
The cyst of the spermatic cord( funiculocele) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • The cyst of the spermatic cord( funiculocele) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    The cyst of the spermatic cord or funiculocele is a fairly frequent disease of the urogenital system in men, which occurs almost at any age. Because of its poor clinical symptoms, the cyst of the spermatic cord is most often a random finding when performing an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity.

    Scheme funikalotsele

    Causes of cyst of the spermatic cord

    As a rule, in its origin, the funikolecele is divided into congenital and acquired. The congenital cyst of the spermatic cord is the cause of abnormal fetal development and can be associated with a variety of vaginal and other malformations.

    The cause of acquired cysts is most often inflammatory diseases that lead to the formation of a cavity between the shells of the spermatic cord or venous stasis in this organ.

    Symptoms of the cyst of the spermatic cord

    Most often the funicular has an asymptomatic course. Education is manifested in the form of an accidental finding during the bathing of a child, during a preventive examination by a specialist, or when performing additional methods for studying diseases of the abdominal cavity and urogenital organs.

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    Less commonly, the cyst of the spermatic cord can manifest as a constant aching pain in the groin area on one side. This, as a rule, occurs at very large neoplasms when it has a mechanical effect on the vascular and neural structures of this anatomical site.

    With palpation, it is possible to detect a circular tumor-like formation, usually of a soft-elastic consistency, with a smooth surface that is not welded to surrounding tissues.

    Thus, if you have found a tumor-like growth in the inguinal region, immediate consultation of the urologist is necessary to determine the further treatment tactics.

    Diagnosis of the spermatic cyst

    As a rule, clinical examination leaves a lot of questions regarding the origin of education. Therefore, it must be differentiated with lipoma, spermatogenic granuloma, tumor of the spermatic cord and inguinal hernia. The last disease is especially important, because it is much more common than others. A reliable clinical sign of inguinal hernia can be considered a symptom of a "cough push".When the doctor presses a finger on the neoplasm, the patient is encouraged to cough. If during the last procedure there is a jerky protrusion of the tumor, then we can say that we are dealing with a hernia. If the "tumor" does not respond to a given symptom, then it is necessary to carry out a further diagnostic search.

    Among the additional methods of research, most often, ultrasound is used. Although it does not provide accurate information about the nature of the neoplasm, it allows us to at least roughly judge the origin of the latter. On the ultrasound of the cyst of the spermatic cord, it has the form of a rounded formation filled with matter, similar in echogenicity to the liquid.

    Only a biopsy of the neoplasm can be considered a reliable clinical method of investigation, only it is used extremely rarely. The reason for this tactic is that all neoplasms of this site need surgical treatment, regardless of their nature.

    Treating the cyst of the spermatic cord

    The only effective method of treating the cyst of the spermatic cord is surgical intervention. It consists in the complete removal of the neoplasm and suturing the postoperative wound. The operation is usually performed under local anesthesia. After the ligation of the operating field with lidocaine solution, a longitudinal incision of the scrotum is performed. In the deep tissues, focusing on the data of ultrasound, a neoplasm is sought. The latter is pinched at the base and bandaged with a silk thread, after which it is cut off with a scalpel. The surgical material, in the form of cyst walls, is taken for compulsory histological examination. The purpose of the latter is the exclusion of malignant growth.

    Surgery to remove cyst of the spermatic cord

    Folk methods of treatment

    As practice shows, folk methods of treatment of spermatic cyst cysts do not bring a special result. Healers recommend the use of various ointments and compresses to absorb the formation, which are always ineffective. In some cases, when too active physical activities such as massage are used, a cyst can break, which has a very poor prognosis, since it promotes the development of aseptic inflammation in the inguinal canal. Therefore, if the patient has funicularicular symptoms, it is necessary to seek help only from a specialist.

    Features of food and lifestyle

    As a rule, Funikelocele does not need any special food. With regard to lifestyle, then within two months after surgery, patients are recommended to limit physical stress. Especially when it comes to lifting weights, as they increase intra-abdominal pressure, which can contribute to the formation of early postoperative hernias.

    Rehabilitation after

    During the first two hours after the operation, patients are recommended cold and weight on the wound, which prevents the onset of bruising and swelling. In addition, the cold is useful in terms of spermatogenesis, since it is known that for normal sperm formation a temperature several degrees lower than in the body is needed. In the long-term period of the disease, patients are advised to wear elastic trunks that support the testicles in a physiological position and do not allow sutures to diverge.

    Complications of the spermatic cyst

    As already mentioned, one of the complications of the funicular root may be a cyst rupture. As a rule, this occurs with a slight impact in the groin or massage of this area. The rupture of the cyst leads to the formation of an aseptic inflammation, which is manifested by soreness and, possibly, an increase in temperature. Therefore, if the diagnosis of the cyst of the spermatic cord is verified, it is necessary to be extremely cautious not to damage the neoplasm.

    Prophylaxis of the cyst of the spermatic cord

    Because the prognosis of Funicelocel is favorable in all cases, minimal attention is paid to the prevention of this disease. To prevent complications, the cyst is recommended to operate as soon as possible after detection.

    Rev.doctor urologist Astashin Е.Е.