Chemical composition and medicinal properties of hibiscus
In African folk medicine, hibiscus flowers are used as an anticonvulsant, bactericidal, diuretic, choleretic agent. When cut, they are used to stop bleeding. Lotion from soaked flowers treat skin inflammation, wet eczema.
Fresh leaves and flowers, rubbed in a homogeneous mass, are applied to boils, boils, swelling in endemic parotitis( mumps) and even to malignant tumors. This is also a very effective remedy for getting rid of youthful acne. Kashitsa from some flowers is considered effective in carbuncles, fistulas, long-healing wounds and ulcers of malignant origin.
The Sudanese rose was known for its medicinal properties as early as the time of Ancient Egypt. Its flowers contain a large number of fruit acids, for example, apple and wine;and the content of ascorbic and citric acid carcade tea helps very much at elevated temperature. At the same time, there is no oxalic acid in this drink, so it can be used with a tendency to form stones in the kidneys and urine-excretory pathways.
In addition, in the plant raw material of the Sudanese rose, there are valuable biologically active substances such as anthocyanins, flavonoids and polysaccharides, as well as mucus and pectin substances.
Anthocyanins give the drink a magnificent ruby color. These substances have a pronounced P-vitamin activity, that is, the ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, regulate their permeability. Anthocyanins also reduce the rate of fat formation in the body. One of their unique properties is antitumor activity.
The high content of vitamin C in medicinal raw materials contributes to the reduction of cholesterol in the blood. In a mixture with Sudan hay( a plant that gives a strong laxative effect), hibiscus is used as an effective means for weight loss.
Hibiscus flavonoids, in particular quercetin, are involved in the purification of the body. Healing infusion of flowers improves the production of bile and protects the liver from adverse effects. All this helps to remove heavy metals and unnecessary products of metabolism, it has a beneficial effect on the general condition. After all, slags are known to cause many diseases and contribute to premature aging of the body.
Polysaccharides of the Sudanese rose also help to cleanse the body of toxins - thanks to its adsorptive ability. In addition, these
substances are natural immunomodulators. They activate the protective reactions of the body and prevent infectious diseases. Karkade normalizes blood pressure - this is a rare case when the plant is recommended for both hypertensive patients and hypotonic patients. Has an antispasmodic and diuretic effect. Kills some pathogens, can be used as a vermifuge. Freshly prepared liquid extract from sepals of hibiscus possesses antibacterial activity against bacilli, restrains the growth of various strains of staphylococcus, causes the death of harmful intestinal bacteria, without suppressing the beneficial intestinal microflora.
The anti-inflammatory effect of hibiscus is successfully used in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract( laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis), urinary tract( cystitis).
Chinese medicine successfully uses hibiscus as a means to prevent the formation of blood clots and normalizes the circulation of blood in the body. The spasmolytic effect of hibiscus has been noted, especially with regard to smooth uterine musculature. The drink helps to improve the general condition, is shown with loss of appetite, improves physical endurance, relieves nervous tension, helps to resist neuropsychic overloads, overcomes chronic fatigue. It has a beneficial effect on potency. It is especially recommended for karkade tea to reduce the consequences of hangover syndrome.