  • Visit to the steam room

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    So, after hygienic treatment of the body, you can safely go to paired , a visit which is actually the main goal of going to the bath. By the way, with hygienic treatment, it is advisable not to wet your head, so as not to cause overheating in the steam room.

    In the steam room, do not immediately go to the top shelf, where the temperature is the highest. To get used to the heat in the steam room, it's best to sit or lie down on the bottom shelf for 4-5 minutes. And in general, the best way to lie in a steam room is not to sit: the lying position promotes the correct circulation of blood in the limbs, the heat on the whole body acts evenly. If you are sitting, the temperature at the feet is about 15 ° lower than that of the head. In addition, in the supine position the muscles of the body are relaxed, which makes it possible to steal them well. In the supine position, the head should be slightly elevated and rest best on the wooden headrest. Experts say that in the sitting position in the steam room, the load on the body almost doubles. If the conditions of the bath do not allow you to lie down lying, then you should not sit with your legs down from the bench, but keep them on the bench. When moving from a horizontal position to a vertical position, you should pause: sit for 2-3 minutes to avoid the appearance of a collapoid state. The length of stay in the steam room depends on many circumstances, related both to the characteristics of the body soaring, and to the conditions in the steam room. An important role in this is played by the so-called individual heat transfer, especially high temperatures;habit of the microclimate conditions of the steam room( here the role of how long and how often the steamer visits the bath);the state of health is soaring in general and on the day of visiting the bath in particular;as well as from such seemingly minor factors as mood, mental state, etc. Generally speaking, the duration of the soaring in a bath, especially sick people, should be determined by the doctor. Usually for patients, the length of stay in the bath is determined within 10-20 minutes, since a shorter stay does not allow sufficient heating( warming up) of the body. Longer stay in the steam room leads to a decrease in body weight, which is often used by overly full people, athletes, etc. By the way, not all who visit the bath for the first time, there is a noticeable sweating. At subsequent visits to the bath( steam room), as the exercises of thermoregulatory devices are exercised, the process of sweating is established and, when bath visits become regular, the body already adequately reacts to the heat of the steam room with the appropriate perspiration.

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    The main tool in the steam room is, of course, a broom, which must be prepared before entering the steam room. Many lovers start to prepare a broom at home. If it is a dry broom, it is first showered - first warm, then hot water. Then, shaking it, put it in a cellophane bag. Do this usually for 6-7 hours before the bath, that is, by the evening hike in the bath, the broom is treated in the morning. Upon arrival to the bath, the broom first needs to be rinsed, then put in a basin with warm water, gradually adding hot water. Then the pelvis and the broom are covered with another pelvis, so that the broom is steamed, and only then it is ready for consumption. The water in which the broom is steamed is not to be poured out: after washing it you can wash your head. As E. Galitsky writes: "Hardly any patented cosmetic product helps to strengthen hair and destroy dandruff better than this birch elixir."

    If the broom is fresh, made from newly torn branches, its preparation for the steam room is extremely simple: before entering the steam room, it is enough to rinse it in warm water.

    However, picking the right broom - it's still half the battle. We need to prepare a steam room. As V. Ivanchenko writes: "The basis of bath art, so valued in Russia, is to create a smooth, persistent heat from floor to ceiling. It is necessary to warm the walls and ceiling evenly. .. "And it is the Russian bath that gives the possibility of uniform warm-up. The advantage of the Russian bath is the ability to "almost with the accuracy of pharmacy to achieve for themselves the desired temperature and humidity. After the Russian bath, the head does not hurt, breathing and sleep normalize. And in general - the Russian bath is the best!

    The steam room has to be cooked several times. After the steam room is ready for use, visitors begin to actively work with brooms, after a while( after an hour and a half) the humidity rises, becomes unbearable, an unpleasant odor of sweat. Everywhere in the steam room are lying leaves, the steam room turns into a rather unpleasant place. To avoid this, it is necessary to bring the steam room back to perfect order in a timely manner. To do this, remove the leaves, the entire steam room is poured first hot, then cold water( to form a temperature contrast).This leads to a dry heat accumulating near the ceiling, and raw air to the floor. Simultaneously with the start of the cold water, the steam room and the window are opened, as it is necessary to ventilate the room. Flickering 1-2 times hot water on the stones, you can refresh all the air in the steam room, and the steam room is again ready for use.

    So, you went to the steam room, sat or lay for about 3-4 minutes on the bottom shelf and decided to climb the highest shelf. For this, you must put on a dry hat, on your hands - gloves( canvas or better thick woolen), and you can start processing your body with a broom. First, they touch the broom lightly to the body, then start a little striding, and then as you like: some lash themselves quite actively, do it for their own pleasure. Begin with feet, then pass to the buttocks, then to the sides, to the back, to the shoulders and in the reverse order to the heels, then again from the heels to the head and back. And this is repeated 4-5 times.

    The time in the steam room should not be very long: 2-4 calls in the steam room and every 8-10 minutes - that's an acceptable standard for many. In the bath go in order to accelerate the recovery processes in the body. If there is an excessive presence in the steam room, there is an overstrain of the thermoregulation processes and the recovery processes are not activated, but are slowed down. The rule of experienced steamers: "Be afraid of excessive overheating!" As soon as overheated, unpleasant symptoms begin: heart palpitations, breathing becomes more difficult, the head starts to spin, pain in the temples is felt, nausea may appear, eyes begin to flash, ringing in the ears. If any of these symptoms occurred, you need to leave the steam room and go to a cool room.

    If you were lying down lying down, you can not immediately jump to your feet, abruptly move from horizontal to vertical position. From the prone position, you first need to go to sitting, sit for a while and then get up. And you can not leave immediately from the steam room - you have to sit a little on the lower shelf and only then leave the steam room.

    The main active factor on the human body in a bath is a high temperature, which, depending on the type of bath, ranges between 60-100 ° C, as well as the contrast of temperatures of various media, in particular air and water. The dosed thermal effect is carried out in paired. It is the paired ones that are used to warm up the human body, ensuring that the tissues receive various amounts of additional heat. In this case, the temperature of the core of the tissue rises to 38-40 ° C, and the shells to 44-50 ° C!In these conditions, the total additional heat content of the body increases by 8-10 times! Of course, such warming up of body tissues can not last long and the body needs to remove heat, that is, in cooling, for which cooling media such as water( pool, shower, bath), snow and air( in the form of air baths).

    In the steam room, if desired, you can create both dry and wet( steam) microclimatic conditions, which are achieved by dosed watering the water.red-hot stones. It must be borne in mind that dry microclimatic conditions with a low( within 10-30%) relative humidity create less stress on the human body than wet steam, at the same temperature. This is explained by the fact that high partial pressure of steam, formed in such microclimate conditions, blocks partially or completely the evaporation of sweat from the surface of the skin of a person in the steam room, where the so-called greenhouse effect is formed. As a result, the heat loss of the body sharply slows down or stops completely by evaporating the sweat from the surface of the skin and the tissues of the body warm up quickly and deeply. The higher the humidity in the steam room, the faster and more powerful is the pronounced thermal loading effect on the various organs and systems of the body, especially such as respiratory, metabolic, thermo-and thermoregulatory, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Other systems of the body, in particular, the digestive, nervous and circulatory system, remain not without influence.

    It should be noted that the microclimate created in the steam room can have not only a pronounced therapeutic and training effect, but it can be

    cause pathological changes in the body, the emergence of a stressful state. Especially dangerous are such combinations of microclimatic conditions, in which high temperature is combined with too low humidity( less than 10%) or slimy high( up to 100%).Such microclimatic conditions are most unfavorable in the physiological relation to the effects on the human body.

    When creating optimal microclimate conditions in the steam room, it should be borne in mind that high relative humidity in the steam room( more than 80%) can occur even without water spraying on the glowing stones. The fact is that the air in the steam room is almost motionless. As the steam room is filled with a large number of people and the air is saturated with steam, the atmosphere in the steam room becomes heavy, for some unbearable. After a short time, the air in the steam room is saturated( and very quickly) with a rather large amount( up to 4-5%) of carbon dioxide and sweat evaporating, the air becomes heavy, the so-called stuffiness effect is created: this is understandable - the concentration of carbon dioxide in the steam room increases in 8-10times compared to the event air. In addition, the air is saturated with harmful substances contained in the sweat of man, which is abundantly released in the steam room. That's why, before any next visit to the steam room, it must be ventilated, that is, to expel the stagnant air. Usually it is done by competent steamers, using towels and other improvised means, forcing them out of the stale air from the steam room. Of course, it's better to do it with the help of air conditioning fans, but unfortunately in our simple folk baths these "technology wonders" are not used yet.

    In the process of taking heat-air procedures in the steam room, you can trace two periods.

    The first period is adaptation. The beginning of this period is the passive heating of the body through the skin and lungs. The body accumulates heat and warms the surface layers of tissues. As warming up, the temperature of the blood and deeply lying tissues rises, blood supply to the vascular bed of muscles and skin increases. Blood flow and microcirculation increase 3-5 times. With a further increase in temperature after 5-7 minutes, sweating begins, which somewhat slows the rate of deep heating of tissues and the accumulation of additional heat in the body. With the continuing effect of high temperature on the body, the adaptation period, associated with the passive heating of the human body, ends. By this time, internal organs are already warming up, their temperature reaches 38 ° C or more.

    The second period is characterized by intense and deep warming up of the body, the accumulation of additional heat in it, accompanied by an even higher temperature rise of the internal organs. Beginning profuse sweating, there are conditions for reducing and thickening the blood. Dehydration( loss of moisture) of the body occurs, with a large amount of liquid and salts, in particular potassium chloride, being lost;there is a shift in salt balance. With an inadequate dosage of heat, all this worsens the heat transfer conditions and promotes an increase in the internal temperature of the body to 39 ° C, which indicates overheating. This situation is very dangerous for the steamer - there may come a so-called thermal exhaustion, the sign of

    of which is muscle weakness, a feeling of fatigue, the appearance of seizures of certain muscle groups. And with further overheating, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, dyspnea, absent-mindedness, anxiety, nervous excitability, inadequate behavioral responses may accompany these symptoms;there is a real threat of heat stroke. At this time, the heart rate may increase to 160-180 beats per minute, and the respiratory rate to 28 per minute, that is, the cardiorespiratory system begins to experience a significant functional tension, which is manifested by a sharp increase in the pulse, an increase in blood pressure, an increase in the energy of the contractileability of the myocardium.

    There are also negative changes in the respiratory system: changes in capacity and volume of lungs, respiratory mechanics, diffusion abilities of alveolar membranes, oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide release are observed. The lungs at this time begin to work in the mode of a unique conditioner, the function of which is to cool the inhaled hot air due to the sharply increasing evaporation of moisture from the surface of the alveolar membranes. The total body fluid loss with sweat and exhaled air is approximately 80% of the fluid loss for the entire period of stay in the steam room.

    In order to maintain the optimal functionality of the body when taking hot air in bath rooms and to ensure good health, it is necessary to dose the heat load taking into account the condition of the organism of the steamer, the adaptive capabilities of the

    in the body that depend on many factors: sex,age, degree of fitness for thermal and physical loads, features of the human constitution, the presence of diseases, their severity and some others.

    From the physiological point of view, the maximum allowable temperature of warming up the internal organs( the "core" of the body) when taking hot-air baths in a therma should not exceed 38-38.9 ° C.The higher temperature of the internal organs is associated with a risk to life. It is also dangerous to stay in the steam room for a long time and at the indicated critical temperature of the internal organs, that is, at a temperature of 38.9 ° C.

    In the period of intensive heating in the steam room, along with an increase in the temperature of the internal organs by 2-3 °, the skin temperature is still significantly increased - it can rise by 5-7 ° and reach a temperature of 40-44 ° C.The period of intensive warming up, as a rule, is accompanied by a profuse sweating, a sharp hyperemia( reddening) of the skin, a quickening of the pulse and respiration with a decrease in its depth.

    A few more tips for lovers of steam:

    • if you want to properly sweat before entering the steam room you can drink a sweating decoction or infusion;

    • those who do not particularly shine with health, it is recommended that the bath and steam room not be visited in the evening( as we usually do), and in the morning, after 10 hours. Why? Because the steam room exerts a great strain on the heart, and on the whole organism as a whole, and when you visit the bath in the morning, when the body's strengths have not been wasted after an overnight rest, the load on the body in the steam room is easier to transfer;

    •, the steam room should remain as long as necessary. The gambling desire to "sit out" someone, to be a champion, which is especially typical for some visitors of a bath with a small experience, is fraught with dangerous consequences. Such bravado in the bath is inappropriate;

    • Many of the steamers take off with a "bullet".Experienced swimmers advise after hovering to sit a little in the thermae on the bottom shelf - in bathing procedures, a gradual transition from one to another is important.

    The reader will object: "But how can our inveterate steamers rush straight out of the steam room into the snow or the ice-hole?" Yes, but in order to "master" this kind of behavior in the bath, it is necessary: ​​to be perfectly healthy, to have a decent bath experience and to resortto-such extreme methods of bath procedures after a gradual, long training.