  • Budding

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    The name of this method of vaccination was obtained from the Latin "oculus", which means "eye".Eyeball in fruit growing is called the kidney, so the budding is a vaccination by the kidney, or eyeball. This is one of the most common ways to inoculate rootstocks, the main advantage of which is that any well developed kidney can give life to a new cultivated plant while preserving all the properties of the initial uterine variety to which the kidney belongs. Thus, the expenditure of grafting material is sharply reduced in comparison with the inoculation of the cuttings, which should have 5-7 kidneys, which is of no small importance with a limited amount of material. In addition, the eyepiece is very simple and operative in terms of the technique of its implementation and very well takes root.

    Advantages of the

    . Simplicity and speed of execution.

    High survival rate of vaccinations( up to 100%),

    A low expenditure of vaccine »shoogo material, enough one developed kidney.

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    The successful passage and engraftment of the vaccine is largely dependent on the quality of the rootstock and graft. The rootstock, as already mentioned, should have a thickness of the stem at the site of grafting of at least 7-10 mm, the bark should be thin, smooth and plastic and well separated from the wood at the site of the incision. Cuttings intended for slicing eyes should be fresh, unfading, the bark is not dried, and the kidneys are well formed. Cuttings for incision are cut

    For budding it is necessary to take a kidney shield from the middle part of the shoot, where they are best developed, poorly formed buds at the base of the shoot are not suitable for budding, as they can not give a strong extension to the grafted plant

    just before the work, it is better early in the morning before the onset of high solar activity, which withers the moisture in the cortex and adjacent tissues of the shoot. Do not take the shoots of the continuation of the main branches or central conductor, as well as zolchkas shoots, because of the strong growth, they do not have time to develop enough mature buds. The thickness of the sprouted shoot should be 5-7 cm, and the length is no more than -0-40 cm, the upper part of the shoot with weaker kidneys is not used for grafting, so it is immediately cut off. The leaves on the shoot must be healthy and well developed, they must be cut off from the shoot, leaving a segment of the petiole in 1 cm. The prepared cuttings should be put in a bucket of water or wrapped in a damp cloth. This is necessary, the bark on them has not dried up and has not lost its plasticity.

    .The buds are unequal in quality from the place of its placement in the crown and the budding of the kidney bud. Formerly, lower buds form, but they are weak and do not go for budding; in the upper part of the kidneys escape, on the contrary, they do not have enough time to form at the time of z-budding.therefore, also not suitable for budding. The best characteristics, in that ^ 5! & Lt; by and survival, are different kidneys in the most recent part of the shoot. These are common rules for all in the gel of fruit trees, but there are also exceptions. So, for example, in some types of pears it is quite possible to use glasses from the top part of the shoot, and for oculars, certain breeds of fruit are quite suitable kidneys.