
Useful and medicinal properties of the claw of European

  • Useful and medicinal properties of the claw of European

    Perennial herbaceous plant up to 10 cm tall, shortly pressed, with a peculiar smell. Rhizome creeping, branchy. Leaves wintering, round-kidney-shaped, dark green, shiny, leathery, 5-8 cm wide. Flowers one at the top of the shoots, axillary on the drooping pedicels. Perianth simple, campanulate, greenish-purple, tripartite. Stamens 12 with an extension connected to the styloid process. Pestle with the lower ovary, columns 6, fused at the base into a furrowed column, at the top expanded into a six-pointed stigma. Fruit - six-cavity box with the remains of a dried perianth on the top. Seeds are grayish-brown, fine-wrinkled. Blossoms in May, the fruits ripen in June.

    Distributed in the Middle Belt of the European part of Russia and Western Siberia, and in the South-East in the forest-steppe regions. Occurs in deciduous and mixed forests, especially with the understory of hazel.

    Medicinal raw materials are rhizomes and roots shortly after flowering and ripening of fruits - in July;leaves - in July-August. The collected material is dried in the shade in the air.

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    In all parts of the plant contains essential oil, which includes volatile toxic substances - azaron, diozarone, azaryl aldehyde, pinene, eugenol, etc., in addition, the plant contains glycosides - alkaloid azarin, tannins, starch,mucus, organic acids and resins.

    In medicine, before the opening of the ipecacuanas, the roots of the hoof were used as an emetic and expectorant in the form of a water infusion and a powder, but not a decoction, since the active principle is volatile. Powder for vomiting was allowed to inhale before the onset of action. In the experiment, vasoconstrictive and cardiac contraction enhancing effects of the plant were also found.

    In folk medicine, it is known from experience that the hoof is an emetic, expectorant, anthelmintic,

    regulating the functional activity of the stomach, anti-inflammatory, partly cardiac, diuretic and anti-alcoholic. It is also used for jaundice, dropsy, alcoholism( binge).The infusion of leaves is suggested as heart, and the infusion of the rhizome as an expectorant. Tincture of fresh leaves of the hoof is included in the preparation "Akofit No. 1", used for radiculitis, ishalgia, lumbago and other neuralgia. Studies have shown that the glycoside contained in the leaves enhances cardiac contractions, asaron also has a stimulating effect on the heart and has an emetic effect.

    Tincture on vodka is drunk with pulmonary tuberculosis, nervous excitement, migraine, fever, malaria.

    Decoction of hoof root on water or goat's milk is often used to improve digestion with dyspepsia, gastritis, enteritis, liver disease and jaundice.

    To combat jaundice, it is better to mix the claw with cyme sand evenly( 1 tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day).

    Clefthoof broth is recommended for heart diseases as a sedative, especially useful for weak children and for seizures in children.

    Decoction: 1/2 teaspoon of a glass of milk, use 1/2 teaspoon of spoon 1 time per day.

    1 tbsp.a scoop of decoction of a claw, mixed with a glass of vodka, can cause a person who suffers alcoholism to have an aversion to alcoholic beverages.

    The drug, used as an expectorant for bronchitis, is made from a mixture of herbs: hooves, bud leaves and cocklebur grasses equally( inhale smoke) or drink.

    Outwardly, decoction of the hoof root is used as a lotion for headache, applying the canvas soaked in the broth to the head. Broth leaves are also used as a lotion for eye diseases.

    Leaves fresh and crushed apply to abscesses.

    Tincture of herbs on vinegar rubbed places affected by scabies.

    Powder of the hoof, ingested at a dose of not more than 0.5 g, it is possible to induce vomiting( when necessary), for example: poisoning with poisonous fungi, etc.

    Application of

    Decoction: 1 g per 200 ml;1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day( heart).

    Root broth: 2 g per 200 ml or 1/2 tsp boiling water;1 tbsp.spoon 3-4 times a day( expectorant).

    Decoction of leaves: 1 g per 100 ml or 1/5 tsp of spoon per glass.

    Mixture: the root of the hoof, leaves buds and grass cocklebur mix, brew 3 tbsp.spoon mixture in 3 cups of boiling water;drink half a glass 5-6 times a day.

    The most effective tincture( 20%, 20 drops each).

    Decoction of rhizome: 5 g of root per glass of boiling water( for drunkards);1 tbsp.a spoon of broth is imperceptibly poured into a glass of vodka.