  • Treatment with phytotherapy

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    As you know, the human body quickly gets used to drugs, and sometimes reacts to them with allergic processes. More sparing treatments are offered by phytotherapy. With the help of herbs you can maintain good health. However, before using this or that advice from the below, it is necessary to consult with a doctor, since recipes that are equally suitable for everyone do not exist, you always need to take into account the state of health, age, individual characteristics of the organism. And one more important rule: do not forget about the feeling , otherwise the benefits can turn into harm.

    If you have a runny nose, reduce it will help room "ginseng" - Kalanchoe. Squeeze out a teaspoon of juice and drip 10 drops into each nostril. Kalanchoe promotes the purification of the mucous membrane and the removal of the inflammatory process. Burying is done 2-3 times a day for 3-4 days.

    Juice is also used for the treatment of long-healing wounds, trophic ulcers, inflammation of the gums( gingivitis) and oral mucosa( stomatitis), as well as for the treatment of tonsillitis and chronic purulent inflammation of the middle ear. Juicy Kalanchoe can cure cracks in the breast nipples, which often suffer from breastfeeding mothers.

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    Usually it is used in this way: the wound or ulcer is treated, a thin layer of sintomycin emulsion, furacilin ointment, Vaseline is applied to the skin around it. From the syringe, through a thin needle, the wound or ulcer is irrigated with Kalanchoe juice( 1-3 ml), covered with a gauze cloth, folded into 4-5 layers and moistened with juice, and a bandage applied. With stomatological diseases, gum flakes moistened with juice are applied to the gum for 10 minutes, the procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day.

    Antipyretic and thirsting properties have cranberry juice. In folk medicine, cranberry juice mixed with honey is used for coughing. To enhance the diaphoretic effect, a good effect is provided by aqueous lime blossom in a mixture with an equal number of fruits dried raspberries. For its preparation take a tablespoon of lime blossom and raspberry fruit and pour a glass of hot boiled water, boil for 15 minutes in a water bath, insist 30 minutes, filter and drink over a glass at night in a warm form or 0.5 cups. 2- 3 times a day before meals.

    Tea with raspberry is a traditional anti-cold remedy. Brewed dry raspberry fruits have a good sweatshop and antipyretic effect. Take tea with scurvy, to increase appetite, improve bowel function, with loss of strength and headaches. Fresh berries are recommended for eczema.

    Infusion of leaves is used inside as an astringent and anti-inflammatory agent, with gastritis, gastric bleeding. He is also drunk with rashes and acne, lichen and other skin diseases, rinse his throat with sore throat. Infusion of flowers( a tablespoon into a glass of boiling water) is taken on a tablespoon 3 times a day for malaria. Decoction of branches used for coughing, choking, and decoction of the roots - with bronchial asthma and as a hemostatic. Collect berries should be in dry weather. Dry them in dryers, pre-tied to the sun.

    Lime honey - and a treat, and a medicine. With a cold, it is recommended to take it with hot tea or milk( 1 tablespoon per cup of tea), with lemon juice( 100 g of honey and juice of one lemon), raspberries and other medicinal plants with sweating or expectorant effect. You can, for example, make a tablespoon of dried leaves of mother-and-stepmother brew, like tea, in a glass of boiling water, after it has cooled slightly, add 1 tablespoon of honey. Take 1 tablespoon per day as an expectorant.

    Another recipe: 1 tablespoon linden brew in a glass of water. After 20 minutes strain and add a tablespoon of honey. Take as a diaphoretic( 0.25 cup).

    With flu, folk remedy is honey-garlic gruel. Peeled garlic rubbed on a grater, mix 1: 1 and take 1 tablespoon, washed down with warm water, before going to bed.10% solution of honey is used in the form of iontophoresis on the chest with chronic inflammation of the lungs. In all cases, a doctor's advice is required.

    In folk medicine dill is widely used as an exciting, restorative. Dill preparations are useful in excessive gas production, with intestinal disease, as a diuretic. Decoction is prepared from the calculation: 1 teaspoon of seeds( pounded fruit) per glass of boiling water. Insist 20 minutes and eat 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day. There is another option: the same amount of seeds are brewed in a half cup of boiling water, allowed to cool and drink half a glass 3 times a day before meals.

    With diseases of the urinary system take the collection of dill seeds, burdock root, hips, dried berries of black currant, carrot seeds, chicory root for 1 part, dried rowan fruits take 2 parts. A tablespoon of this mixture is poured into 200 ml of hot boiled water, heated in a water bath for 30 minutes in a sealed container, filtered, taken in a warm form for half a cup 3 times a day.

    Seeds of dill are also used for atherosclerosis, hypertensive disease, sclerosis of cerebral vessels, accompanied by headaches. Drink it in the form of a hot, freshly prepared infusion( tea) from the seeds. The same infusion is taken at night with anxious sleep, increased excitability.

    Seeds of decoction of dill seeds are used for barley, inflammatory eye diseases, skin pustular diseases, youthful acne.

    Dill refers to the number of spicy vegetables, even from the smell of which the entire digestive system is activated. With dill, the food becomes more delicious also if it is not salty. The use of this vegetable helps to reduce the intake of table salt. Dill, in comparison with other seasonings, can be used in considerably larger quantities, since it does not irritate the stomach.

    In winter, use the seeds of dill or harvested dried spring greens. The greatest preservation of the essential oil of dill and the accumulation of it( the result of fermentation) ensures the drying of dill greenery for 5-6 days. Dill twigs on the windowsill, so that for 3-4 hours he was illuminated by the sun, and the rest of the time was in the shade, open only the window. As a result of the enzymatic processes that continue in the withering plant, dill acquires an additional supply of essential oils. Keep it better in the banks.

    Cabbage juice has a beneficial effect on the function of the stomach and intestines, which is primarily due to the content of vitamin U in it. It contains other valuable substances: organic acids, B vitamins, vitamin C, potassium, calcium. ..

    For cooking 1l of juice will require about 2 kg of cabbage. And it is better to take heads of middle and late varieties: they contain more nutrients than in early cabbage. The top wilted and damaged leaves must be separated, the cuttail must not be cut out, the head washed and let the water drain. Then chop cabbage( vitamins are best preserved if you use a stainless steel knife) and squeeze in a juicer or pass through a meat grinder. The juice must be filtered. It is better to make every day fresh juice and drink it 3 times 200 g for 20-30 minutes before eating. It can be stored in enameled, earthenware or glass vessels in the refrigerator for no more than two days, otherwise vitamins are destroyed, cabbage juice is usually recommended for people suffering from diseases of the digestive system, in particular gastritis with low acidity, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

    A healthy person does not need to squeeze juice from cabbage. It is much more useful to prepare different salads from it. Then pectin substances and fiber remain, which, by strengthening the peristalsis of the intestines, contribute to the prevention of constipation, as well as the removal of cholesterol from the body.

    Fresh cabbage juice, diluted in water, you can rinse your mouth with an inflammatory process. Juice is also useful in the form of a nutritious mask for flabby, wrinkled skin or for age spots. Dampened gauze is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes, after which it is washed off with cold water.

    The ancient physicians attributed the ancient to miraculous properties. It is widely used in folk and scientific medicine. The leaves of medicinal sage contain essential oils, tannins. In addition, sage, like wormwood, emits a lot of light ions, refreshing the air, so it is classified as phytoncidal plants. Decoction of leaves used to rinse with toothache and to strengthen the gums.

    In folk medicine, sage is also used to regulate the activity of the stomach, with chronic bronchitis, for cleansing the respiratory tract, improving the liver and kidneys - in the form of a decoction, infusion or powders. Sometimes, for greater effect, wormwood is added to the powder( one part of the wormwood is divided into three parts of the sage).Preparations from sage are also useful in inflammatory diseases of the throat, with angina( for example, in the form of broth with milk).

    Sage medicines are prepared as follows:

    Infusion: 20 g dried leaves pour a glass of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, drain. Take 20 drops 3 times a day.

    Decoction: 20 g of dried leaves brew with one glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, allow to infuse, drain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

    Powder: finely chopped dried leaves to take one pinch( 1-3 g) 3 times a day.

    Sage baths have anti-inflammatory action, they relieve pain, improve blood circulation. They are recommended for radiculitis, neuritis, spondylosis and arthritis of various origins, rheumatic pains, obliterating endarteritis and thrombophlebitis, and also for certain skin diseases. But is all only with the permission of the doctor, which will set the dosage, will weigh all individual indications and contraindications. If the doctor allowed, buy a condensed condensate of Muscat Sage No. 2( thick brown liquid) in the pharmacy, if there is no condensate, prepare the broth from the dry leaves: 100 g pour a liter of water, boil for an hour and a half, let it settle for 24 hours, then filter throughone or two layers of gauze. Get broth - light brown liquid with a specific smell of muscatine sage. Please note: this broth is not subject to long-term storage, only fresh is used. But pharmacy condensate can be stored without damage and two and three years.

    Usually prescribe a course of treatment of 12- 15 baths, a day or two days in a row with a break for the third. The water temperature is 36-37 ° C, the duration of the procedure is 10-15 min. In the bath add 150-200 g( glass) of condensate.

    If you use a home broth instead of condensate, it will require significantly more, about four liters per bath.

    Please note: the temperature of the water, the duration of the bath, the saturation of its therapeutic solution are determined individually. If after a bath the state of health worsens, pains become aggravated, the temperature rises - immediately consult a doctor.

    Wheat swine is used for hard healing wounds, ulcers, burns, less often in the treatment of peptic ulcer, in the lungs, the initial stages of hypertension. It found tannins, essential oils, resins, carotene, thiamine and other compounds.

    Cocktail from an ulcer. This recipe is suitable only for patients with high acidity. Rose hips( 50 g), herbaceous leaves of the motherwort( 15), the root of the ayr( 15), the herb of St. John's Wort( 15), herbage grass( 15), mint leaves( 15).2 tablespoons of a mixture of herbs pour 2 cups of water, bring to a boil, insist 2-3 hours. Then in the filtered broth any syrup is added to taste. Take half a glass 2-3 times a day.

    Wheat Infusion. 20 g shredded herbs pour 2 cups of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, infuse 2 hours, strain. Take half a glass 2-3 times a day.

    With varicose veins, foot baths are used. To do this, 100 g of grass is poured 5 liters of boiling water, insist 8-10 hours. The bath time is 20-30 minutes, the temperature should be comfortable. In the warm season, 32-35 ° C, in winter up to 37 ° C.

    And once again we recall - before starting treatment, consult a doctor!

    Infusion chicory is used as an appetite stimulant, as there are a lot of bitterness in the roots of this plant. It improves the activity of the intestines, stomach and is used for gastritis and colitis.

    Infusion is prepared by calculating: 2 teaspoons of ground roots per 1 cup of boiling water, and then filter and use before eating 1/3 cup.

    A popular medicine is tea.

    Traditional medicine uses:

    very strong and sweet( with sugar) hot tea with milk as an antidote for poisoning with drugs, medications, alcohol;

    warm tea of ​​medium brewing with lemon, black pepper and honey as a diuretic and diaphoretic for colds of respiratory tract and lungs;

    strong chilled infusion of a mixture of green and black tea with the addition of a small amount of grape dry wine( teaspoon per glass) - for washing eyes with inflammation of the eyelids, clogging of the mucous membrane, as well as conjunctivitis;

    juice of fresh tea leaves, tea extract or powdered dry tea can serve as a remedy for burns;chewing dry green tea is good for nausea and with strong urge to vomit in pregnant women, when driving in cars and seasickness;strong infusion of green tea can be used in the treatment of external ulcer diseases, as well as gastric and duodenal ulcers under the condition of systematic use.

    Folk wisdom claims that the nettle alone costs seven doctors. This, of course, is an exaggeration. Nettles are not a panacea for all ills. However, the list of medical "skills" of nettle is indeed great. It heals wounds, activates metabolism, improves blood composition, removes allergic reactions and fever, promotes hair growth. It is believed that nettle is useful in diabetes, atherosclerosis, improves the cardiovascular and respiratory system.

    Nettle is an integral part of the well-known allahol drug, widely used in diseases of the liver and biliary tract. The liquid extract of the nettle stops bleeding and promotes healing of wounds. Nettle leaves are a part of the combined therapeutic tea( gastric, vitamin, and contralateral).

    According to the doctor's recommendations, nettle is used in the form of fresh juice, infusion or broth. Juice can be obtained with the help of a juicer;it is prescribed for 20 drops( a teaspoonful) for 0.25 glasses of warm water or milk for 15-30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

    Infusion do this: 10-20 g of dry leaves pour a glass of boiling water in a thermos and stand for an hour, and then filter. If the same amount of leaves and water bring to a boil, hold it under the lid for 2-3 minutes on fire, then insist and drain - you get a decoction. And infusion, and broth drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day or make compresses, lotions.

    Nettle dishes are also useful. For example, such.

    "Spring" salad. 300 g of young nettle leaves, 200 grams of sorrel and plantain, 50 g of dandelion leaves, 100 g of green onion, rinse well, dry, finely chopped or minced, mixed. Then put in a bowl, mix with two small cooked eggs, cut into small pieces, decorate with radishes, pour with sunflower oil or mayonnaise, salt.

    Nettle with nuts ( Georgian cuisine).150 grams of washed nettles cook in boiling salted water, folded on a sieve. Grind 50 g of walnuts, chop with salt, add finely chopped onion and chopped herbs( preferably coriander).Mix well, season with salt and pepper.

    Shchi with nettles in Russian. 200 g of washed young nettle should be placed for 2-3 minutes in boiling water, then thrown back on a sieve. Pass through the meat grinder, add 1-2 tablespoons of fat and stew for 10-15 minutes. Carrots cut into cubes, chopped onions and all too, save( put out) on fat, add finely chopped green onions. In boiling broth( or water) - about 2-2.5 liters - put the prepared nettle, browned vegetables and cook for 20-25 minutes.10 minutes before the end of cooking, add 50 grams of chopped leaves of fresh or canned sorrel, bay leaf, pepper and white sauce( toast fried in butter, diluted with sour cream or milk).Nipples from nettles can be filled with citric acid or lemon juice. Serve with egg, hard boiled, sour cream and greens.

    In the composition of vitamin salad from the nettle, as you noticed, there are young leaves of dandelion. So that they are not bitter, they are lowered for 20-30 minutes in salt water, only then they are finely cut and used for salads, alone or together with other vegetables.

    Dandelion leaves are rich in phosphorus, potassium, iron salts and other useful elements for humans, they can be included in the diet of patients with liver.

    The roots of dandelion are used as a substitute for coffee. Preliminary, they are roasted, chopped and brewed. It turns out quite a tasty drink.

    In medical practice, the dandelion root is used in the form of infusion as a means of exciting appetite, normalizing digestion, as a cholagogue and laxative.

    The infusion is prepared as follows: a teaspoon of the dried and finely chopped root is poured into a glass of boiling water and kept on light fire for 20-30 minutes. Take 0.25 cup 3-4 times a day, half an hour before meals.

    leaves of plantain are also considered a real storehouse of vitamins: carotene( provitamin A), vitamins C and K. They contain citric acid, phytoncides, enzymes, bitter and tannic substances. Decoctions of dried leaves are used as an expectorant for whooping cough, as well as for bronchitis, and fresh leaves of plantain - for wound healing.

    Young and tender fresh leaves are good for making salads with onions, potatoes, nettles and horseradish. Plantain can be added to omelets and casseroles, in cereals, in mashed potatoes and cutlets.

    It is not recommended to preserve the plantain, because its useful properties are lost, and besides, preservative additives( salt, vinegar, spices) irritate the gastric mucosa and intestines.

    St. John's wort has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, choleretic, astringent, tonic and antimicrobial properties, stimulates the heart, slightly increases blood pressure.

    Water infusion of St. John's wort is a proven remedy for peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, gastritis, enterocolitis, cholelithiasis, kidney diseases, cystitis, as a diuretic and expectorant. It is prepared this way: 3 tablespoons of herbs brewed 2 cups of boiling water, insist 2 hours, take a third cup 3 times a day.

    Hypericum oil can be obtained by infusing St. John's wort flowers( 1 part) in sunflower or almond oil;oil( 2 parts) for 3 weeks. It is used in oily seborrhea of ​​the face and acne, and also inside - according to the doctor's indications.

    Alcohol tincture calendula ( marigolds medicinal) is used in lotions and rinses with inflammatory processes of the skin and gums. It is prepared from the calculation of 20 parts of the marigold inflorescence per 100 parts of 90- or 70% alcohol, insist 10 days in a dark place, filter and squeeze.

    Spreading 1 tablespoon of tincture in a half-glass of boiled water make masks for oily skin and enlarged pores. Wadding, soaked in a solution, is applied to the previously cleaned skin for 15-20 minutes.

    With increased greasiness of hair and oily scalp it is useful for 2 hours before washing to moisten the head with infusion of rye bread and wrap it with a towel, and after washing rinse with a solution of 1-2 tea spoons of tincture of marigolds in half a liter of water.

    And this recipe therapeutic tea will help to reduce the harmful effect of heavy physical labor on the body.

    You need to take 25 grams of sage leaves, mint, medicinal oregano, herbs and chamomile flowers. Stir the mixture thoroughly. Then, 4 teaspoons of a dry mixture, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and, without boiling, insist 8 hours. Drink half a glass after breakfast and lunch and a glass at night.

    People associated with mental work often suffer from migraines, insomnia. In these cases, prepare a mixture of 10 grams of peppermint leaves, the same number of hop seeds, cumin seeds and valerian roots. Then take a dry mixture at the rate of 2 teaspoons for a glass of water, pour hot water, insist 15 minutes, filter and drink warmly in the evening and in the morning half a cup. Such treatment, even for one or two weeks( but regular!) Weakens the neurotic layers, migraines disappear, working capacity increases.

    If insomnia is not a consequence of any disease, it can be controlled by the body.

    Start with an evening walk in the fresh air for 1-2 hours before bedtime. It is necessary to go slowly, rhythmically, periodically to inhale deeply. You can not have a supper for the night, do not and engage in intensive mental work.

    Before going to bed, it is good to make a warm foot bath for 10 minutes, for 2 liters of warm water you can add a glass of water infusion root and rhizome of valerian.

    It will help to restore sleep with a regular intake of infusions of plants: hawthorn - 1 part, common oregano, marsh swine and thyme - 2 parts, root and rhizome of valerian - 3 parts, motherwort - 4 parts.2 tablespoons of the collection is poured into a glass of hot boiled water, covered with a lid and heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, then it is cooled for 45 minutes at room temperature, filtered, the residue is squeezed. Take infusion of half a glass 2 times a day: after dinner and before bedtime. In a week you will feel that you have become calmer, nervous tension has subsided, well-being has improved, sleep is improving.

    In summer, when the oats start to rumble and the heavy, still green clusters of his panicle are leaning toward the ground, there is no better means of insomnia than juice from fresh green oats. It is prepared from the entire green part of the plant - you can use a juicer or a meat grinder, a press. The juice can be stored for 3-4 days in the refrigerator, but the most effective freshly prepared. Take half a cup twice a day: morning and evening before meals for 3-4 weeks.