  • Cosmetologist's advice

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    To look beautiful and attractive, you need to take care of your skin properly.

    Skin condition, as well as hair, is interrelated with metabolism. First of all, one should lead a correct way of life: not to drink or smoke, to observe the regime of work and rest, to go in for sports, to be more outdoors, to go for walks and, of course, to eat rationally.

    If the facial skin of is dry, should first take into account the cause of dryness. Skin, dry from childhood, it is necessary to give artificial grease. If dryness appeared with age, then enough to enrich the skin with the missing moisture. In the morning, after washing( water at room temperature), it is recommended to wipe the face with a liquid emulsion cream. They can wipe your face in the daytime( if you need to remove the dirt or after the person has sweated), and in the evening use the same cream instead of washing.

    With age, the skin gradually begins to experience a deficiency of vitamins, hormones, microelements, enzymes, water, proteins, etc. All these components are part of the cream, so they need to use it correctly( as indicated in the annotation attached to the cream).

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    Sometimes you hear: "I do not wash: dry skin".Nevertheless, water can not be dispensed with: it not only cleanses the skin, but also tones it well. However, indeed, after washing appears dryness, of the skin, it seems to pull together. This can be avoided by using boiled water or adding to drinking water drinking soda - 0.5 teaspoon per 1 liter of water. Water at room temperature causes only a short-term constriction of the vessels, and then expands them, increasing the flow of blood.

    Here's another recommendation for dry skin: apply a 40-50 min mask with cream. The main rule here is: the cream is applied to the damp skin, pressing the pressing tips of the fingertips in the direction of the dermal lines - from the middle of the chin, the corners of the mouth and the wings of the nose to the temples;in the eyelid region - from the inner corner of the eye from the side of the nose along the upper eyelid to the opposite corner, and then along the lower eyelid to the nose;on his forehead - from his middle to his temples. The cream is applied to the face and neck and left for 30-40 minutes, then removed with a paper napkin.

    For dry skin, yolk-oil, yolk-honey, oil-milk-yeast and fruit-vegetable masks are also good.

    For very slack and wrinkled skin of the face and neck, hot-cold compresses can be recommended: the towel is alternately moistened with cold or hot water. This procedure begins and ends with a cold compress. Do this procedure 5-b times per session.

    However, contrast compresses are contraindicated for those who have redness of the skin and increased growth of facial hair, as well as the dilatation of skin vessels.

    The oily skin of should be well cleaned. It can not often be washed with hot water: the activity of the sebaceous gland increases, and the skin becomes greasy again. Hot water can be used not more than once a week( during the general hygienic bath or after work), always rinse your face with cold water. In general, wash your face with water at room temperature twice a day( morning and evening).After washing, it is useful to wipe it with lotion for oily skin.

    If the skin is oily and flaky, before washing with cold water, it is necessary to wipe the face with vegetable oil, curdled milk( kefir) or liquid emulsion cream. It is recommended to use soap - children's, forestry, borotimolovym, spermaceous, bath. The porous skin is cleaned like this: a drip and soaped tampon is applied to the drill( or drinking soda) and, pressing it tightly against the skin, it is processed by rotational movements. After this, the composition is washed off with warm water. With oily and simultaneously flaky skin, if it contracts after washing, you need to apply a very thin layer of cream on the damp skin.

    For the skin oily and porous, protein, fruit-berry or vegetable masks are useful. In this case, you need to consume more fresh vegetables, fruits, lactic-acid foods and exclude from the diet spicy and spicy food, and replant animal fats.

    Fat, porous and sweaty skin is useful after washing rinses in the mornings and evenings with cold infusions of St. John's wort, sage, coltsfoot, yarrow( 1 tablespoon of herbal mixture pour 1 cup boiling water and insist in a closed dish 8-10 h).You can make ice out of ice and rub your face.

    When oily skin is recommended a special diet with a predominance of protein products( low-fat cottage cheese, lean boiled meat, vegetables, fruits).It is necessary to reduce the consumption of animal fats and carbohydrates( halva, chocolate, sugar), sharp seasonings - horseradish, pepper, vinegar, not to drink strong coffee, tea, spirits. Avoid preparations prepared with fats.

    Care must be particularly careful.

    With irritated skin, oat masks are very useful. Take 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, fill it with boiling water and let it brew. When the flakes swell, add 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. The mask is ready. Apply it to the face, relax for 15-20 minutes( at this time try not to do anything).It is desirable that the mask was very warm. You can cover your face with compress paper and a towel to keep the heat longer. When you wash off the mask, make a cold compress for 2 minutes.

    It is useful to wash off masks or simply rinse your face and neck with infusion of medicinal chamomile.