
Useful and curative properties of carrot cultural

  • Useful and curative properties of carrot cultural

    Two-year-old garden herbaceous plant 30- 100 cm high. Root( root) is edible, fleshy, stained. Stem erect, ribbed, pistil-hairy. Leaves are alternate, petiolate, twice-triple-holeistorassechennye. Flowers are small, white, collected in complex umbrellas. Fruits are double-seeded.

    With the therapeutic purpose, root crops, seeds are used;in folk medicine - also leaves.

    Root carrots contain many sugars in their composition, the predominant among them is glucose;a small amount of starch and pectin substances, a lot of fiber, lecithin and other phosphatides. Of the mineral salts, potassium salts predominate. Especially valuable is the high carotene content in carrots( up to 9 mg%), the vitamins

    group B, pyridoxine( 0.12 mg%), nicotine( up to 0.4 mg%) and folic acid( 0.1 mg%), vitamin D

    Carrots are widely used in fresh form for the treatment and prevention of vitamin A vitamin deficiencies and vitamin A hypovitaminosis, accompanied by a decrease in vision and dystrophic and atrophic changes in the epithelium. It should be remembered, however, that carotene contained in carrots is not assimilated with liver diseases and reduced thyroid function, so in such cases, pure vitamin A, and not carrots, is prescribed. Also, fresh carrots are widely used for vitamin deficiencies and vitamin C vitamin hypovitaminosis and group B vitamins. In addition, carrots are used as a nutritional, general toning and skin-healing remedy.

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    In medical nutrition, carrots are recommended for constipation, liver, kidney, cardiovascular, mineral metabolism disorders( renal stone disease, gallstone disease and metabolic polyarthritis).Carrot juice as a source of carotene is prescribed from the first days with myocardial infarction.

    From seeds of carrots an extract called daukarin is obtained. It has an antispasmodic, vasodilating, moderately soothing effect and is used for chronic coronary insufficiency. Produced in tablets of 0.02 g.

    The total purified dry extract obtained from carrot seeds is stored with precaution( List B).

    In folk medicine, it is known that carrots have a diuretic and dissolving effect on stones and sand in the bladder. For this purpose, carrot root is usually used, but carrot seeds, especially wild ones, are much more effective for medicinal purposes, which sometimes grows in orchards, but more often near roads( see Carrots wild).

    Carrots( root vegetables) are used for anemia, a general decline in strength. Carrots improve digestion and increase the secretion of milk in lactating women. With daily consumption of carrots, patients gain weight,

    improves the complexion, increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

    Carrot juice mixed with honey or sugar, it is recommended to take 1 tbsp.spoon several times a day for catarrh of the respiratory tract.

    Root crop of the second year is used for jaundice, leaf broth is drunk with diseases of the kidneys, liver, leaves and roots - with diathesis, children's eczema.

    External carrot root is used for burns( cake), cancer( juice inside and outwardly), fresh purulent wounds, ulcers( apply cake or wash with carrot juice).Carrots help purify the wounds from pus, reduce pain, has anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect. Carrot juice is good to rinse your mouth and throat during inflammatory processes.

    Carrot tops are brewed like tea and drunk with hemorrhoids.


    Tablets: daukarin - 1 tablet 3 times a day with angina pectoris.

    Decoction( better than seed, not root): 1 tbsp.spoon on a glass of boiling water, soar overnight in the oven, take hot 1 glass 3 times a day.

    Powder from seeds: 1 g for 3 doses per day 30 minutes before meals with coronary insufficiency, etc.

    Carrot juice with honey and milk is prescribed for severe cough, sore throat, hoarseness, tuberculosis, bronchial catarrh, stomach cancer and larynx.