
Vitamins with selenium: a complex of vitamins in foods

  • Vitamins with selenium: a complex of vitamins in foods

    Vitamins with selenium: how and when to take;list of medicines with this vitamin

    Selenium - a microelement, which is needed for the full vital activity of the body, provides protective functions for the bone marrow, liver, skin and respiratory system. Selenium is considered to be a microelement of longevity, strengthens immunity well, is a powerful protective agent in the prevention of cancer and all types of tumors.

    Useful properties of selenium:

    1. Neutralizes and inhibits the proliferation of malignant cells.
    2. Participates in the synthesis of useful enzymes and hormones.
    3. Good effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.
    4. Protects the body against poisons and toxins.
    5. Improves reproductive function and fertility in men.
    6. Increases the activity and motility of spermatozoa.

    For replenishment of stocks of selenium vitamins are used - preparations with a daily norm of an element. In polyvitamins, in addition to selenium, there are a number of other nutrients that the body needs to help quickly and efficiently digest minerals.

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    Complex of vitamins with selenium

    Compliwit selenium is a complete complex of vitamins with selenium. The content of selenium in it is 70 μg, which is the daily dose for normostenics. In addition to selenium, the multicomplex includes ascorbic acid, B vitamins, vitamin E, zinc, manganese, magnesium, copper, retinol acetate. This complex of vitamins neutralizes free radicals, protects the body against heavy metals, is good for the prevention of cancer, is recommended for replenishment of essential vitamins for the body. According to the instructions, there are practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance of all or any of the components. Well suited for smoking people, athletes. Allowed for pregnant women, but only after consulting a therapist. After all, vitamins containing selenium are taken by the course, the duration of which is a month, one tablet per day during meals.

    You can find vitamin selenium in foods. Its deficiency leads to atherosclerosis, arthritis, heart diseases. The daily norm of selenium is 50 μg. In huge quantities, selenium is found in Brazil nuts, pork fried kidneys, boiled lobsters, squid, sardines in oil, steamed meat, 100 grams of these products contain even more selenium than necessary for daily consumption.

    A recent study by American scientists found that selenium intake during the early stages of HIV slows the progression of the disease.

    List of vitamins that contain selenium:

    1. Complement of selenium
    2. Selenium active
    3. Capsules Oxin
    4. Selenium form with the addition of vitamin E
    5. Solvimin Selenium powder
    6. Antioxidants with selenium
    7. Solgar selenium
    8. AOK + selenium

    Before starting taking vitamins containing selenium, you should knowabout its possibility of interaction with other minerals. Selenium antioxidant, therefore it is well combined with the same antioxidants, that is, vitamins C and E. With a deficiency of vitamin E, selenium will not participate in the synthesis, and the lack of vitamin C does not allow selenium to be absorbed.

    Selenium can be contained in most multivitamin complexes, but interacts with only the two already listed. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them separately, because then there will be no correct assimilation.


    Selenium - a microelement, which is needed for the full vital activity of the body, provides protective functions for the bone marrow, liver, skin and respiratory system. Selenium is considered to be a microelement of longevity, strengthens immunity well, is a powerful protective agent in the prevention of cancer and all types of tumors.

    Useful properties of selenium:

    1. Neutralizes and inhibits the proliferation of malignant cells.
    2. Participates in the synthesis of useful enzymes and hormones.
    3. Good effect on the thyroid gland.
    4. Protects the body against poisons and toxins.
    5. Improves reproductive function and fertility in men.
    6. Increases the activity and motility of spermatozoa.

    For replenishment of stocks of selenium vitamins - preparations with a daily norm of an element are used. In polyvitamins, in addition to selenium, there are a number of other nutrients that the body needs to help quickly and efficiently digest minerals.

    Complex of vitamins with selenium

    Compliwit selenium - a full complex of vitamins with selenium. The content of selenium in it is 70 μg, which is the daily dose for normostenics. In addition to selenium, the multicomplex includes ascorbic acid, B vitamins, vitamin E, zinc, manganese, magnesium, copper, retinol acetate. This complex of vitamins neutralizes free radicals, protects the body against heavy metals, is good for the prevention of cancer, is recommended for replenishment of essential vitamins for the body. According to the instructions, there are practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance of all or any of the components. Well suited for smoking people, athletes. Allowed for pregnant women, but only after consulting a therapist. After all, vitamins containing selenium are taken by the course, the duration of which is a month, one tablet per day during meals.

    You can find vitamin selenium in foods. Its deficiency leads to atherosclerosis, arthritis, heart diseases. The daily norm of selenium is 50 μg. In huge quantities, selenium is found in Brazil nuts, pork fried kidneys, boiled lobsters, squid, sardines in oil, steamed meat, 100 grams of these products contain even more selenium than necessary for daily consumption.

    A recent study by American scientists found that selenium intake during the early stages of HIV slows the progression of the disease.

    List of vitamins that contain selenium:

    1. Comlylite Selenium
    2. Selenium active
    3. Capsules Oksin
    4. Selenium form with the addition of vitamin E
    5. Solvimine Selenium powder
    6. Antioxidants with selenium
    7. Solgar selenium
    8. AOK + selenium

    Before you start taking vitamins containing selenium, you should knowabout its possibility of interaction with other minerals. Selenium antioxidant, therefore it is well combined with the same antioxidants, that is, vitamins C and E. With a deficiency of vitamin E, selenium will not participate in the synthesis, and the lack of vitamin C does not allow selenium to be absorbed.

    Selenium can be contained in most multivitamin complexes, but interacts with only the two already listed. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them separately, because then there will be no correct assimilation.
