, sucking out the juice, while releasing a sticky sugar substance - "honey dew".On bud buds, peduncles and leaves, black fungi settle in the form of a black plaque. The leaves are shallow, the yield decreases, and the laying of fruit buds is reduced for the next year. After flowering of the apple trees, the larvae are winged and fly apart. In August-September, they again return and lay on orange twigs orange small eggs, placing them near fruit buds.

    Control measures. Against larvae, infusions and decoctions of tobacco dust, chamomile pharmacy, yarrow are used: cucumber, tansy and delphinium. Effectively the use of the chemical - spark-M-from the caterpillars( 5 ml per 5 liters of water).

    Aphids is a small sucking insect that can quickly multiply. The aphids are hibernating in the phase of eggs deposited by females in autumn under the bark of of young shoots. Eggs oval, shiny, black, 0.5 mm long. The most common:

    green apple tree - damages the apple tree in young gardens, as well as quince, pear, mountain ash, hawthorn, leaving the leaves, usually young, and the tips of the shoots wrinkle or twist, often dry out; gray( red-headed) apple tree - settles on adult apple trees. Hibernate eggs under the scales of the bark of boles and thick branches. In places of damage, the edges of the leaves roll on the underside in the form of dense wrinkled rollers of cherry or yellowish-red color. Inside such swellings is a dark-gray aphid. Control measures. During the period of bud budding against larvae, it is possible to use chemicals used against apple cedar, or herbal infusions and decoctions from chamomile, dandelion, yarrow, tansy, leaves and stepsons of tomatoes, alder leaves of gray, tobacco dust, garlic and onion husks. Effectively spraying the drug with a spark double effect( 1 tablet per 10 liters of water).

    Fruit mites are red and brown, the first ones predominate. They can damage the apple tree, pear, stone fruit, rowan, hawthorn. The tick has four pairs of legs with a length of just over 0.5 mm. Larvae are lighter with three pairs of legs. Wintering eggs are orange-red, round, flattened. In the end of April - beginning of May larvae hatch from eggs. They suck the juice out of the leaves, causing their ripening. After 2 - 3 weeks, adults appear, which harm along with the larvae. Control measures. Treatment with Bio Spark( 2 ml per 1 L of water).

    The apple-like spatula damages the apple, pear, plum and some wild trees( ash, linden).The female is brown, has a comma shape, 3-4 mm long. Males are rare. Larva is pale yellow, shallow. Hibernate eggs under the shield of the dead female on trunks and branches. Larvae stick to the bark of young branches, sometimes to leaves and fruits. After molting they lose mobility, they are covered with a dense wax shield and remain in one place. With a high density on the tree of these insects, part of the branches and trunk is covered with a continuous layer of shields. The bark dies, the trees are more often affected by black cancer.

    Control measures. In early spring, it is necessary to clean the bark from the trunk, branches and mechanically destroy the scutes with the eggs. When lesion is used, spark-M from caterpillars( 5 ml per 5 liters of water).The processing time is immediately after the blossoming of the apple trees.

    codling sawfly - small( 6- 7 mm) Hymenoptera outwardly somewhat resembles a small, slow flying bee. Larvae( falsely-caterpillars) gnaw on superficial passages under the skin of the ovaries. On the second day the majority of the larvae transform into neighboring fruit penetrate the seed chamber and eat away the center of the fruit, filling it with a specific feces odor reminiscent of bugs. Damaged fruit usually falls off. Control measures. Adult individuals can be brushed off the tree. Do this before the bloom of the apple tree, better in cloudy weather. The treatment is carried out with the preparation spark-M from the caterpillars( 5 ml per 5 l of water).

    The Apple Fletcher is a widespread apple pest. Caterpillars hibernate in silky cocoons under a straggly bark, in the upper layers of the soil. In mid-May pupation occurs overwintered caterpillars in early June - the flight of butterflies( dark gray, with small transverse lines on the wings).Soon after flowering of apples, butterflies lay eggs. Hatched larvae( pink with eight pairs of legs) gradually introduced into fruit, paving wormholes in the pulp reaching the seed chamber and a seed vyedayut 2-3. Control measures. For catching butterflies, bait is used from sweetened whey, kvass, compote from dried apples or from a drop. The bait liquid is poured into a jar( 0.5 L), filling it with 1/3, and hanging on a tree growing next to the apple tree. For prevention, you can also plant tomatoes under the apple tree.

    Pear Gall midge is microscopically small, leading a latent lifestyle inside the kidneys or leaves. In places where the leaves are damaged( mainly near the central vein), small flat blisters( galls) are formed first yellowish-brown and then black. Strongly damaged leaves wither and fall off.

    Control measures. Trees must be treated with Neuron( 15ml per Yule water).Duration of spraying: the first - during bud blossoming and exposure of buds;the second is right after the pear blooms.