  • Diet № 3б

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    1) Constipation of non-inflammatory origin( absence of inflammatory bowel diseases), including neurogenic, alimentary, hypodynamic, etc.).

    2) Functional bowel diseases( dyskinesia of the intestine, irritated bowel, spastic colitis).

    Intended purpose. Increasing and facilitating the emptying of the intestine due to inclusion in the diet of an increased amount of plant fiber and food stimulants of the motor function of the intestine.

    General characteristics of .A physiologically complete diet containing enough proteins, fats, carbohydrates, with a lot of plant fiber, products that stimulate the secretory and motor activity of the biliary system and pancreas, improving and facilitating the emptying of the intestines, preventing the processes of fermentation in the intestine. A mode of a food fractional - 4-5 times a day.

    Cooking .Ordinary, varied. The temperature of food is normal.

    Chemical composition and calorific value of .Proteins 100 g, fats 80 g( of which 40 g of vegetable), carbohydrates 400-450 g. Caloric content 3200-3800 kcal. The amount of free liquid up to 1.5 liters. Table salt of 15 g.

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    Bread and bakery products - wheat bread of coarse or whole-wheat whole grains, bread from bran with the addition of a small amount of wheat flour, with good tolerability - rye bread. Cookies are not good grades;dry and juicy biscuit, sweet cakes without cream and sweet stuffing;pies baked from dough with stuffing from jam, jam, jam, sweet berries, fruits.

    Soup - rich( concentrated) broths on meat, fish, borsch, soup, including green, saltworms from low-fat meat, mainly with vegetables, vegetarian soups, including fruit, are useful;cold beetroot soup, okroshka.

    Meat and fish dishes - low-fat meat of conventional cooking( frying in vegetable oil with a small amount of butter).Fish - low-fat varieties.

    Eggs and personal products - no more than 1 egg a day soft-boiled or as an additive to dishes, protein omelet.

    Milk and milk products - milk as an additive to tea and in dishes;cream 10% with good tolerability( up to 2 glasses per day) in a cold form on an empty stomach, as well as in the form of an additive to dishes and to tea, coffee;kefir, yogurt, acidophilus, fermented baked milk only in fresh form( one-day), cold;cottage cheese fresh non-acidic with sour cream, cream, sugar and in the form of a filling to cheesecakes;ice cream.

    Vegetables and greens - a variety of vegetables in raw and cooked form( side dishes, salads, casseroles).With good tolerability - vegetables with coarse fiber( radish, turnip, radish, etc. Greens should be widely used in salads and food additives, it is better in fresh form.)

    Fruits, berries, sweets - in high quantities fresh ripe sweet fruits and berries are recommendedin raw form and in dishes, dried fruits and berries in soiled form and in dishes( prunes are especially recommended), non-chocolates, jam and jams from sweet varieties of berries and fruits, sugar, xylitol( or sorbitol), honey

    Cereals and macaroniproducts - dishes and side dishes from crnd and pasta are used in limited quantities

    Fats - butter and all( with good tolerability) grades of vegetable unrefined oil

    Appetizers-meat, fish, vegetable, non-canned snacks with vegetable oil, mayonnaise, other seasonings, jellied,fish( cold)

    Sauces, spices - meat, fish, vegetable, fruit sauces, cooked in vegetable or butter in the oven( do not fry);spices without limits - to taste.

    Drinks and juices - tea, coffee;sweet fruit, berry juices and compotes( preferably with the addition of xylitol or sorbitol-to taste), concentrated solutions of honey, sugar water, carbonated water( lemonade, mineral water, etc.), kvass, beer. All drinks should be given in a cold form, preferably on an empty stomach.

    is prohibited: chocolate and chocolates, cocoa, fatty meats, cherry fruit, blueberries, calcined cottage cheese, strong tea.

    In the morning( on an empty stomach) - 1/2 cup vegetable juice( carrot, beet or potato).

    1st breakfast - vinaigrette with vegetable oil, boiled meat, buckwheat crumbly porridge with vegetable oil, tea.

    2nd breakfast - raw grated carrots with sour cream and sugar, jellied fish, 100 g of honey water( cold).

    Lunch - cold beetroot, fried meat with boiled potatoes and vegetable oil, fresh fruit.

    Snack - 1 glass of rosehip broth( 200 g), honey( 50 g).

    Dinner - fried fish with potatoes, cucumber and vegetable oil, apples, compote of berries with xylitol.

    At night - puree of boiled beet with vegetable oil, one-day kefir( 1 glass).

    For the whole day - white bread 200 g, black bread 200 g, butter cream 25 g, vegetable oil 40 g, xylitol( sorbitol) 30 g.