  • Shortening or cutting?

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    In some cases, there may be a choice, which of the trimming techniques to choose: shortening or cutting? In this case, it is necessary to take into account a number of general recommendations.

    In trees with a weak ability to branch, long annual shoots must be shortened, otherwise the crown will soon fill with thin elongated and weak branches. As a result of shortening of the remaining buds, branchings will appear, which will prevent denudation and bare-eyed shoots.

    If the kidneys are well awakened after shortening, but do not give too long branches, do not be afraid of thickening the crown and apply regular shortening.

    It is not recommended to shorten annual branches in trees with strong branching, as this will inevitably lead to thickening of the crown. The more branches will be shortened, the more intensive the growth of lateral branches and the greater the thickening of the crown. In this case, in trees with such intensive branching, during the thinning of the crown, the branches should be removed entirely, that is, cut out, because it is useless to shorten long branches: they even have a large number of sleeping buds at the base, which, after pruning, can give an intensive growth of shoots.

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    Cutting off the knot

    Left: the knot left from the sawed branch must be cut close to the tree bend or branch so that the surface of the saw is inclined and the water can roll down on it without stopping.

    Right: the knot left as a result of improper pruning can cause accumulation of dampness together to cut off, the formation of rotting cortical areas, and wood and become a hotbed of disease

    Trimming sequence

    Trimming process, like any other process, has its own laws and sequence of actionsit is advisable to adhere to the best results.

    First, cut out dried, diseased and dead shoots.

    : : Then it is necessary to cut out the wolf shoots, leave only those that may be needed to form branches if necessary, the left tops need to be shortened or cut to translation.

    ": After this, cut out branches that are outside the limits set for this type of crown, return the specified dimensions to the crown in height and width

    If the crown is too thick, you will have to cut out 1-2 healthy branches, you only need to select the branches whose cuttingdischarges the crown and opens the light inside the crown

    In conclusion, it is necessary to create the required subordination of branches if the task of forming a skeleton of a young tree is required, or to rejuvenate the crown if the plant growth is weakened. The process of cutting of large branches, , which is produced by sawing, is necessary because of their aging, damage by a hurricane, heavy snowfall or loads in abundant crops if timestamps are not installed.cm, usually use special garden saws. When cutting off the branch the first cut is made at a distance of 20 cm from the tree trunk. First, cut a third of the thickness of the branch from below, and then make the displaced 1 cm farther towards the top of the branch drank from above. Between the cuts there is only a narrow thin web of branches that easily breaks off. The sawing method described above prevents the formation of faults of wood, excludes the formation of scoring of the bark. After the branch is broken off, a straight-cutting saw-off of the protruding knot formed on the spot is made. Categorically, you should not leave any knots or hemp at the place of sawing, as the risk of rot will increase. The spire should be smooth, clean, located close to the junction of the sawed branch with the other branch or tree trunk. The surface of the saw must be positioned at a certain angle so that water can not easily accumulate from it. The edges of the branch cutting place must be cleaned with a curved garden knife, removing all irregularities, and covered with garden fumes to prevent the penetration of pathogens of fungal diseases and dampness causing rotting processes. Wound treated injured areas heal better, overgrown due to cambium swimming.

    A compulsory operation is the rootstock cutting, which grows from the roots of the ground next to the stem, which is highly undesirable for the tree, as it spends strength, moisture, and nutrients on the shoot. Root shoots should be cut with a pruner under the root, without waiting for its growth. As a planting material, rooted shoots are rarely used, so there is no need to leave them.

    A special type of trimming is the trimming of the roots. It is not used so often, but it is necessary to reduce the too rapid growth of a tall tree on a high stem. At the root of the application of root pruning is the principle of redistribution of nutrients, moisture and other components that ensure the growth of the tree. The root system of the plant and its aerial part are always in a relatively balanced state, therefore, removing part of the root system, we deprive the aboveground part of the plant of a certain proportion of moisture and nutrients, and thereby inhibit and limit its growth. Pruning is carried out when the tree is in a state of vegetative rest, that is, in the early spring, before the plant enters the active growth stage, as soon as the soil condition permits.

    1. Around a tree it is necessary to outline a circle with the help of a rope tied to the trunk of a tree and a peg that coincides with the projection of the crown on the ground.

    . 2. On the circumference, dig the

    trench to the depth of the

    shovel bayonet.

    3. With the help of the forks it is necessary for I to expose the exposed roots, while trying not to damage the small ones.

    4. Large roots should be sawed with a hacksaw and sprinkled with the remaining roots of the ground.

    Processing of



    1. The edges of the damage, cuts, hollows or wounds are treated with a curved garden knife by simply trimming them and cleaning them.

    2. Then, apply a spatula or brush, depending on the consistency, on the brushed edges of the damage, a protective sealing compound( garden var, wax,


    3 - After the edges are treated, seal the entire surface of the damage on the surface of the
