  • Unloading diet

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    Many people are attracted by the brochure created on the basis of a book by the Bulgarian healer Lidia Kovacheva "Glad-buddy and medicine", published in Sofia in the publishing house "Zdrave and shchastie" in 1996.In her the author, an elderly woman - to her already over eighty - absolutely sensibly and absolutely really talked about health and ill health, she shared her experience of struggle against illnesses. Experience is not only healing, but also human.

    Lydia Kovacheva herself was sentenced to forty years by doctors: a billion tuberculosis, cirrhosis, duodenal ulcer, anemia - in general, a whole bunch of diseases. She found the strength and, turning to for help to nature, as well as to the history and experience of Bulgarian healing healers, coped with the ailments, put herself on her feet, learned to live in accordance with natural laws, and not against them. And after learning, she began to teach others, to help people.

    The method of Lydia Kovacheva is unique. It is based on a certain system of power and unloading. Three "mortal sin", the "clinic" believes, ruins the health of a civilized person. This is an excessive amount of food consumed, especially animal proteins. This is a defect in the diet of raw plant foods and a large number of refined foods. This disorder of nutrition, when in one meal there are incompatible products, and in the lifestyle there are no posts and unloading days. Refuse these dubious pleasures - and you will help your body resist illnesses, stresses, negative influence of civilization.

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    The basis of the Bulgarian healer's technique is fruit-and-berry-tea unloading therapy. It has many advantages over other diets. Firstly, there are no strict requirements for a complete refusal of food, for example, with a sufficiently effective method of therapeutic starvation. So, psychologically, this method of treatment is much more comfortable. Unloading food significantly reduces the load that falls on the digestive tract, thereby curing it, and the body continues to receive all the necessary nutrients, the person's well-being and working capacity do not suffer. And the availability of treatment by this method is an important thing. With the help of a certain diet, the body is cleansed, which means it is easier to cope with illnesses, the ailments recede.

    Numerous patients Lydia Kovacheva, and she herself not only coped with their ailments, but also became brisk, cheerful, look much younger than their years.

    This method of treatment can be used for almost any disease and at any stage.

    In the practice of Lydia Kovacheva and her followers, there were patients with various diseases. These are chronic diseases of the digestive system( gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, spastic colitis, constipation, hemorrhoids), and acute and chronic kidney diseases( chronic pyelo- and glomerulonephritis, stones and sand in the kidneys and bladder), a significant improvement has even occurredwith chronic renal failure. This method was also helped by women with chronic inflammation and ovarian cysts, with genital bleeding, infertility, fibroids, men - with inflammation of the prostate gland. The effect was also in the treatment of skin diseases - psoriasis, eczema, acne. Chronic lung diseases - bronchitis, bronchial asthma, emphysema - also receded. Cured sinusitis, rhinopharyngitis, inflammation of the glands in children. The pressure in hypo- and hypertensive patients was normalized, the condition of patients after heart attacks and strokes improved. According to the experience of the Bulgarian "healer", an exceptionally rapid effect is provided by the technique in severe neuroses and depressions, a long-term effect is achieved in the treatment of varicose veins. Positive results were obtained in the treatment of atherosclerosis in the elderly. The pain subsides and the mobility of the joints increases with arthrosis, spines successfully heal, the condition of patients with rheumatoid arthritis improves. Finally, undoubtedly, the general strengthening effect is achieved, the immune system of the organism is activated. Of course, this method helps to get rid of excess weight.

    To harm a fruit-berry-tea diet in itself can not, especially since it does not require the immediate abandonment of the usual medications. Over time, due to an objective improvement in your condition - and this will result in an improvement in the performance of your tests, overall well-being - you and your attending physician will refuse the drugs that have become unnecessary.

    It should be noted that this method of treatment eliminates the use of laxatives or enemas - natural cleaners are the fruit and berries themselves - the main component of the diet.

    Fruit-berry-tea-food is carried out in several courses. Each course consists of two obligatory parts: food exclusively with fruits and berries with the addition of tea from medicinal herbs and a recovery period. Between the courses do the intervals. The first part, actually dietary food, can last from 1-2 to 20-25 days and even more. A positive effect can be achieved with a duration of unloading nutrition not less than 14-15 days, because only on the 6-10th day the body switches to internal( endogenous) nutrition. But if the unloading diet is not well tolerated, you can limit yourself to 1-4 days. Such a short course also allows the body to relax.

    The second period is restorative - regardless of the number of days spent in the unloading diet, it lasts 10 days. The intervals between courses vary from 8 to 20 days, if you eat fruit for 3 to 8 days. If you have completed a full course( from 14 days or more), then the time until the next course should be extended to 4-8 weeks.

    Well, now, more in detail about the food itself. First of all, you have to give something away. In the process of improving nutrition and in the subsequent recovery period, smoking, alcohol, strong tea and coffee should be completely ruled out. This, perhaps, is the only tough demand. Go for fruit and berry food right away, without any preparation. In a day you should eat from 400 to 1000 g of any fruit or berries and drink 2-4 glasses of herbal teas. In tea it is good to add a little honey and lemon juice. Fruits and berries are better for those for whom the time has come. Every day you can eat either several kinds of fruits and berries or just one, as you like.

    In winter, you can use dried fruits, dried berries, which you can chew well or pre-soak in water. In this water you can add honey and drink it during the day.

    With the appearance of certain berries, it is very useful to spend a day of unloading only on berries of one sort( 1 kg per day for 4 meals).Very effective "watermelon days" - 1-2 kg of watermelon a day to eat several times. Such a mono-diet very quickly cleanses the digestive tract and the whole body, restores the normal flora of the intestine.

    If the unloading diet is difficult to bear, then, firstly, it is limited, and secondly, you can eat not only sweet fruits and berries, but also vegetable broths from potatoes, carrots, parsley, cabbage, beets and other vegetables. A mixture of any vegetables is boiled in 600 g of water until cooked, the broth is drained and drunk warm in 1 cup twice a day.

    Fruits are better to eat whole, thoroughly chewing. To digest food begins in the mouth, where vitamins and useful substances contained in foods are well absorbed. If you do not hurry to swallow every piece as quickly as you can, and extend pleasure - you will remember with its tongue, roll it in your mouth, you will feel its taste, first, the feeling of saturation comes quickly, and secondly, fruit juices have beneficial effects on the gums,relieve the periodontal disease, heal small wounds of the oral cavity.

    The second component of the therapeutic diet by Lydia Kovacheva is herbal teas. Here you are free to choose the grass to taste and according to your diseases. The amount of tea can be increased if you are thirsty, there is weakness, or refuse it altogether, if you have enough fluid contained in fruits and berries. Instead of herbal teas, you can drink key water, melt, mineral( without gas).It is better to add to this drink lemon juice or infusion of dried fruits. But still remember that tea from medicinal herbs is a magnificent way of beneficent and harmless influence on a sick organ. And against the background of unloading food and cleaning the body, the effect of its action will be much greater.

    Do not be scared and despair, if the first few days you will not be easy. Accustomed to a completely different treatment, your body and stomach, in particular, will demand their own. An importunate feeling of hunger will test your stamina. Possible weakness and small headaches, a sense of discomfort. Try to get free on these days from work and extra loads. But on the 5th-7th day you will become much easier, the "second wind" will open. There will be a feeling of lightness, a better sleep, and sadness will pass. Since these days, people often experience an extraordinary creative upsurge, begin to write poetry, sing, draw, life acquires new colors and meaning.

    If you suffer from gastritis, stomach ulcers, arthritis or other chronic diseases, in the first days of the unloading diet they can become aggravated. But the exacerbations are, as a rule, in a fairly easy form and pass through a few hours, a maximum of a day or two.

    Do not forget to look in the mirror on days of unloading.

    You will notice how the skin is cleansed, pimples, spots and rashes disappear. You will notice how cold your hands and feet have become warmer - this normalizes and blood circulation is activated. At the same time the peristalsis of the intestine is normalized, its functions are restored. Body weight, rapidly falling in the early days of the diet, gradually stabilizes at the optimal level for your body.

    In the next, recovery period, the most important thing is not to cross out the positive results. And for this we must be very cautious, gradually move on to a balanced diet. The amount of food increases very slowly, little by little in the diet are added vegetables without salt and oil. Salt is included in the diet after the 7th day of the recovery period and in very small quantities. In order that you do not get off, I'll bring the diet of the recovery period in full, painted on days and hours.

    Day 1:

    in the daily ration, except fruits and berries are included raw vegetables( tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, parsley, etc...) By reducing the number of fruits.

    Day 2:

    8-9 hours - tea with honey and lemon;

    10 hours - fruit, berries;

    14 hours - raw vegetables and half boiled potatoes, optional - tea;

    16 hours - salad from raw vegetables;

    20 hours - fruit, berries and tea.

    Day 3:

    the diet of the second day is repeated;

    in the evening( at 18 o'clock) add a little vegetable soup without salt.

    Day 4:

    10:00 - tea with honey and lemon, infusion of rose hips or mineral water, fruit or fruit( one thing, your choice);

    14 hours - fruits, berries;

    16 hours - boiled potatoes with raw vegetables, you can add a spoonful of sour milk, then - fruit, berries, tea with honey or a glass of mineral water;

    20 hours - salad from raw vegetables, where you can add onions and garlic, or vegetable soup.

    Day 5:

    four-times power remains. Depending on the condition, if the recovery is normal, portions slightly increase, for dinner you can add a slice of bread of medicinal varieties of wholemeal flour.

    Day 6:

    is still four times powered. For vegetable soups, you can add a bit of porridge( buckwheat, rice or millet), salads - a small portion of boiled or baked pumpkin in the evening - vegetable soup and bread, the amount of which can be increased. From this day it is allowed to start adding a little salt to the products.

    Day 7:

    four meals a day remains.

    Breakfast - tea with honey and lemon juice.

    Lunch - fruit or berries and sandwich bread medicinal varieties, a little olive oil, finely chopped onion, pepper and a slice of baked cheese soaked.

    Snack - in season - greens and tomatoes, in the winter - porridge from buckwheat, millet, rice. Dinner - fruit or berries.

    You can eat a little nuts during the day.

    Day 8:

    four-time power supply.

    The number of servings increases.

    In the evening you can add cheese, brynza, sour milk in very small quantities.

    Day 9:

    four meals, mainly vegetarian food.

    In the evening in the diet can include beans or peas, onions, garlic.

    Day 10:

    if desired, you can switch to three or two meals a day. For example, in the morning - tea and fruit, in the evening - salad, tea and berries.

    During the interval between therapeutic meals, the amount of food should remain minimal. These doses are enough for the body, he has already got used to being content with small. You can eat 1-3 times a day, as you prefer. But better - a one-time meal, in which at 17-19 hours you eat raw salads and cooked vegetables, and at other times of the day you eat fruits, berries and teas from medicinal herbs with honey.

    With a two-time meal for lunch, you prepare potatoes or porridge, for dinner - a salad of fresh vegetables and boiled and baked vegetables( pumpkin, zucchini), as well as bread from flour in very small quantities. If you really want, you can add a piece of cheese or cheese. In the morning, you only drink herbal tea or tincture of dried fruits.

    Three meals a day include breakfast from berries and tea with honey, a dinner of fruit and porridge or boiled potatoes and dinner - salad with onions, garlic or horseradish, with dill, parsley and other spices, and stewed vegetables( potatoes, zucchini, beans,cabbage, etc.).

    Try not to abuse bread - it is only allowed medicinal varieties, better with the addition of bran.

    Keep track of weight, do not gain extra pounds. Normal weight is a visual indicator of your health.

    After a correct interval, you can easily enter the next course of the unloading diet.

    Therapeutic fruity-berry-and-tea diet is an effective and proven method for many patients over the past 40 years. But remember: like any method of naturopathy, it does not give instant and complete healing. It takes time, it will take more than one treatment cycle to get rid of those ailments that have settled firmly in your body over the years you lived. So patience and good luck to you.

    If the food is Lydia Kovacheva's method, everything seems to be clear, then with herbal teas there may be questions. What to take? When? How to cook? It would be great if your teas were cooked on the basis of the same berries that you will use in the diet if you include the leaves of these plants in them. We so little know about the healing properties of raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, other berries that grow literally under our feet. We are so used to limiting ourselves to banal jam and compotes. But berries, even northern ones, are a whole pantry of health.