  • Cooling after the steam room

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    The cooling period after the steam room includes all the functional changes in the body associated with this process. It is very important to choose the optimal cooling regime for yourself, that is, the cooling medium, the contrast of temperatures and the cooling methods that would ensure the preservation of the heat balance at the minimum voltage of the physiological systems of the organism with their return to the initial state. It should be noted that most of the complications, accompanied by negative reactions of the so-called catarrhal character when using baths, are due precisely to errors in the duration and rate of cooling.

    When choosing a cooling medium, one should keep in mind not only the functional state of the organism, but also its constitutional features. For example, obese people are cooled much more slowly than asthenic physique. In obese people, the amount of additional heat received by the body is much greater than that of lean ones.

    During cooling, an important place is occupied by replenishment of lost liquid and mineral salts. Their deficiency can adversely affect the general condition of the body, the appearance of a feeling of lethargy, weakness, heaviness in the head, pain in the calf muscles when walking, swimming in the pool.

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    The loss of water in the body with the intake of hot-air baths in the therma can reach a significant value: an average of about 1.5-2 for three to four

    multiple visits to the steam room. If these losses are not compensated for by the intake of an adequate amount of fluid, then there may be a deficit in the body. And the body reacts very painfully to the lack of fluid. Deficiency is considered weak if it is 1-1.5% of body weight, medium - 1.5-2% and significant, that is dangerous for the body, if it exceeds 3%.It is known that 1 kg of sweat is about 1.4% of the body weight of 70 kg.

    Dehydration( dehydration) of the body with significant sweating causes sharp changes in the composition of mineral substances due to a decrease in sodium chloride, the concentration of which in the body at the beginning of the bath procedures is about 5 g /, and at the end it decreases to 1 g /.

    Scientists have established that a stable adaptation of the human body to microclimatic conditions with a high air temperature in the conditions of the steam room is observed only after 10-15 visits to the bath with a break of 5-7 days, that is, 3-4 months after a weekly bath and naturally steam bath. This fact should be taken into account both to the doctor and the doctor, if they prescribe bath procedures as a medical and recreational exercise.

    For cooling in a bath it is desirable to have a room equipped with appropriate objects and objects. First of all in this room there must be a swimming pool with an area of ​​at least 6 m2 and a depth of 130 cm. The pool is located next to the steam room, the water in the pool comes through the bottom, in which there are holes. They go down the stairs to the pool, holding onto the railing. The water temperature in the pool does not exceed 10 ° C, it must meet the requirements for swimming pools, that is,

    must be recycled. The water is constantly chlorinated.

    The area of ​​the cooling screen must be equipped with benches.

    From the cooling zone, they usually go to the recreation room, the equipment of which consists of couches, armchairs in an amount corresponding to the number of visitors to the bath. In the rest room you can compensate for the loss of body fluids. Usually they drink mineral water, fruit and berry juices, kvass, vegetable juices and other drinks that do not contain alcohol.

    So, the second phase of visiting the bath is cooling, which should be switched after sufficient heating in the steam room and the appearance of an irresistible desire to cool. The cooling zone( the best), of course, is fresh air. This can be confirmed on the basis of centuries of experience of Russians. Previously, Russian baths were taken from the steam room immediately to the air, to the river, pond or snow. Now, of course, in urban conditions it is difficult to find a decent snow heap, and as for fresh air, this is still achievable.

    After fresh air, first take a few deep breaths and exhalations, as forced breathing can cause convulsions due to respiratory alkalosis. The cooling phase is very important for the body. Its duration is individual and depends mainly on the state of health. Cooling is most often carried out at a temperature of 18-20 ° C.After a brief cooling in the shower or in the pool with cold water, you can sit. If cooling takes place in the air, then it is good to walk slowly along the grass in the summer, and in winter, the bold can walk along the snow.;

    With prolonged cooling in a resting room it is recommended to immerse the legs to the upper third of the shins into water at a temperature of 35-39 ° C.In no case should you use cold water, as this can cause muscle vessel cramps and reflex changes in the entire body. In general, the cooling with water should be approached carefully and take into account the state of health. The temperature of cold water should not be below + 8-15 ° C.

    The best way to cool a water in public baths is showering or dousing with water from a hose, without strong pressure, as this can cause unwanted reactions of the vessels, up to the collapse. You can, of course, pour out from a bucket, and from another some kind of container.

    An effective way to cool the body is the pool( barrel, bath).But the use of such a method of cooling is not recommended for the cores, since there is a greater burden on the cardiovascular system. Before diving in the pool, take a shower to remove sweat from the body. It is not recommended to apply soap, because after the steam the skin gets a natural acidic reaction, that is, a protective antimicrobial membrane. It should be remembered( especially coronary hypertensive patients) that when you immerse in cold water, your blood pressure rises rapidly. It is recommended to immerse in the cold water around the neck, and the head should remain above the surface of the water. In the pool you can not jump, especially upside down, but you should gently and slowly sink to the neck. With a sufficient size of the pool it is good to move in it, swim.

    Only perfectly healthy people can cool in the snow, in ice holes of rivers and lakes.

    Continue cooling until recommended to warm up. Do not cool until you feel a cold and especially chill. Cooling is best finished with a shower and draining the entire body before re-visiting the steam room. If the legs become cold during the cooling period, they must be warmed before the steam room in a basin filled with warm water( up to 40 ° C).

    Staying in the steam room and cooling is usually repeated 2-3 times, but amateurs do it up to 5 times.

    After thorough washing of the feet, especially the soles of the feet and between the toes, wipe it dry with a separate foot rest and use a special cream or ointment with antifungal ingredients to lubricate the soles and gaps between the fingers. And if there are no such drugs, then at least rub the indicated parts of the feet with a cotton swab dipped in cologne( can be vodka) or in 6% vinegar.

    All bath accessories( slippers, towels for feet, loofahs, mittens, etc.) should be put after the bath in a separate bag and at home everything should be treated with detergent or at least a solution of baking soda and laundry soap.

    Remember, the fungus "pick up" is very easy, and many people can not get rid of it sometimes for several years!

    Advice to those who visit the bath for the first time:

    • in the steam room for a short time and on the lower shelves;

    • Listen to your well-being: if you feel pleasure in being in the steam room, then you are all right. At the first feeling of discomfort, unpleasant sensations in Liu

    battle.part of the body steam should be left;

    • do not allow subcooling in the cooling phase;at the first signs of hypothermia, especially the legs, you must take a warm foot bath or warm up in the steam room on the bottom shelf;

    • observe the unshakable bathing rule: the cold procedure should be short;

    • Bath procedures are recommended to finish with a shower and a foot bath, which leads to a reflex inflow of blood to the skin, accompanied by a pleasant sensation of lightness;

    • The length of the rest before leaving the bath is determined individually, however it is at least half an hour. During this time the body will rest, all systems and organs will start functioning normally. With the correct behavior in the bath You should have a feeling of freshness and vivacity. The appearance of a feeling of fatigue, headache, bad mood, pain in some organs and parts of the body indicates an incorrect mode of stay in the bath, mainly in the steam bath;

    • and the last, in our opinion, the most important advice: you can not turn a bathhouse into a convenient place for taking all sorts of alcoholic beverages and using heavy foods for digestion. To compensate for the loss of fluids during rest, you can drink various mineral waters, vegetable and other juices, preferably natural, without the addition of sugar and other additives. It should be learned and taken for granted: alcoholic drinks during the bath procedure and after it are contraindicated.

    Alcohol can cause complications in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, which already work in the bath with the maximum load. Often the case of

    teas, when after drinking alcohol, his fans immediately on the spot, in a bath, fell down with a heart attack or stroke. After a bath it is not recommended to even drink strong tea or coffee, which also exerts a rather strong load on already sufficiently loaded heart, vessels.

    You can not immediately after the sauna thoroughly load yourself with high-calorie food, various kinds of delicacies..