  • What is the "individual year" and "risk zone"?

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    In the middle of the last century, biologists noted that in birds and animals, the internal ( endogenous) cycle does not fit within the calendar year.

    Then the doctors K. Fisher and ET Pengelly analyzed the thirty-year records of the medical history of one patient and revealed the existence of an endogenous year in humans.

    This discovery immediately received consistent confirmation in the works of different scientists.

    Chronobiologist from France A. Reinberg found that many physiological processes are subject to the annual endogenous cycle.

    And in a joint work with the chronobiologist F. Halberg, who gained world fame, the scientists reported on the results of 16-year observations of a healthy man who daily took urine for analysis during the 16 years, determined the hormone content( 17-ketosteroids), showing a change in metabolic processes in peripheral tissues. Their maximum values ​​are determined in the morning hours, and minimum - in the night. This hormone affects the activity of enzymes, their adaptive change.

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    Summarizing the results of their long-term observations, scientists came to the conclusion about the existence of an annual cycle in humans. In their annual graph of changes in the content of 17-ketosteroids in urine, their 2-month change( increase and decrease) was traced.

    In addition, scientists using the spectral analysis of these data revealed the existence of 29-30-day cycles.

    In 1971, A. Reinberg found that biorhythms with a one-year period exist in fluctuations in the pulse, body temperature, food reactions, sexual activity, etc., and are a predictable process.

    Several years later, other scientists analyzed the records of 11,500 electroencephalograms and also revealed the presence( according to alpha and beta rhythms) of annual cyclicity.

    One of the authors of this book in 1975 put forward the hypothesis that the first annual endogenous cycle ( individual human year) starts from the moment of conception and ends 3 months after the date of birth. It is interesting that in the ancient East the child was counted a year 3 months after his birth.

    The first 6 months from conception, there is a "construction" of various organs and systems, and after each month of increasing metabolic rate, the motor activity of the fetus increases. At 6 months the child is already formed, and, under certain circumstances, a 7-month-old child can live outside the mother's womb. The second 6 months, starting from the 7th, include 3 months of uterine development and 3 - postnatal, extrauterine.

    In these 6 months, the intensity of metabolic processes increases, during the 8th month of pregnancy, motor activity increases, and the 9th fetus increases significantly and its intensive preparation for life takes place in new environmental conditions: a different temperature, motor activity necessary for sucking milkmother.

    In embryonic( uterine) development, scientists have identified critical periods in which the vulnerability of the fetus increases and the possibility of its damage.

    Such periods are the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and also the 9th months.

    In the month preceding the exit from the mother's womb, intensive accumulation of energy takes place, the glycogen reserve in the liver increases, muscles grow, intensive processes cover the whole organism and its vulnerability is especially increased.

    In the first stage of normal birth( according to foreign scientists), the concentration of certain hormones in the blood increases by 20 times, exceeding the level that is created in an adult person under a stressful situation( in a Finnish sauna, with myocardial infarction).This functional role of stress in the fetus at birth is defined as adaptive.

    This stress is remembered and under certain conditions annually, when coinciding with the period of birth( under stress), regularly causes the same reaction of the body according to the mechanism of the earliest, most durable memory - imprinting.

    Responsible competitions are also a strong stress. That's why we often read in the newspapers: the sportsman made himself a birthday gift and set a world or personal record, became the winner in a prestigious competition. So early memory triggers.

    When we examined the annual dynamics of personal records for 12-16 years of performances of many of the strongest athletes of the world, then, as the statistics confirmed, the 1st month of the date of birth was confirmed by successes with great certainty. The tendency to increase personal records was also evident at the 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th and 11th months when counting from the date of birth.

    According to our hypothesis, the first annual endogenous cycle ends 3 months after the birth of the child.

    Then the 9th month of embryonic development coincides with the 12th when counting from the date of birth, and the 4th month from the date of birth corresponds to the 1st month of embryonic development and the second individual endogenous year already begins from it.

    The genetic program for alternating periods of increasing metabolic processes and periods of increased motor activity is repeated in each subsequent yearly endogenous cycle. This can be traced first in the growth and development of the child, and then in the self-renewal of the body( physiological regeneration).

    The month before the date of birth is characterized by a decrease in the body's defenses - a decrease in immunity and adaptive capacity.

    Vulnerable was the 2nd month from the date of birth: the greatest number of complications arose after vaccinations made to children on the 12th and 2nd months of the date of birth. Therefore, in these months the child should not be vaccinated.

    This genetic program works throughout the life of a person - the periods of decreasing immune and adaptive capabilities of the body are repeated yearly.

    In the Research Institute of Pediatrics, RAMS in the laboratory prof. R. P. Narcissova, the cytochemical indices of blood cells of children and adults were studied.

    Studies have shown that birth is a bright milestone in all life, and this period is manifested in the activity of the body from year to year. Each month of the endogenous year throughout life also has its own characteristics.

    The most viable in terms of blood cell counts was the 1st month from the date of birth, and the least resilient is the month before the date of birth.

    If in the 1st month from the date of birth the probability of death of children with diseases is minimal, then on the 12th month the least viability of the organism is noted.

    Scientists have found that for the 9th month from the date of birth, the body is getting rejuvenated in men, and this rejuvenation is repeated from year to year and is activated with age.

    By the end of the individual year, there has been a decrease in the body's resistance, resistance to infections and the sluggish regulation of the vascular tone.

    The most calm are the 4th, 5th, 6th months.

    We examined the incidence of children with scarlet fever. When contacting a sick scarlet fever, a child may not get sick if he has high immunity.

    It turned out that in the first 6 months from the date of birth the incidence of children is below the average level, and in the second half of the year the number of diseases increases significantly, especially on the 8th and 12th months from the date of birth. Also at this time there is much more injuries among young athletes.

    These months are the most pronounced "risk zones" for adults, especially in cardiovascular diseases.

    The greatest number of deaths with myocardial infarction was detected a month before the date of birth. A significant number of diseases was noted and on the 2nd month from the date of birth, but the lethal outcome with myocardial infarction is much less.

    Similar results were obtained by scientists from the Kemerovo State Medical Academy and the Kemerovo Cardiology Center.

    NA Barbaraş and NI Lasik conducted studies evaluating the results of implantation of prosthetic heart valves and found that in the first 6 months after the date of birth, especially from the 1st to the 3rd, the incidence of complications was significantly less after surgery, than in the second 6 months, especially from 10th to 12th. The severity of myocardial infarction, which develops in the 10th-12th months, surpasses that of its myocardial infarction in other periods.

    Another very important point has become clear: it is not advisable to prescribe an operation for coronary artery bypass grafting not only on the 12th and 2nd months from the date of birth, but also in the 1st, because waiting for such a serious operation is also quite strong psycho-emotionalstress for the patient, and in the 1 st from the date of birth month by the mechanism of imprinting - long-term most durable memory, hypersecretion of certain hormones occurs.

    To people with a sick heart it does harm: various coronary complications develop. During surgery in the last 3 months from the date of birth, the risk of purulent-septic complications increases.

    In these studies, it was found that the most optimal time for conducting such an operation are the 4th, 5th and 6th months from the date of birth. This, according to scientists, the quietest months of the individual year.

    These conclusions were confirmed in other studies by scientists. MV Chichilenko in 2000 conducted research with the participation of students 17-20 years.

    It was found out that the highest health indicators were recorded in them in the 4th-6th months from the date of birth. During this period, the fastest recovery was after the standard exercise, the best were the heart rate and blood pressure, the highest resistance to hypoxia.

    It is therefore important to consider that the tests proposed in the book, depending on your individual year's month, can give different results.

    MV Chichilenko studied the indicators of stress reactivity of young people in different months of the individual year.

    According to the color test of Lusher in the 4th, 5th and 6th months of the individual year, the indicators of psychoemotional stress, anxiety, stress were minimal. The same results were also obtained during the questioning of the questionnaire by DK Taylor.

    The highest level of anxiety was noted in the last months before the date of birth, stress-reactivity increased, tension of regulatory mechanisms increased. A conclusion was made about the reduction of adaptive reserves at this time.

    Girls in terms of health and performance were slightly better than the first 3 months from their date of birth, and the most unfavorable for these indicators and for stress reactivity were the last months before the date of birth.


    • risk zones in humans are the 2nd, 8th, 10th and 12th months of the IG;

    • most favorable for surgical operations 4, 5, and 6 months of the IG;

    • in the first six months of the IG the body is more resistant to unfavorable environmental conditions, its adaptive capabilities are higher.

    The annual endogenous cycle, its genetic program, is a "canvas" on which external environmental influences are superimposed.

    As you know, the person is influenced by:

    • seasons of the year - winter, autumn, spring and summer;

    • moon cycles - a new moon, a growing moon, a full moon and a waning moon;

    • Solar activity - The sun is the most important physical regulator of biological processes;

    • other factors.

    These factors can have both a positive and negative impact on the state of human health, its physical capabilities.

    If negative environmental factors( eg magnetic storms) coincide with the "risk zones" of the annual endogenous cycle, then the adaptive capacity of the organism may deteriorate.

    If they coincide with the positive months of the individual year, the opposition to negative impacts will be more significant.

    It was in the most pronounced "risk zone" - the month before the date of birth - that the largest number of fatal cases in cardiovascular patients was recorded, the greatest number of accidents due to the pilot's fault, the greatest number of diseases of ARI, complications after vaccinations in children, etc.

    Knowledge,this kind of not a reason for panic, but a guide to action for taking the necessary measures to increase the protection of the body during these periods.

    A person who is healthy, but who is more sensitive to changing the state of the earth's magnetic field, can perform a test for working capacity, on determining the state of his cardiovascular system on the declared day of a magnetic storm( they are called "unfavorable days") in one of the unfavorable months of the individual year( 2, 8 or 12) and tested in a favorable month to reveal its meteorological dependence.

    Patients or people in a state of pre-illness should also know their "risk areas" and take measures to prevent possible deterioration.

    The intensity and quality of the body's response to negative external influences largely depends on the age and level of human health. It is established that the same level of solar activity in healthy children can cause activation, and in older people - depression.

    In different seasons of the year the complex of factors affecting the human environment significantly changes, and depending on the season of birth, the effects of this environment can also change.

    This issue is being actively studied, because the birth season is one of the factors determining the physiological reserves and the stability of the organism.

    MV Chichilenko determined that the highest level of body resistance in the summer is observed in individuals born in the spring, and the lowest level of resistance in the winter - in individuals born in the spring or summer.

    Already invented a kind of clock, indicating the ups and downs in human life. They were created by the Romanian professor Skutashu Komenjanu, awarded in Geneva with a gold medal in the International Salon of Inventions and New Technology for his patented Biochron device.

    The basis for creating such "watches" was 40 years of observations, including mental, mental and other functions and their reflection in social conditions.

    Long-term observations of people gave grounds for the conclusion that the person's mental, physical and mental abilities are affected by the annual and monthly rhythms and phases of the moon at birth, the time of day( day, night) at the time of birth, the state of the environment,etc.

    The professor claims that it is not at all a matter of indifference that a person was born in winter or summer, in spring or autumn, in the daytime or at night.

    He found that people born in the spring have a broader horizon and the ability to distribute attention, and those born in the fall have the opportunity to concentrate more.

    Long-term observations allowed the scientist to conclude that conjugal unions of couples completing each other( between those born in spring and summer, or in autumn and winter, etc.) are more successful than those of married couples born at the same time of the year.