  • Types of Calligraphy

    The genus Kallisia from the Commelinaceae family has 12 species. The name of the genus comes from the Greek "kalos" - beautiful and "lis" - lily.

    For decorative purposes, a collision is usually elegant( C. elegans).This is a perennial herb with creeping, cranking up stems. Leaves alternate with tubular vaginas, ovate or elongate-ovate, with pointed tip, 2 cm long, 0.5-1 cm wide. On top of the leaves are dark green with narrow longitudinal silver-white strips along the veins, from below violet-green or purple. The whole plant is short-stiffened, velvety. Flowers small white, with 3 petals, develop in sedentary twin curls on the tips of shoots;inflorescence lateral. Blossoms calligraphy in the spring. This plant has two types of shoots. The first type is normal leaf shoots up to 2 m long, with large lanceolate green leaves. The second type is horizontal creeping shoots;covered with leaf ciliated vagina with underdeveloped leaf blades, end with a rosette of leaves. These features of the shoots and gave the plant "hairy" names - golden mustache, Venenin hair, lively hair, etc.

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    Calligraphy fragrant( Callisia fragrans W.)

    This kind of calligraphy appeared in Europe more than a hundred years ago from Mexico and since thenquite settled down as a houseplant, although not immediately declared his healing properties. The plant is quite large, from 70 to 130 cm in height, with two types of shoots. Some - erect, fleshy, give the plant a resemblance to the young corn. Leaves on them normally developed, 20-30 cm long, 5-6 cm wide. Other shoots are horizontal "whiskers" consisting of "joints", - in their joints, underdeveloped leaves grow. At the ends of the mustache formed a leaf sword, it is used to multiply the plant. With good care, the fragrant calligraphy blooms in the rooms. Flowers are small, less than one centimeter in diameter, fragrant, in dense beams collected in paniculate inflorescences. The smell is pleasant, reminiscent of the aroma of hyacinths.

    Dichorizandra, although it also belongs to the comelin family, is an independent genus. In indoor culture, royal and bouquet-colored dichorizandra are more famous.

    Dichorizandra bouquet color( Dichorisandra thyrsiflora).In the West, it is also called blue ginger, Brazilian or Hawaiian ginger, but in fact, this spice has nothing to do with it. Homeland - tropical forests of Brazil, Peru.

    This is a perennial herbaceous plant with a tuberous rhizome, up to 2 m in height, up to 1 m in diameter. The stems are straight, covered with spiral large elliptical or lanceolate leaves. The vagina of the leaf is a caulineous, ciliate on the edge. Leaves with a sharp drawn top, green or dark green, the sun blushing. Flowers in curls collected in dense short pyramidal panicles. Sepals and petals 3, dark blue or purple, petals at the base with a white spot. Stamens 6, with golden-yellow anthers and filaments. After flowering and fruiting, the stem dies, and the plant passes into a state of rest. Dzhorizandra royal( D. reginae Moore).

    How can one distinguish a real golden mustard from its "double" - dichorisandra? If a sheet of calligraphy is broken in half and stretched out to the sides, then you can see thin threads - this is the main feature.