  • Hawthorn recipes

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    A bush or tree that is familiar to everyone, blooming with white or pale pink flowers, is considered an important medicinal plant. In England, like a salad of blossoming buds of hawthorn, with a taste of nuts - try it! For medicinal purposes, flowers or flowers with leaves( but not ornamental plants with double flowers) are collected. Manually cut off half-blown flowers, without twigs and leaves, or leaves with blossoming flowers. They contain valuable flavonoids, purine compounds, tannins, acetylcholine, saponin, vitamins C, group B and other substances. Flowers are an integral part of teas, used on the recommendation of a doctor - with atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, cardiac and other neuroses.

    Properties of hawthorn, prescriptions for treatment

    In edible fruits contain flavonoids, organic acids, including ascorbic, carotene, pectins, fructose, starch, saponins.

    From hawthorn receive a valuable cardiac remedy, improving the work of the heart muscle. Hawthorn is useful in atherosclerosis, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, cardiac weakness.

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    In food eat the fruits of hawthorn. Of the dried fruits, ground into flour, mixed with honey, they receive a useful and tasty filling for pies. Berries and leaves You can use for tea instead of tea.

    Infusion of hawthorn prickly

    Requires: 1 tbsp.l.berries hawthorn prickly, 1 glass of beer.

    Method of preparation. Berries of hawthorn crush, brew in 1 glass of hot beer. Leave to infuse for 2 hours on a hot plate, then strain.

    How to use. Drink infusion of 3 tbsp.l.3 -4 times a day before meals.

    Infusion of hawthorn and valerian

    Required: 20 g of hawthorn, valerian root, St. John's wort and yarrow, 15 g of hawthorn flowers, 1 glass of beer.

    Method of preparation. Shredded herbs mixed, brewed with a glass of hot beer, let it brew for 5-6 hours, then strain.

    Method of use. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day for half an hour before meals.


    Get the juice from the hawthorn with the help of a juice maker. The flesh of the fruit, roughly crushed, is loaded into the sokovarku. Extraction of juice lasts 50-55 minutes. It can be preserved in its pure form or blended with more acidic juices of black currant, cranberry, barberry, and Antonov apples.

    Juice from hawthorn flowers

    The glass is filled with hawthorn flowers and covered with 4 tablespoons of sugar. Stir with a wooden stick from the viburnum, hazel, birch. Juice can be used for prevention, especially for obese people and those who suffer from heart diseases. If the teaspoon does not give the desired effect, increase the dose. If you need more juice of hawthorn - do it in a large bowl, observing the proportions.

    Hawthorn, wiped with sugar

    Flesh pulp blanched 2-3 minutes in boiling water or steam in a saucepan-steamer and rubbed through a stainless steel sieve, colander or passed through a meat grinder made of a material resistant to corrosion. To 1 kg of puree add 0.3-0.5 kg of sugar, mix thoroughly, heat up to 70-80 °, put in hot sterilized jars and pasteurize in boiling water: half-liter - 20-22 minutes, liter - 25-30 minutes.

    Hawthorn and blackcurrant, wiped with sugar

    Take 40% of the crushed hawthorn, add 25% of the eroded blackcurrant and 35% of the sugar. Pasteurized according to the regimes adopted when making canned food "Hawthorn rubbed with sugar".

    Hawthorn with apples, wiped with sugar. To 42% of the crushed hawthorn 28% of grated apples and 30% of granulated sugar are added. Puree is better to cook from apples sort Antonovka ordinary. Canned in the same way as hawthorn, wiped with sugar.

    Jam from hawthorn

    Disassembled and washed fruits are poured into a saucepan, add water( half a glass to a glass of fruit) and cook until softened. The decoction is decanted into a separate bowl, and the cooked fruits are wiped through a colander. Seeds and peel are thrown away, and the grinded mass is mixed with broth and granulated sugar( 0.9-1 kg of sugar per kilogram of wiped paste and broth), boiled to the density of sour cream. During cooking, the mass is stirred all the time. To the mass, it is advisable to add citric or tartaric acid( 1-1.5 g per 1 kg of ground weight and decoction) or boil hawthorn with acidic berries( cranberries, black currants, barberry, cowberry).

    Compote from hawthorn

    Ripe, but not overgrown fruits are washed, cut, cleaned of seeds, rinsed with cold water, dipped into a nearly boiling 45% sugar syrup and left in it for a tincture for 8-10 hours( can be overnight).Then they are separated from the syrup and placed in hot sterilized glass jars. The syrup is heated to a boil, boiled for 8-10 minutes and poured into them the fruits in the jars. Pasteurized in boiling water: half-liter cans - 20 minutes, liter - 25 minutes. After pasteurization, the jars are immediately sealed and turned over to the lid( before cooling down).