  • Marriage-family adaptation

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    The whole life of a person passes in interaction with other people. He constantly has to adapt to their interests, needs, intentions, desires.

    In other words, we are talking about socio-psychological adaptation, which is a person's fitness for joint activities in order to achieve the overall goals of the group or team. Socio-psychological adaptation necessarily includes the ability to communicate, understand others, to cooperate and cooperate with them.

    The subsystem of social contacts of a person reveals the diversity of his personal relationships, socio-psychological assessments and aspirations that form a psychological adaptation. This subsystem is entirely based on knowledge acquired by him during his lifetime, public interests, social status, and personal positions.

    The ability to adapt is not given to man by nature, so to say, originally. She is brought up gradually, from early childhood, first in the family, then is formed as the child is included in a wider circle of communication.

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    Developing in the course of life personality characteristics, the volume and nature of acquired knowledge, the orientation of interests, the uniqueness of emotional-volitional qualities, moral attitudes - all this creates a degree of freedom of a person's response in certain conditions and the basis for individual adaptation to unfavorable mental factors,and purposefully transform them.

    Of course, when we refer to the work of medical psychologists and psychiatrists, then, as a rule, they deal with intrapersonal adaptation as a certain balance of the internal structure of the individual. Lack of adaptation - the lack of mechanisms for integrating the system of mental activity or its individual parts. Insufficient adaptation of the person's mental activity leads to various "effects of inadequacy", promotes the development of complexes, protective mechanisms and can lead to neuropsychiatric diseases.

    The system of mental adaptation is dynamic, always in development. The functional possibilities of its leading and secondary subsystems and links change all the time due to the instability of the biological and socio-psychological basis that determines them, including due to temporary or sufficiently persistent changes in temperament, human abilities, personal orientation, the totality of needs, moral qualities, strong-willed and emotionalproperties. In this sense, adaptation is a multi-quality, multi-level mental education.

    The inner environment of the individual is his whole psyche. It includes needs, drives, emotions, states, well-being, as well as value orientations, understanding of the meaning and purpose of life, the system of attitudes as stereotypical reactions and deeds, subjective reflection of all culture and morality. So, social and psychological adaptation is first of all the correspondence of the behavioral reactions of the personality to the requirements, expectations, goals, functions of the group, adaptation to various types of interpersonal relationships in a particular team.

    The practice of sociological research confirms the validity of the allocation of a large group of conflicts on the basis of disagreements to meet the needs of the spouses. There is no doubt that unsatisfied needs negatively affect the stability of marriage.

    They must be specially studied and analyzed, based on the characteristics of the marriage partner.

    Psychological biography of every person is a huge store of impressions, memories, joy, sadness, spiritual doubts. Life impressions are superimposed on each other, many of them are not realized and seem to come true, but nevertheless they can exert their influence on human behavior. We can name a number of psychologically important moments that determine the stability( & gt; of the cancer, but all of these taken together do not yet represent a gen- eralized quality or property that determines the success or failure of marital relationships.

    The question arises: how and how to combine the various theoretical approaches of sociologists, physicians, psychologists, dealing with such a complex sphere of human relationships as conjugal? You can open up to infinity more and more new psychological phenomena, processes, states that somehow affect the stability of marriage. You can identify hundreds of character traits that will destroy or strengthen the marital relationship. Therefore, a qualitatively new level of generalization is required. The category "adaptation", from our point of view, is central to the psychology of marriage and family relations, since none of the categories of personality psychology, social and general psychology can perform integrative functions. Apparently, this circumstance is explained by the fact that the psychology of marriage and family relations is formed at the intersection of the psychology of the individual, the psychology of social, medical, general sociology and the demography of the family. None of the categories, taken from these disciplines, can perform synthesizing, unifying functions. This applies equally to all the categories that we have used so far: "personality", "interpersonal relations", "communication", cooperation "," cooperation "," interaction "," marriage roles "," needs ","character, temperament, etc.

    These and several other categories that can be used in the analysis of marriage and family relations can be combined with a single, extremely capacious concept - "marriage-family adaptation and disadaptation".It expresses the effectiveness of all processes occurring in marital and family relationships. Adaptation and disadaptation determine the final effective impact on marriage and family relations of the character and temperament of the spouses, their worldview views and value orientations, past life experience and past mental trauma. Moreover, the concept of "adapted and maladaptive behavior" is widely used in medical psychology and psychiatry. For example, you can study the behavior of both a healthy and a sick person in marriage and family.

    The category "marital-family adaptation and disadaptation" allows to unite completely different kinds of families - problem, conflict, neurotic, antisocial - and even a variety of their subspecies.

    Any aspects of human behavior can be viewed in terms of whether or not they correspond to the overall goals and objectives of marriage and family life, or not contribute to the stability of marital relations. It is known that marital conflicts can be considered as a violation of the process of family adaptation. This point of view gives us the opportunity to approach a fundamentally new approach to the fact of high divorce among young families. As a rule, we listed dozens of various reasons for the instability of young marriages. They made a picture of the dissolution of mosaic marriages. Because of the multitude of subjective motives, it was difficult to understand the actual process of disintegration of conjugal unions and to work out some definite position both in their explanation and in the development of measures for social prevention. Many of the motives seemed frivolous, frivolous, which gave rise to excessive optimism about the measures for their prevention.

    The main emphasis was on having or losing a sense of love, and this was a mistake. Love feelings were considered as the alpha and omega of a married life. Guided only by this view, many cases of the disintegration of young marriages could not be explained. Naturally, this hampered the work in the field of sociological and psychological interpretation of the ongoing processes.

    In the system of social and psychological adaptation it is necessary to single out the marriage-family adaptation as a person's fitness for life in marriage and family.

    Marriage adaptation is a gradual process of mutual adaptation of spouses, which is based primarily on positive attachments and positive feelings( sympathy, love, friendship, love).However, feelings of sympathy and love do not yet give any assurance that the marriage adaptation as a whole will end with success.

    Recall that the purpose of marriage is the organization of joint activities for the most complete satisfaction of material, spiritual, sexual and other needs of spouses. It is necessary to coordinate the needs and interests of the two partners, who were previously satisfied independently and autonomously. Here the young spouses and lie in wait for the first disagreements, discrepancies, dissimilarity, disparity. A complex network of mutual dependence appears, the process of mutual adaptation, concessions, compromises, the first confrontations and disputes begins. There is also a development of a mutually agreed assessment of a particular life situation that arose before the marriage partners. A man and a woman who have married are for many years included in a wide variety of joint activities, the success of which requires them to understand, co-ordinate, and co-operate.

    The degree of family consent largely depends on how well each member of the matrimonial dyad is able to put itself in the place of another and understand this or that situation. As is known, marital relations are not studied anywhere, rights and duties, although they are transmitted through the system of social norms, customs, traditions, in a particular family have unique features. Each of the spouses develops a special, individual style of communication with another partner. In the same way, the marriage couple has sufficiently stable orientations relative to each other, that is, certain types of behavior are developed. As a result, the marriage adaptation of the spouses is formed as an integral indicator of coherence of actions relative to all aspects of the life of the family.

    The essence of our views is that the stability of a young marriage is determined by the processes of marriage adaptation, which are especially intense in the first years of life together. Marriage adaptation can be the following pimas:

    - adaptation to marriage roles, to new responsibilities and rights, to joint concerted activities, to the division of labor in a marriage union;

    - adaptation to temperament, character, to the whole psychic world of the partner;

    - adaptation to the needs, interests, habits, image and lifestyle of the marriage partner;

    - adaptation to the basic values ​​of life, "life philosophy", understanding of the purpose and meaning of the partner's life;

    - adaptation of the physiological, including sexual;

    - adaptation to the professional activities of a partner. Having identified these types of marriage adaptation, we also do not pretend to full coverage of all its aspects. Apparently, each kind of such adaptation can be decomposed into composite elements, which in more detail characterize the process of mutual adaptation of spouses.

    Young couples can have a strong feeling, good material and living conditions, and yet the marriage life does not develop due to the fact that they can not adapt to each other. Characterological features of young spouses( or one of them) can create constant spheres of mental stress, conflicts, quarrels, resentments, suspicions, mutual accusations, etc. Ultimately, marriage life is impossible. That is why we attach special importance to the process of mutual adaptation and consider it the key to the success of good relations between spouses.

    From the standpoint of the theory of marriage adaptation is completely different, and most importantly, the problems of marital compatibility can be more deeply interpreted.

    It turns out that as a result of unadapted and difficult to adapt behavior, some people are simply not capable of marriage. This can explain the different forms and types of antisocial and deviant behavior: alcoholism, amoralism, skepticism, nihilism, hooliganism, criminal offenses.

    The range of people adaptation is different. This means that some types of personalities will have special difficulties of adaptation in small groups and collectives. Moreover, an individual suffering, for example, somatic and mental diseases, will have problems and difficulties of adaptation in marriage and family. Thus, the theory of marriage-family adaptation is applicable both to people with generally accepted moral norms, and to people with significant defects.

    Marriage adaptation and disadaptation give us the opportunity to effectively assess the stability or instability of a marriage, to bring together all the variety of types of marital conflicts.

    Based on these positions, it is possible to work out new approaches to rendering extra-medical psychological assistance to young spouses in order to increase their adaptive capacity.

    The ability for various types of adaptation involves not metaphysical, but dialectical thinking, recognizing the existence in the same phenomenon of the positive and negative, progressive and regressive. This ability increases with the mobility of the nervous system, sociability, emotional maturity, mental stability. The main link in the disadaptation of a healthy person is loss of self-control, self-discipline, increased level of emotionality, chronic fatigue and tension.

    We were able to identify the relationship of the general adaptive abilities of the individual to interpersonal interaction in marriage and family life.

    The combination of abilities, more accurately and more accurately, the degree of their development and availability makes it possible for us to identify certain types of personalities: 1) highly adapted;2) medium-adapted;3) low-adapted;4) maladaptive.

    Highly adapted individuals have high and very high abilities for communication, cooperation, cooperation. About such people we can say that they are "born psychologists", because they understand the mental state of other people well. They have a high ability to self-knowledge. They are very self-critical, although it does not lead to self-flagellation, and have a high sense of self-worth. They, as a rule, are friendly and cordial towards other people, are distinguished by a high level of moral development.

    To any duties are treated with sufficient responsibility, in the overwhelming majority have good mental health. Psychiatrists of all schools and trends, no doubt, refer to such individuals as "the norm," although the notion of "norm" in itself is very vague. Highly adapted individuals constitute a fairly large group of people. For us, it is important that they are the "core" of stable and successful marriages, because they are better suited to marital and family life. Such individuals harmoniously combine allocentric, socio-centric, altruistic and egocentric types of behavior. Therefore, there is an adequate choice in accordance with the circumstances.

    Moderately adapted individuals are characterized by uneven development of general adaptive abilities. For example, good inclinations to communication and emotional contacts can be combined with an undeveloped ability to control one's feelings and emotions.

    We can attribute these or other individuals to the average-adapted ones only on the basis of analysis of the data of psychiatry and medical psychology. In modern psychiatry, such individuals are called accentuated. The Soviet psychiatrist AE Lichko believes that it is more correct and more accurate to talk about the accentuation of a character that represents "extreme versions of the norm in which certain traits are excessively amplified, thereby revealing an electoral vulnerability to a certain kind of psychogenic effects with good and even increased resistance toother ".Let us note that both AE Lichko and K. Leonhard are unanimous in that accentuated persons are not pathological."With a different interpretation, we would have had to come to the conclusion that only the average person should be considered normal, and any deviation from such a middle( average norm) should be recognized as pathology."

    According to AE Lichko, with accentuations, some mental disorders occur only with certain kind of mental trauma, in difficult situations.

    "Accentuation is, in essence, the same individual traits, but with a tendency to transition to a pathological state. Anankastic, paranoid and hysterical features can be inherent in some measure, in fact, to any person, but their manifestations are so insignificant that they escape from observation. At greater severity they impose an imprint on the personality as such and, finally, can acquire a pathological character, destroying the structure of the personality.

    Naturally, different types of personalities will experience special difficulties in interpersonal relationships, and their accentuated features can be a source of considerable difficulties for establishing normal marital relationships. How often are people with those OR other accentuated features? K. Leonhard writes on this issue:

    "... the population of our country( referring to the GDR.- V.S.),

    in any case the population of Berlin, this is 50% accentuated persons and 50% - the standard type of people.

    With respect to the population of a state, the data may be completely different. "

    Thus, it can be assumed that accentuated persons are a fairly common type and we attribute them to medium-adapted individuals.

    Low-adapted individuals are a certain group of people, encompassing completely different contingents of persons suffering from alcoholism, various neuropsychiatric disorders( hysteria, obsessive-compulsive disorder, various persistent fears, various types of depressions, severe cases of nervous system exhaustion, psychasthenia, epilepsyand others), drug addicts. To low-adapted personalities can be attributed to persons with weak and moderate mental retardation.

    What part of the population are low-adapted individuals? If you take the data of the World Health Organization for industrialized countries, concerning the prevalence of alcoholism, drug addiction, neurosis, mild and moderate mental retardation, then we will provide a figure of between 12-22%.

    Disadapted individuals are a group of people with progressive forms of schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, with severe brain injuries, severe forms of mental retardation, etc. Due to different definitions and differences in statistical reporting, different criteria used by psychiatrists of various schoolsand directions, these indicators vary greatly and range from 1 to 5% of the population for the industrialized countries. As a rule, these persons are under the tutelage of the state or individual citizens, they are often deprived of legal capacity. Therefore, this group can not include people with antisocial behavior, as well as with recidivist crime, which it is legitimate to consider as low-adapted individuals. So, we have four integral groups in terms of the degree and level of adaptation to interpersonal interaction, cooperation, communication: 1) highly-adapted individuals( VL), 2) medium-adapted individuals( SL), 3) low-adapted individuals( NL) and 4) maladaptive individuals( DL)).Since the matrimonial pair is a dyad, all possible cases can be combined into the following combinations of types according to the level of adaptation.

    1. VL + VL 4. VL + DL 7. SL + AL

    2. VL + SL 5. SL + SL 8. NL + NL

    3. VL + NL 6. SL + NL 9. NL + AS

    Naturally, that the level of matrimonial adaptation and disadaptation will be completely different in these possible combinations. In the first two, where highly-adapted and medium-adapted individuals meet in a married couple, we will observe a fairly high degree of success in marital relationships. Different combinations of low-adapted, maladaptive individuals with medium-adapted, apparently, give us problem, conflict and neurotic conjugal unions, the stability of which is very low( combinations of six to nine).Combinations of three and five will give us middle-stable marital unions. According to the results of the socio-demographic surveys "Mos-kv-76" and "Moscow-78", we obtained approximately the following picture: among all the families surveyed, successful marriages amounted to approximately 18-20%, unsuccessful - in the range of 16-18%, the remaining 62-66% of marriages are medium-stable.

    The advantage of this approach is that any types of families( asocial, neurotic, alcoholic, etc.) can be organically inscribed in our typology in order to obtain the appropriate socio-psychological interpretation.

    General adaptive abilities can be empirically measured and presented in the system of any indicators. Recall that in the world of psychological and psychiatric practice developed psychological tests of a sufficiently high degree of perfection and reliability. They are tested on a huge sociological, socio-psychological and clinical material. They can be successfully used in studying specific abilities of the individual for interpersonal adaptation. Naturally, this will require a certain modification and, in addition, the results will be interpreted and explained in terms of the theory of marriage-family adaptation.

    One of the best options for studying some of the general adaptive abilities of an individual is a special system of test techniques. To prove that such a technique can be developed in the general framework of the theory of marriage-family adaptation, we propose a test analysis to study the influence of character characteristics of a person on interpersonal adaptation.

    Using the basic qualities and properties of the individual, we divided all character traits into two groups: 1) the properties and qualities of a person's character, promoting interpersonal communication, interaction and cooperation;2) qualities and properties that prevent or impede interpersonal adaptation.

    Classification of character traits for these categories is presented in the table. Further, character traits are combined in an arbitrary and chaotic order, so that the basic principle of their creation is as small as possible "striking" about the

    to the following persons. Thus, we get a test question: To what extent do you( the family, your wife, your father, your mother, your son, your daughter, and others) have the following properties of character and temperament? "In the second part of the test, a" hint "is given:"Character traits and temperaments are expressed: very weak, weak, moderate, strong, very strong"( see Table 2).Evaluation corresponds to the traditional five-point system, hence, can acquire a particular quantitative expression.

    Grouping of character traits and temperament depending on the success or failure of the adaptation process

    Next, we ask marital partners, and sometimes the child, if he is over 12 years old, to fill this test first with himself, and then on it the husband( wife), father( mother), etc.

    Character traits that facilitate or inhibit interpersonal adaptation

    The test contains 30 positive temperamental qualities and character traits that are estimated from +1 to +5.Therefore, the integral number of points can be expressed as a sum from + 30 to +150 of the conventional zero on the linear scale.30 negative qualities of temperament and character traits are estimated from-1 to-5( the highest degree of "negativity").

    The integral sum of scores can be from -30 to 150 on a linear scale from the conditional zero.

    Let's say that our test is filled by the wife. Then, for the same qualities of character, she was rated by her husband. According to his wife's self-assessment, we calculate an integral evaluation of positive and negative qualities separately. For example, in the first case the sum is +105, and in the second -30.We put this data on the scale and build the simplest diagram. Likewise, according to the test completed by the husband for the wife, we expect an evaluation of those qualities of character that in general impede the successful marriage adaptation, and an integral evaluation of the qualities that favor it. Suppose we get the values ​​-96 and +45.We apply again the data on the linear scale and build a diagram. We have a coinciding total area, which can be conditionally called the sphere of consent.

    At the same time, we have two sections that express the fundamental difference in the self-esteem and evaluation of the husband. Here the interpretation of test results begins. Naturally, the main difference is the difference between self-assessment and others.

    In our example, which is taken from the real practice of the survey of M.'s spouses, we received that the wife greatly overestimates the positive qualities of her character. She considers herself to be compliant, good-natured, open, tolerant, etc. It turned out that this is far from the truth. For control, we were asked to fill out a test characterizing M.'s spouse, her fourteen-year-old son. After calculating, we obtained integral scores equal to -87 and +57.Estimates of the husband and son diverge, but insignificantly. A meaningful analysis of the assessments shows that the father and son assess her as an authoritative, resolute, implacable woman, although she considers herself to be rather soft, compliant and pliable.

    So, we got a pronounced inadequate self-esteem, which greatly complicates the self-correction of one's own behavior, prevents us from seeing our mistakes in behavior with the husband and son. The demands that the mother and wife make to them are excessively harsh, and sometimes even harsh. Unfortunately, M. herself can not change the tactics of her behavior, which leads to a "rebellion" against her husband and son, creating, naturally, quarrels and conflicts.

    The correctness of our views is confirmed by self-esteem and evaluation of the personality in the group, which we find in the literature on psychology. The method of character test described by us is made in the style of sociometric techniques developed in domestic and foreign psychology. The main thing here is the interpretation and interpretation of the data obtained from the point of view of the theory of socio-psychological adaptation of the individual to group interaction.

    Conclusions about the role of self-esteem as a definite indicator of personal adaptation are confirmed by the results of other studies."It can be assumed that individuals with self-esteem, inadequate estimates made by a group with high indices of dissatisfaction with the need for communication, are the most unadapted within their groups who have not yet managed to achieve self-determination in these groups, to assert their individuality."

    Evaluation and self-assessment of the personality traits of family members opens the way to the study of conflict on the basis of certain character traits, but this is an independent research topic.

    Thus, to the general adaptive abilities of the individual to interpersonal interaction can be attributed: 1) the ability to cooperate;2) ability to communicate;3) the ability to emotionally and rationally understand other people;4) the ability to self-control and self-knowledge;5) the ability to choose an adequate type of regulation of behavior depending on conditions and circumstances. The natural "base" of these abilities are the innate and acquired qualities, properties and traits of: a) the central nervous system;b) temperament;c) nature. All these together "blocks", or "subsystems", and determine the range of individual adaptation or disadaptation to marriage and family life.

    It is quite natural that a special test is required to study certain specific abilities, which, if there are 30-60 statements, that is, using a system of empirical indicators, would enable them to measure and express in quantitative terms.

    Therefore, the proposed toolkit is a series of tests, each of which studies this or that ability.

    So, we demonstrated that, in principle, it is completely feasible to create a methodology for empirical research of the socio-psychological, and in particular marital-family, adaptation. It could be used in marriage and family counseling, family psychotherapy rooms, psycho-neurological dispensaries, neurological departments of hospitals, in schools when examining the family environment of students, as well as in determining the professional suitability of persons whose work is related to people.

    The value of such a technique consists in a single integrated integration of any sufficiently large group of exponents, as well as in good prognostic possibilities. The latter circumstance is especially important for the methodical baking of the work of marriage and family counseling and the cabinets of family psychotherapy. Unfortunately, there is practically no one to finance such a work, which seems to us extremely important for rendering consultative assistance to the population on issues of family and marriage.

    The experience of carrying out specific sociological and demographic studies shows that the development of such a methodology and its testing on an array of 500 families would require a minimum of three years of work of a research group of four( one senior and two junior researchers, one laboratory assistant).Estimated cost of development - 22-25 thousand rubles.

    The issues of funding research in the social sciences have not yet received coverage in scientific journals. And the question, in our opinion, is more than relevant, since complex research projects can not be carried out only on the personal initiative of a particular scientific worker.

    Types of characters and their manifestations in marital relationships

    All the nuances of interpersonal relationships, as well as the emotional and psychological climate in the family, often depend on the characters of the spouses.

    Will each particular marriage be successful or unsuccessful, more stable or less stable, very often depends on the character of the spouses. It is these circumstances that explain our attention to the study of the character of the individual and his influence on marital and family relationships.

    The identity of each person is most clearly manifested in the character."By character in psychology we understand the totality of individual-peculiar psychic properties that manifest themselves in typical ways of activity, are found in typical circumstances and are determined by the relationship of the individual to these circumstances."

    The individual properties of the character depend on each other, they are interrelated and form an integral and unique unity. A certain organization of qualities and properties creates a character structure.

    The object of K. Leonhard's analysis was people with accentuated features, that is, with some overly pronounced features of character or temperament.

    In accentuated personalities, potentially positive and socially negative qualities that can greatly impede interpersonal relationships are potentially embedded.

    "... There is an ideal character, of course, utopia, fiction, real, real characters just indicate the characteristics of the character, the originality of their carriers. It is clear that the study of characters can be fruitful only if it comes out of the narrow framework of normal psychology and will be guided by data, in addition, pathopsychology. "

    Understanding "normal personality", "normal character" is more than difficult. The thing is that one and the character trait gives the person the opportunity to perfectly adapt in some social circumstances and mine to cause significant difficulties in others. For example, a female teacher can develop a certain style of communication with her students, which is very effective and fruitful, but the same style, transferred to her relationship with her husband, constantly causes anger, irritation of the latter. As a result, marital inter-relations are under threat.

    And now we turn to a direct characterization of the types of personalities, characters proposed by K. Leonhard.

    Demonstrative personalities are vain and self-love nature, striving to be at the center of attention at all costs. They are constantly engaged in self-praise, and in order to attract attention to themselves, they are constantly resorting to lies to attribute to themselves the values ​​they do not have. Lying is so characteristic of such people that in psychiatry they are assigned the term "pathological liars".They lie so skilfully and outwardly truthfully that most people take this lie for pure truth.

    "They lie with an innocent expression on their face, they say friendly, simple and truthful to the sob-syednik. The ease of their behavior is explained by the fact that the notorious lie for hysteria at the moment of communication becomes true. "

    Demonstrative personalities are characterized by the ability to displace from their minds many unpleasant memories, events, as if forgetting about them. They are located to self-hypnosis. Speaking of the hysterical type, K. Leonhard notes that he sometimes manages to overcome physical pain. Hysterics can, for example, stick a needle into the body without feeling anything unpleasant. This means that his capacity for repression extends to physical manifestations.

    As a rule, women of a demonstrative type react to hysterical reactions to any difficulties in relations with people: crying, lamenting, reproaches, quarrels, imitation of an unconscious state.

    Faces of this type very often complain about their "miserable destiny" and very much talk about their troubles, sorrows, to cause self-pity.

    Demonstrative personalities are always concerned about the impression they make on other people, resort to different tactics, quickly improvising and not very long considering their line of conduct. Psychiatrists note the excellent artistic abilities of demonstrative personalities. They are rich in fantasy. It is quite natural that people of a demonstrative type are very communicative, talkative, can easily adapt to others, well feel the psychological state of other people.

    In a peculiar way, such individuals can come out of certain difficult situations. For example, a woman can feign illness, "go into it" from the difficulties that have met on the way. Under favorable circumstances and conditions, a demonstrative person can very successfully adapt to his surroundings, to work, to marital and family responsibilities.

    Pedantic persons constantly "pull" with the decision of this or that matter, even when everything is thought out and weighed down to the smallest detail. They are not able to oust from their minds doubts, fears that significantly hamper their actions, makes them very hesitant."They want, before they start acting, again and again to make sure that it is impossible to find the best solution, that there are no more successful options."

    Persons of this type constantly fluctuate between "for" and "against", which only intensifies conflicting feelings and emotions. The latter as a result of this gain extraordinary strength. Pedantic persons are more predisposed to neurosis and obsessive states. With neuroses, fear can arise, which leads to the fact that a person in a trifling situation sees an ominous threat."Due to such constant, heart-rending doubts, a painful fear arises that consumes neurotics with obsessions. At the same time, their own mind considers fears unreasonable, but they can not overcome them. Already in the peri-clothing of the development of affect, the pedant-anancast struggles with persuasive ideas;but since its capacity for repression is certainly inadequate, it is this struggle that reinforces obsessive ideas, leading to the very "swinging" that fear pushes to the limit. "

    If we take other most characteristic manifestations of the pedantic personality, then we can confidently assert that it is an obligatory, executive, accurate, punctual person. The undeniable advantages of this person - in its thoroughness, honesty, clarity and completeness in the performance of any work. Therefore, it is not by accident that pedantic figures, as a rule, exemplary, executive employees. They have an ideal order in the workplace. Usually they are the last to leave work, again and again checking and re-checking whether everything is in order.

    Very often they are trusted by the most responsible work, where accuracy, reliability, and high performance are required. People of this type can even volunteer to work overtime to make up for the time lost due to such and such other service circumstances.

    "Household duties," writes K. Leonhard, "also can not be carried out smoothly and smoothly. Women more than men are subject to excessive, intrusive accuracy. Cleaning in the room is meticulous and thorough, and even more often than necessary. Special purity should be in the kitchen. Cooking food takes a lot of time from anankasts, because washing products, cleaning them, picking vegetables, grits are carried out with utmost thoroughness. For pedantic personalities, both work and household concerns are so complicated that the joys of life, the opportunity to enjoy them, as it were, pass them by. "

    Naturally, pedantic personality has its own difficulties both in personal and in family life. The house can be reigned with an exemplary order, but it can not be violated in any way. Toothpaste, for example, put in the wrong place, can serve as an occasion for conflict."Exemplary order" can be a real torment for other family members who have other typological features. In such cases, marriage and family life can be hampered by hundreds of trifles and trifles, from the point of view of an outsider.

    Stuck personalities. A characteristic feature of this type is the extraordinary, even sometimes pathological, resistance of various emotions, feelings, affects. It is because of this that it was called "stuck".Negative feelings last for a long time in such a person, although the events that caused these emotions have long since passed.

    Infringement of personal interests, as a rule, is never forgotten by stuck personalities, therefore they are often characterized as vindictive or vindictive people. In addition, they are sensitive, painfully touchy, easily vulnerable. Often there are arrogant and presumptuous. Ambition is especially characteristic of persons with excessive persistence of affect: ambition is accompanied by self-confidence, and encouragement to such people is always a little.

    Similar thoughts and experiences related to "grievances", "bad attitude", "podsizhivaniem", "dishonesty", etc., can gradually absorb all thoughts of a man of a similar type that under certain circumstances can lead to the formation of supervalued and delusionalideas, all sorts of fictions.

    People of this type may be obsessed with an obsession, for example, the false adultery of a wife( husband).In this regard, jealousy is almost pathological. Naturally, on this ground, quarrels arise in the family, misunderstandings. As a rule, the man of the facts of the betrayal of his wife as such is not, but suspicions - though take more: "And you really stayed at work?";"And what really happened in the store?";"Did you always have a friend?". ..

    Usually people of this type can act as a "fighter for justice", "for truth", "for truth", despite the fact that all the facts indicate the opposite. Persons of this type, not possessing a propensity for insanity, must win real recognition of other foods in order to have reason to be proud of themselves. Thus, their ambition can become a driving force on the way to excellent labor and creative performance. It is likely that in a marriage where one of the spouses is related to "stuck" personalities, there will be special problems in the interpersonal relationships between the spouses

    Excitable persons. The main feature of their nature is extremely weak control over feelings, inclinations and motivations.the main thing is not prudence, not a logical weighing of one's actions, but drives, instincts, uncontrolled motives.) What they are prompted by reason is not taken into account. If what they do not like, they are not looking for an opportunityAs a result, such individuals for the most trivial matter come into conflict with their superiors, with co-workers, rude, apply for dismissal, without concealing a report on the possible consequences. We observe the specific difficulties faced by a man of this type. His uncontrollable nature also manifests itself in his relationship with his wife, children, and having made a lot of mistakes, such a person can deeply and sincerely regret what happened. Such people are characterized by increased conflict in the home and at work. They are constantly irritable, nervous, excitable. In a calm state, these people are distinguished by attachment, they provide others with any help.

    Hyperthymic personality, according to K. Leonhard, characterized by a thirst for activity, elevated mood, increased talkativeness, a tendency to constantly deviate from the topic of conversation.

    They always look at life optimistically, easily overcome sadness, in general they easily live in the world. Thanks to their increased thirst for activity, they achieve productive and creative successes. The thirst for activity stimulates their initiative, constantly pushes them to look for a new one. Deviation from the main thought generates a lot of unexpected associations, ideas, which also favors active creative thinking. In a society, hypertensive personalities are good interlocutors, they are constantly in the spotlight, everyone is entertained. They are characterized by a rapid change of mood."Cloudless gaiety, excessive liveliness are fraught with danger, because such people joking pass by events, which should be taken seriously. They are constantly observed violations of ethical norms, because at some moments they both lose the sense of duty and the ability to repent. A pronounced hypomania frivolously puts its authority on the map, often runs the risk of losing property, going into dubious enterprises. The excessive thirst for activity turns into fruitless scattering, the person takes much for much and does not finish anything. The richness of ideas in such cases turns into empty projections. "

    Thus, in the course of life, hypertensive personalities may have their own difficulties and problems. In general, they adapt well enough to marriage and family life.

    Dysthymic personalities, according to K. Leonhard, are serious and usually focus on the dark, sad aspects of life to a much greater extent than on joyful ones. Events that shocked them deeply, can bring this serious pessimistic attitude to the state of reactive depression, especially in cases where pronounced subdepressive features are present. In society, dysthymic personalities almost do not participate in the conversation, only occasionally they insert remarks after long pauses.

    It's not difficult to guess how such a person behaves in marriage and family life. Born pessimists, they also see much more sad and sad sides in family life than joyful ones. Often their desolation has no ground. It constantly seems to them that

    these are worse than others learn that they are worse than others brought up. . Usually they tend to all their "home", "family" understate. Meanwhile, the financial situation of their family, it turns out, is quite decent, the housing conditions are normal, and the children are misbehaving no more than others. The dysthymic person perceives all the circumstances of the marriage and family life through the prism of his purely pessimistic perception. The trouble with this type of person is that they have little to find joy in and find peace of mind.

    Affective-labile temperament. People with this temperament are characterized by a change in optimistic and pessimetric states. At the forefront is one or the other of the poles, with no apparent causes and external motives."It is curious that joyous events cause such people not only with joyful emotions, but also are accompanied by a general picture of hypertension: a thirst for activity, increased talkativeness, a jump in ideas. Sad events cause depression, as well as slow reaction and thinking.

    The reason for the change of poles is not always external stimuli, sometimes there is enough elusive turn in the general mood. "

    If the hypertensive temperament is inherited from one parent, and the dysthymic one from the other, then in such cases there is an intercompensation, for which the character is even, neutral moods.

    But in many cases, hereditary factors do not enhance accentuation, but lead to a leveling of the character. This is more often in cases when the mother and father have accentuations of the opposite character( in one - demonstrative, in the other - pedantic features)."This observation is of interest primarily for those who tend to see in psychopathies something fundamentally negative. Meanwhile, two psychopathies, combined together, can result in a norm. "Affective-exalted temperament. This type of character is accompanied by sharp mood swings.

    People of this type react to different life events much more intensively and violently than the rest. They "are equally easily delighted with joyful events and in despair of the sad. From passionate rejoicing to deadly longing. .. they have one step. "Exalted reactions are typical for such people. Exaltation, as a rule, is associated with subtle, altruistic motives. Joy for successes of friends, relatives, relatives can be extremely strong, and enthusiasm - even excessive. There are enthusiastic gusts, not associated with a purely personal relationship. The love of music, art, nature, sport, experiences of religious order, the search for a worldview - all this is capable of capturing an exalted person to the depth of his soul.

    People of this type are extremely impressionable, especially about the sad facts. Pity, compassion for unhappy people, for sick animals can bring such a person to despair. Concerning easily repairable failure, disappointment, which the next day would have been forgotten, an exalted person can experience a sincere and deep grief. Some ordinary trouble of a friend, he feels more painful than the victim himself. Even small disagreements in the family are perceived by them unusually impressively, and there is nothing to say about big conflicts. In family life, such people can be surprisingly impractical.

    Anxious( fearful) person. In childhood, they have a feeling of fear reaches an extreme degree. They are afraid to fall asleep in the dark, afraid of other children, unlit corridors, dogs, tremble before the storm. They are characterized by shyness, submissiveness, pliability, congestion and insecurity in themselves. In life situations they are extremely indecisive and shy, as if they live in eternal fear, anxiety over possible troubles, dangers, troubles. Naturally, these qualities complicate their lives. In family life, they are submissive, compliant, accommodating, uncomplaining. Time of rest and leisure spend mostly at home, where they feel most protected. Such people are everywhere and always "targets", because they, as a rule, can not at least somehow stand up for themselves.

    Emotional personalities. Emotion, K. Leonhard notes, is associated with profound reactions in the field of subtle emotions: with humanity and responsiveness. It seems to be akin to them with posters to the -exploded persons, but they do not go to extremes emotionally. If the affective-exalted personality can be characterized by the words "stormy", "impetuous", "excited", then emotive - "sensitive""Impressionable." People of this type are sincere and kind-hearted, very tearful, they are moved, because they are extremely compassionate, even when they do not watch tragedy films with tears in their eyes. "The special sensitivity of nature leads to the fact that the spiritual shocks of the ordervayut on such people deeply painful or causing reactive depression.

    have emotive personalities depression severity always correspond to the severity of the experience. They have no predisposition to depressive reactions. They are easy to joy, and it also captures them more deeply than others.

    It should be noted that emotive individuals are very hard at marital conflicts.

    It is quite natural that a particular combination of types of character and temperament is of particular interest.

    Because, for example, hyperthymic individuals are straightforward, and cunning, pretense, insincerity does not fit in with their lifestyle, it is hardly possible to combine this type with demonstrative( hysterical).Of particular interest is the combination of demonstrative and affective-labile traits, since both have a propensity for poetic and artistic activity.

    "Pedantry and anxious temperament refer to different mental planes. However, if both types of accentuation are observed in one person, a summing effect is possible ".One of these effects is the

    hiccup, which can manifest itself from childhood.

    "The combination of jamming and anxiety has a special quality. Anxiety is associated with a decline in human dignity. Such persons are weak, helpless. Stuck-up people can not stand it, they try to stand out in every way, it's very easy to hurt their ego. So there is overcompensation. This compensatory reaction is also observed with an emotional temperament, but most often it accompanies anxiety. Because everyone tries to hide their weaknesses, the behavior of such people is characterized by exaggeration and some persistence. "

    In the book "Accentuated Personality" K. Leonhard points to other possible combinations of accentuated traits of character and temperament. A person can have two or even three accentuations, and this generates a great variety of variants of the human personality, which we observe in real life.

    Creating types based on some common innate properties and qualities of a person is a complex and difficult task of modern science. However, such attempts are of great theoretical and practical importance. Without such information of individual cases in certain types, neither theoretical nor practical work is possible. The typological studies carried out by K. Leonhard proved to be extremely interesting and practically applicable.

    Everyone must first of all know their specific characteristics, their strengths and weaknesses, in order to effectively use them in establishing favorable contacts with other people. One person needs more control over his feelings and emotions, the other - more attention and warmth to his relatives, the third needs to develop communication skills, the fourth - to be more critical of oneself.

    So, each individual has its own characteristics, which one way or another will manifest themselves both in conjugal relationships and in relationships with children. Knowledge of the character of a person, his temperament is the prediction and foresight of real difficulties and problems, which increases the possibility of marriage adaptation.

    If one of the marriage partners understands and knows the nature of the other, it helps him to react properly to certain actions.

    In marriage, a variety of combinations of types are possible, which creates a unique psychological climate for any family. Of course, for each of the described types are characterized by their own special conflict situations. However, if the spouses are sufficiently prudent, tolerant and compliant, the accented features do not pose a threat to the stability of the marriage.

    There is another aspect of the problem: in marriage and family counseling, where the spouses address, the papist working with them needs to put a "diagnosis" to each of them, i.e.determine their characterological features. Without this, it is hardly possible to effectively provide assistance to spouses.

    So, the knowledge of types of characters and temperaments helps to better understand both themselves and other people. This knowledge gives us the opportunity to more effectively and fruitfully build our marital relationship.