
Useful and medicinal properties of the medicinal millet

  • Useful and medicinal properties of the medicinal millet

    A biennial herbaceous plant about 1 m high. The root is white, rod-shaped, branched. Stem ascending, round at base, angular at the top, strongly branching. Leaves alternate, long-petioled, triple, glabrous, with stipules, serrate, obovate or lanceolate along margin. The flowers are irregular, yellow( or white), in long, axillary brushes. Fruit - bob is cross-wrinkled, brown. Seeds are ovate, yellow-brown ^ Blooms from June to September. The whole plant is fragrant.

    Medicinal raw materials are grass without coarse stems during flowering. Dry grass in the air in the shade or in a well-ventilated room. Stored in tightly closed glass or tin cans.

    Coumarin( lactone of oxycoumarinic acid, maximum content of coumarin found in flowers), coumarinic acid, melilotin( 3,4-dihydrocoumarin), melilitic acid, glycoside, me-lilotozide, cleaving upon hydrolysis into o-kumaric acidacid and glucose. In addition, the grass contains derivatives of purine, protein( up to 17%), fat-like substances( up to 4.3%) and essential oils. Seeds contain: protein( up to 41.9%), starch( up to 9%) and fatty oils( 8.3%).When the sweet clover rotates, dicumarin is formed, which can cause bleeding in animals that eat such a plant.

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    Medicinal raw materials are the leafy tops of the sweet clover grass with flowers collected during the initial flowering period. The smell of dried raw materials is pleasant, the taste is salty-bitter. It was found that coumarin depresses the central nervous system, has anti-suicidal and narcotic effects.

    In official medicine, the grass of the sweet clover is used, from which a green( blister) patch is prepared. In addition, it is part of the maternity charges for poultices.

    In folk medicine, the clover is used more widely. Inside - with chronic bronchial catarrh, hydrocephalus, flatulence with the presence of abdominal pain, with pains in the bladder and kidneys, with migraines, headache, complaints of pain as a result of high blood pressure, is also included in the softening fees( tea) asa sedative for insomnia and a carminative.

    When applied externally, the plant has a resolving effect on inflammation of the mammary glands, tumors of the joints caused by rheumatism, in boils, carbuncles, purulent wounds, abscesses, cuts( ointment), with inflammation of the middle ear with secretions( infusion should be boiled).


    Decoction: 20 g per 200 ml;1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day( carminative).

    Infusion: 1 tbsp. Spoon a herb with a glass of boiling water, insist 20 minutes. Take 1 / 2-3 / 4 cups a night( carminative).

    Outer: in the form of compresses, washes, plasters, baths as soothing, emollient and analgesic. Make a decoction or infusion of 20 g per 200 ml.

    Ointment: 1 part of condensed broth for 4 parts of butter or Vaseline.

    Some women argue that a sweet clover, mixed equally with flowers of mother-and-stepmother and boiled( 1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water), helps with ovarian inflammation, cancer, psychosis and metabolic disorders( 3-4 table spoons 5 times a dayday).The treatment period is 2-3 weeks. It is recommended that you abstain from sexual activity.

    Take prunik only under the supervision of a doctor: the wrong dosage causes vomiting, drowsiness and headache, and sometimes - liver damage and hemorrhage.