  • Mother and child do not have synchrony

    Our two-month-old child wakes up every two hours. I can not bear how he cries, but by the time I come up to him and give him a breast, he's already agitated, and so do I.Because of this, it takes more time for me to lull him and fall asleep myself. The next day my child does not seem tired, but I'm completely powerless. What's wrong?

    You and your child have no night harmony, and you need to be within reach of each other. Do not forget that your child's sleep cycles are shorter than those of you. Approximately every hour, when it passes from a slow sleep to a fast one, it passes through a period of receptivity, when it can easily awaken. Some children wake up during these periods of susceptibility, others do not. It seems that your child is very weak and wakes up every time it moves to the next stage of sleep. He wakes up at the stage of superficial sleep, while he awakens you from a deep sleep. The way a person wakes up, rather than the frequency of awakening, leads to a lack of sleep. That's why you are more tired than your child.

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    To achieve night harmony with your child, try this. Take the child to his bed or from the beginning, or after the first nightly awakening and breastfeed until he falls asleep. In the next awakening, first try to just pat him on the ass or put his hand on his head or on the back, as he may not be hungry. If he needs feeding, he will let you know. In a week or so a little more, you will notice that you and the child begin to come to synchronization of your sleep cycles: when your child enters the phase of superficial sleep and begins to wake up, so do you. You can then turn on your side and feed him or pat the child on the back, until this waking period ends. Both of you will return to a state of deep sleep, without waking up completely. Over time, your child will stop waking up every time you change the phase of sleep, because your very closeness will make it go from deep sleep to superficial and back to a deeper, more fluid sleep, and he will not even wake up at all.