  • Kalina ordinary

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    General Information: Viburnum is a shrub or tree with a height of up to 4 m. Under natural conditions, it is found in the undergrowth, on the forest edges, along the banks of rivers and lakes. Flowers are collected in thyroid inflorescences, in the center of which flowers bear fruit, and on the periphery - infertile. Fruits - juicy red round bone with yellow flesh, red juice and a flat round bone, ripen in August-September.

    Kalina ordinary is an ancient remedy for Russian traditional medicine. The famous physician FI Inozemtsev in 1858 recommended the use of viburnum as an agent for the treatment of malignant neoplasms. Official medicine for many years used only the bark of the American viburnum viburnum - Viburnum prunifoli-um L. Only in 1928 Soviet scientists A. D. Rozenfeld and G. V. Tutayev proved that the nature and strength of the action of the viburnum vulgaris in nothingis inferior to Kalina plum.

    Kalina in Russia was considered a symbol of virginity and pure love. That is why the girls adorned themselves with the blossoming viburnum branches. Pinkish umbels of the Kalinovi inflorescences with a snow-white border of large flowers in May-June during flowering of this plant were an indispensable participant in ceremonial games and dances. The name of its plant was derived from the verb "to pour" for its bright red, like fire-baked, berries.

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    And to this day the viburnum decorates many gardens and city parks. Its large three- and five-lobed green leaves are good, it is beautiful in bloom, and only in autumn, when the branches are bent from the heavy purple brushes, which can also overwinter in the bush - there's nothing to say - a beauty.

    But the eye to please is only one of the abilities of the Kalina. Yes, of course, her juicy, but bitter berries can not be compared to taste and popularity with the eternal folklore friend-rival of the Kalina Raspberry. Although the taste and color of a friend is not. There are also at the bilberry berries their admirers, especially when after the first frosts berries become sweeter. However, in its usefulness, due to the presence of vitamins, the viburnum is in no way inferior to raspberries, blueberries, no bones, no rose hips.

    It is rich in vitamins K and P, organic acids, tannins, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine. Vitamin C in it is one and a half to two times more than in raspberries. According to its content and the amount of iron, provitamin A( carotene), the phosphorus of the viburnum has bypassed all the citrus fruits. In the bitter berries of the viburnum, oddly enough, up to 32% of sugars - that's after that and trust your taste sensations! The fruits and leaves of the viburnum contain highly active phytoncides, which have a harmful effect on many microorganisms.

    Geographical distribution. Kalina ordinary grows throughout the European part of the country to the Solovetsky Islands in the north, the Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Siberia, the Crimea, Kazakhstan. In the Far East it does not grow. In Belarus it is often found, but in relatively small quantities. It grows on the fringes, glades, felling, in the undergrowth of deciduous, spruce and mixed forests, along the banks of rivers, streams, lakes. Likes places of sufficient moisture. Grow in gardens and parks.

    Requirements: prefers rich, sufficiently moistened soils, better development and good crop yields in an open, well-lit area. The plant is self-fertilized, so you can plant only one bush, and it will give berries. Kalina is quite winter hardy.

    Composition: in fruits contains sugars, pectic substances, malic, valeric and other organic acids, vitamin C, carotene, glycoside and tannins.

    Landing: landing can be carried out in spring and autumn. The distance between the bushes is 1,5-2 m. The pit should be excavated with a diameter of 50-60 cm, with a depth of 40 cm. To fill the pit together with the top layer of soil, mix 3-4 buckets of peat or other organic fertilizers, 200 grams of simple superphosphate and50-60 g of potassium sulfate and urea. The mixture should have a slightly acidic reaction( pH 5.5-6.0), so if necessary add 200 grams of lime or crushed chalk. In this mixture plant the seedling in the usual way, you can 3-5 cm deeper than the plant grew in the nursery. After watering( 2-3 buckets per plant), the stock circle should be covered with peat by a layer of 7-10 cm.

    There are few cultivated varieties of Kalina, among which there are like Zarnitsa, Zholobovskaya, Sookoza, Shukshinskaya and . Red bunch.

    Care : the main activities - loosening the soil, watering, mulching, fertilizing, pruning, pest control. In the first half of the summer, irrigation and fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers are necessary. Leaves of the guelder-rose injure the beetle-leaf beetle, leaves and young shoots - black kalina lentiflora, and flowers - gallinate gallinacea. With pests of leaves, they struggle by spraying with insecticides before and after flowering, and, if necessary, again 10-12 days later. Tobacco, onion and garlic infusions are also used. Diseases on the viburnum are not noticed.

    Pruning: Kalina can be grown as a bush or a small tree. To form the crown in the form of a bush, it is necessary to cut off all branches in the second year after planting in the early spring. Pruning should be strong at a level of 2-3 knots from the soil surface. When new shoots grow and reach a length of 30 cm, you should pinch their growth points. This will serve as an incentive for the development of sleeping buds, from which grow strong shoots, forming the basis of the bush. Gradually, the number of branches can be increased to the optimum amount, not thickening the bush.

    To form a viburnum in the form of a tree, it is necessary to leave one vertical stem, and the remaining cut at the base. To prevent branching of the only branch left, it is necessary to pinch the side buds in its lower part. The formation of the trunk will take at least 2-3 years, until its height reaches 1 -1.5 m. After that, the growth point should be pinched, so that the branching of the stem begins. When forming a tree, it is important to permanently cut out the root shoots, so that there will always be a single trunk, otherwise the tree will turn out a bush. Side shoots in the area of ​​the stem should be broken off in green or cut out on the ring during autumn pruning.

    After completion of crown formation, systematic sanitary pruning should be carried out, removing excess, poorly positioned, weak, thin, dry, old, diseased and broken branches from the crown. It is important not to allow thickening of the crown and to limit its dimensions in reasonable limits.

    Harvesting: bunches of viburnum berries are cut in September-October, when the berries become a characteristic red color and start to glow from the inside, stored in a cool room in baskets or bundled. Since the berries contain a natural preservative, they are kept long enough.

    Usage: Viburnum is widely used in medicine.

    Berries increase tone, improve heart function, have a diuretic effect, are useful for neuroses, vascular spasms, atherosclerosis and hypertension. Vitamin tea from them has a restorative and soothing effect.

    In addition to fruits, other parts of the plant are used. Decoction from the bark collected early in the spring, dried and chopped, is used as a hemostatic for internal bleeding. Infusion of flowers improves digestion.

    Collection and drying. Prepare bark and fruits. Collection of bark is produced in spring, during sap flow. On the cut branches make ring cuts every 20-25 cm, then join them then longitudinal, after which they easily remove the bark. Dry in the open air, attics, under the awnings, with good ventilation. From time to time, during drying, pieces of bark are turned over.

    Medicinal raw materials .The calf bark( Cortex Vibur-ni) is tubular, trough-shaped or flat pieces about 2 mm thick. The outer surface is wrinkled( sometimes smooth), brownish or greenish-gray, with small lenticels, internal - smooth, brownish-yellow or light yellow, with reddish spots or stripes. The smell is specific, unpleasant, weak. The taste is bitter-astringent, tart.

    Quantitative indicators( FS-42-611-72): humidity not more than 14%;ash not more than 10%;pieces of bark with a darkened inner surface of not more than 5%;pieces of bark with the remains of wood on the inside and twigs - no more than 2%;pieces of bark shorter than 10 cm not more than 15%, organic impurity not more than 0.5%;mineral impurity not more than 0.5%.The content of substances extracted with 50% alcohol should be at least 18%;tannins - not less than 4%.The bark is pressed and packaged in bales of 50-75 kg. Store on shelves in a well-ventilated dry room.

    Collection of mature fruits is carried out in August - September. Dry in the air, in a dark place, or in dryers( ovens, ovens) at a temperature of no higher than 60 °.Dried fruits are freed from pedicels and twigs. Raw materials are wrinkled, rounded, flattened from two sides, shiny fruits of dark red or orange-red color. The diameter of the fruit is 0.5-1 cm. In the fruiting pulp there is one bone, almost round or broad-hearted, with a short pointed top, with an uneven surface. The taste is bitter-sour, the smell is weak.

    Numerical indicators( MITU 42 No. 691-62): humidity not more than 15%;unripe fruits not more than 4%;fruits burned, blackened and damaged by pests no more than 1.5%;other parts of the MRTU - inter-republican technical conditions no more than 2.5%;organic impurity not more than 1%;mineral impurity not more than 0.5%.Dry fruits are packed in fabric bags of 30-40 kg. Store on shelves in well ventilated dry rooms.

    Chemical composition. The bark contains a mixture of flavonoids, known as viburnin, a viburnitol resin, which includes acetic, valeric, isovaleric, caproic, caprylic, formic, oleic, linoleic, cerotinic and palmitic acids. Also contained are a and( 3-amyrin and their derivatives, two phytosterols, tannins, alcohol viburnite( cyclohexapentanol), essential oil.)

    The fruit has been found to contain sugars, organic acids( including isovaleric and its esters), pectin, tannins andVitamin C,( 3-carotene and other carotenoids, microelements, flavonoids, among which are identified kaempferol, quercetin, astragaline, peonoside and biflavonoid amentoflavone. The flowers contain flavonoids( glycosidized derivatives of kaempferol), vitain C, essential oil, organic acids, triterpene ursolic acid and arbutin glycoside are extracted from the leaves

    Action and application: Preparations obtained from the bark of the viburnum intensify the tone of the musculature of the uterus and have a hemostatic effect. The liquid extract of the bark of the viburnum is used mainly in uterine bleeding, endometritis, hyperplasia of the mucous membrane of the uterus, as well as with myomas that do not require urgent surgery, in painful menstruation. Has an easy diuretic effect. Broths are less effective, because the biologically active substances of the bark of the Kalina almost do not dissolve in water.

    Fruits and flowers are used mainly in folk medicine with honey, sugar syrup, of which tinctures are prepared. Fruits fresh, dried, canned( jam, juice, mashed fruits with sugar) are used for nervous excitement, vascular spasms, hypertension, atherosclerosis. It is believed that the systematic use of fruits of the Kalina improves the health of patients with malignant tumors of the digestive system.

    In folk medicine, viburnum has long stood on one of the first places. The juice of berries with honey is drunk at increased pressure, it is taken as a preventive agent, which prevents the appearance of tumors. The juice of the fruit of the viburnum, mixed with molasses, is an old folk remedy for the treatment of breast cancer. It also helps with colds, coughing, hoarseness of voice - then it must be drunk warm. They treat patients with bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis. Fresh juice of the berries of Kalina strongly affects the pathogenic Trichomonas and Giardia, Staphylococcus aureus.

    Preparation of

    juice First method

    Vine juice and sugar( 1: 1).

    To deprive the berries of Kalina of a particular bitterness, having sustained them in the oven at a temperature of 110-120 degrees for 1 - 1.5 hours. Squeeze out the juice from the berries. Pour a small amount of water into the mash, boil for 5 minutes and drain. Decoction to combine with juice. Liquid heat, dissolve sugar in it( but do not bring to a boil), pour into sterile jars. Such juice can be stored at room temperature.

    The amount of sugar can be reduced to 200 g / l. Store juice in the refrigerator or cool place.

    Kalina belongs to those few fruits, the taste and aroma of which improve with canning.

    The second way is

    1 L of juice, from 200 g to 1 kg of sugar.

    Squeeze the juice from the berries.

    Pour a small amount of water into the mash, boil for 5 minutes and drain. Decoction to combine with juice. Heat the liquid without boiling it, add and dissolve the sugar. The minimum amount of sugar is 200 g.

    This juice is best stored in a refrigerator or cool place. When the ratio of juice and sugar is 1: 1, you can store at room temperature.

    Juice to use for making kissels, compotes. It is very tasty if you add it to tea.

    Fresh fruits are used as a laxative, they relieve headaches. Infusion of berries is taken with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, with cardiac pain. It improves metabolism, with its help cure furuncles and carbuncles, eczema and pustular skin lesions. Infusion of berries with honey - a wonderful rinse with angina, a good remedy for the treatment of bronchitis, colds, cough, pneumonia. This remedy is also good for washing wounds and ulcers on the skin.

    Viburnum berries strengthen cardiac contractions, possess a diuretic property. Kalinovy ​​tea is an excellent restorative and multivitamin.

    The bark of the Kalina is also widely used. It has a haemostatic property, normalizes heart activity. Therefore, it is often used to treat cardiac arrhythmia. Decoction of the bark of the viburnum stops uterine bleeding, it is taken with painful menstruation, the threat of miscarriage. Infusion of the bark of the Kalina is effective in neurasthenia, hysteria, epilepsy, insomnia, excessive irritability. With long-term use, it improves renal blood circulation, lowers cholesterol in the blood, has a diuretic effect, reduces high blood pressure.

    Candles with viburnum extract are used for bleeding, hemorrhoids. Coffee from her seeds has a tonic effect on the intestines. Infusion of flowers is drunk with cholelithiasis and kidney stones and gastritis. Infusion of flowers and fruits is a wonderful cosmetic that can be used to wash and rub the skin of the face, after which it will become clean, velvety, fresh.

    Decoction from young shoots of viburnum is a proven remedy for scrofula( exudative diathesis) in children, even in neglected cases.

    So, the bark, flowers, and red viburnum fruits help a person get rid of their ailments. The bark must be harvested before the leaves bloom, removing it from the cut branches. Dry the bark of the Kalina in the fresh air. It is stored for a long time, its medicinal properties are valid for four years. The flowers are collected in sunny weather and dried at a temperature of no higher than 50 ° C or in the shade. Berries are better to collect already mature and dry in the oven at 60-65 ° C until solid. The juice is perfectly stored in the refrigerator without sugar and pasteurization for several months. By the way, when brewing berries or juice of the Kalina, their bitter taste disappears.