  • Diseases of apple and pear trees

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    Black cancer is dangerous for apple trees and to a lesser extent for pears. The most harmful form of the disease is damage to the cortex on the stems and skeletal branches. Usually the infection begins through the wounds, around which appears a slightly impressed brown-violet spot, growing in concentric zones. Later, the areas cracked and blackened, covered with small tubercles. The bark in the lesions resembles goosebumps.

    Affected leaves are covered with reddish-brown spots, flowers bloom, wrinkle, stamens and pistils black. On ripening fruits dark-brown dents are formed. The fungus hibernates in the affected areas of the cortex, on the fallen leaves, in mummified fruits. Control measures. In autumn, sick fallen leaves burn, remove the dried fruits from the tree. Wounds should be cleaned with a knife from the wood, grabbing and healthy bark( by 1.5-2 cm), disinfected with 1% copper sulfate and greased with a garden fume. As a healing putty, you can use clay, previously dipped in water for a day, and add to it a mullein( in equal parts).

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    Cytospores causes the drying of individual parts of the cortex, which does not turn black, but remains reddish-brown and, when trying to separate it, urinate. On the entire area of ​​the affected cortex, noticeable tubercles appear - the pycnidia of the causative agent of the disease. Control measures. See Black cancer.

    The scab appears on the leaves with brown spots with a velvety coating that gradually grows.

    Fruits, other than gray-black spots, form cracks. When the shoots are damaged, the pear has cracking and peeling of the bark. Mushroom spores are scattered by the wind after heavy rain. Wet weather favors the development of the disease. Control measures. Before blossoming buds, the trees must be treated with copper dome-dew( 100 g per 10 liters of water).If this period was missed, then the treatment can be carried out with the blossoming buds with the drug scorpion( 2 ml per 10 l of water).The following sprayings, if necessary, are carried out after flowering and then with an interval of 10-15 days i after it with the same preparations. In autumn, the leaves are burned after falling leaves. Incidence of scab decreases when planting near raspberry apple trees, especially if their branches are in contact.

    The phallosticosis of affects mainly the apple tree leaves in the form of a brown patch on them. Most often manifested in mid-June. Control measures. See Scab.

    Powdery mildew affects apple, rarely pear. On leaves, shoots, and sometimes flowers and fruits appears a white mealy coating consisting of mycelium and spore. Shoots are covered with a felt coat, the leaves twist and dry up, the flowers are deformed, the ovaries fall off. It hibernates in the affected shoots Control measures. Fallen leaves must be destroyed, sick shoots cut and burned. In the phase of isolation in apple buds, it is recommended to spray the trees with a solution of colloidal sulfur( 40 g per 5 liters of water) or topaz( 2 ml per 10 liters of water).In the case of warm wet weather, the treatment should be repeated immediately after the apple blossom.

    Fruit rot affects apple, pear, and also stone fruit. On the fruits appear brown spots, then grayish pads of mycelium and spores, located in concentric circles. The flesh of the fetus becomes soft, brown, tasteless. In storage, the fungus causes black rot: the fetal surface acquires a brilliantly black color, and the pulp becomes brown or black-brown. Control measures. In the summer, you should regularly collect and remove from the garden or dig in the soil sick fruit.

    The milky shine of appears after severe winters on trees affected by frost, with damage to the bark and wood. The leaves become whitish with a silvery outflow, as if a pearl color. Later on the Hirx appear areas with dying tissue. The leaves become brittle, gradually wither. In damaged branches and trunks, the wood becomes darker. Control measures. A definite effect is given by root and foliar fertilization with urea in combination with spraying a patient with a leukemia onion infusion. Affected branches must be burned. If the medical measures do not help, you will have to uproot the sick tree.