  • Caloric content of an orange

    Orange sweet Citrus sinensis( L.) Osbeclc.) belongs to the family of rutae and is an evergreen tree with a spherical crown, leathery ovate leaves and scented white flowers. The fruits are spherical, with dense orange peel and sweet, slightly acidic flesh.

    The first reliable mention of the sweet orange appeared about 2200 years BC.In those distant times, he was well known in his homeland in southern China. Perhaps, from here the orange came to India, and then the Arabs brought it to Egypt and Syria. In Europe, oranges appeared only in the XV century, which, apparently, is associated with the campaigns of the Crusaders. The fruits of sweet orange found enthusiastic admirers in European countries. Residents of Italy, France, Holland began to build special closed glass rooms for their growing-a greenhouse. This name was given because the oranges have been named after the oranges( a distorted name given to the Arabs by the fruits of the sour orange).

    In Russia, the first greenhouses appeared in 1714, when Menshikov built a palace near St. Petersburg called Oranienbaum. But the name "Orange" did not take root in Russia, here the modern name "orange", which originated from German, meaning "Chinese apple" in translation, gradually spread here. The first planting of oranges in the open ground appeared in Ajaria in the XIX century. However, trees not adapted to the local climate perished in frosty winters. It took many years of breeding work before the varieties adapted to our conditions appeared.

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    In the fruit pulp, contains glucose 2,2-2,4%, fructose 2,2-2,8%, sucrose 2,9-3,5%, organic acids( lemon, etc.), pectin substances, many salts(including 197 mg% of potassium), colorants, phytoncides and vitamins C( 60 mg%), B and B1, provitamin A. In oranges, the content of proteins is 0.9%, fats 0.2%, carbohydrates 8.1%, fiber 2.2%, energy value 100 grams of product 43 Kcal. The glycemic index of the orange is 35, so it can be consumed by diabetics.

    . Ways of using

    . A complex of vitamins makes it possible to use oranges and juice from them as an effective means of preventing and treating hypo and avitaminosis. Thanks to strong phytoncides, killing some pathogens, orange juice can be used in some cases to treat infected wounds and ulcers. In addition, it quenches thirst well in febrile states. But the main importance of oranges in their very useful dietary properties. Sour-sweet pulp, fresh or canned juice stimulates the appetite and helps to improve digestion. People with chronic constipation are advised to eat oranges or drink juice in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime. But with peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice and exacerbations of inflammatory bowel diseases, one should not use oranges. In these cases, it is permissible to use only a small amount of juice diluted with half of water. Since there is a significant amount of potassium, ascorbic acid and other vitamins in oranges, it is advisable to eat them in hypertension, atherosclerosis, liver diseases, obesity, gout.

    From migraine mix 150 g grated on a small grater horseradish, a half-kilogram of oranges( without seeds), 300 g of sugar and add 1 liter of red wine. Cook this mixture in a sealed container in a water bath for 1 hour. Cool, strain and take 1/2 cup after 2 hours after eating.

    In everyday life, you can successfully use the aromatic properties of the peel of oranges to protect clothes from moths. To do this, put dried peel of several oranges in the storage areas of clothing. An even more effective anti-moth is the peel of the orange in combination with the clove.

    The acids contained in the orange peel are detrimental to various bacteria. Analogous antibiotic properties are possessed by acids isolated from the juice of other citrus fruits. These natural antibiotics are very effective and can find application in medicine, cosmetics and food industry. Just a few drops of orange acid per 1 liter of milk protect it from spoilage for several weeks.

    The fruit pulp is delicious, it is eaten raw. From oranges, jams are prepared, candied fruits, they are used to flavor confectionery. Essential orange oil, obtained from the peel, is used for making fruit drinks, in alcoholic beverages production, as well as in the dairy industry and perfumery. Especially widespread is the preparation of orange juice - one of the most common and useful fruit juices.